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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24563690 No.24563690 [Reply] [Original]

/Biz/ I'll shill you something that you'll kys if you don't get in early. New Geneva, Switzerland banking crypto with an all white team selling tokens early. This was 1 dollar only 2 days ago and now it's 4.7 at the time of writing, get in on the swoop because the Uniswap token is coming out Monday. Get in on this at $4 before it hits 100 or 1000 usd. This will be used in banks all over the world.

Read more about it: https://defi.crescofin.ch/

The team is 100% legit Swiss bankers: https://defi.crescofin.ch/

You can buy with usdt directly: https://app.dodoex.io/wCRES-USDT

Or WETH: https://balancer.exchange/#/swap/0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2/0xa0afaa285ce85974c3c881256cb7f225e3a1178a

>> No.24563697

For the team: https://crescofin.ch/about-us/

>> No.24563735

I've gambled on worse. Worth a shot

>> No.24563773

What is the supply?

>> No.24563788

Check out elsa she is such a fucking hottie! Chat her up and hit on her on telegram

>> No.24563796

700k circ right now.

>> No.24563850

Nice already put some in

>> No.24563943


nice russian scam

>> No.24563991

>it's already on the top

>> No.24563999


they are involved with aave too, stani and robert are old friends

>> No.24564005

It’s hit $4 twice before in the past 7 days and it’s now at $5

This thing has a lot further to go in the future, no idea how much it will keep pumping today but volume is growing significantly. It’s only letdown is that it’s not on uniswap yet

>> No.24564016

Based and Doggo pilled

>> No.24564171

shut up doggo, you just want to sniff elsa's farts

>> No.24564211

i am from the us and cannot register with the company. since the wrapped token can be redeemed for a regular one it should retain the same value right?

>> No.24564239

i just won't be eligible to receive dividends i guess

>> No.24564294

Hmm I ignored this at first, but after reading more I think I'm gonna ape in

>> No.24564395
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OP, you missed the most important thing. Their ties with Aave as well as Bankless.

Aave's CEO and founder, Stani Kulechov, is an advisor. Aave is teaming up with Cresco to offer a money market. This is a pretty major partnership.



>> No.24564838

You did well, the faggots will jump on board monday when the uniswap listing hits and they buy our $20 bags

>> No.24564974

what does this mean bros?


>> No.24564989

Millenials and youngfaggots will use this method to bank instead of old conventional cash

Switzerland is bringing the revolution

>> No.24565065

Imagine not holding any of this with the AAVE partnership and Stani personally involved

Biz won’t buy until it’s on uniswap... I’ll enjoy dumping on them at $30

>> No.24565080 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 2274x1416, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me your experience/thoughts/reviews about duckdao.io, do you take part in it?

Came across their crypto game and their crypto incubator system looks interesting imo. Take a look please and share your opinion

>> No.24565095


>> No.24565127

won't this be bigger than millenials and zoomers? this seems close to institutional adoption, shitting on regular banks. pretty good for chainlink too

>> No.24565230

>Biz won’t buy until it’s on uniswap... I’ll enjoy dumping on them at $30
The OP post was written 2 hours ago, it's gone up $1 (25%) since.

This coin is an easy 10x

>> No.24565249

where can you buy?

>> No.24565269


>> No.24565319

i'm in. bought a little bag. and wil accumulate!

>> No.24565379

same ,best of luck to you!

>> No.24565391

Dodo, balancer, and they just added a listing on uni with user-supplier liquidity, the team is adding liquidity on monday


>> No.24565980

forgot to say thanks op, i saw the talk between robert and stani. but cresfin having their own equity token flew over my head. i just thought it was good news for aave lol

>> No.24566005

Do you think that will maintain the price between now and then?

I have to say that personally I avoided buying this earlier as I CBF using dodo as I’d never used it an wasn’t sure about it ... funny enough it works pretty much exactly the same as uniswap and wish I had just bought earlier

Probably what keeps a whole lot of people on the sidelines and not buying. Could be a decent pump on Monday but 48 hours is a long time in crypto

>> No.24566059

Can you just buy the wrapped token on Uni?

>> No.24566069

>Do you think that will maintain the price between now and then?
I think it's going up to $20 in less than 24h, and then mooning towards $100.

>Probably what keeps a whole lot of people on the sidelines and not buying. Could be a decent pump on Monday but 48 hours is a long time in crypto
New coins go on huge moons when they start trending on coingecko, when this starts trending the value will double in literally an hour. It's a top 10 gainer today so it'll end up trending soon

>> No.24566085

You can buy on uni for 10% fees, don't be a retard and buy on dodo or balancer, or at least wait until the team adds liquidity


>> No.24566177

Don’t buy on uni until liquidity is added. The slippage is ridiculous as there is zero liquidity

Just use dodo or balancer, just as easy as uniswap

>> No.24566190

Burgers are waking up now. You know they like to dump but I have a feeling they don’t have any bags to dump this time

>> No.24566470

Exactly, asians will pump this too

it's a limited market cap so i wouldn't get hype over 10 or 20 bucks but more like 50-100

>> No.24566489


>> No.24567009

Looks too good to be true. Surely there will be a correction soon? Enter on a dip?

>> No.24567073

Wouldn't bet on it. This project is actually legit.

>> No.24567113


does this look like a LARP?

>> No.24567226

Don't add these addresses to your etherscan watchlist.

safe_addr = '0x50D4EB593Cf964ee1bE9b82795E98229C1e532CC'
founder1_addr = '0xDd6Cd8C588951b4DEC79D1CE35Ac0c2CfD06F70C'
founder2_addr = '0x4cfB9353A2aDf2D3734180B57eA7e17632130486'
stani_addr = '0x505f1c7dfA1A9fc8b0F305744EeF104EfDb32bfc'
cyril_addr = '0x96f6596908948afAdA1e1A67eC72A6c96f2C19a4'
realv_addr = '0x6d54F11F4953eC474184f80fe3a49E3ACa4f40dD'
daidai_addr = '0x0ffbAF6017f8F7C8B99BA82a6AFfC8514790b3B1'
guillaume_addr = '0x035D421fDE0588412e737d1C3d5CA2178425D703'
tatsiana_addr = '0x0CCc5d12B307469f6B790dF2789Ae6cC17957B90'
slavian_addr = '0xA006aF8793511dE6Df10da8e98B0f06d09b5C00D'
galina_addr = '0xb8dD01Be527d017564f66678325D086a48DfA52B'
maewenn_addr = '0xA651241C17213384333EcBfC69D6f95f81fCd330'
simon_addr = '0x928e458Bf311E3630b44Dd0a2298d1655Ce3231C'
operator_addr = '0x942f023715860d411C5c93Da1bFb00b40576ae11'
registry_owner_addr = '0x297dACA93a4E6a5Be8E1D9322747e4CE075257Ff'
registry_operator_addr = '0xE9b8B15A5992e252f1f9825b357f30CFf190dfbC'
quaestor_addr = '0xa7bEFD50f0acf8dDE32DC3Ed7484b69516dCf1de'
safe_trustee1_addr = '0x99e4a3c05F0f2748F2DC4192dfDA34cab5c6011f'
safe_trustee2_addr = '0x51B237adb00FC8EFA01FaECC174Da879746d0DA2'
safe_trustee3_addr = '0x7034cD48981a38CEFF0e403Fcd3c636eA3C23ce1'

>> No.24567252

lmao you legend

>> No.24567382

You saying this is a scam?

>> No.24567414
File: 236 KB, 424x516, 1606853796688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bot

>> No.24567426

fud shills appear in every thread because their fomo makes them sperg

>> No.24567432

What are they implying? I can't see any red flags for this project but I dunno if I'm missing something.

>> No.24567453
File: 315 KB, 900x900, 1607136991852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lloyds insured cash deposits.

This beats the shit out of DMM.

Remember the DMM fud? It's still ongoing, DMM is bad car loan debt from Brazil etc.

>> No.24567461

>What are they implying? I can't see any red flags for this project but I dunno if I'm missing something.
I'm implying $150 eoy

>> No.24567629

I fucking hate Jew York. It’s so fucking difficult to buy and trade anything crypto related. Anyone have a work around? Tried connecting wallet to be shut down by Jew York limitations. Can’t even use exchanges like binance,etoro,bittrex. Fuck this fucking state. Gemini is the only exchange that actually lets me participate. Even Coinbase keeps prompting me to “submit id and verification” and when I click on it it just goes to settings page with no option to do so.

>> No.24567700

Can you not use them through a VPN?

>> No.24567782

I'm to fucking hungover to think straight. Is this legit or not?

>> No.24567789

Yes, it's legit. It has pumped considerably though

>> No.24567819

It's legit. Listed on bloomberg (I checked myself), partnered with aave. Here's a video of Aave's CEO doing an interview with CrescoFin:

It has pumped a lot, but given the quality of the project its initial starting price was crazy low. Still has a lower market cap than utter shitcoins like Waltonchain.

>> No.24567824

It's legit.

Aave involvement makes it so.

>> No.24568310
File: 19 KB, 205x207, FirmFewBarbet-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24568564
