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File: 1.52 MB, 1180x887, weekend-smg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24556755 No.24556755 [Reply] [Original]

>Comfy Weekend Edition


>Stock market Words

>Risk Management

>Live Streams

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings

>Suggested books:


>Weekly /smg/ updates
Episode 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VJBcWXgDwI
Episode 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjvD6kHgy8Q
Episode 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCnXA-RnoE0
Episode 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOo54fs6wyU
Episode 5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC7HzPsuEKE

>Links for (You)


>> No.24556768
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stock market crash when?

>> No.24556777
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list the most boomer portfolio you can think of that gets steady 7% gains a year

>> No.24556781

she is painfully cute

>> No.24556784
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>> No.24556790

Hopefully soon. My short calls are in the money. Fucking sucks I hate rolling. Stresses me out

>> No.24556791

PLTR in 10 years 555$

>> No.24556801
File: 367 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20201204-193956_Finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I make it?

(This is just my gambling porfolio)

>> No.24556807


>> No.24556815
File: 251 KB, 1146x1089, 1604979050200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolls Royce chads, any concern about holding over the weekend? Worried this might go back to the 1.80 range. are my fears justified or are we on the fast track to 3.00+?

>> No.24556819


>> No.24556838

Niggers are black and Indians smell like shit

>> No.24556848

just go all in on the 7th stock you see
i'm sure tons of people are going to be camping overnight at the rolls royce dealers all over the world to buy new rolls royces first thing monday morning

>> No.24556849
File: 62 KB, 1000x743, us crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder

>> No.24556853

They have to build a shit ton of nuclear plants by 2030 and airlines are picking up again. They'll be fine.

>> No.24556856

Niggers smell like shit too though.

>> No.24556861
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Today was a good day

>> No.24556863
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>> No.24556876

80% VT
20% BNDW

>> No.24556877

Alright I guess I'm getting around 200 $INTU shares per my company's acquisition. Dubs decides what I do with them.

>> No.24556878
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>> No.24556884
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Not all niggers are black

>> No.24556887
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Alright, /smg/ it's time to use the f word!
Fuck (fuck, fuck, fuck) niggers, fuck kikes
Fuck spics, fuck dykes
Fuck trannies, but mostly fuck jannies
Fuck love, hate, and friends
Fuck following trends
Fuck namefags, can't wait 'til they hang

Fuck everything
But fuck jannies the most
Fuck everyone
But fuck jannies the most
With a big rusty pole
Or a splintery post
Yeah, fuck jannies the most
Fuck jannies

>> No.24556890
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The play is to hold this for at least a few years. $3 is feasible by end of Q1. Relax no need to get excited. It'll be back up to $8 in a few years and you'll be laughing.

>> No.24556891
File: 95 KB, 1080x1166, 20201204_200624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy comfy weekend. Up 25%/60%/245% day/week/month

Hope everyone listened to me about 5G and bought the dip on QCOM and SWKS yesterday as I've been telling you guys to all week. Hope you BTFD on Marvell too and if you played ER did next week not today.

Half my weekly gains were from playing ITM weeklies one day to next. We in full comf mode

>> No.24556895
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Will Rite Aid keep going up lads?

>> No.24556899
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>cutoff at 2019

>> No.24556901

Why is one RR so expensive And doing well but the other is Cheap and doing bad.

>> No.24556903

>7% gains

You just posted it. But anyway:



>> No.24556905
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hey, retard robinhood person here. i bought a single call, i'm up %~30 and that's great: but due to circumstances i don't have enough money to actually buy the shares.

i can get out of it by selling the contract, right? or am i fucked

>> No.24556906
File: 73 KB, 600x450, 1555214108722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Print them out and throw them in the bin, then throw the bin out of your window

>> No.24556907

So, now fbi statistics count?

>> No.24556914
File: 2.49 MB, 720x1280, BOTY_VIP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you at the BOTY VIP champagne room, BOTY chads!

>> No.24556917

ask your broker niggerfaggot that's like the 5th time this has been asked today alone

>> No.24556923

Who actually believes this shit kek

>> No.24556931

>mutual fund's biggest position is AAPL
oh no!

>> No.24556940

RR is the London listing. Mutts haven't copped on to why new shares were issued.

>> No.24556941


>> No.24556947
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They don't have 2020 yet

When have they not counted?


>> No.24556956
File: 12 KB, 926x174, portfolio winning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you guys profit off the oil crash earlier this year? I made out fucking great.

>> No.24556957

yeah, just flip it. RH will do it for you if it's expiry day.

>> No.24556959

don't be mean

>> No.24556963
File: 115 KB, 1080x1268, 20201204_200223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does transferring options out of RH to TDA take? This ain't even the last straw, two of my sell limit orders (with limit price .20 below ask stop) failed. Lost 600 in extra gains.

Pic related is just tf. Jewcucking me to feed MM. Idc. Ericsson will be in the mid 20s by 2022, im guessing way higher by 2023.

>> No.24556975

why were new shares issued on the American market?

>> No.24556977


>> No.24556978

Why you so bad

>> No.24556980

EXMT 2xd my shit today. Eyes on this shit boys. Said it 2 days ago. Shit will not stop cranking.

>> No.24557035
File: 24 KB, 499x356, 1602817852603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that redditor in an earlier thread who wanted an "analytical party" and thought dems were right about 75% of their policy
What can be done about the reddit brainlet invasion?

>> No.24557046

He bought chink shit like nio and palantir instead of buying 5G. The dip in AMT today was awesome. Within an hour I was up 70%

>> No.24557048

I finally can buy fuckimg options and it’s on the last hour of Friday


>> No.24557049
File: 2 KB, 125x94, 1586442739167s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also wtf is up with the NAKD stock. Use to be in the hundreds or at least the double digits for awhile. Now it's a penny stock.

>> No.24557056

It needed to sell a heap of new shares at a discount to weather covid fucking airlines and were running out of cash. UK and US list shares separately so I guess sentiment for Rolls Royce in America is more optimistic.

>> No.24557084
File: 16 KB, 239x211, 87654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the point in making it, america and soon europe will be majority non white shitholes, why was i born just in time to know what life was like before, i don't want to have to immigrate to fucking asia just to leave in a safe clean country

>> No.24557087
File: 335 KB, 1205x735, tumblr_pex0hlYO5s1v0niqno1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post onahole TF porn until they get scared and leave

>> No.24557089

You're already on the right track. Reddit hates anime pictures, so use anime pictures all the time. Also don't argue with them, they jerk off to the attention. Instead, just post smug anime reaction images and if you're feeling frisky, hit with an >implying in the old /v/ style.

>> No.24557101

Did it expire today?

>> No.24557105

What is your reason for not buying SPACs at $10 with a good management team. Just today STPK announced merger with an energy company and is up 67%, buying at $10 means no risk and the only downside is you don't know how long they will get the target but guaranteed profits.

>> No.24557109

I can't even count how many reverse splits they've done. I remember when it was actually fractions of a penny sometime last year.

>> No.24557112

Asian countries are horrible swamps.

>> No.24557117

Looks like you're up a bunch.
>5 letter tickers
what tf is that shit? Penny stocks?

>> No.24557120

make enough money to not have to leave your house and deal with the horde

>> No.24557123
File: 37 KB, 709x186, Screen Shot 2020-12-04 at 5.21.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You may request a physical certificate at any time, although it is generally easier and more efficient to maintain your holdings in
non-certificated form.
>yes hi I would like to request 188 printed stock certificates

>> No.24557128
File: 190 KB, 923x1200, DqZvTKCUUAEKNMA (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy genetically a engineered cat girl waifu with your massive BOTY, OPTI and PLTR gains.

That's the dream. The world can die for all i care DESU

>> No.24557136

chill out, edge lord

>> No.24557141
File: 273 KB, 940x712, berd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rolling for PLTR to dump hard next week

>> No.24557145

actually I might unironically request my gamestop stock as a physical certificate so I know for sure I'm the shareholder of record and there's no short rehypothecation faggotry going on

>> No.24557155

How many pips does a retail Forex trader take on average per day?

>> No.24557164
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>> No.24557165

How would you even sell them on an exchange after getting them certificated? Mail them to a broker or the exchange po box?

>> No.24557166

Thanks to whoever said to check out Beam Therapeutics i thought i had bought in quite late but it's already up 31%

>> No.24557170
File: 24 KB, 894x693, US HDI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder

>> No.24557184
File: 129 KB, 770x760, 1604178345821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I legally do this for my 2.5 million shares of BOTY? They have to if I request it right?

>> No.24557186


Mail it back.

>> No.24557190

kek. please do it and post.
fax machine

>> No.24557192
File: 13 KB, 633x758, feeloh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crime goes down when you put niggers in jail

>> No.24557193

why wasn't she in more movies? she's like a better looking and more pure version of demi moore

>> No.24557194

Is it too late to buy clf calls

>> No.24557206

oh, lord. I think I opened Pandora's box here...
if you have to ask...

>> No.24557207


>> No.24557226

after googling it, Gamestop stopped doing physical stock certificates in 2013


>> No.24557228
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>> No.24557229

Jennifer Connelly is legitimately the most beautiful woman ever.

>> No.24557244

Reddit hasn’t found it

>> No.24557250

Is dennys a good buy

>> No.24557254

Do you think marvell will still be down open Monday

>> No.24557257

you are only paying attention to clf because it did well, but you are ignoring all the other stuff that was shilled here that didn't do well, so the good news is it's also too late to buy those calls

>> No.24557272

Between now and April

>> No.24557277

Pretty sure they don't have to do things that will bankrupt them.

>> No.24557290

How much do I have to make to get a celtic/jewish titcow gf?

>> No.24557296
File: 122 KB, 720x1153, ck2xp496ln061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, fren but im not a normie. Just watch anime and day trade.

Thanks to 4chins, I can name about 95% of any anime girls, but zero IRL girls.

Who is this?

>> No.24557308

Sounds sketchy

>> No.24557310

Other than touchscreens and shrinking electronics, nothing really new came out in the past 2 decades. The fuck is it even measuring as human development?

>> No.24557319
File: 75 KB, 750x750, 295D54A2-9C22-40F8-9BB5-E9542FAEE930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based kurumi poster

>> No.24557322

Should I buy reddit calls after earnings

>> No.24557326

I sold some QCOM because 5G is a meme and it will be corrected.

>> No.24557336


They'll have to charge you like a 50-100 issue fee per certificate..

>> No.24557339

Haven't been here since selling off all my FNGU and TSLA and going all in on Bitcoin. How you faggots holding up?

>> No.24557342
File: 83 KB, 680x709, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have to if I request it right?

>> No.24557344

RYCEY - Thanks be to you whoever started this. 5000 shares now and god I hope it hits 3.4 next week. $17,000 for me.

>> No.24557345
File: 44 KB, 1518x266, hdi_2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24557351

My wife's son 30 year old son found this forum through the Reddit app. Let's keep the racism and bigotry to a minimum, shall we?

>> No.24557358

She's so beautiful

>> No.24557360
File: 73 KB, 640x427, 4B92B5C5-7ED2-424C-BCB2-2B0C530D4F4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s not my top 10 but I respect all those that think this. She is a beauty for sure

For me it’s Cara

>> No.24557366

Any altcoins? Also... why not play both?

>> No.24557374

Cryptocurrency and CRISPR gene editing are all new in the last two decades. You could argue that mobile internet over radio (smartphones) are new in that time frame, although that's more a matter of becoming widespread. Weather models have also become way more accurate than they were in the 2000s, like orders of magnitude more accurate.

>> No.24557379
File: 191 KB, 900x1200, yuly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving to china and getting a nice virgin wife, bro. The future's in the east, and their women are great. Join me in beijing when you make it. Don't get me wrong. I wish I didn't need to abandon my homeland and my libertarian ideals, but I'm tired of watching everything crumble around me. Biden was the final straw for me. Western normies are clearly too far gone. There's no saving western society.

>> No.24557386

Oh, so it's a meme chart. Figures.
Thanks for spoon feeding anon.

>> No.24557389

Holy shit man haha

>> No.24557414

nah, it expires in a week

>> No.24557416

Carjackings are up 600% in Minneapolis after St Floyd incident.

>> No.24557425
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>> No.24557426
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>> No.24557429

No I bought shares but couldn’t buy options until just now and I’ve been looking at earnings and market cap

>> No.24557433
File: 617 KB, 1920x1080, 78365542_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden fucking up America is the reason why Palantir grew overnight. He guaranteed a dystopian future.

PLTR will be unironically a $100+ stock

>> No.24557434

Anyone else still live with their parents? It seems like the easiest way to build wealth. I couldn't imagine paying $20,000 a year in rent.

>> No.24557446
File: 58 KB, 318x470, 1454936272009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking sold Luminar at 13.60 1000 shares for a 3k profit on the 25th of November because im fucking stupid. I am never going to make it biz

>> No.24557456


no you will have some shit called solenter or visualenter made in china that will be shilled and pumped with ccp tax dollars take over

>> No.24557460

I’ve made $60,000 this year in stocks and I don’t feel like giving people my money, so I just lift, learn, and stonk until I can buy my own place flat out.
I hate renting.

>> No.24557461

I did deep dive on these stats a few years ago and found them to be accurate. The FBI stats do line up with local reported, more or less, across the country. Apparently the media decided to amplify their crime reporting despite the falling numbers. I have not attempted but I think if you were to attempt to plot media reports of violent crime in some way you would get a pretty clean negative correlation to the actual crime rate. It's the birth of the modern lugenpresse in stat form.

>> No.24557483

The human development index is an invention of the United Nations Development Programme — so naturally, the more socialist and faggot infested a nation becomes, the more the index rises.

For example, Germany, despite having a median disposable household income ~30% lower than the United States, and a mean disposable household income ~30% lower than the United States, and a percentage of the population living in poverty 5% higher than the United States, is 'more developed' than the United States according to this 'human development index'.

>> No.24557491
File: 37 KB, 540x540, 24B68786-0F0A-4A26-9B5A-CCB1A4A33EB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically kys

>> No.24557493
File: 532 KB, 1030x911, A567F22C-4B22-4ECB-894A-B95603E51E6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you start with and how long have you been trading?

>> No.24557510

I haven't gotten into any alts yet. I might I might not.
>why not play both?
I see a lot more upside potential with crypto right now and way less downside.
I think equities are overbought but TINA economy, I get it. But when crypto starts it's rally is Wall St going to stand by? What about Main St? A lot of people are already moving out of gold and into BTC so why wouldn't that hold true for equities as well since money is just being pumped into the markets since there's nowhere else to go?
I still think BTC is a 7x from $20k so there's still A LOT of juice.
Obviously I'll have to put my money somewhere once I sell out and we get into the bear cycle for crypto. Will have to wait and see whats going on then.

>> No.24557513

Yes, at 24, was gonna move out because my job was going really well (was on track to hit quota this year too) but company was struggling and cut my whole team. I had lived away during college but moved back after graduating to build up savings, and my parents have a big house so it's no issue. Trying to find a job sucks though. I have an interview finally with one of my target companies (KPMG) next week, wish me luck bros it's gonna be a ride

>> No.24557515

I do, but only temporarily.. was going to be back on residence for senior year of engineering and lifting a fuckload and getting more pussy. But the chink retard faggot virus ruined that for me. So I'm living with my parents. But after that, if your quality of live is higher living on your own (hint: mine is) just buy a place. Interest rates are low as fuck, do a 20% downpayment to dodge the default insurance and sock the rest of your cash into stock picks.

>> No.24557519

Ok I listened to you all and bought GME at http://www.gmesupply.com what now

>> No.24557526
File: 188 KB, 828x1792, C130A338-4CD1-4308-9F34-75901D71A921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fell for the dividend growth meme

>> No.24557529

Started with 25 and went full fucken rage mode after Jews stole everything during March and my savings got Nuked to 15. I never cared about stocks until then.
I channeled my autism to get my money back then found out it was easy to make more.
I don’t do options and I sleep like a baby.

>> No.24557532

buy FUSE, same thing

>> No.24557542

The press slowly shifted to the monster it is today starting somewhere around the late 70's, as far as I can gather. Maybe slightly later in to mid 80's if you want to give them benefit of the doubt. The idea that they flipped solely because of Trump is wrong. They accelerated because of Trump for sure but they were already well on the way in that direction and would have arrived there, here, without him eventually.

>> No.24557547

>Rudolph William Louis Giuliani is an American attorney and politician who served as the 107th Mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. He served as United States Associate Attorney General from 1981 to 1983 and United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 1983 to 1989

The man was a fucking beast, also music is very influential and gangsta rap started around 1988. they didn't give a shit about the crime until it started hitting the suburbs, which was because the private school kids all wanted to be bloods and crips.

>> No.24557559

You'll make it. Learn from your mistake and move on. You can do it.

>> No.24557561
File: 688 KB, 1500x1924, 44F5C389-599A-439B-8F99-AC5A2FAA2294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Thanks for sharing

>> No.24557567
File: 3.70 MB, 2508x3541, 1581314442479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When should I sell my BILI, if ever? I'm scared, I'm winning too much money right now and I don't understand why

>> No.24557575
File: 181 KB, 426x600, 14068047_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a possibility eventually, but so far Palantir is top tier for black projects so I doubt they would change it.

China is doing pretty good shilling its spy software TiK Tok so im sure it will become the official Whitehouse medium of communication to the masses.

>> No.24557578

Should I pull out stocks whenever I’m up? Every time I want to they go back down

>> No.24557579

>The FBI’s Preliminary Uniform Crime Report, January–June, 2020, reveals overall declines in the number of violent crimes and property crimes reported for the first six months of 2020 when compared with figures for the first six months of 2019.

>> No.24557586

>Did really well this year
>Little brother needed a new prosthetic leg late last month
>$180 of my profits remain
Gains are gains.. right

>> No.24557587

It's nice when you have 7 figures, even high 6 I guess. Other than that it's really not worth it

>> No.24557588

It’s so fucken unethical how they stole our money like that. So I’ll milk them back in my own tiny microscopic way.

>> No.24557607
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, And it's when there's a chance of failure that you'll find a true opportunity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any day traders here? if so, any advice for making money doing it?

>> No.24557621

don't go all in, baby steps, figure out how your mind works...

>> No.24557622

money is for spending, just make sure you spend it on the right things. sounds like you did a good job, anon. you could have easily have blown that money on some bullshit that didn't matter instead, but you didn't. you should be happy.

>> No.24557625
File: 986 KB, 485x273, e07642acf5f73fcb3a8f74218c215a3b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky. I want automail too.

>> No.24557626

Are you a CPA? Are you looking for a Big Four?

>> No.24557628

>brother steals your wife because hes a cyborg
Good job

>> No.24557629

Thanks I actually quit drinking because of it. Stupid drunk move cost me around 20k, I woke up and tried to buy it back over the next few days but it never hit 13.60 again, then jumped to 30s never thought it would go past 18 lesson learned. Im thinking 20k into Roblox and 20k into C3.ai on opening what ever the price? Thoughts?

>> No.24557630

Yeah, don't do it.

>> No.24557631

what are you talking about schizo

>> No.24557654

Based big bro. Gains are pointless if they don't go towards helping out your family when they need it.

>> No.24557657

Can I buy 100 shares of apple if I’m holding for long term and just sell really high calls for extra money? It’s better then divvies

Plus divvies

>> No.24557663

how much are those

>> No.24557668

I don’t explain things to smooth brained retards, figure it out

>> No.24557675

reminder that I'd heem every last one of you faggots in this thread

>> No.24557676

The C3 IPO? Are you talking about THE C3 IPO? I, too am considering the C3 IPO. I heard that C3.ai posted an initial IPO price range of $31 to $34 per share, with the company anticipating a sale of 15.5 million shares at that price. The enterprise-focused artificial intelligence company is also selling $100 million of stock at its IPO price to Spring Creek Capital, and another $50 million to Microsoft at the same terms. And there are 2.325 million shares reserved for its underwriters as well.

The total tally of shares that C3.ai will have outstanding after its IPO bloc is sold, Spring Creek and Microsoft buy in, and its underwriters take up their option, is 99,216,958. At the extremes of its initial IPO price range, the company would be worth between $3.08 billion and $3.37 billion using that share count.

Those numbers decline by around $70 and $80 million, respectively, if the underwriters do not purchase their option. C3 IPO

>> No.24557677
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Set trailing stop percentages of 7-15% if your stock is gaining steam fast and its ridiculously volatile.

For non autistic stocks a 3-5% is good once you reached your desired gains.

Also, watch hentai if you're having a shitty day. Don't sell at a loss. It comes and goes in waves so a red day can turn deep green EoW.

>> No.24557686

Not a CPA but looking more on the Advisory side. I have a background in data, management, and SaaS sales.

>> No.24557687
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It's a good idea to take partial profit at a fairly conservative predetermined price. Decide on that price right when you initially enter the trade. You can use something like a moving average line, upper bollinger band, some multiple of the ATR (around 2x-ish works pretty well), or just the closest resistance above your entry to figure out where it should be. Take out half or a third of your position there. The purpose of this is mainly to turn trades that would have been break even or small loss if you hadn't taken your first conservative profit. This doesn't feel great when your position goes parabolic after you take profit but it really helps your portfolio grow in the long term over many trades.

>> No.24557688

How much was it?
Also, yes, it was worth it anon.

>> No.24557694
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>The FBI’s Preliminary Uniform Crime Report, January–June, 2020, reveals overall declines in the number of violent crimes and property crimes reported for the first six months of 2020 when compared with figures for the first six months of 2019.
I'm guessing these reports don't count riots or protests, do they?

>> No.24557695

Give her clothes back you pedo

>> No.24557710

That meme made me sad.

>> No.24557713

Yeah tell that to CRSR

>> No.24557715

yes trade for small % gains on a reliable stock so you dont get stuck

I have made 30k day trading and lost 20k

>> No.24557716

>The purpose of this is mainly to turn trades that would have been break even or small loss if you hadn't taken your first conservative profit.
I forget the end of this sentence. You're turning those neutral trades in to small wins instead of break even or loss.

>> No.24557727

Shocking. I almost can't believe it.

>> No.24557728

yes, this is called the wheel strategy

>> No.24557742
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Hopefully soon, I don't know who the fuck is buying the boomer shit up and tech. Retail are pumping teh shit out of the market which isn't a good sign, intitsutions are struggling to keep up.

I am considering DCAing in as I have too much cash, but at the same time, the thought of buying stocks this high up makes my stomach turn, I simply refuse to. If I'm gonna DCA might as well wait for all the way, it'll take too long.

I think I'm just gonna sit on cash, get some interest to help fend inflation then invest it all at the next correction or 5% dip. As history always shows, there will be dips and they are most violent when retail (and this board) is making too much money.

>> No.24557743

All in on BOTY, obviously.
I'm not giving out real advice until I have the gains to back it up.

>> No.24557744

you mean NAK?

>> No.24557745

I'm in on this, but I need to read a lot more about it over the weekend. I'm looking for a track record the company has, what it's already done. I just saw MS and decided it must be worth a look. I don't have a good understanding of it though, and I usually don't do shit with things I can't really grasp. What do you think about pubmatic?

>> No.24557758

Excellent work anon. That's what our gainz are for. You're a good brother.

>> No.24557764

what's your strat? is it really some fucking secret sauce shit that you can't ever tell anyone? this is such a small community i don't think anyone gives a shit about us.

i want some secrets goddammit. you're not going to break the market by telling people shit that works, the big boys don't give a fuck about our 5 figure accounts.

>> No.24557790
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Their measurements are all fucking retarded. The Gender Inequality Index (GII) factors in child births, so countries where women have more children are considered less developed by the UN.

How does maternity make a woman less equal? Is it from a perspective that she is not economically viable as labor?

>> No.24557793

If another crash happens tech will go up, if it doesn't, tech will still go up just not as much, and it will probably go down a little first. This doesn't include all the weird tech companies that haven't been able to get estalbished yet though. The fucking cash established tech companies are sitting on is fucking ridiculous. I believe a lot of them are just going to do their own retail thing after enough malls and shopping centers are ground into dust.

>> No.24557800

>everyone making gains while my portfolio crabs
>too poor to YOLO /smg/ memes
>want to sell, but at a loss some stocks

>> No.24557805

Best of luck.

>> No.24557824
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>> No.24557829
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The only way for women to be economically equal to men is for them to become men.

Luckily for this board, "that's a man" is quickly making up the short fall towards equaility!

>> No.24557857

If a "crash" happens, everything goes down. Tech does not go up in a crash, because that's not the definition of a crash. I'm not planning on a crash, because crashes are random and a fool's game to wait for. Just need a correction or a 5% entry point.

Tech is actually most likely the first thing to trigger the next correction, just like the previous 3. Cheapies will be had. Buying in at these prices is stupid if you have a lot of cash-free, DCAing will take too long before we see a correction.

>> No.24557860

Lauren Southern's sister is such a fucking dime.

>> No.24557869

cheap options dude.....and patience

>> No.24557871

RYCEY is just what you need

>> No.24557880

If gme drops on earnings do I buy calls?

>> No.24557886

>Is it from a perspective that she is not economically viable as labor?

>> No.24557891

its really what I just said go for small % gaines on stock you dont mind having around for a while if they go down. I used to use FNGU and just swing it for the 2-3$ gains all day long, buy at X sell when its up 3$, buy back when it down you can do this nearly every hour, granted it was a lot easier when it was at 120-130$ you essentially just need to find stocks that swing 1% up and down reliably then buy and sell.

I should add SPACs seem to do this on a daily weekly basis for a lot more %. I have scalped Fisker for around 7k over the past couple weeks

>> No.24557903

>everything goes down

>> No.24557912

Get the fuck out of here, get a real job with a decent income, and save up 6 months of living expenses before you come back and start investing again.

>> No.24557914

Yeah you are right, I guess I should have been more specific and noted that I mean another pandemic whatever the fuck you call it. Even so, I think with a crash people would be onto the deal by now and just buy all the cheap tech stock. The question then is what is the next move? The market is never that easy, so what will the tomfuckery be that makes it difficult? I was initially just going to sit on a blue chip until recovery and then make 3x my investment and I ended up doing all kinds of fucking maneuvering and shorting this past year to get about 1/2 up on it. So I'm trying to think ahead as far as how to grab the best thing when it goes down.

>> No.24557918

Its fucking tough to do this with a normal job, Im an Army Captain teaching ROTC so I have a lot of free time.

>> No.24557921

>crime seems low when reporting it gets you killed by your neighborhood
When you demonize stopping criminals and award criminals by parading them around as the new messiah to your youngest generation, your going to get places that will literally reject outside intervention, no matter how heinous the crime. This is gang land info 101.

>> No.24557928
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Oggay, oggay, kid. We'll give you a chance, you seem trustworthy.

Here's the secret:

>Start out with 25K
Set up sell % trailing stops
>Read news
Look at the company's quarterly reports
>If you see a meme stock, research before buying
NEVER DO OPTIONS, unless you're ok with never seeing that money again
>NEVER use rent money, just disposable income
Read the sticky resources
>never trust a black person giving you financial advice

>> No.24557929

Buy ziop

>> No.24557936

what about sqqq?

>> No.24557974

I make $17/hr as security and working on a degree in operations management. Living with my parents helps a lot with money, so just a few thousand could last me months if I stretched it.

>> No.24557987

I'm getting like 160 dollars of dividends in december. Have I almost made it yet?

>> No.24557997
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SQQQ and SDOW go up in a crash.

Tech will likely lead the crash if one happens. Its bloated on euphoria.

Coronita-chan stocks would be safest like OPTI, teladoc, CVS or Walgreens would likely rise since they're used to fight it.

>> No.24557999

Damn, with Biden president these SQQQ holds will never go up again

>> No.24558004 [DELETED] 

to be honest that's the same kind of autistic nerd rage that drove the jews to where they are after being bullied by every other civilization for centuries
guess the cycle will repeat

>> No.24558005

Okay, so fucking do that. Why are you still here? Why don't you have disposable income? Why are you putting money into the stock market that you need to buy goods and services? You're a fucking idiot and might as well be throwing money in a casino or lottery tickets. Read The Richest Man in Babylon.

>> No.24558024

what am i looking for in quarterly reports?

>> No.24558046
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Whatta hell is a degree in operations management?

I have a bachelor's in business and currently an operations manager and never heard of such thing desu

>> No.24558068

dividend growth makes no sense. if the company is growing it would use its excess funds to fuel that growth. companies only give away the money when they're at a point where there's no sensible way to grow the company by reducing profits. if there was a way for the company to grow and it gave away its money in the form of dividends then it's foolish.

sure there are growth companies that pay a dividends (AAPL, MSFT), but their dividends are small

>> No.24558072

>he fell for the college meme
lmao rekt

>> No.24558097

yeah, I kinda have the same thesis, desu. if you were me -- you're getting these INTU shares that I actually didn't want -- but anyway that's how the deal was structured... how would you play them? I was thinking covered calls, but I wouldn't otherwise buy stock in this company...

>> No.24558114

Add $UPWK to this as well.

>> No.24558140

it's a meme degree because it's one of those listed vague "in demand jobs". i was an ops manager. it's basically whack a mole to keep a day running smoothly receiving no credit and all the blame when something goes wrong. also you can't work remote.

i know it's a meme but lrn 2 code or whatever current year version of that is.

>> No.24558154
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good luck anon!

>> No.24558160
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Is there actually a benefit to being a day trader besides being able to brag about it? It seems like being a swing trader is much less stressful and time consuming, and much more profitable.

Based and ENFpilled

>> No.24558164


im a student too and I just put my money in GME and I can actually graduate debt free now if i cashed out now

>> No.24558198
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>he's not holding PLTR

>> No.24558201
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Made a bunch of money this week on PLTR calls and CLDR. How bout you?

>> No.24558207

Can I just buy 100 shares of apple sell really high call contracts and get dividends and slow gains every year?

>> No.24558208
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Weed bros btfoed

>> No.24558216


What's to brag about when you're scalping pennies during market hours, most of the big movements are always when it's off hours and weekends.

>> No.24558230

I went through the registration statement in this thread. I suggest you take a look at their risks section more closely than I did.

These articles also shed some light on NAK.

>> No.24558242

post your top 10 anon

>> No.24558250

Anyone thinking of selling soon? I feel like the fact the virus isn't gonna get better for at least 6 months is gonna cause a huge crash again probably after Christmas

>> No.24558256
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Karyl bots when?

>> No.24558259

I have disposable income, just hate having to wage to get it. I need more time to learn this trading shit, but at least I'm crabbing and not completely in the red. Just a salty wagecuck
>ops management
simply put, running the operations of a business. I want to work with foreign supply chain/logistics. All business degrees have the same general core classes. I unironically am taking the lrn2code pill, working on python now

>> No.24558274
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She's so cute, bros.

>> No.24558277
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a job application

>> No.24558281

I don’t like it, sounds like a fragile company

>> No.24558290

Yes. I literally did this for a month and ended up +5%. Its pretty good, its better to sell monthly. Doesn't perform as well as selling calls on stocks with upcoming earnings though, but if you just want a long term hold its very good and you can DCA the profits of your calls.

>> No.24558294

The vaccines will likely sterilize us in a few years, but they stop the flu so I think that won’t be the cause.

>> No.24558296

It definitely does look fragile, but that's the risk/reward.

>> No.24558308
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>> No.24558315

Well I just mean selling soon and buying the inevitable dip within the next four months

>> No.24558324
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Hey smgson. Been hearing you talk about this company Palantir. What does Palantir do again?

>> No.24558333

>Door Dash 12/9
>Air BnB 12/10

>> No.24558335

Don't pretend to care. Your just an OPTI shill you fucking loser. That's the whole point of this post. Fuck that piece of shit scam

>> No.24558357

The redpill is that all companies eventually mature into dividend boomer stocks.

>> No.24558364

It causes Reddit to commit suicide

>> No.24558371

Why the fuck are big financial institution holding so many GME bags? This makes no sense.

>> No.24558373
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something to do with illegals ran by a kraken who is owned by soros

>> No.24558385

All stocks go to zero

>> No.24558399

You don’t believe in clf and gme? Wtf

>> No.24558415

Britbong here, is marrying an American woman a good financial decision?

>> No.24558420
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Unironically, RYCEY.



>> No.24558427

The blackpill is that since the inception of publicly traded companies, 97% of companies suffer a catastrophic loss they never recover from and of that 97%, 90% file for bankruptcy and delist. You only think they "all eventually mature" because those dead companies don't exist anymore, basic survivorship bias.

>> No.24558435

Why would that go up when RR exists?

>> No.24558437
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I believe in GME. I just find it odd that 77% of GME's total share are owned by institutions.

>> No.24558459

>I have disposable income, just hate having to wage to get it.
If true, then you're not broke. Why fucking lie on an anonymous imageboard? NGMI.

>> No.24558463
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If she can cook and is an introvert/submissive type of girl with no friends then yes. Also if she burned the coal no

>> No.24558488

I need more booze and time. I’ll keep posting them through the weekend while it’s slow

>> No.24558491

I suspect because the interest rates to loan them out for shorting is exorbitant. They buy up the shares to hold then let other retards hold them short and collect the money

>> No.24558498

can i buy bitcoin on RH? meaning, are there any disadvantages to doing so

>> No.24558509

The big institutions must be wrong then

>> No.24558514

lol no

>> No.24558520

Good blackpill.
The S&P always recovers tho, and 99% of companies are dead jokes with a higher spread than daily volatiliy.

>> No.24558521

there are only 65 million shares outstanding

institutional ownership is actually above 100%

>> No.24558536

Retail investors are just gonna buy apple and what’s on reddit. It’s bullish their funding Cohen

>> No.24558539

We live in a post-Wolf of Wall Street world. When you call yourself a day trader people think your life is a fast-paced wild ride full of excitement.

Based. I've taken classes in several programming languages and python is by far the best one to learn first. The syntax is god-tier.

>> No.24558547


>> No.24558551

the ticker is non stop and since I am ocd I dont like it because it ruins my nice upward slope

>> No.24558573

I'm not saying that they're wrong. I'm saying I don't understand why they would buy GME.

>> No.24558574

If Amazon crabs for another week I'm going to scream.

>> No.24558584

thanks nigger

>> No.24558592
File: 75 KB, 556x702, 1565374542297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys when I was smoking I just had a suppressed memory of me and my ex girlfriend at the lake lying in hammock together come back. That was 10 years ago and now the negative reminders are coming back. How do I suppress this again for another 10 years?

>> No.24558601
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>When you call yourself a day trader people think your life is a fast-paced wild ride full of excitement.

If only the last part was true.

>> No.24558603

speaking of """daytrading"""
anyone in a TFSA right now intraday scalping??

heavily considering doing it on GME past $20, like if i mess up the scalp i was already planning to trim above $20 just to de-risk (been averaging in since $6 and I need to stop being 100% GME soon just because it's not good for stress)

>> No.24558609

are we expecting it to drop?

>> No.24558616

>massive options deals that aren't conducted in the usual way, through brokers
How do these things go down? How do the actors get in touch?

>> No.24558621

I trade in it every day

>> No.24558623

that's a man

>> No.24558626


>> No.24558633

Gamestop was in a strong position in the past, until they fucked it up by buying Spring Mobile instead of Twitch among other mistakes

but that's all a good thing because if they were actually a good company we would never have this opportunity this year

>> No.24558660

why april?

>> No.24558659

>buying Spring Mobile instead of Twitch

>> No.24558680


The old fashioned ways.

>> No.24558692

If GameStop falls down should I buy calls for $20

>> No.24558705

ive always kind of wanted to be a tower climber but never got around to applying anywhere

>> No.24558717


>> No.24558724

Have you tried becoming gay instead of just being a loser?

>> No.24558745

developments in AI with advances of semiconductor technology and the rise of cloud networks

>> No.24558760

Get a new fuck toy you pussy

>> No.24558762

No. Might try it. I'll let you know how it goes.

>> No.24558765

Fidelity is such trash

>> No.24558780

Ehh I'm not really into the corpse like fuck rubber.

>> No.24558782
File: 165 KB, 1080x1227, Screenshot_2020-12-05-05-01-35-255_com.fusionmedia.investing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I retarded for having a folio like this?

>> No.24558788
File: 38 KB, 680x589, C39543AB-9AB4-4885-800E-7C9E30C59198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are chads holding clf and gme calls and I couldn’t get them until now

>> No.24558798

I missed the whole thread cause I was watching Sean Hannity... did any of you actually post something that was relevant to asteroid mining and/or wasn't complete shit? I'm too fucking drunk to go back through the mountain of crap... and these update cliff notes are going to be the death of the thread...

>> No.24558800

Go turn cliffTranny into your slave and live off his funds

>> No.24558801

you're retarded for having velodyne instead of luminar, yes

>> No.24558812


>> No.24558823

Well then why are you crying over your old fuck toy? Go eat some ice cream and watch movies with the girls since clearly you aren't a man

>> No.24558826

>Lost a shit ton of money today because my Mutual funds were distributing dividends

>> No.24558827

Honestly that is starting to make my dick hard. If he started getting autistic and thread spamming I would beat him with a stick then take his boipucci.

>> No.24558832
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Good evening I hate CRSR

>> No.24558833
File: 79 KB, 980x828, 324ABB0A-2C7F-4109-8691-3FCB90FBD079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been brainwashed by tranny enthusiasts to fear that every thin woman you see may be a man
I’m just ball bustin guy. I am holding GME right now as well and I have a weird faith in them. Locking in contracts with consoles and servicing areas that have shit internet etc may keep them up while the rest of retail dies around them

>> No.24558841

Would that work?

>> No.24558842

Actually update anon actually got off his ass and made some shit that actually sums the thread even if your deaf and just watch the fucking thing.... i mean I don't like it, but its ok, but give it a separate bit equal pastebin and stop clogging up the op with that crap.

>> No.24558852

>not fucking actual corpses
Covid brought you these corpses put them to good use

>> No.24558858

Why would I have Luminar over Velodyne? LAZR has like a 5 times bigger marketcap, not one shipped and only one contract.

Velodyne seems way better in every way

>> No.24558859

I didn't think so. Thanks.

>> No.24558868
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, 1565372132454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i mean I don't like it
Gee I wonder why?

>> No.24558877

i own 300k shares of BOTY will I make it?

>> No.24558878

Works for most women

>> No.24558881

shipped unit* I mean velodyne isn't all hype and has products which it sells

>> No.24558882

i dunno much about greek but isn't the IV so high that buying OTM is a rip-off?

like extreme scenario, can someone explain to me why someone would pay $3.50/share on April 30c when the April 15c's aren't much more expensive at $6.60/share??
so when GME only hits $35 by April the 30c will probably be worth like $5/share while the 15c will be worth $15/share at that point with much lower risk. Why expose yourself to that kind of risk for little return?

seems like buying slightly OTM is best play

>> No.24558888

just remember she tongued elon's ass.

>> No.24558889

thoughts on PRPO? how did their q3 earnings report go? decent guidance?

>> No.24558916
File: 351 KB, 650x402, 986328A9-0703-44AB-BC79-848D045A6518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on it now. Hang around through the weekend and I’ll pump these broads out one by one until the tourists return Monday

>> No.24558926

Any calls or puts you cunts reccomend?

>> No.24558952

What are your guy’s favorite etfs for long term holding?

>> No.24558955

I can’t fucking stand long term investing. I want to do it but simply don’t want to live til 35 and 45 or worse even older. Even a week is too long. The fucking weekend waiting sucks

>> No.24558965

Grabbing 500k Monday. We’re definitely making it

>> No.24558985
File: 285 KB, 1237x1675, 4557929D-6AFD-40C7-AD39-51B02DD5F1AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is fine.
Honestly that is a plus for me because Elon is a rockstar autist and I’m happy he got to fulfill his dream of fucking the alt goth girl (Bouche) and Get action with some lesbians.
It’s all good by me as long as she doesn’t parade around with niggers

>> No.24559003

I dont like having to copy paste the whole thing and shit... i actually make an op every once and a while... can I ask you this? You ever log into 4channel and get to the biz board and you see there wasn't a stock market thread so you just made one for everyone? Don't wonder my intentions or motives, they'll come in time, focus on something else.

>> No.24559018

Wtf is this? It simply cant go any lower right??

>> No.24559026
File: 465 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201204-221632_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Ethereum Classic

>> No.24559037
File: 126 KB, 1200x799, FADC1338-7280-4D64-917A-6932CA6DCEAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it go lower, mathematically?

>> No.24559042
File: 1.47 MB, 897x900, F6726C13-2249-4E72-A45F-8346F6532E9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOTY stocks were used by ancient Egyptian merchants as good luck charms. They have been know to scare off Jews and were used to protect certain households from the plagues of Egypt.

>> No.24559045
File: 2.98 MB, 520x293, 1606748956525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek what the fuck?? Your caretaker (gookfu). Needs to come back and wipe the drool off of your mouth.

>> No.24559069

I mean eventually you have to disclose ownership because of ownership of a traded company... you're looking at getting bought out... its really a parliamentary system so owner keeps 50.00000001 percent control. And you get a 99.9999999 likelihood of being unable to do anything without concent.

>> No.24559106

Btw dont stop drinking until I get out of work. Talking to you when you're drunk is one of my favorite pastimes.

>> No.24559176

You want to know why Linda McMahon didn't win her senate race? Her husband's empire of wrestling and sports soap opera was a big part. She forgot we actually have nuclear power and build helicopters submarines and agricultural tobacco...

>> No.24559233

i bought 1.5 mil earlier today
sell order at .0003 will make me 200% profit lmao

it regularly goes practically to 0

>> No.24559265

obviously not betting more than i can afford to lose on the penny stock to end all penny stocks but its been on for years it's worth a gamble

>> No.24559271
File: 617 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20201204-165359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im retarded

>> No.24559279

Worst part is... she lost to a stolen Valor Parkinson retard how has a lisp... you can't buy Fairfield county... unfortunately you have to run as a Democrat get in senate then flip to a republican... and do it right for the counrty

>> No.24559306

Bake me a thread tranny

>> No.24559338


>> No.24559353

you're a bitch... bake your own thread.

>> No.24559382

Why are you so feisty tonight?

>> No.24559389

freedom of information act nigger... this guy glows in the dark... 1 post barks orders... nobody questions his authority. Look at the id

>> No.24559394
File: 129 KB, 1100x825, E3FE84AB-8D37-40F5-96AE-D29BB58FE20E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hrs probably watching Hannity again

>> No.24559403

hungry and its going to get ugly... im feeling like nobody loves me.

>> No.24559421

If I make a thread it'll be GME edition

>> No.24559439

Earth calling tranny. Bake me a fucking thread

>> No.24559468

what is average return for your lifestyle generally?

>> No.24559486

wheres the fucking bread

>> No.24559489


>> No.24559490

I fucked up the links

>> No.24559576

>HCAC after hours up 26%
Hope you are selling on Monday.

>> No.24559827

diamond handing it, its 1/6th the valuation of ciic and has more catalysts to pump even higher. im just dumb for selling calls when its pumping this quick