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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 915 KB, 2804x3874, __kurumizawa_satanichia_mcdowell_gabriel_dropout_drawn_by_greatmosu__f19c91a8e7f750b975921398beeade2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24553108 No.24553108 [Reply] [Original]

I recently decided to cash out some crypto gains and wanted to treat myself since I rarely do so.
>be me and decide to go on date at Chili's.
>I drive my car and my date to the Chili's.
>I go to the front of the store and don't really know what to do, if I should sit at a table, or if they will give us a table.
>A lady comes up to us and then asks me "sir would you like a mask?".
>Remember my mask is in the car.
>tell her "oh I forgot it in the car let me go get it.".
>She tells me "sir, here's a mask please wear it".
>I get my wallet out of my pocket and am going to pay for it.
>"no don't worry, it's yours for free".
>I think to myself, cool a free mask, that's nice.
>she guides us to the table.
>we sit down.
>they only give us one menu.
>think to myself that they must be jewwing us, but I can't say that in public.
>I ask "could we get a 2nd menu".
>she tells me "no, due to covid, we are only giving 1 menu per 2 people".
>still a little upset.
>let my date pick their meal.
>we both get a coke.
>they bring us big cups of coke filled with ice.
>I go through my 1st cup before she comes back to get my order.
>She says "let me get you another coke hun.".
>I ask "will it cost money?".
>she says "no dear, there are free refills.".
>I agree.
>I get the queso burger.
>She looks at me and corrects my pronunciation.
>I say "oh s-sorry, I didn't know how to say it...".
>my date orders steak fajita and nachos for us.
>the nachos arrive first and we share them.
>the nachos have meat filling and cheese melted on top of them.
>I put guacamole and sour cream and lettuce on top.
>it tastes good.
>I drop some inside of my hoodie sleeve.
>I have to wipe it off.
>I get nachos all over my face and my date keeps telling me to wipe my face off.
>it's not my fault, the nachos are just big...
>the waitress comes back and brings me my burger and my dates steak fajita.
>my burger has a knife in it.

>> No.24553126

>intimidated I eat the fries first, fries are yummy.
>I decide to eat the burger, and am not sure what to do with the knife.
>I guess its to keep the big burger together, so I eat around it.
>After I take a few bites my date tells me to take the knife out.
>I say "oh okay sorry"
>I hold it in my hands, but my hands get dirty.
>I try waving to the waitress, but get ignored.
>wait a few minutes and she comes back around, and ask "could I get more napkins?".
>she says "sure hun.".
>I already used like 6 napkins.
>She brings me my 3rd coke also with my napkins.
>I finish the burger and she asks me if I want a another coke."
>free things are nice and I got a lot of coke already, so I get a 4th coke, cool.
>I let my date pay, I give her money and she pays with it, I'm not really sure how to sign the receipt or whatever.
>She left them a 20% tip, kinda big, but I guess it's okay.
>We leave and then I drive back home

The food was pretty good but it kinda cost a lot, maybe if I make a bunch more on crypto I can go again. What have you done with your crypto gains /biz/?

>> No.24553246

start smoking stogies and Captain Blacks

>> No.24553405

if your pasta doesn't fit in 1 message kys

>> No.24553406

4 minutes I will never get back. What is wrong with /g/ays

>> No.24553503

100%. wanted to improve my privacy game so entered the EPICenter ecosystem. never looked back since then

>> No.24553602

I don't want to smoke
I went outside today
I was with a girl

>> No.24553793

Missoni Sweaters.

>> No.24553814

Satania is cute!

>> No.24553845
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 1231241231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but he needs to find a hide-out place to smoke some.

>> No.24553905

future wife smokes as well

>> No.24554024

How did it take you 4 minutes to read that?

>> No.24554060

was this your first time out anon?

>> No.24554066

I saved the Satania. That’s all. Bye

>> No.24554138

I usually help my mom cook food, she has nerve damage and cant lift pots or cut vegetables much. She just tells me what to do, I make a lot of mistakes. But yeah I rarely eat food outside.

>> No.24554140

OP, you kinda sound like me when I was in my early twenties. Skittish, awkward, and worrying about inconsequential things. Go get a job at a bar, and you'll either be forced to become more confident or at the very lease realize some things about yourself if you have any self-awareness.

>> No.24554268


>> No.24554333

Why didn't you take the knife out?

>> No.24554353

I expected a funny twist or ending. wtf was that story?
>I went on a date and it was mediocre

>> No.24554480

if this is not a LARP, why the fuck would you drink four bottles of coke just because they're free, on an actual date
and why would you ask if the coke is free what is wrong with you anon

>> No.24554502
File: 143 KB, 325x220, Wanna get zappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea ive been buying lots of vn's

>> No.24554674 [DELETED] 

Why did you send me this post, this place looks like a worse version of reddit, we just went out to chilis together and for some reason you wrote a story about it??