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24552447 No.24552447[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nigpublicans are destroying American democracy as we speak.
How will this affect crypto?

>> No.24552471

if youre not a republican in 2020 i just assume youre a mentally ill faggot

>> No.24552516

if you don’t want the US to be destroyed you’re a fucking burger amerimutt

>> No.24552539

Democracy+universal suffrage is gay as hell, and the worst form of government.

>> No.24552549

>leftist should get to cheat with impunity
>pointing out cheating is destroying democracy
>us flooding the country with hostile voters isn't cheating

>> No.24552557


Yeah, it's madness. It doesn't even make any sense to let literally everyone vote, including homeless people who could only ever fuck up the purity of the opinion pool.

>> No.24552568

Finding widespread voter fraud is destroying democracy? I don't know if you understand what you're saying.

>> No.24552573

>tfw no iq suffrage census

>> No.24552670

Are we living on the same planet?
Even Trump’s lawyers had to admit they don’t have shit when they actually got to court. You really think he wasn’t gonna claim victory regardless of the outcome? You think the fat fuck wouldn’t rather burn the whole thing down than lose?

>> No.24552696
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Yeah fuck democracy lets just let the government decide whats best for ud lmao

The problem isnt democracy in of itself, faggot. If the population has good upbringing in a healthy family unit and is well educated in an unmolested school system, then democracy works. The problem is indoctrinating and retarding the population so they can control democracy. I wonder whos behind it?

>> No.24552759

You didn't see the georgia hearings? Or the countless sworn testimonies? I don't think we are living on the same planet.

>> No.24552798

>if you're not a proud loser you're mentally ill

>> No.24552828
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>tfw the media was saying "no fraud occurred"
>now they're saying "no widespread fraud"
>tfw there could be widespread fraud but no one in this cancerous system will ever care to investigate and formally uncover it

>> No.24552914
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>> No.24552970

Wrong the problem IS with democracy itself.

The entire incentive structure of the system revolves around winning short term political victories. It’s a race to the bottom of public bribes and corruption.

>> No.24553014

Jannies, can you please make a new board for the faggots that come from pol, but act like they know or care about crypto? I'll pay you extra this week