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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24550831 No.24550831 [Reply] [Original]

What is API3, really? What's the consensus on it?

>> No.24551064

possibly a very succesful oracle project and will probably flip band with just the whitepaper. hopefully they deliver.

>> No.24551153

Currently? ETH20 shittoken with insane volume. Potentially: good legit project with actual usecases and developers who know their stuff, but they need to deliver, and to deliver fast to sustain their current momentum. In the future? they either fuck up and go to zero, or they get their shit together and can potentially become a Top 100 coin.

>> No.24551190

Thanks. I'll look into it

>> No.24551194

Chainlink killer

>> No.24551224

That's a meme to trigger stupid nulinkers. Both can well coexist and be synergetic.

>> No.24551250

Where to buy?

>> No.24551337


>> No.24551379

Is it even worth buying at 2.37?

>> No.24551423


It was worth it yesterday just above 1$. It's about dump time.

>> No.24551431

i dunno

i need to know the circulating supply
anyone got that for me?

>> No.24551486
File: 135 KB, 1823x547, pajeets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres absolutely nothing suspicous about this project, infact the same people who created this project DID NOT completely ditch their previous project and its investors. this is a GREAT project!

>> No.24551555

It's like link but for multiple chains and completely decentralised. API3 is what LINK was suppost to be

>> No.24551558

20m circulating and rest is vesting for a long time.

It still has legs and binance listing is probably coming soon because of the volume. But DYOR because it has already mooned some.

Not so sure if its done yet.

>> No.24551575


i dunno im doing research onchain to see what the top holders are doing. looks like accumulation desu, top wallets keep buying more EVEN ones that received presale tokens. That means even at current price (.30 cents above presale) early investors are buying more and more.


this guy just tried to reverse shill... i scoped out his wallet and he is buying a fuck ton.personally i always go where the big money goes but this project did just kinda come out of nowhere. it will either be forgoten in a week OR hit the top 100 in a week.

>> No.24551588

consensus is buy SKL

>> No.24551604
File: 46 KB, 209x205, boomercarl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First party oracle solution. Bypasses the decentralized oracle by allowing traditional oracles (Bloomberg, DxFeed, Refinitiv) to print data on chain without a DeOracle consensus mechanism.

It offers traditional oracles to be competitive against decentralized oracles on the blockchain, and that's why this will take off. Legacy reputation systems will get a chance to compete against decentralized game theory systems, and although I believe it goes against what cryptocurrency is as a whole, it was inevitable that something like this would come to exist. From what I understand it's the first dedicated First Party Oracle solution in the market, and that's why I invested in it.

Though it may be subversive, offering an attack vector for legacy centralized systems to gain a foothold in our new decentralized systems, once again, it was inevitable that this happened.

So the question is, will you buy in or leave the money on the table?

>> No.24551651


What kind of drugs are you smoking? Do you know what a moon is? This is literally only .44 cents over presale price ($2).

This literally will 10x within the next week. Screen cap this and make sure you get me in it when it makes it to Reddit.

>> No.24551857

dont want to be like you shouting for a 10x in a week, but yes i can see it going way higher and i hold 7k.

>> No.24552036


legendary reverse counter fud anon

>> No.24552891

So, convert money to USDC, then convert USDC to API3 in Uniswap correct?

>> No.24552942

API3 will destroy chainlink

>> No.24552998

nice digits but this is cope. API3 is like the Chainlink killer

>> No.24553021

No use eth

>> No.24553037

Convert LINK to API3. This is the Chainlink killer

>> No.24553124

you can convert any eth token to another, thats the whole point of Uniswap

>> No.24553165

UNISWAP works best when you convert shit into gold

>> No.24553393

It's the latest way of getting newfags to sell their LINK for a flavour of the week currycoin.

>> No.24553469

Burak smart man work hard at the chainlink now find problem many problem chainlink. API3 WILL DESTROY THE CHAINLINKS

>> No.24553487

I’m gonna wait for the hype to die down. It always does. The idea is good but watch out there were people that got in at 0.3 and they can crash the price at any time.

>> No.24553537

>The idea is good but watch out there were people that got in at 0.3 and they can crash the price at any time.
Stop writing shit out your ass, there was only one guy who got in before $1 and he bought the whole stack at 50 cents and dumped it back, then the first buyers got in at 1.3 usd

>> No.24553583


>> No.24553669

Team literally born on 4chan /biz/, greedy third world scammers (literal Turks, Serbians(?), Indians... on team), constantly lying, backed by sore losers that missed out on link and are now aggressively trying to get back at it (Pantera = the VC team that's also responsibly for convincing Compound not to use Chainlink's most secure oracles, and as a result lost 100m in user funds = protip: they have a terrible reputation and this isn't a team you want behind a legitimate product), no devs only marketers, no product, no testnet, not even a network, just a DAO token, VCs bought at .30, only 10% of supply sold, etc.

>> No.24553688

API3 is literally the greatest thing since gold

>> No.24553700


>> No.24553827

Is there really any evidence of Indian devs on this project? I will seriously sell my bag if that is the case

>> No.24553851


>> No.24553853


plz do the needy sirs, frogs only


>> No.24553906

But what if I wanna keep my Link and ETH?

>> No.24553944


>> No.24553957


>> No.24553966

Dogshit old token. API3 go moon

>> No.24553983

A whitepaper..

>> No.24554073
File: 190 KB, 960x596, api3_balkan_edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serbia is first world

>> No.24554163

I got in at $1.07, all of the $0.56 got bought up by one cunt who dumped it back. Any $0.30 buyers are locked in a 3 year + 6 mo cliff vesting period so that's 40MM API3 out of circulation as far as we're concerned. Fud around early price is tarded, as far as we're concerned, nobody bought under $1 cept for the one asshole who gamed the system and subsequently dropped it off on uniswap where it got devoured.

>> No.24554182

why isn't this shit 2x everyday!?!?! SOLD

>> No.24554664

where do i buy this shit?

>> No.24554744

In the alley behind any serbian brothel

>> No.24554778

Yep it was bought so much at around 2$ now that it’s pretty much not going below so it’s pretty bullish kek

>> No.24554867

getting triatics (TRA) vibes from this. wouldn't surprise me if its the same team

>> No.24554958
File: 1.01 MB, 1096x3987, 1600577462223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are people who fell for this

>> No.24554984

hahahaha, fuck,guess i lost like 2k usd

>> No.24555220

>two devs and a woman

>> No.24555258

Unwrap eth, load into their wallet, find api thru gecko list, swap, create custom token in your wallet with 18 decimals

>> No.24555438

I would unironically buy from a team that looked like that.

>> No.24555727
File: 56 KB, 1157x501, 2020-12-05-040549_1157x501_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, nice FUD butthurt linkie.
Second, this pajeet is not github developers, he is just Telegram jannie who does it for free
Third, all 3 devs are white, 1 dev is working on DAO and not listed on Github
Fourth, Matic is just their first partnership during ICO, they are already backed by Greyscale, and many more, check their website, or this pic.

>> No.24555745

Describe the nature of the partnership with Kleros.

>> No.24555750

Also they already mentioned that they are getting more developers soon

>> No.24555793
File: 37 KB, 517x509, 2020-12-05-040941_517x509_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the whitepaper, it's all there. But you are probably a nigger and can't read

>> No.24555805
File: 494 KB, 1112x2628, 1586608223224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>business developer
>Telegram jannie
How do you think CLC/API3 gets all its high level partnerships?

>> No.24555825

this is some of the funniest fud ever.

>> No.24556115
File: 270 KB, 925x1032, 1597313990090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The TG has people asking how to buy API3 and they don't even know about Uniswap.
Is this bullish?
I honestly don't know.

>> No.24556138

Nigger, I am sorry that you didn't buy API at 1.3$, but with the fud like this you probably don't deserve to make it anyway. Stay mad

>> No.24556193
File: 100 KB, 1024x1024, 1596579834305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they have a functioning product?

>> No.24556203

So you're unable to describe in simple terms?

>> No.24556245

It is. Newfags buying is good short term.

>> No.24556589

I was in that thread. Its true

>> No.24556943

Street shitters making so much money off the wave of newfags in here.

>> No.24557293
