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24547464 No.24547464 [Reply] [Original]

Can money actually make you happy? I'm much wealthier than people of my age but I'm dead inside, nothing interest me anymore. What do?

>> No.24547504

maybe quit being a bitch and show me your pussy....?

>> No.24547511

You start by realizing this man will never be a woman

>> No.24547550

This man looks better than my current gf

>> No.24547553

try getting friends

>> No.24547555

Maybe stop masturbating to trannies is a god start.

>> No.24547572

a lot of these trannies don't even claim to be women. They just straight up admit to being degenerates.

>> No.24547622

It's a quadratic relationship, money makes you happy until you're to the point where you don't have to worry about money, food, etc., any more money after that point lowers your happiness.

>> No.24547637


>> No.24547692

i love this bitch so much :P

>> No.24547712
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>> No.24547730

Never seen a group of degenerates need so much attention and acceptance. No one actually gives a fuck if they want to look like a-sexual whored out fuck bots

>> No.24547759

kek. By it's own nature, currency is a mean of exchange, it's used to get you the things you want, like a car or a flatscreen. "happiness" is a state of mind. Work on that, anon. Money is something else entirely.

>> No.24547786

you are rich, fine you are okay in ONE aspect of your life. cool.
What about the others.
>physical wellbeing.
>relationships. romantic/familial
>fulfillment in what you are doing
>meaningful hobbies that enrich your life.
>charity if you are into that. or mentorship
>political engagement, depends on what scale you want to go to.

People like you are the most boring people I know, have a mental breakdown after the rigid environment of school/college. Don't know what to do.
A man after he finishes up his base challenges must rise to meet higher and bigger challenges. Wtf is happiness anyways, being drugged out on dopamine all the fucking time. And stop comparing to others anyways, you look to yourself first.

>> No.24547830

Not about wealth in comparison to others, its about your ability to actualize life you want to lead. Thinking about how terrible others lives are isn't going to cheer you up or get you any closer to your dreams.

>> No.24547886

Go find a sport to engage in. One that will be as social and as technical as you want it to be. Learn the ropes and then start to volunteer for more responsibilities within the group.

BJJ, especially if the gym produces MMA fighters or has a tournament culture is a great place to get some social engagement, a great workout and work on a technical mindset.

>> No.24547918

Never seen anyone frowning on a jet ski

>> No.24548024

In the end. Nothing matters.

The sooner you realize this. You can take hold of your well being.

>> No.24548417

People like you are the most apathetic pieces of trash.

>> No.24548454

It can give you freedom to find what makes you happy. Money gives you time and opportunity.

>> No.24548503

Comfort is a rare commodity that many people would kill or die for. Take solace in that.

>> No.24548626

go skydiving

>> No.24549113

Asking the real question.

>> No.24549134

Thats a man

>> No.24549157

How do you find new friends online? Apps?

>> No.24549438
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Do you wagecuck? If yes, enough money to not work for others could make you far less miserable. If you don't, having to wage would make you double unhappy.

>> No.24549918

No it doesn't. Only poor people think it does

>> No.24549974

>Can money actually make you happy?
Only up to a certain point. There's a threshold of money that can make you feel more secure about your financial wellbeing and put you at ease, but once you reach that threshold of security you get highly diminishing returns of happiness for dollars earned. At that point, money will help you afford other things that may make you happy, but the money itself stops being a source of happiness. Once you get there you need to take steps to find out what things you enjoy and pursue them actively.

>> No.24550018

Hell yeah. If you give me enough money where I won't ever have to work another day in my life, you will see the biggest fucking smile on my face.

>> No.24550029

>Wtf is happiness anyways, being drugged out on dopamine all the fucking time.
Based. Contentment is a good goal, happiness is fleeting. You can feel content with your position without feeling happy.

>> No.24550079

That'll just give this faggot existential anxiety. Nothing worse than realizing you're completely isolated and empty inside thanks to your endless greed.

>> No.24550123


stop beeing a faggot. Try finding a purpose in life and work for it. Founding a family is the standard way.

>> No.24550890


>> No.24551330

kek same I’ll cum down his throat

>> No.24551682
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I'm going to tell you something that many of these brainlets cant grasp.

Be warned though, this is cursed knowledge. This logical reasoning and scientific deduction applied to your life will completely suck any purpose and romanticism out of it.

I suggest you take the blue pill and just follow the self help book tier advice in the thread.

Anyway, all that happiness is, is the reward pathways in your brain firing in certain ways.
People turn to drugs to artificially stimulate dopaminergic, serotinergic, opiod, enkephalin etc, receptors. The problem with this is that it causes receptor downregulation and excitotoxicity.

When you were a kid, your receptors weren't downregulated, and your brain could synchronize its reward pathways to fire efficiently but as you have aged, this system has been damaged somewhat.

The answer it to find a way to upregulate the receptors, keep a healthy supply of the right neurotransmitters, and re-organise the brain to fire efficiently and in sync.

>> No.24551847

And thats how you know they're right wing degenerates. If they were leftists they'd swear in the heart they're a woman trapped in a man's body.

Now now, I hear you now "he not right wing he degenerate!!!". He is a conservative inc. right winger, okay?