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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24537848 No.24537848 [Reply] [Original]

>barely £40k to my name

>> No.24537896
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>Barely 2k€ to my name

>> No.24537910

>barely 100k to my name

>> No.24537914

That's not bad at all

>> No.24537918

May God have mercy on your soul

>> No.24537929 [DELETED] 

Bros, I found a post about duckdao.io, the first crypto incubator. Does anyone take part in this platform?
Seems like their DDIM tokenomic shows amazing results

>> No.24537939
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> 20
> 52k to my name

>> No.24537964

23 and I have 10k€ to my name. Am I gonna make it, if I put it all in XRP?

>> No.24537974

going to be blunt here, no

>> No.24538147

lmao, I am 26 too and I do not have 5k to my name but it feels nice to be alive.

>> No.24538243

im 30 years old and I barely have 3k USD in my bank account lol

>> No.24538254

I can empathise anon same

>> No.24538327

You don't need to lie to make me feel better

>> No.24538369

i have around 100k in land and 10k in cash on my name and I feel fucking alive

>> No.24538372

Dude, this is the reality for most people these days.

You aren't special.

>> No.24538411

i dont want to be ordinary all my life

>> No.24538427

$0 to my name

>> No.24538484

> 22
> $1.7m to my name
> $50m waiting, when I take over family business
> shitload of money waiting to be inherited, since I'm the only child

fuck you OP

>> No.24538512

I don't lie man. We are just in the way of making gains and frens. Do not let wealth take on your health.

>> No.24538549

im 29 and drowning in debt right now. you'll be alright.

>> No.24538575

>almost 29
>net worth only £20k

>> No.24539535

That's actually pretty good. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.24539540

22, 200k in property and 70k salary, feels good man.

>> No.24539652
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Probably about the same net worth as you OP, but 27. Feels like an endless paddle to stay above water. I just want to own a small home in the tundra where I can be a hermit in the woods, kidnapping naive hiking blonde women and breeding them.

>> No.24539703

>to my name

>> No.24539741

Same at these ages. Maybe worse. Now 32 making ~210k/yr (75% passive) with net worth of ~800k. Things can change fast.

>> No.24539800

Yeh especially for the UK. If you can get a decent salary it's likely you'll be raped on living expenses. Thank god for covid i'm going remote in a van.

>> No.24539835

UBI will make all of your problems go away
But only if you take the vaccine ;)

>> No.24539882

I know a lot of people personally aged 30 and younger who are a lot worse off - the common denominator amongst them is debt

>> No.24539932

Dude how is that "same"...?
Not sure if you are legit stupid and are just implying that you're bad at managing money or humble bragging but 210k a year is way more than what I along with majority of the population makes.

>> No.24539997

Bro thats crazy! I make 211k/yr (76% passive).

>> No.24540008

Are you retarded? Do you not know how to read? >>24539741 is saying that WHEN he was the same ages as >>24538243 and >>24538243 (you, retard) he had the same amount of money as you.

Now 2 years later he's making much more. You don't deserver to make it you absolute fucking autist.

>> No.24540039

Yeah i misread his post lol

No need to have an absolute sperg attack though you autistic mongrel

>> No.24540058

so what changed?

>> No.24540065
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>Barely $150k to my name

>> No.24540103
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>lost everything
>around 3k to my name
>yesterday bought my first crypto for the lulz, 100 eur of eth
>It's 96 now

>> No.24540126


This. Hello fellow high iq friend.

>> No.24540148

I'm sure you're doing better than the average 26 year old bongistani

>> No.24540178

>makes not one but two errors in his post, possibly because his train of thought was so clouded by autistic rage
>high iq

>> No.24540270

Holy fuck you’re stupid lol

>> No.24540747

>4.5k in debt


>> No.24540848

>rich & young
>gets on 4chan
So what’s wrong with you? Autistic? Fat?

>> No.24541044

>27 yo europoor
>$80k in btc eth and link
right now im feelin very comfy while waiting bullrun

>> No.24541071

I'm 20, got 25 bucks in my account rn bro

>> No.24542720

26, 23k in crypto 21k cash

>> No.24542770 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 2274x1416, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you know about DuckDAO?

Found Medium article about their Crypto Incubator, seems safe, share your opinion about it.

>> No.24542886

Lmao I'm 26 and have like 5k in the bank and just 1 BTC. No fucks given.

>> No.24542901
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19 and 20k

>> No.24542919

way too based

>> No.24542959

can't wait until kamala assumes power and you have to gibs me 90% of dat inheritance white boy

>> No.24543011

Never get into a habit of drinking. You;ll spend all of your money away. I have a dangerously low amount of money for being 33.

>> No.24543066
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>like 120k

>> No.24543111


>> No.24543177

>about £1k tops

>> No.24543328
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>had 23k in my savings
>decide its time to move out, move into a house with 3 friends
>had to pay half of rent upfront, 6 months later Im down to 13k
Atleast my account will rocket back up after January

>> No.24543384

>buys in at the peak with a poultry amount of money
Should have bought a alt coin like XRP, they usually go up a month or two after BTC hits an all time high

>> No.24543396

I hope so, anon. I believe that we all can make it!

>> No.24544405
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>£70k net worth

>> No.24544557

>equity in a run-down condo
>~~*~ i n l a n d ~*~~

>> No.24544595
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>no debt
>$120k crypto portfolio
>$30k in 401k
>$5k in savings account

>> No.24544614
File: 56 KB, 600x900, E787BED4-E884-49FE-8AA8-A46D2365EF9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a poultry amount of money

>> No.24544641
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>20k networth

>> No.24545394

>570k to my name

>> No.24545419

>10k€... Am I gonna make it
>if I put it all in XRP
hard no

>> No.24545526

Half of it in XRP

>> No.24545634
File: 33 KB, 567x422, 1529927542819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 36 and married and i have only $13k fiat an $40k crypto
i feel lost bros

>> No.24545696

Low 6 digit purgatory is real. When I had 10k I thought 100k would change my life.
I live a daily wage cuck hell.

>> No.24545709

You know that's not bad you retard. Millions of bongs are 30 and have fuck all savings

>> No.24545797

28 350k
the only thing that changes is that you can hold a shitton of shiny rocks and you can dump 10k into ipos

>> No.24545821

I can't wait until your family business is forced to hire blacks and it collapses

>> No.24545827

You don't know true hell until you make it to $1,000,000 and realize you still can't retire because of how expensive health care is when you're not attached to an employer

>> No.24545862

Huh? Just get catastrophic insurance it’s like $100/mo for 2-3 ppl. Deductible is $16k per year but you could save that in one year of paying a premium for a regular deductible

>> No.24545971

I guess I'm retarded then, I only know of COBRA and it sounded like the payments for it were so high that I might as well just get some braindead job someplace for the better health insurance

>> No.24546175

It’s the Jews tricks to keep you enslaved

>> No.24546243

>calls a guy stupid
>he was actually in the wrong
>gets corrected and called (rightfully) stupid
>gets mad that someone called him stupid after he called someone stupid

>> No.24546264

With such btc growing a lot of people try to join in crypto and defi

>> No.24546680

IDK about "a lot of people", looks to me like the big investment craze right now is Pokemon cards

>> No.24547825

20k in my late 20s but it's only because of the covid stimulus and other government incentives (which is why i'll never have a problem paying taxes, handouts literally saved my life and got me back on my feet). i worked part time before that for a year and a half as my only job in my life and managed to save about 5k from that, trying to find a better way forward atm