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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24537381 No.24537381 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on RLC im so tempted to get 10k barrels but i also hear its a ranjeet shitcoin

>> No.24537398

>sirs, fellow anon bizposter here - should i purchase shitcoin x? please if one of the sirs who definitely does not know me from a telegram could come in and start shilling shitcoin x it would be most excellent

>> No.24537404


it's the internet's next step
read the whitepaper, DYOR
it's the most promising blockchain project there is

people are too concerned about the currency part of crypto and not nearly enough about the technology behind it

this is going to be the next $1+ trillion dollar company, next to Apple, Microsoft, Google and Amazon

>> No.24537436
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imagine buying from a known scammer. RLC bros are just waiting to dump their 2017 bags on newfags

>> No.24537446

I have no sympathy to anyone FOMOing to this shitcoin right now

>> No.24537453
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It's dogshit. Shilled nonstop for 3 years and P&D infinite times.

>> No.24537457


not true, I have my bag and am never selling, I just want my biz bros to make it

>> No.24537549

You think that screenshot is real? lol

>> No.24537564

Gilles is blowing through money. 3 fired and only 2 new hires this year? what is going on

>> No.24537570 [DELETED] 

Have you ever faced the problem of police brutality? I know one great player that can solve it. The gotEM has all chances to go to the moon next year!

>> No.24537594


>> No.24537596 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 2274x1416, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it good to play duckdao.io, found post about their crypto incubator and long-term investment model? Seems profitable but want to know your opinion

>> No.24538382

I doubled my money since I started to follow the fud/shill. And Its still 1$, I can still hop on

>> No.24538397

Tip: if you say "barrels" everybody will know that you're a shill

>> No.24539249

put some effort in your shill and dog shit posting

>> No.24539357

kek, stupid ranjeets

>> No.24539602

I have 11k. I’m 100% sure that the AMF/SEC deal will put rlc on big exchanges in USA. Already that will make the coin ath.

Now about eRLC, I hope that this will be the bridge between enterprises and blockchains. We don’t know yet if it will work as nobody tried before.
But the team seems to want to succeed and they have the ability so I’m think about going all in even :)

>> No.24540236
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Didn't OCEAN try someting like the "Marketplace", or it's totally different

>> No.24540856

im an iexecjeet yes im a iexecjeet! white straight male from europe, pretending oiler jeet hey. I'm an iexecjeet, yes im an iexecjeet, collecting more barrels, make my folio bleed!

>> No.24540916

I don't get the FUD
Why do people waste time FUDing such a pathetic coin? It's not going anywhere...

>> No.24541485

Absolute shitcoin.

>> No.24541872


>> No.24543055

when I came back to biz I assumed rlc was a scam like statera but after a bit of research it’s solid. Not to mention the project will moon off buzzwords alone (AI , Cloud Computing...)

>> No.24543108

Rlc will be too 50 off buzzwords and memes alone , that’s like 80% of value in crypto and I’m not even making a joke

>> No.24543126

sure just like it did in 2017? Pure vaporwave.

>> No.24543708
File: 117 KB, 1280x1080, duumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any big dates coming up? has there even been any development lately? fucking bags are getting heavy as shit this is a stablecoin nothing more

>> No.24544275

Don't know never see posts about RLC on here. I have 50k that's sitting need to put it somewhere if this unknown coin is mooning.

>> No.24544307

No sell it all.

>> No.24544328

RLC posters got banned because jannies are accumulating

>> No.24544706
File: 875 KB, 500x396, 1606997967027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2021 is the year of the oil.

>> No.24544843

don't buy it's a scam

>> No.24544870


>> No.24544910

It's a great alternative to Tether

>> No.24545124

You really believe that ICO founders aren't buying cars and houses from the raised funds?

>> No.24545164

iexec is basically digital oil it's the new standard for cloud computing

>> No.24545230

>it's the new standard for cloud computing
How about no.

>> No.24545370

How about yes, noiler faggot

>> No.24545423

>there are people here who unironically believe this bullshit

>> No.24545543

Sirs please don't buy RLC I need to do the needful and accumulate more at low price or my village will starve in coming year. Thank you and good day!

>> No.24545625

> new standard
> 0 users in 3.5 years
> everything that iexec does is already handled by AWS/GCP/Azure with much more features and convenience and without the need to buy fucking digital dogshit on shitcoin exchanges

>> No.24546658

ah thanks just wanted to harvest some (You)'s before going out for lunch
i read the iexec whitepaper and watched their video and actually believe it's the biggest piece of shit
xrp 2k eoy

>> No.24546830

Total Supply
86,999,785 RLC

Market Cap

Price Today: 0.96

>> No.24546833
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>xrp 2k eoy

>> No.24547268

Try to use it on real application and if you success buy it

>> No.24547847

even if true, so does every fucking tech entrepreneur

>> No.24547888

I'm all in

>> No.24548944

checked for $888 by EOY 2021

>> No.24549028

Au contraire mon frère
I don't get the shilling
It will go up anyway

>> No.24549088

When is the sec approuval for usa ?

>> No.24549133

The minute your spelling improves

>> No.24549183

Mr Monopoly said on Telegram that is taking too much time and maybe it's because they will deny it

>> No.24549222


>> No.24549231

He wants to buy lower

>> No.24549269


>> No.24549746
File: 655 KB, 640x480, rlc_matrix.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


iExec RLC

What it can do
decentralized cloud, trusted executions, cloud resources (data sets, computing power, ...) marketplace, trusted doracles, tokenization & monetization of cloud assets (NFTs), ENS and it's FULLY COMPLIANT (French SEC approved, so basicly EU approved, so basicly USA approved, so basicly Coinbase, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, ... approved)

Partnerships and collaborations
Intel, Alibaba Cloud, Nvidia, EU commision (Ontochain) + French SEC approves, Ubisoft, EEA, CCC, EDF, Chainlink, OpenSSF, IBM Cloud, NCTU, Genesis Cloud, H7, BPI France, Scontain, Shift, Fortanix, TFCloud, Nerdalize, Ubisoft, Cloud & Heat, Stimergy, OpenFog, ...

Next technical release
V5 2nd part. FOG/edge computing to keep the latency low for tasks that require real time data.

Upcoming adoption releases
eRLC which is a fully compliant version of RLC for companies and is 1:1 interchangeable with RLC. If you look at the adoption roadmap you can also clearly see NDAs being revealed soon

DOT parachain, sidechains that handle computations with 0 fees, Intel SGX and TEE intergrated oracles, best memes on the internet, they are working with google

>> No.24549784
File: 157 KB, 741x674, fuck_no_oilers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Notice how big players are mentioning iExec and not just the other way around? Yeah.




European Commission


Also take a look at the 7 PhD team

And the CEO

Normie Solution presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IESv4BNw8Q
iExec Solution presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ckHCmLQJQc
Cloud computing as a Commodity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSBIk35YsUc
Health care use case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCsasSNYo-4
Smart traffic controls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDk1D9L8Au0
5G power rescue robots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEh3JHivS10

Website: https://iex.ec/
Medium: https://medium.com/iex-ec
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iEx_ec
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/iExec/videos <--- Look at their showcases or demo videos
Adoption roadmap: https://trello.com/b/oSCT5z09/iexec-adoption-roadmap

>> No.24550309

When? Which channel? I cant see it