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24534418 No.24534418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's the point of accumulating wealth if you have no wife or kids to spend it on?

>> No.24534429

Feels man. Was thinking the same today.

>> No.24534466

when you get the money you get the powa
when you get the powa you get the girls
- tony montana

>> No.24534560

this isn't about girls. getting girls is not the hard part.
even if you're an ugly son of a bitch you can always buy an escort.
this is about having a loving wife and kids.
this is about finding someone who will stick with you and be your partner.
call me a pessimist but it just seems impossible at this point.

>> No.24534644

Even if you can't find a wife or have kids, you can use your wealth to help create a world where the next generation won't have trouble finding a loving wife that will stick them.
That starts with removing the things that are corrupting them. That requires institutional and political power.
Follow Nick Fuentes if you're not already, him and the AF crowd seem to be the only ones taking it seriously.

>> No.24534662

>yeah you'll get safe consistent gains
As long your no longer waging that matters the most.

>> No.24534688

There’s so much you can do.. go on a cruise and hookup with other singles on the ship, travel to tropical locations, buy yourself a nice car. Live a little

>> No.24534691
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You need to work on yourself. You cannot be happy with yourself you will CERTAINLY not achieve happiness with other people. You are projecting your happiness on your wife and kids and that is not true happiness.

>> No.24534705

>marrying in 2020
this board is full of idiots.

>> No.24534724

You fucking idiot cant enjoy a life really mother fucker is the only thing you have stop your bullshit and realize is the only life you have duckin imbecile asshole

>> No.24534767
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Just be yourself. You have a whole lifetime of being yourself ahead of you anon!

>> No.24534839

you can have a twitch gf, desu. drop a little $50 charitable contribution to your favorite e-girl every week - closest thing i got to a trad gf.

>> No.24534844


>> No.24534865

I have a wife and kids, I'm also unironically all in DEXG, life's good.

>> No.24534896

Freedom. It's all I want in life, to not have to go to bed every night and wake up at 6 A.M. to go into work for 10 hours every fucking day

>> No.24534916

you would raise a spoiled brat that doesn’t appreciate you buying it $20,000 gifts and an annoying wife with an inflated ego that will eventually leave you. I’ve seen it so many times already

>> No.24534921

Im married to a thai girl, have a wonderful son and my parents send me money here on thailand from back in the united states.
Were going to spend a weekend on the a hotel by the beach on new years too.
And i only get like $1200 a month, but im not concerned about money really, this crypto gambling is just for fun.
Im also trying to do web design to earn a little extra cash.
Stop being so greedy guys, just like have your parents pay for your stuff stoopid.

>> No.24534922

I've been thinking about this lately. I thought I had it all planned. Become a millionaire before I turn 35 and then retire in Thailand so I can bang cute whores forever. But I know I'll likely get bored and want to kms after 3 months.
Now I low-key feel bad when I hear people at work talking about their kids or SOs. They probably as the weird single dude in his 30s that only thinks about money.

>> No.24534989

the point is that you don't have to trade 3/4 hours of your day for pennies at a dead end tradey job only to come home to a fat shrew wife and 3 dysgenic children

>> No.24535101

You use your wealth to have more children, not more spoiled children

>> No.24535110
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Guys will we go to heaven? It's a clown world, I don't want to be here anymore

>> No.24535144

It's fun

>> No.24535158

Everything in life gets reduced to cumming inside teenage girls

>> No.24535175

You have to marry your wife when you're still poor, and raise your kids as though you're poor, even if you're not. If you're single and rich you might as well stay that way, any woman you meet will be a gold-digger and your kids will be appalling.

>> No.24535263

im just fat and 40 now, I try to get out of the house and wander around places by myself but I can tell people think im some kind of weirdo or pedo or something, mothers are always looking around for their kids or calling them over when they see me.

>> No.24535276

you have it backwards anon. what's the point of accumulating a wife and kids if you have no money?

>> No.24535291

Dangerously based

>> No.24535829

what was it like before you were born? it will be like that.
don't kys though

>> No.24535862

>Follow Nick Fuentes

LMAO no. Nick and his crowd of non-white Catholics aren't the answer.

>> No.24535872

Time to convert. Religious girls(I don't mean Sunday only religious girls) stick around if(and a big if) you become a good role model, I recommend Christians.

>> No.24535887

Create the stability that will allow for both

>> No.24535899

I love my girlfriend but she's a liberal

>> No.24535927

Find a hobby and become an autist towards it and spend money on that. Or you could just start a crime family. Or tour all the best restaurants in the world and become an epicure

>> No.24535939

women will want the same thing after they get off the carousel go for 30s not teens

>> No.24535959


>> No.24536008

only for those who stick it out anon

>> No.24536074

Wife and kids will come if you are on the right place the right time and have enough of a value as a person anon. Keep bettering yourself and time will treat you well

>> No.24536141

>Follow the guy who actually said he would be okay having a dictator rule the country
Sounds like a great environment to raise a family

>> No.24536156

The fact you wrote this down means you will never find True 'love'.

>> No.24536365


>> No.24536388 [DELETED] 

I would like to see more helpful and perspective systems. The best example is the gotEM platform. These guys will go to the moon! The pre-sale will take place on telegram and its website. Buy tokens now: gotem.io

>> No.24536418

>Instead, believe in a political system where the equivalent is the children, stay at home mother, and bread-winning father get a completely equal say in the matter
Sounds like a great environment to raise a family

>> No.24536425

Women over 30 are just leftover garbage.
"True" love doesnt even exist in the real world. Its a story little boys get told to keep the society running.

>> No.24536428

Are you fucking kidding me really once you get is the only life you have the rest if the world just dissolve with your insecurities your fat your ugly face and your fucking dreams means nothing you have only one life there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy it with or without money

>> No.24536443

With guys like you I flip-flop between
>good for you and your family for making this a reality
>I hope everything crashes and we return to monke so I can see what you and your family tastes like

>> No.24536452

>what's the point of accumulating wealth if you have no wife or kids to spend it on?
there is none

>> No.24536474

Yeah, but money is like an enzyme, it catalyzes shit.
>That vacation you slaved all year for
>why not do that every couple months?

>> No.24536511

Hey that looks like me now

>> No.24536783

My gf won't take the morning after pill today. Sure I didn't finish but presumably is a risk. Am I making a big deal over nothing anons

>> No.24536834


>> No.24537106

>crime family
Best answer. I was watching Ozarks and if you start a criminal business with your partner they can never leave you.

>> No.24537135

>what's the point of accumulating wealth if you have no wife or kids to spend it on?
degeneracy? becoming right-wing george soros? paying feral hobos to bite people you hate?

>> No.24537152

Use it to fight the Jews.

>> No.24537177
File: 2.82 MB, 3840x2160, withJewsYouWin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or use it to become the jews

>> No.24537190

You're beta as fuck. Fuck outta here faggot.

>> No.24537441

Wealth attracts partners

>> No.24537656


Some people accumulate families without wealth. Its pretty fucking common actually.

>> No.24538119


Wear a suit, should help a little

>> No.24538148
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>Follow Nick Fuentes if you're not already, him and the AF crowd seem to be the only ones taking it seriously.
You retarded zoomers make me sick

>> No.24538271

whats the point of a wife when shes not a virgin?

>> No.24538735
File: 830 KB, 400x300, money.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish my sister would get kids already so i can expect those to have kids in 25 years and then i will spoil my sudo grandkids.and leave them a house

>> No.24538853

I felt true love towards my first gf ages17-19 and am 26 now and haven’t felt anything 25% as close

>> No.24539016


Bro, you will make it.
trust me please, even if I'm some faggot on 4chan.

I was about to an hero at some point in my life and I just happened to find my wife in a drunken and cocaine fuelled stupor one night when I just wanted to get as fucked as possible with the possibility to fuckin die.

again! you will make it brah. And your kids WILL love you unconditionally. Just stay with us, you faggot and have some tendies in the meantime.

>> No.24539046

With such BTC rising more people try to take part in blockchain but it is still not easy to find a good platform.

Recently came across duckdao.io , do you know anything about it? Team has already made First Hunters Season for their crypto card game

>> No.24539207

about you actually raise your fucking child the same way you grow up on a 50$ a month allowance when shes 12.

>> No.24539382

You build community around you connecting people in a mutually beneficial way.

It s not the money wealth ... but people have value it is we humans do everything with our hands.

Life is not sacred and family can be destroyed everything is fake... But if we choose to keep family and friendships untouchable than we will have sacredness of life and family values with out jew degeneracy.

Family is first, it just difficult to find a bitch that could understand that , Whores in tax enclosure have a lots of fans and kids from different dads , 'geto niggers' God help us. Decent people comes from decent families.

Currency is something that people create among each other like jews in a gang with purpose of usury.


>> No.24539419

Same for me. I have never felt the same after and never really loved again. Still miss her after 8 yesrs

>> No.24539446

Same here, stay strong frens, I love you all

>> No.24539449
File: 223 KB, 2064x1292, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came across their crypto game and their crypto incubator system looks unique imo. Take a look please and share your opinion.

>> No.24539748

use said wealth to buy a russian or thai wifey. beat the living shit out of said wifey when she undercooked your steak. then coom on her face and fuck her asshole as she apologizes. comfy. mailorder brides are the best. trust me

>> No.24539947
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see >>24536008

>> No.24539962

So you can give it to niggers silly

>> No.24541046

Nice larp. They are psychotic and will cut your dick off in your sleep if you try to do any of that

>> No.24541336

wow people actually want this? I thought real love didn't exist.

>> No.24541504

That's why you chain them up at night.

>> No.24541635

The fairy tale romance you were raised to believe in is like santa or the tooth fairy, you need to realise it doesn't exist.
Anyone you see appearing to have what you want is either putting up a front for others or has not been with their partner long enough.

I'm not going to go into why women don't work the way you want them to, DYOR, but once you have understanding you are no longer black pilled about it.

>> No.24541796
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you are thinking of a problem you dont have right at this moment.

Think first of attaining wealth, women are like pussy cats you can chase them but they run away open a can of tuna and they come.

>> No.24541913

How have you guys not been alone long enough to where that doesn't even bother you anymore? Being alone and spending money on yourself is awesome. Why would you even want to bring kids into this world?

>> No.24541965
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>return to monke

>> No.24542022

So you don't starve.

You could get a young trophy wife later. Or a bunch of cocaine.

And you don't gotta be a wagie.

Look at the positive side. I got no wife, girlfriend, or family. But I'm happy my days of punching a clock are numbered. And it's going to be nice to have plenty of weed and never be hungry again.

After those basic needs are secured, maybe I spend my time doing something else.

Travel whenever you want and answer to no one. You will have an easier time finding a girlfriend.

>> No.24542070

You Americans never think outside your own country. Can't get a wife but your rich? Go to Thailand or The Philippines and live an outrageously baller life for half the living costs you spend now. Grow some balls and get on a plane.
>t oldfag expat for 19 years in 13 countries. No LARP.

>> No.24542130

One problem at a time

>what's the point of accumulating wealth if
Just accumulate wealth and worry about what do to with it once you have it

>what's the point of working on my biceps it'll look stupid if I skip leg day
Gain huge arms first and then worry about the legs

It's cope and excuses to justify failure otherwise.

>> No.24542156

incredibly based

>> No.24542186

Guys, Have you heard about baseprotocol.org?

Found a lot of professional`s reviews about it, all of them decided that this is the new DeFi Gem. What are your thoughts about it?
Is it good to invest in it now?

>> No.24542535
File: 253 KB, 1545x869, 757BC1E8-F453-47A7-828F-6814B3D89F56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god bros

>> No.24542698

>doesn’t appreciate you buying it $20,000 gifts
thats why you dont do that. teach your kids how to change oil on a vehicle or how to fish. thats the shit they will appreciate.

>> No.24543363

>wanting a brainless wife with no reasoning skills
okay anon

>> No.24543517


>> No.24543822

yes faggot

>> No.24544479

Use it to affect the world. For good or evil, your call.

>> No.24544682

Nations are a story. Rule of law is a story. Everything is a story.