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24533898 No.24533898 [Reply] [Original]

I wanted to keep The Graph quiet so I could get in relatively cheap at listing, but have been seeing way too many threads lately.

What do you anons think is a reasonable listing price? Take into consideration only a small amount of tokens are unlocked

>> No.24534046

Pajeet money grab scam. VC's got private sale at 0.01 cents. Make of that what you will. Will dump to high heaven.

Fuck off pleb and please go back.

>> No.24534062
File: 327 KB, 828x837, 7EA44493-B6A2-402A-A949-9E7FD3725A02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the founders, they’ve been doing API’s their whole carreer. They way they are conducting their testnet atm is also remarkable. This will instantly launch at $500M cap at the least ($0.50). Mark my words.

>> No.24534096

You retard. That’s like saying Ethereum ICO investors got in at $0.31, so I will not buy ETH at $3.10 because someone else already got them cheaper. If a project is fundamentally good, it will go up regardless. Valuation is far more important than the price point investors got in. Otherwise no one should buy Bitcoin at $1000 cause some people got them for less than a buck.

>> No.24534255

Looking for 0.5-1$ on listing followed by a dump to 0.2-0.3$ which should help me fill my bags, Then it can start unstoppable run to get its fair value (Top 4-5). Not selling a single % til 3$ tho.

Anything but not being the biggest DeFi project by valuation is *severely* undervalued (Not that Graph should be classified as "Defi project" but the fact its part is undeniable, some would say the catalyst and the ground for the whole thing).

>> No.24534378

Fuck you and fuck OP! But sure keep hyping it up so no one here gets any bags! FAGGOT

>> No.24534491

Huge presale has already happened. This will dump hard after retards pump the presale bags as usual

>> No.24534540

when is this expected to LIST?

>> No.24534562

Finally I see seething pajeets. Previous threads were too positive. Bullish

>> No.24534577

Good project that will be absolutely fucked by the presaler bags, once this dumps on listing it'll be interesting to see how long it takes to recover.
Irrespective of what you think of this project a 50x from presale will mean 95% of holders will sell instantly

>> No.24534627

How do you know it won't dump though?

>> No.24534670

So you will not buy ETH at $3.10
Because it was 10x the ICO price already? You must hate money

>> No.24534766

When will it be on Uniswap?

>> No.24534945

there will always be a sell off, because weak hands and flippers will dump. But the bounce will be insane. Because at the end of the day the whole DeFi space is already using The Graph. More L1 layers will be announced soon..

>> No.24534955

first unlock in 6 months. It will dump by then but before that it pumps 100x. Will pull ICX unironically

>> No.24535363

Stop thinking in this terms. Graph is the most sure top 5 project that yet to be in the top 5 that ever existed. Dump shares when a fair value reached not when "muh too much multipliers from pre sale", The second method never proved to be right in good projects case (And like i already said, The case for a coin being a fantastic project has never been stronger than Graph currently has)

>> No.24535369

Don’t worry little guy, biz probably won’t make a difference

Just look at the demand. Public sale sold out in seconds. The project keeps growing as more adoption is coming

>> No.24535383

Please, check baseprotocol.org, what do you think about this platform?
Found reviews about this system, looks profitable for reasons of unique solutions for token liquidity, but still difficult to understand, invest in it or not

>> No.24535435

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i cant fucking wait for the launch

>> No.24535482

This. The people who flip a project like this for a little profit will surely stay poor. They are the ones that sold ETH at $3 lol

>> No.24535502


>> No.24535562

It's nearly illogical to think Graph won't do at least x5 let alone dump to ICO price. Judging by other ICO's+Actual project relative to valuation. All Graph investors i know are aware that this project deserve a 5B+ marketcap. Sure, There might be pajeets and russians poor hacks who'll sell at any profit, they exist in every ICO, but those are peanuts that'll get swallowed in 1-3 minutes on binance.

>> No.24535580

I've been on 4chan since pre-Ethereum era. People are Fudding because they don't have enough GRT tokens. Once they've loaded their bags, trust me everyone will shill this project on 4chan...

>> No.24535640

Stop comparing all new shitcoins with this stupid mantra pajeet, you have the benefit of hindsight with ETH.

>> No.24535644

I'll add that the overall sell volume for GRT even if every ICO investor decide to sell at marketprice is small, Something like 12M$ at ICO price got sold, assuming x20 ICO price this is only 240M$ sell volume, something many projects do in 1-3 days.

Stop rationalizing missing out on 2-5 ETH worth of investment, Going against the momentum (a justified one) is retarded, ride it to the top 4.

>> No.24535703

Yeah yeah i know, I'm planning to load more myself. But they're retarded because biz have no affect on the price of projects this big, Link dumped and was among the most underwhelming performers in 2017 despite the continuous shilling.

>> No.24535720

ITT: people hyping ICO bags to exit as high as possible come listing day.

Want to get rich? Just stick to LINK

>> No.24535730

But Graph is product and adoption proof oblivious retard. It's the most dominant token (soon to be) in the ETH network with Link.

It's in front of your eyes, But people will keep missing out everytime..

>> No.24535767

This is what every pajeet says about every project they have bags in.

LINK is the only thing that matters, not pnk, not rsr, not statera and not the graph.

>> No.24535795

I'm Link ICO buyer retard. Graph is much more bullish than Link pre 2019.

>> No.24535826

>Comparing Graph to this utter trash

Develop critical skills asap because you're going to miss out arguably your last big opportunity in crypto. Not even trying to prove Graph worth over X projects, People who can't see how obvious it is simply don't deserve it.

>> No.24535846

this guy is for sure going to be loading up on massive bags

>> No.24535920

Now fuck off i want to get a bag before you push the price to high
risk management with fuckers who push the price in one day is to hard god damn

>> No.24535935

My exact thoughts lmao

Stop with the useless fud, biz won’t make a difference my guy. And how can you even compare The Graph to those shitcoins, do you even know what this project does

>> No.24535968

Biz might not make a difference, but news of this sort of coin spreads fast. Don't shill this too hard yet.

>> No.24536042

If it’s such a sure thing why don’t you just sit back and relax?

Remember LINK in 2017, it was at least 50% FUD. If you can’t figure out this is a pajeet sham you are beyond saving.

Interesting pattern btw,
>pajeets fill bags on api3 in ico
>api3 threads suddenly appear on biz
>pajeets exit and move on to the next thing
>suddenly threads about the next big thing since LINK, just 1 week or so before shitcoin will be listed

You have been warned

>> No.24536237

It's obvious you're clueless on what Graph does so I will sit back and watch you miss out. Tell you what though, go to your favorite obscure defi shitcoin site and check the page requests. You're welcome

>> No.24536378

embarrassing. If you're not here with the motivation to accumulate you're doing "investing" very wrong, not even related to Graph but your attitude, You just came here spewed absolute nonsense on a project you clearly know nothing about with that much confidence, The epitome of not going to make it persona.

>> No.24536386

Projects using The Graph: Uniswap, AAVE, Balancer, USDC, etc etc.

We don't need 4chan shillers to make this succeed. Just sharing information.

>> No.24536404

Yeah this is too good of a coin to be shilling on 4chan lol

>> No.24536412

>he doesn’t know greyscale is buying api3

>> No.24536419

Ive heard itll be listed sometime before the 23rd. Anyone heard anything more concrete on a specific date?

>> No.24536437

Two more phases need to pass before we conclude the testnet. I doubt it will be before 23rd, but it's probable it will be before new year's

>> No.24536445

To be fair, every bag of shillers on this forum is also small. Hopefully it launches on Uniswap first before big exchanges like Coinbase pump the shit out of this coin

>> No.24536548

Only absolute shitcoins uses their VC's reputation as shilling material kek.

You forgot, Dai, Dao, CMC, Coingecko, Synthetix, WBTC etc. Basically nearly every token/Data provider in the market.

>> No.24536606
File: 127 KB, 645x831, 9B81D87D-787E-476C-8B88-9E00A7935F2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they will launch integrations with other layer 1 protocols soon.

>> No.24537374


>> No.24537415

what will be the make it stack?

>> No.24537426

10 GRT

>> No.24537657


>> No.24538052

$1M in a year

>> No.24538102

more like 335k

>> No.24538192

$500k in two months
that's $1M in two months

>> No.24539180

What is a realistic listing price

>> No.24539254

1b supply at launch.
Backbone of DeFi.
I'd at least $0.30.

>> No.24540562

Shouldnt its marketcap be higher than the projects that are using it

>> No.24540596

Yes it should but we're being conservative here, people have hard time imagining x50+ type of instant gains but Graph deal was exactly that.

>> No.24540862

I have a net worth of $20k, $7k in crypto. Gonna put another $7k into GRT

>> No.24541100

listing when?

>> No.24541680


>> No.24542902

Solid tech and market placement, good devs and creatives, BUT the person who is in charge of their tokenomics/marketing/release strategy is shitting the bed. They are clueless and a big liabilty at this point.

>> No.24543077

The reason VC got it cheaper is because they invested before all these DeFi projects were using The Graph. It was before the whole DeFi hype...

>> No.24543080

the fuck is this
where are these numbers coming from

>> No.24543231

I know that, its normal. Im not talking about early funders, Im talking about thegraphs lack of leadership. Like I said the tech is solid as fuck they just have an inexperianced kid in charge of thier strategy.

>> No.24543588


The max people could buy in the public sale was $5K worth, or roughly 167K tokens

>> No.24544154

what was the price?

>> No.24544558



>> No.24544954

Why wont they hurry up and announce it

>> No.24545888

Sure tokenomics couldve been better. In the end the fundamentals aka tech will prevail and this project wil take its place in the top 5 for sure

>> No.24545969

Hahah yeah graph is a scam

>> No.24546054

>I wanted to keep quiet
>shills 24/7

imagine getting into a coin where VCs bought at like 1% of retail

>> No.24546396

agreed, they can just hire a better ceo or one of the founders needs to put thier pants on. Big data is the market. Even smallet projects are using thegraph behind the scenes, apy.finance for example is using it to calculated its staking and bonus rewards.

>> No.24546757

Imagine not buying ETH at $3.10 because early investors got in at $0.31. You must hate money..

>> No.24547100

when can i buy this on uniswap sirs?