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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 171 KB, 1920x1080, irs-logo-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24532318 No.24532318 [Reply] [Original]

Note to stupid jannies that work for free: TAX AVOIDANCE is LEGAL, tax evasion is illegal. They are not the same.

You don't have to pay tax if you never KYC in the first place. Meet up with someone locally or buy OTC without KYC.

>> No.24532345

Get anon stable coins by swapping XMR to USDT using those non-KYC swap exchange.

>> No.24532660

I have a company on the isle of man and will be funnelling everything through there to save on tax

>> No.24532703

just kys
even if you kyc, it wont even matter
zero taxis on my axis

>> No.24532723


>> No.24532740

If serious please email me raysheen@protonmail.com
Yes raysheen is a made up nigger name. In white.

>> No.24532822

How much did it cost to set up the company in isle of man? Any website you recommend to handle the setup?

>> No.24532853
File: 251 KB, 2200x1479, 19BDA0F2-61FA-48C4-A349-104C52EFA617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post nose

>> No.24532958
File: 45 KB, 380x667, 00823BF8-BEF3-4654-B60A-3961EF958C00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2 million in crypto. Not tryin to cash out.

>> No.24532976

> buy locally or buy OTC without KYC
> so barter in person or buy through other means


> the irs wants to know your location.

You're basically fucked unless you find a way to pay for services/goods with crypto, And even then you're still going to get charged sales tax

>> No.24533052

why is that chink brown?

>> No.24533061

Phone posting I have an accountant who set it up there . I do work on the Isle of Man tho. I believe you have to have a residency card to set one up.

>> No.24533096

Swap to DAI, USDT can be frozen

>> No.24533333

>You don't have to pay tax if you never KYC in the first place.

They're going to want to know where the money came from, and if you lie about it and conceal it you're money laundering.
There is no winning.

>> No.24533357

An example of such an exchange?

>> No.24533367

Quints of sad true

>> No.24533389

Kek it’s rare someone actually follows through on “post nose”

>> No.24533397

For any federal, municipal, state, or local agents reading this thread I have always pay all taxes. I love America and Joe Biden, taxes are not theft and it is my civil duty as a proud american to pay them always.

>> No.24533411

Cash out 52.4k in long term capital gains each year tax free and only cash out that much so you owe the jews zero.

>> No.24533417

this can't be real

>> No.24533437

>Meet up with someone locally or buy OTC without KYC
Such steep premiums to do so, but I can't see another way to get my money to market without...

>> No.24533442

This isn't the best idea but
>open an fsa and contribute a bit. You get that money usable instantly and if you have a rollover, you should contribute that amount. You can use it for just about anything
>healthy? Choose a HDHP with HSA and fund the hell out of it. You can invest with the money in it as well.

>> No.24533468

The Jew looks like moot if he could grow a beard

>> No.24533922

based goy

>> No.24533964

how would you even buy something like this without it being recorded? doesnt using any kind of fiat to buy cause KYC to come into effect? or are you suggesting I trade cash for ecoin? who the hell would even take that deal?

>> No.24534057 [DELETED] 

extremely based thread. fuck kikes.

>> No.24534119 [DELETED] 


Gotta make sure those blacks are well fed and taken care of , right goy?

>> No.24534141

Im convinced these threads are jewish psyops tactics to discourage anyone from trading crypto when they get a letter from the IRS saying to pay up.

>> No.24534196

Go back to leftypol retard

>> No.24534289

Person to person trades don’t require KYC until they’re above $10k. I had an internship with a local Bitcoin ATM company. Did about $50k a month in OTC deals with people that didn’t trust going to the machines.
As far as who takes these kinds of deals? It varies... Most of them are doing something shady you don’t ask a lot of questions in this type of business to preserve your plausible deniability. I personally just don’t trust exchanges. OTC brokers make a pretty nice spread usually a 5-15% haircut on each transaction depending on the area.
While the profitability for market making is much higher in p2p markets than say, Uniswap or algo trading on a CEX, you have to bust more ass networking and it is much riskier. You have the entire banking system, criminals, scammers, and law enforcement all trying to fuck you over. You’ll meet some interesting people tho.

>> No.24534328

The fuck is KYC and OTC???

>> No.24534367

hello non-federal worker, I am not a federal worker just like you!

>> No.24534605

>You don't have to pay tax if you never KYC in the first place
That's illegal tax evasion anon

>> No.24534684

>You're basically fucked unless you find a way to pay for services/goods with crypto

What is buying gift cards with crypto

>> No.24534694


You think small biz that is working underneath the table like laundry mat, car wash, construction etc care about some kike barter law?

>> No.24534706

Didn't know that, thank you for the tip.

>> No.24534740

I forgot to mention, it's about in minecraft. Obviously you should always pay your tax, KYC or not.

>> No.24534757

you'd probably be shocked how few small businesses work under the table.

you can't get a loan if you never declare income, and if you can't get a loan you're going to go bankrupt pretty fast.

>> No.24534993

Forgot to mention, it's not small biz that never declare income but rather cooking the accounting book and don't report cash jobs. Difference.

>> No.24535207

no idea what youre even talking about honestly, I have had no experiance with criminal shit so I probably should stay out of it, just looking for a legal transaction could probably be risky given my general ignorance.. whats an OTC?

>> No.24535284

>if you never KYC in the first place
lets say you made a coinbase account, then stopped using it

would the IRS now be able to follow you to new exchanges/addresses?

>> No.24535349
File: 279 KB, 300x577, 1596498337818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, i know you're reading this, Officer Glownig.
I'm gonna pay my fucking taxes, don't worry

just trying to learn about how far coinbase's "automatic reporting" actually goes so i know what have to do on my own end to make sure shit goes how the tax jews (IRS) wants.

>> No.24535582

>lets say you made a coinbase account, then stopped using it
>would the IRS now be able to follow you to new exchanges/addresses?

Say you bought ETH on coinbase.
You transfered it out of coinbase and into Binance.

They can track that you have it on binance.

The way to anon yourself is to convert the ETH into XMR using a non-KYC swap exchange like changelly

>> No.24536022

so would the IRS straight up say "we found this money in your wallets, you owe us x amount"?

>> No.24536298

Because BTC and ETH blockchain is open for anyone to see, yes they can see where your BTC and ETH is going ... UNLESS you swap your BTC or ETH into XMR, and then they will lose their trail there.

>> No.24536580

kill your celf

>> No.24536764

Should I use online XMR wallets or download a local XMR wallet? which XMR wallet specifically should I use?

>> No.24536933
File: 98 KB, 678x959, 1535887601940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hint: wasabi wallet has a mixer

>> No.24537902

>Go offshore
>Cash out there
>Add funds slowly to accounts
>Pay 14% corporate rate in caymen islands