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24531086 No.24531086 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 32... I'm I going to make it?

>> No.24531110

Im 31 and literarily have $150 in my account right now.
Dont give a shit.

>> No.24531112

Wow are you me?

>> No.24531233


I'm me

>> No.24531375

im 20 and my networth is 320k, so id doubt you are making it at all

>> No.24531391

I'm 31 boss and in a small amount of debt. You're doing better than me but ngtmi

>> No.24531394

Wow are you me?

>> No.24531397

>net worth of only 133k
idk what im gonna do bros

>> No.24531403

you've got more than me and a year younger and i'm definitely gonna make it.

>> No.24531417

I'm 28 and I have the same amount liquid and another 60k tied up in stocks from work and then 20k in crypto.

Still can't afford a house in Seattle.

>> No.24531418

Yes I'm me!

>> No.24531567

You post this every other day you insecure fuck. No you will never make it. You are born a slave and you will die a slave. Deal with it. Nobody cares

>> No.24531579

Do you have debt?

>> No.24531606

Only a mortgage

>> No.24531665

you're doing better than most, but that doesnt mean much since most will never make it anyways. depends whats in your folio if you will make it or not

>> No.24531957

Petty good. Could be a lot worse for that age. I'm almost 24 and hope to have double that amount by that age. Currently 23.75 yo and just clocked a $36k net worth as of today. $41k salary, paid off all loans, and my best financial advantage - living at home rent\bills free. Gotta make the most of it while I can. My biggest bag hold is BRKB. Yeah, I'm thinking I'm gmi. Good luck anons

>> No.24532031

just chill with this "born a slave" shit man. we all just wanna make money

>> No.24532080
File: 55 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 19
>Tfw 750k net worth

>> No.24532103

Then no. Debt is debt. You have negative dollars.

>> No.24532113

Find ways to grow your money

>> No.24532146

Couldn't imagine having fun playing a video game for the first and only play through with so much unlocked before putting in any effort. Congrats to your elders setting up an easy play through for their heirs

>> No.24532172

Don't worry OP, you're doing 1000x better than >>24531110

>> No.24532276
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>> No.24532297

You're 32, what's the point of making it when you're old and frail? The good times are long over this is the end of your life

>> No.24532329

My networth just hit $100k even and I'm 31. I hope you're gonna make it because if you can't make it then neither can I.

>> No.24532349

you don't even know how much his mortgage is you dumb retard.

>> No.24532431

I know less than $152k is not making it for average investors. If he was totally debt free id say hes fine but still on condition of investing at least 10% into risk investments.

>> No.24532445

That’s enough to get your plot and tombstone ready old man
>t. 29 year old

>> No.24532469

>Net worth: 45k

Engineering degree fucking sucked to pay back but at least I can dream of a home one day

>> No.24532527


Dumb goy, Biden is going to forgive all student debt. Why did you pay it off early lmao

>> No.24532528
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If you all in on the top 25 cryptos, yes

>> No.24532558

I'm a Canuck, our government feeds off of housing and student debt

>> No.24532566

What people dont get is $45k isnt making it in stocks but 100% in crypto at the dawn of the golden bull into all high risk erc20s is easily making it. Not having kids or debt is half the battle. Being able to take calculated risk is the other half. And taking good risks is potentially rewarding, obviously.

>> No.24532597
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>300k net worth

I am going to make it once bitcoin is 100K+

I will just leave my bitcoin on blockfi and live off the interest

>> No.24532618

Shut up nigger. He’s saying op is so concerned with net worth he will never make it. He’s saying be motivated but don’t be a self conceited retard. Also you’ll always be a slave. Dumb nigger.

>> No.24532631

yeah just dont have kids guys lol

>> No.24532639

38 $460K

>> No.24532651

Nope if you read history 40 is peak years.
>most respect
>enough experience to lead armies
>still enough energies to fight in them too
>peak salt and pepper
>peak monetary earning years
Shit I can’t wait to be 40
>t. 24 net worth only 50k

>> No.24532662

I'm in Canada, I get paid ~$500 a month for having a kid.

>> No.24532680
File: 4 KB, 264x73, Screenshot 2020-12-03 234818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turn 32 next month.
It's funny how quickly things can change. My net worth was $350k less in January of this year.

>> No.24532886


>> No.24534260

what did you do for that gain? i've found that once my net worth hit 400k it grew on its own insanely fast but my investments weren't amazing or anything, mostly btc that did well

>> No.24534358

My trade account is larger than your net worth, and my investment portfolio is ten times larger than my trading account... sad

>> No.24534451

Combination of high income wageslavery and investments. I hold a lot of BTC and ETH which were both in the shitter at the beginning of 2020. Plus I bought some more each month while they were still down. My stocks picks and retirement accounts also went up quite a bit. I spent like $15k during the pandemic dip in March.

>> No.24534459

>I'm 32

No old man time to just find some roastie and give up like the rest of the simps

>> No.24535294

Not for long

>> No.24536150

Your biggest holding is the holding company of a boomer con artist? Just suck old men’s dicks on Craigslist if that’s your portfolio you will literally make more profit that way

>> No.24536157

Goyim cope

>> No.24536179

Your parents/ancestors have my respect. You have my commiserations, anon.

>> No.24536318

Holy shit, brehs, I'm me as well.