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24527861 No.24527861 [Reply] [Original]

should i spend $2k to lose my virginity to an escort or to buy more crypto?

>> No.24527876

virginity is temporary, crypto are forever.

>> No.24527881


>> No.24527895

nothing will change if you pay for an escort except you might get an std or some shame that follows you for the rest of your life

>> No.24527902

Spend $25 on a one month Tinder Plus subscription and the rest on crypto.

>> No.24527915

Sex is overrated. Gets boring

>> No.24527917

Anon you should be paying $20

>> No.24527934
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Pretty obvious. Get yo dick wet.

>> No.24527940

>losing your virginity with a condom on

you're doing it wrong

>> No.24527948

i haven't had sex since 2007 and i'd say buy crypto

>> No.24527974

If you can’t find a hot hooker for 300-400$ you’re a moron

>> No.24528005

2k? why not take a nice girl your age out for 40$ a night, take her out a few nights go somewhere fun a few times. and before you know it she will want sex more then you do. and if she dont just find another. that 2k can go a long way taking girls out. worst case you had fun and visited somewhere that you wanted to and got to know another person.

think about it, you spend 20-40$ or max 100$ on a night out and get to know someone and have fun. key is to go to a place that you want to go to this way if u dont like the company atleast u still had fun.

then wait till she msgs u back and go out again, do that a few times and ur in. if she dont msg or call you back just go on to the next one.

key is go to a place you want to go to, and just have fun enjoy yourself get to know someone. if it dont click no big deal its a win win you had fun.

escorts is retarteded its 1 night and u neva gona see her again, u dont get to know anyone, u dont get to have a possible friend, you dont get to explore anywhere or eat nicely,
all you get is a carnal pleasure that lasts for a few minutes.

>> No.24528033

Just do what I did anon , I lost mine to a chubby off tinder

>> No.24528079

thanks, i needed this

>> No.24528389

Sex on its own isn't anything special, and having it with someone you don't care about is really just masturbation with another person in the room. What really is nice are the feelings of intimacy and being desired, but you can't get that from an escort.

Don't waste your money, just fap instead.

>> No.24528472

lol paying 2k for a hooker? you're retarded... but it in a lowcap

>> No.24528491

2k lmao more like 30 or less for a quick dip

>> No.24528499


>> No.24528503

Buy more crypto, and reserve a bit for a massage with happy ending contingent on your muscles being stiff from working out. It's how I roll.
Keep it up long enough and you'll get laid on your own, promise.

>> No.24528605
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Put it on link sell at 10x and have a gangbang

>> No.24528609

>shame that follows you for the rest of your life
only lasts about 2 weeks from my experience

>> No.24528632

If you have to ask you aren't gonna make it.

>> No.24528639
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In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.

>> No.24528753

I paid for an escort back when I was 28 and it was the best thing ever.

Since she knew she was my first, she was really eager to do me.

I got to knock off so many things off my to do list from tongue on tongue kissing to pounding pussy in mating position. Best $250 I've spent

>> No.24528769
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>getting to know women
>befriending women
>having fun as an adult

>> No.24528815

easy 10x once you buy the dip before the next bull run. with the gains you can lose your virginity ten times

>> No.24528875

True. The only time I fuck women is when I pay for them. I can't stand being responsible for anyone's emotions

>> No.24528899

I lost my virginity with a escort and it was the best decision i've made. When I finally got a real girl she didn't laugh at me because I was a turbovirgin

But 2k? Seriously?

>> No.24529068
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>> No.24529200

>Be you
>See price of coins reach extreme highs
>Pink wojack threads every single day

>> No.24529841

My entire life changed for the better after getting it over with an escort. Seriously, no more anxiety when interacting with girls, mind is clear, and I'm much more confident now. Although the cost is you lose a very special first time experience with someone you truly love. If you think that is a good trade off then go for it.

>> No.24529880

Not only that, but potentially also, you might be able to get a lot more sex for less than 2k.
Saves money and you can invest the rest for future gains.

>> No.24529928

What;s so better about Tinder gold?

>> No.24529997

My entire life changed for the better after getting it over with a crypto wallet. Seriously, no more anxiety when interacting with cryptos, mind is clear, and I'm much more confident now. Although the cost is you lose a very special loss you'd get buying PLTR and seeing red dildos for a week. If you think that is a good trade off then go for it faggot.

>> No.24530002

That depends, do you want whore now, or possibility of many whores later?

>> No.24530089


this is exactly what you're gonna do.

You're gonna go to walmart. Get a yougut cup. Put it in the microwave for 60 seconds, take it out, and put your dick in it while you're doing pushups.

THAT is a about how as good some loose fucking terrible fuckig ass fucking pussy from some god damn herpes ridden e-thot'll feel like.
buy crypto.

>> No.24530189

lol based faggot

>> No.24530218
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Wouldn't the yogurt become really watery after 60 seconds?

>> No.24530230

Seeking arrangement dude, I pay a girls rent and she goes out whenever I ask her and comes and fucks twice a week.

>> No.24530275

I have fucked yogurt and virgin pussy and this is verifiable false

>> No.24530301

do I put my dick in it while I'm in the walmart?

>> No.24530322

No, that is my point, that its not gonna be virgin pussy, its a fucking meat hallway with a "floor is wet sign" at the end of it, and that's it.

Not worth 2000, better off fucking warm yogurt, it'll offer more friction

>> No.24530356


>> No.24530435
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>Put it in the microwave for 60 seconds
> scalding hot
Not thanks

>> No.24530470

show me her feet
only then i can make a reasonable judgement

>> No.24530495

It never got too hot for me, pretty solid, sometimes I do it while listening to the Far Cry soundtrack just to keep me focused, I love fucking warm yogurt.

>> No.24530618
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here man

>> No.24530622

both are forever for a good chunk of /biz/ desu

>> No.24530844

What country are you from? $2k is far too excessive. Just some points for your risk assessment;

>you will fuck like shit as a virgin. Escorts are a way to get better without negative feedback loops messing you up.
>since you are a virgin, you will fall in love and will spend more money to gain validation from this escort
>you will probably catch an std. Molluscum at best, herpes at worst. Google images them
>the more practice at fucking you have, the higher confidence you will have around women. Yes, they can sense this
If you must, just get a rub and tug. My recommendation? Seek first the kingdom of God. God made you in his image, don't debase your's and the escort's inherent dignity. Focus on humanitarian pursuits, and uphold the sanctity of marriage. Find a good Christian virgin girl. She probably won't look like anyone on Insta but she has been raised right and adore you. You owe it to you and her.

>> No.24530887

Paid sex doesn't count.

>> No.24530906

I have paid 3 girls over the past few months to lick their feet and suck their toes

I am a kissless virgin

I don't regret it at all

>> No.24530922

I'm from California, the escort at >>24530618 goes for $1k an hour, but I decided to invest in crypto instead and you're right I do need to go back to church.

>> No.24530923

As soon as you bust that nut you’ll want your $2000 back.

>> No.24530958
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don't do it, this creates mustard gas

>> No.24531045

do it you pussy

mid 30s crypto millionaire been fucking escorts since i was 20

ask me anything

>> No.24531093

are you happy

>> No.24531225

4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

Go to church tomorrow, the devil tempts us to destroy our relationship with God. It's us who turn away from Him, He will never abandons us. Keep vigilant, the devil is at work always. The great news is God gives us multiple opportunities to turn to Him. You are probably going through challenges right now, be strong - you are being tested to strengthen your faith.

"“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart; and you will find rest. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”