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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2452142 No.2452142 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel that people are finally waking up and realizing that cryptocurrency is just worthless 1's and 0's? Enjoy it while it lasts. Soon it will all be just a distant memory. Reality will set in. No more YOLO'ing, HODLing, and MOONing. Soon you'll have to work hard for your money, like the rest of the world. Did you really think it would last forever? Hahahahah. Pathetic. Soon you'll have to go back to being a NEET permavirgin loser with no hopes of ever being wealthy. Because it takes actual intelligence and skill to make money in the real world, and you have neither.

>> No.2452155

It is merely a dip you nocoiner faggot

>> No.2452179

Sure it is. And then it'll go to a million dollars per bitcoin and all the 4chan virgin neckbeards will be multimillionaires riding around in their lamborghinis and live happily ever after...bhAHAHAHahhahH

fucking faggots

>> No.2452286
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>How does it feel that people are finally waking up and realizing that cryptocurrency is just worthless 1's and 0's?
>t. nocoiner
Great. It might make them think about what Fiat money is.
(Even more worthless 1's and 0's since banks and the government can make it exist at will.)
Still have 2,6 Gigadollar in crypto + 1 Gigadollar cashed out a few weeks ago.

>> No.2452312

>"fiat is worthless"
>cashes out his worthless computer tokens into US dollars

>> No.2452325
File: 114 KB, 2469x1299, THEGREATCRASH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is right. Look at this horrific crash. Time to pack it up boys, it's all over.

>> No.2452346

>How does it feel that people are finally waking up and realizing that cryptocurrency is just worthless 1's and 0's?

You realize that fiat currency is also just worthless 1s and 0s too, right? Most of it isn't even paper anymore, and it certainly isn't backed by anything more than the belief in its value of those who trade it/with it

>> No.2452354

Why dont you make this kinds of threads when the market isn't dipping, coping nocoiner?

>> No.2452357


And who do people trust more? The fucking government or random autist tech developers who popped up overnight? Get real. Get a fucking job

>> No.2452379

>crypto is worthless
>converts crypto into USD

>> No.2452402


There are about 4 fiat currencies that anyone gives a shit about, for various reasons. Literally 90% of the different fiat currencies on earth are just shitcoins which is why everyone wants to convert them into USD/GBP/EUR/CHF

You think yuan, yen, naira, roubles, or rupis (pupies) are anything more than decorative toilet paper?

>> No.2452406

that's because bitcoin is nowhere near ready to replace fiat systems that are already there. It's at least a decade away from becoming stable and fast enough to use as a country's currency for everyday use let alone a global scale.

>> No.2452410

nah OP is right guys, he isnt a faggot. Japan integrating bitcoin into their economy doesnt mean shit. This isn't a fringe technology. Computers are a fad and will never go mainstream.

>> No.2452411

> trusting the government


>> No.2452430

no one trusts the government any more, its becoming a more polarizing and controlling shit show every year in almost all first world countries.

>> No.2452441

>no one trusts the government any more
That's just patently false. Whether you admit it or not, the vast, vast majority of people will blindly do what their government says, and that will never change.

>> No.2452459
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>Computers are a fad
This desu

>> No.2452462

>The fucking government

Lol fiat varies based entirely on distrust of (a) government. Are you gonna sit there and say "fiat is the only real currency oh btw usd is the only real fiat"? Cuz if so then currency trading isn't for you. People make fortunes speculating on whether AUD/USD will close a five minute period at .76 or .71

Muh minerals and much fed rate hike is no more rational a reason to speculate one way or the other than muh Russian autists and muh Chinese whales

Grow up

>> No.2452478
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>Are you gonna sit there


>> No.2452483
File: 20 KB, 724x588, 1496204516993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize crypto is actually the future
We're all gonna make it anon
Sans OP

>> No.2452488

FOMO retard alert

>> No.2452496

It's probably just some incompetant woman who accidentally sold the company bitcoins

>> No.2452567

Your cash in the bank is just 1s and 0s.

>> No.2452584

Yeah, and it's insured by the FDIC up to $200,000.
In contrast, these shitcoin exchanges can just delete your fortune overnight, and you can't do a damn thing about it. You have zero legal recourse.

>> No.2452590

Why are you so upset that poor wagecucks and neets are making money?

When /biz/ has its own crypto island, you will not be invited

>> No.2452629

That 200 000 dollars is getting smaller every year anon. They choose to keep a 2 - 3% inflation rate so sheep like you can keep telling your wife about your 2% raise every year.

>> No.2452649

Enjoy your inflation money. You will need it as toiletpaper soon

>> No.2452658

OP either never did crypto or is a typical new fag that bought high, panicked and sold low and is trying to find a way to stop her crying.. typical bitch talk in that OP statement

>> No.2452659


Well, that's not exactly true, but I do agree it's risky dealing with crypto. But you do realize risk is what makes money, right?

>> No.2452675

I'm cashing out for now

I honestly don't see crypto rebounding for a while and expect 50% more losses

>> No.2452692

>it's yet another nocoiner cope thread
I might actually miss laughing at these when I'm filthy rich. Maybe I'll pay some filthy nocoiners to reenact them for old times sake.

>> No.2452699

OP is right
I came here hoping that biz would actually have something interesting regarding finance.
However its full of wannabe trader fags

>> No.2452766

see you in a few days when the market has fully rebounded and you want to kill yourself