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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24515308 No.24515308 [Reply] [Original]

Who are these thots and midwits posting /biz/ memes on twitter and pretending their 1000 LINK stacks make them some kind of 200IQ credible authority on Chainlink its fucking disgusting to behold
This faggot can’t even comprehend the fact I bought in at 60c and yet he’s some kind of big deal in the link twitter community? What a fucking faggot white knight piece of shit
Fuck this Elsa bitch too, she was a recommended follow and all she posts are literal normie tier crypto memes and pictures of her ass and tattoos and upty dupty duh SHE’S ONE TO FOLLOW MY FELLOW MARINE
FUCK THIS NOISE I was here sifting through the shit the fud the autism for YEARS to find and secure my 50,000 LINK and 1LP legacy and these smug assholes MOCK ME from their comfortable ivory tower Twitter FAGGOT community built on the blood sweat and tears of LITERAL autists like me who were MOLDED by this place

>> No.24515333

Go back

>> No.24515376

It's twitter. Don't bother.

>> No.24515409

Didn't read a single thing faggot. If you are actually engaged in crypto twitter you're a super faggot.

>> No.24515455

what do you mean who? Umm this isn’t a boy’s club women do visit this site and we hold Chainlink too sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.24515499

But are you going to get laid?

>> No.24515629
File: 106 KB, 500x560, DECB3F3B-1F0C-459A-8DBC-CFE7ED62FDE3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought in at 60c
I bought in at 17 cents and dont care about normalfag retards who bought higher than me.
They will never make it but they shill my bags hard.
I have already enough money that the whore Elsa would beg for my huge cock in exchange for a lump sum of cash.

>> No.24515686


>> No.24515712


>> No.24515976

Fuck that Elsa whore

>> No.24516187

dr your blog but twitter and social media in general is lame and if you don't get that you're a normie faggot. I literally do not have any social media accounts, I don't even know how to view tweets or whatever, and guess what? Yes, that makes me better than you.

>> No.24516288

I don’t either you smug faggot but people keep saying all the smart posters left /biz/ and joined CT so I signed up to see what the deal was, turns out it SUCKS BALLS

>> No.24516490

we actually moved to discord. hate that place but it is what it is

>> No.24516579

>i don’t know how..
that actually makes you retarded, anon

>> No.24516646

The /biz/ secret discord is based

>> No.24516728

whats the discord?
im on that telegram group with 318 subscribers but would be good to have somewhere with some talk

>> No.24516822

I made a Twitter in 2017 when we were searching for link breadcrumbs, it was actually really useful to research who was following who, etc. Learned a lot about the market, the tech, the human networks, PR, marketing... Things you'll never learn in a book or website. Yet I never shared any of these insight and never tweeted myself. Just accumulated quietly and only dropped red pills here because at its worst biz still is the only place with high iq posters and organic conversations.

The whole retail traders side of it is supremely retarded though. I despise it so much. All stupid normies. Early link Twitter was inoffensive, just reposts of memes, pepe smugness etc but it was low key despite how quickly it overtook CT, simply due to being the only organic new community, there was genuine overwhelming fresh excitement and it became contagious. Now link Twitter is really weak and retarded, no new hearts and minds are joining, no new people of quality. No different from xrp, trx etc. All the smart ones sold or remain quiet and wait.

People who understand deeply and value insight, remain quiet and observe.
Morons are loud mouthed.
That's why Twitter is so pozzed, and why those communities keep getting worse.

>> No.24516828

>judging by the age of your twitter account
wtf does that have to do with LINK when LINK is a /biz/ thing

>> No.24516941

Please anon, show me the way

>> No.24516977

I regret making an account it’s an insufferable Reddit tier atmosphere I actually prefer the retarded fud on nu /biz/ at least there’s no annoying thots here

>> No.24517068
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Hey OP!

>> No.24517081

Kek linkers on Twitter are all mostly fags and soys. They go there to be in an echo chamber to feel good about their 1k LINK stacks. It's such a circle jerk. Call somebody a fag there and you get banned. They all refer to your account creation date or profile picture whenever they feel threatened.

>> No.24517102

Those Twitter faggots think they’re so fucking smart for finding link yet they give no credit to /biz/ they act like they discovered it

>> No.24517127

This is literally twitter's userbase...

>> No.24517159
File: 269 KB, 1080x1104, Screenshot_20201202_224522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a Twitter just to follow a handful of people some anon recommended here and it's pretty based i m o

>> No.24517163

It was tolerable when link community was still focused on breadcrumbs, now that well is dry so it's all 'wen moon' bag holders. Just follow chainlink official and reddit linktrader to see the big news. Chainlinkgod is okay, a bit obnoxious but he knows his stuff and is a good consistent relay of all the important news, and there are still a few accounts that share interesting stuff like new feeds getting tested, github commits etc

>> No.24517217

Eventually you will realize that it is not actually based, but cringe and you will delete your Twitter. This will be the best decision you make over the entire year you do it.

>> No.24517515

Chainlink god is ok but yeah still leaves that bitter Reddit taste in my mouth with some of his multi-threaded 200IQ mega mind tweets like he’s some sort of soŷ tech guru like dude get over yourself

>> No.24517577
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more like schwabtweeter

>> No.24517761


There are no girls on the regular internet. Only men and trannies. Girls are all on the pornsites.

>> No.24517771

normies were a mistake olympians will always regret having created and prometheus will always regret giving them fire

>> No.24517843

If you think crypto Twitter is bad just go have a look at crypto YouTube and you might take a stroke.
Each one has a thumbnail of the coins icon behind that fucking open mouth gay boy face.
I honestly prefer watching 3rd world villagers shill coins to bots on here.

>> No.24518174

Donovan Jolley lol
I actually find the shameless shilling on YouTube more tolerable that the smug gatekeeping white knighting faggotry I see on Twitter

>> No.24518858

The reason twitter is so shit is that they have moderators who delete “offensive” comments. If they didn’t have that, all these normies would get absolutely shit on by OG bizbros, but they have mods to protect their fee fees. I know this because I made an account to talk shit to link Normans and it got banned in a few days.

>> No.24518918

>all she posts are literal normie tier crypto memes and pictures of her ass

>> No.24519136

this. there’s tons of good stuff on twitter but you have to filter out the noise same as here.

>> No.24519862

yeah the simping on link twitter is out of this world. It's fucking unbearable

>> No.24519907

twitter is like the special ed of social media. Only retards waste time there

>> No.24519941


>> No.24520018

>I know this because I made an account to talk shit to link Normans and it got banned in a few days.


>> No.24520061

Should have asked her how much link it will take to make it happen

>> No.24520108
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>thot policing and calling out simps

Elsa talks about "muh-wahmen" in crypto but she gets a pass since she liked my rebuttal to one of her wahmen posts

>> No.24520248


>> No.24520306
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>> No.24521111
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I need to make it as soon as possible so I don't have to deal with fags on /biz/ and like Op's pic anymore. Cryptards are insufferable.

>> No.24521571

What a waste of digits

>> No.24521642

I unironically would.

>> No.24521704

Great make a twitter account and start simping you pathetic faggot

>> No.24521820

Where's that meme about whores threatening to cut off access to their holes?
Lmao based OP, fuck em.

>> No.24521880

>finally bought at 0.60c
You retard came 12 months later to the party then your normal average biztard back then, let it go latefag.

>> No.24521978

>checked, kek'd, fpbp, OP btfo
Fucking hell OP what a shitty blog post
Go break it down and release it over multiple tweets you spastic

>> No.24521997

absolutely, if you cant even take faggot as an insult and run crying to twitter jannies then twitter is the place for u

that place is filled with weaklings, just like reddit

the more a place is moderated, the faggier it is

>> No.24522049

link is worth 6 billion dollars. it is no longer your secret little club. either sell or move on.

>> No.24522058

twitter simp detected. Eat shit simp. War on simps starts now. Your bullshit will not be tolerated. You WILL be hung by a rope

>> No.24522113
File: 357 KB, 828x1031, 60120739-475C-4FAE-A541-43BF5BD339ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is such a fucking cuck I hope I get banned for calling him a faggot

>> No.24522121

kek, you and OP are the only faggot twitter user here mongoloid
I don't give a fuck about what some retard on twitter thinks, including (you)

>> No.24522179

absolutely based

>> No.24522182

I don’t give a fuck about Twitter I never used it until a month ago you seething sperg

>> No.24522223

>I don’t give a fuck
Look at your posts and autistic replies to these mongs. You clearly do.

>> No.24522849

they stopped posting breadcrumps because you faggots would take it to twitter
chainlink god and his butt budy finrekt both deserve the rope for taking shit here to there

>> No.24522899

Didn't read
Also, any twitter accounts worth the follow?

>> No.24523131

its not really. I feel the same way, this space is fucking horrible

>> No.24523556
File: 553 KB, 828x1443, F0D9FEF2-64AF-47D3-A60E-BB8355FFFA0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can we wage war on the link twitter fags, it’s actually insufferable. I’ve unfollowed every single one of these cucks but sadly they’re still representing link and therefore biz. It makes us look bad, even if we’re not involved. These fags need to go, can we hardcore fud twitter nonstop or something. Let’s confuse these fags more than r*dditfags

>> No.24523607

not sure. I remeber back in the day people would get rekt for sticking out

>> No.24523821

Hed fucking well better have posted the arguing with holes meme for the thot at the end at least.

>> No.24523934

>These fags need to go, can we hardcore fud twitter nonstop or something.
no this is irreversible. normalfags already invaded in 17 and it got much worse over the years. this also the reason google trends dont break out and btc is crabbing at 20k. everyone knows about crypto already. the information symmetry to make money off is long gone. i sold everything at 18 bucks and started my own business. i will never look back

>> No.24523991

That’s a bit too much of a blackpill for me to swallow what about the fabled 2021 bull run

>> No.24524421

i concur. i stopped the crypto twitter faggotry months ago and only rarely login to twitter to see important tweets from the Reserve team.

>> No.24524465

2021? you'll be lucky to see civilization intact by then

>> No.24525023

Are you THE Schloppy

>> No.24525113

Oh come on I’m going to sell my link bags next year for $100 a pop to a bunch of retard boomers and that’s all there is to it

>> No.24525197


Yeah she’s a complete fucking idiot. She posts about “not keys” knowing full well she is on but tries to hide it by posting Pepe.

She works in Investor relations and posts pics of her smoking joints and talking about sex. Like ffs. Did she not hear about Celsius and Jessica? That degenerate “slut4Lyf” might fly on tiktok, but god Christ am I ever depositing any of my fiat into a company that has that at the forefront.

Yeah, lots of them have no idea. I Joined Twitter in May, but hold 62k link from ICO through 2018. They are clueless lol; a decent chunk of OGs cashed out hard in summer. Rebought on the way down but we’ve absolutely diversified lol.

>> No.24525340

Hello Chad department

>> No.24526179

This please, these fucking cucks are getting rich off of /biz/‘a autism

>> No.24526470

I think my feud with Elsa is going to get me banned

>> No.24527047
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Look at this whore

>> No.24527203
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>> No.24527236

I fucking hate women

>> No.24527249

>chainlink in twitter

Thats why the price tanked.
Its all explained now.

>> No.24527452

This dumb roastie posts this shit from her work twitter account ffs

>> No.24527913


>> No.24527981

How would an anon find this mythical secret Discord?
The closes I found was an old Discord doing sleuthing around who was actually behind Idena (Based!), I do miss the unaltered autism of old /biz though.

>> No.24528051

so you got salty and posted it here. you think we care?

>> No.24528106

Fuck you

>> No.24528184


>> No.24528661
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>> No.24528724


>> No.24528862

I did watch cryptoface loosing $300.000 with a leverage long at $19.800 live on YouTube. Shit was entertaining

>> No.24528929

That’s does sound entertaining desu

>> No.24528935

>What a fucking faggot white knight piece of shit
>Fuck this Elsa bitch too
Let me tell you a little secret, they are both the same person

>> No.24529037

yea you caught me.

several good posts ITT but very few about how crypto twitter is used to make scams seem organic. the amount of scammer shills on twitter is even worse than /biz/ and despite the platform being twitter which is highly regulated, there seems like there isnt any real repercussions to scammers abusing twitter.

what i'd like to see is a crackdown on the scammer bots that plague crypto twitter. the paid shills are bad enough and buying into their hype is a real fast way to get rug pulled. crypto no matter where its discussed (save bitcointalk) is still the wildwild west full of more pajeet scammers than legit projects. but if anything this is a good indicator as with all crypto bull cycles, the rates of scams increasing at such a high frequency is a sign we're gonna run. closer to the top we get, even more scams. soon frens, soon.

TLDR: i genuinely feel sorry for newfags getting into crypto right now. tons of them are going to lose lots of money to these ruthless scammers on crypto twitter and the like.

>> No.24529551

Based Schlop, got any new projects i should be aware of?

>> No.24529642

my only bets this cycle are on: BTC ETH LINK RSR and a small 1MM speculative bag of PNK
beyond that i liquidated everything several months ago and rarely catch the pnd's anymore as its too much work than its really worth.
lots of the guys in the secret biz chat server find stuff worth throwing a little in on from time to time and selling the pumps. ive made money with those guys as opposed to those fags in the Whalepool Cash servers now known as "the neet life" those degenerate gamblers are professionals at losing money.