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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 279x180, bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24501253 No.24501253 [Reply] [Original]

At what point in the game theory do we max all our credit cards and personal loans for BTC and take possession of the keys and leave.

>> No.24501267


>> No.24501270

Wait... you havent done this yet?


>> No.24501449

I already did that basically at the beginning of this year
Took out $10k in student loans, dropped out and put it into BTC
Tried to take out personal loans but I'm 23 and my credit is not good enough yet to not get lowsharked by these rates

>> No.24501458

>At what point in the game theory do we max all our credit cards and personal loans
For this cycle? December 2018 to March 2019 and March 2020 ofc silly

>> No.24501545

Why March 2020?

>> No.24501570

It dropped to like 4k for a few minutes.
That's just gambling.

I mean at what point is the system just done that you rush in.

>> No.24501597


I had 0 BTC in august
1.2 now

Bought a bunch in October average buy in price around 11

>> No.24501627

How is it just gambling when this thing has been appreciating more than any other asset for the last ten years?
Why are you waiting around as it just goes up and up and up?
Are you supposed to wait for the day before all usd denominated debts are going to be forgiven and THEN go in? Assuming that happens at all

>> No.24501635

If bitcoin gets down to $13000 - $14000 I'm taking out a 100k loan to buy more.

>> No.24501640

IF this guy : >>24501551

is right, then right now. LFG!

>> No.24501665

The higher they rise...

>> No.24501717

You’re better off taking it out now and waiting.

>> No.24501741

At 20.1k

>> No.24502058

Clearly I'm an idiot because I cant get my point across to anyone.

I already own a sizeable chunk of BTC been in for years. I mean at what point do you just cash in your Jew score for whatever sats are left and leaving for greener pasture.

>> No.24502232

I'm already all in Bonded Finance. Fuck you.

>> No.24502291


>> No.24502458
File: 47 KB, 1532x295, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not borrowing as much BTC as you can

>> No.24502518

You never go all in, DCA, read books on how to properly invest

>> No.24502746
File: 143 KB, 800x255, bitcoin-crash-comic1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... the higher they rise

look smug retard, this video is as accurate today as it was when it was posted in 2015

also pic related

>> No.24502930

I love how the last panel will probably unironically happen at some point.
And normies will still and unironically call Bitcoin dead bubble when that happens

>> No.24503062

my bet is with Bob Loukas,
since this will be the 3rd 4 year cycle in Bitcoin's history, and each 4 year cycle is made up of a 1 year bear market, 2 years bull market, and 1 year "bubble" market, this cycle should be the bubble of all bubbles, with the cycle that follows being the "bearish" whole cycle, with that ratio described above flipped

By then the normies will really think it's over, just like the dotcom bubble, but in fact after 2026 it will only have been the first round

>> No.24503446


Redpill me on Bob Loukas

>> No.24503579

He's a based 50 something old man in crypto
he's been extremely accurate with his long term calls, namely calling the bottom in 2018
basically he advocates a strategy of investing based on watching market cycles, and really it's a much better way of just investing overall
like you could blindly buy and sell this market just by recalibrating your view of where we are in the broader market cycle like once a year, the only time you need to pay attention is really between cycles like at the highs and lows
I know a lot of this probably sounds like some newfag spouting off about the latest youtube TA expert grifter he's found that can make money in a bull market, but Loukas' extreme temperance toward volatility is not only pretty refreshing but also it's right even when you begin to doubt your own convictions about this market

also he only releases a video like less than once a month, because you really don't have to in order to still get a good picture of where the market is

as we get closer to the bubble top, which I expect will happen in Dec 2021, I will most certainly be watching for his calls

>> No.24503983

So he's just saying what everybody else on this board is saying? That's nothing new...

>> No.24504005

I don't get that reading from this board, but perhaps.
the details are important, especially around the peaks and bottoms where everyone is purporting the most retarded theories

>> No.24504006


>> No.24504102

How high do you think it will go?

>> No.24504493
File: 170 KB, 2000x1334, 105055896-GettyImages-826435396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta tell the (((bank))) what you're borrowing the money for. if you tell them "to buy bitcoin" they will laugh at you and say no. if you don't tell them "to buy bitcoin" and that's what you do, then that's fraud and you'll go to pound-me-in-the-ass prison. just like /biz/'s hero.

>> No.24504528

>At what point do you go all in?
at the top
>buy high sell low

>> No.24504557

At 25k and ride it to 300k

>> No.24504583

You should already be all in:
>dollar being printed out like crazy
>companies beginning to use BTC as a reserve treasury asset
>square and PayPal purchases accounting for more than 100% of newly mined BTC
>each week a new asset manager comes out in favor of BTC
>bull run is programmed into the asset through halvings

>> No.24504734
File: 155 KB, 1200x674, 1582092793130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the time is now, the west is collapsing under our feet. Right now you should be applying for as many credit cards as you can, take out loans for cars and shit and sell them for cash, whatever, put it all into crypto and then bounce from the country into SEA or China. Marry some chink for a green card, launder your cryptos back into assets in your new country and enjoy life as a king while the western hegemony collapses

>> No.24504764


>> No.24504890

i suspect at a certain point in time the btc will switch from being the master to become the student, i.e like an altcoin, such as the mighty example of ethereum falling from the past 3 years the same fate would happen to bitcoin. at this testament time will be a test to many, as presumably 99% of holders would no longer be in the money. when this happens? impossible to say. maybe when there have been so many diluted coins at a point and people forget about bitcoin like it was old mans gold, or miners have gone wary and ceased to exist. there is a saying don't fomo in trading, because there will always be another chance. and man we are all too young to say we have the experience to go that far in the future and say bitcoin may or may not ever reach $100 again. there is also a saying just because something is meant to happen doesnt mean it is imminent, so bitcoin could go to 1 million even before this happens. the only thing that disagrees with this theory is gold itself, but that is sort of hard to predict because gold is a hedge to countries and there has never been a country that has proven its worth in time. then again gold has 55000 years of history and bitcoin has 11 years.

>> No.24504961

i did that earlier this year

>> No.24504980

this guy has fucked every female in this image

>> No.24505006

now probably, but I'm already 50% total net worth in crypto and feel over exposed already

>> No.24505024

The only logical way to do this is the student loans route you won’t get a loan if you’re a retarded neet, I’ve done it before you get a student loan go to the finance office or whatever they literally show you okay you have this much of a personal loan available it won’t be shit but it’s a start especially since I know there are college fags up rn. It’s fucking easy stop being a little bitch and fucking game the system you won’t be able to file bankruptcy but if you’re like me a schizoid neet you can get all of it revoked you’re such a little bitch I even get bitches too it’s fucking funny you mope around like bitches You’ll never make it working for the man that’s like the first rule retards.

>> No.24505093


Lol wrong. You diversify once you've already accumulated significant capital in order to preserve it. You go all-in on something you've researched extensively to get that capital in the first place. Buffet would tell you the same thing: in the beginning you have to make a big, calculated bet.

Now if you just want to be a millionaire when you're 60+, then yeah, index funds all day.

>> No.24505138


Interesting perspective. I believe in the 4 year cycles and following the halving chart has served me well, but I've never heard anyone suggest the cycles themselves are part of a super-cycle.

>> No.24505267

Every time i receive the shitcoins known as fiat currencies.

>> No.24506080

Im concerned for your financial welfare

>> No.24506122

Getting a loan is hard right now due to lending restrictions caused by the covid liquidity crisis. I already asked about a loan and my bank told me they aren't doing any. I'd rather take a loan out and pay the balance every month than buy more crypto at a higher price every month, but it is what it is.
I'm already fully positioned with all the cash I could pull together (about $50k) and I am still accumulating. I only have 3.5 BTC. I would like to end up between 6-10 before I cash out in September.