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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24495478 No.24495478 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck is tesla mooning along with SP500?
This is why bitcoin is mooning?

>> No.24495853

Tesla is a fucking bubble meme lol. Barely making $8 billion revenue and only 300 million profit and instantly paying that profit to investors. Has literally less than 1% market share of the car market yet is worth more than all the competition combined, and if that is not enough, it would literally go bankrupt without government handouts and loans. Oh and let’s not forget that they failed to deliver the trucks and now pressure customers to setup preorders for the next gen electric trucks. This is Theranos on steroids.

>> No.24496629

>Has literally less than 1% market share of the car marke
people sauing it's been priced for future price revenues projections

>> No.24496814


>> No.24496868

do you think in a few years that 90% of the cars on the road worldwide will be teslas? That's what this valuation is saying. 90% of the shitboxes I see on the road are not going to be magically traded in for a tesla fagmobile. The big short autist guy who shorted the mortgage crisis just shorted tesla at the top on tuesday.

>> No.24496897

>do you think in a few years that 90% of the cars on the road worldwide will be teslas?
it could be
like with Apple now and hyphones

>> No.24496946

>The big short autist guy who shorted the mortgage crisis just shorted tesla at the top on tuesday.
he shorted for a quick buck possibly waiting to buy backin
What does this guy think about economy in the next decades? Inflation deflation or stagflation?

>> No.24497208

Even elon thinks it's overpriced and will pop like a souffle hit with a sledgehammer.

>> No.24497211

how many cars do they manufacture in a year? how efficient are they with this process? how much does cost them to manufacture a car, and how much are they selling it for? if you're not a retard, you know this is a completely different story.

>> No.24497258


because number go up sirs

>> No.24497376

It's totally not though, "people" are rationalizing. It's a classic bubble.

That said, Tesla is still a valuable company that makes the only good fully electric cars. Every other offering is only "decent".

Basically, Tesla as a company will be fine, but everyone who's speculating on their stock is going to get fucked. If the board of directors was really cheeky they'd be dumping stock and even issuing more stock just to fuck with them.

>> No.24497502

why is nasdaq going up?

>> No.24497560
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kek boomers pissing their pants over TSLA is just like them shitting themselves over bitcoin