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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 624x351, Bancor(BNT)Gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2448447 No.2448447 [Reply] [Original]

>best dev team and advisory board in crypto history
>literally the creator of the euro on the team
>most successful ico in history
>actual innovation and real world use
>already 10x value on shit tier exchanges
>projected 20x once it his real exchanges


We Jew Now.

Congratulations to anyone who saw through the FUD and invested, you have now guaranteed yourself 20x gains within 2 months.

>> No.2448480

you dumb half jew cunt will lose everything. laughing all the way to your imminent suicide.

>> No.2448522

This looks actually interesting
Missed the ico. How can i get in as quickly as possible?

>> No.2448553

>This looks actually interesting
>Missed the ico. How can i get in as quickly as possible?
This honestly. What's a realistic price to get in at?

>> No.2448575

Dont get the fuck in right now price will dip as soon as it reaches serious exchanges because those who purchased are in a hurry to dump it

>> No.2448604

>dumping when they will buy back at ico price

don't be mad because you're not one of the chosen 11 thousand

>> No.2448608

there is a $40M buy wall at ico price.

Read the white paper you fudding nobanc cunt.

>> No.2448666

If you don't own Bancor or don't buy some within the next few weeks, you may as will give up.

>> No.2448794
File: 36 KB, 655x527, pepe .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can ANYONE give any reasons for why Bancor sucks other than
>"the jews XD"
>the crowdsale structure
>criticism based on misconceptions about the crowdsale structure
>criticism based on misconceptions about bancor's functionality
>"they only have this and this many lines of code XD"

>> No.2448832

it has no use

>> No.2448840

how many lambos will my 7k bnt buy me?

>> No.2448849

that's a good reason

>> No.2448858

there are no other reasons. people are just mad they are jews and they collect TOO MUCH ETH DAO MUH HARD FORK NOO GREEEDY JEWS

>> No.2448859

>7k bnt
shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, you're going to lambo paradise, son

>> No.2448898


It basically can't dip below the ico price, most of the ether is being used as a reserve for people to buy back from.

>> No.2448919

That's about as good of a response as "it sucks" to be frank.

>> No.2448920

damn, with my 2300 I will only own the small apartment next to yours in Monaco, can I come over sometimes, I'll bring fruit :(

>> No.2448932

I paced around the room for 40 minutes waiting to get in.

>> No.2448933

what color should I choose? Is one enough? I already have a hot girlfriend I hope she wont drain my wallet

>> No.2448956

once you understand how blockchains+smart contracts (and similar patterns) work, you'll realize the services they're offering won't remain profitable. Buy in only if you want to make bancor rich.

>> No.2448961

we all gonna make it.

>> No.2448976

explain a bit more or at least give the specific problem.

>> No.2448988
File: 17 KB, 123x123, pepetired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"you just don't get it, i know more than you but won't elaborate further"
Anything else?

>> No.2448996
File: 111 KB, 584x411, Mossad-Photo-IsraelandStuffPP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that if you didn't buy into this ICO because the developers are Jewish you are victim of a Mossad psyop designed to keep goyim hands off their investment.

>> No.2449028

So what do I use this token for?

It's not a currency or plans to be. I don't get a dividend, what the fucks the point?

>> No.2449080

It's not "a" currency.

It's literally poised to tbe "the" currency against which every other crypto is weighted.

This is the central reserve to provide liquidity to all other currencys. Think USD.

>> No.2449234

it does suck, because it has no use.

>> No.2449259

>creator of the euro on the team

this should be a good thing right?

>> No.2449407

he didn't "create" the euro. he did nothing even close to that.

>> No.2449434

I know this coin is shit but I won't even mention why again because I want all the liberal Reddit niggers to lose their money so badly they leave /biz/ alone forever.

>> No.2449831

Here we have the NoBancs.

Notice how he provides no evidence to backup his claim. His blockfolio is a mighty 4 digits and he is a crypto master.

He surely knows more than those invested millions into this project.

Carry on NoBancs, we salute you.

>> No.2449880
File: 70 KB, 500x555, 2678-n101126_with_jews_you_lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If your coin is supposed so elite and dominant, Why are you shilling it all day here? Shouldn't you keep the secret to yourself to buy more in the future?

Or maybe you are just a pajeet with an stagnant shitcoin?

>> No.2449909

hello mossad

>> No.2449950

calls someone a pajeet in a sentence with a grammatical error kek

>> No.2449980
File: 32 KB, 735x541, ZryJ2oZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to HitBTC gook

>> No.2450121

NoBancs are all so poor. I will actually open up a donation thread after we make it to help those who were not as smart..

>> No.2450233

The unbanc'd

>> No.2450297

I bought in right at the ICO, why the fuck would I sell right away? The trajectory will be straight towards the moon, and ill consider selling once it levels off.

>> No.2450327

Not that guy obviously, but if you look into the use cases of Bancor (and similar ICO-based companies) a similar pattern emerges:

Literally who is going use this services? Golem I get because they're targeting graphic designers first.
But shit like Bancor has no real-world use - it's too complicated for most people to make sense of and for that reason, like so many other blockchain companies, it won't accrue value by any means other than speculation.
Having top-tier tech and people can't save a company from the stupidity of the general public.

>> No.2450368

Exactly, another thing is that the BNT protocol is not easily adaptable for the masses to use their platform

>> No.2450430

Which shit exchanges is this currently on?

>> No.2450468

None it's not trade-able yet. Some will try to sell you over-inflated IOU's tho

>> No.2450481

Bancor will make altcoins accessible to the normies. How did you not see this coming?

>> No.2450501

where the fuck can we buy?

seriously. my ICO send did not go through.

>> No.2450574


Yeah, who is gonna use it.


>> No.2450584

Genius idea with devs who actually understand the importance of marketing and imagery.

I feel bad for anyone who didn't get in on the ICO. Best of luck trying to be ready for when it hits exchanges.

>> No.2450618

nah man just let 'em fud, they don't grasp the token exchanger concept or the status implications and clearly never read the whitepaper

will make the tears that much sweeter in time

>> No.2450673

I'm so hyped for this you guys, so happy I bought in at the ICO.

>> No.2450877

lol those are just technologies/platforms that bancor is trying to learn in order to integrate with their services.

Don't get me wrong, Bancor has the potential to be profitable, just like banks that charge their clients insanely high fees. Dumb people will use their service. But that's not something that's going to last as the ethereum platform evolves.

The most amazing thing about bancor is their sales pitch. They really do create a convincing story, but the reality is, there will be a TON of free services that do the same thing.

I personally don't understand the appeal of funding bancor. why not just bypass the middleman and make more money?

>> No.2450917

Great, you linked to a page where over half the 'partners' have the same problem - neat ideas with virtually no real-world use cases that beat existing and entrenched alternatives.

I already made a killing with ETH and I'll probably buy BNT too, all I'm saying is that its value comes from speculation, and not from the protocol actually gaining traction which is true for 90% of these things

>> No.2450918

Do you not understand the importance of a reserve and liquidity?

Did you read the whitepaper?

>> No.2451002

literally who?


>> No.2451039

>so happy I bought in at the ICO.
How much?

>> No.2451119


Where can i buy this one guys? I think this one will rise.

>> No.2451253

>Do you not understand the importance of a reserve and liquidity?
How this question relevant?

Bancor, bringing their traditional banking schemes onto a blockchain platform just isn't going to sustain. It is feasible, but just doesn't make technical sense. Especially if you understand the underlying technology.

Fees will always occur when converting to fiat. Anyone who expects to get rich from charging fees on inter-network transactions just won't not last as a service provider. It's an outdated process.

From a marketing standpoint, bancor seems enticing. From a technological perspective, it's nonsensical.

>> No.2451279
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1301615154001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best dev team and advisory board in crypto history

>team of web developers
>no working product
Enjoy your bags

>> No.2451689
File: 273 KB, 1286x1940, Lord-Rothschild-300-1286x1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally who is going use this services?
I wonder anon

>> No.2452161

not enough

>> No.2452214

too much

>> No.2452977

I fucking need you guys to dump it. My plan is to buy it under ICO price.

>> No.2452986

not gonna happen, buy wall is at ICO price. It can only go up. Just buy in as soon as you can

>> No.2453012

There is an 80 million ETH fund via Bancor smart contract that will let you sell back your BNT for the ICO price.

It literally can't go below it.

Feels comfy

>> No.2453222

dude, read this to understand more about bancor's inflated ICO:

"be realistic and honest with your investors. Do you really ever need more than $5 mill? Finish a MVP first and then do a tokensale, if you really really need to do an ICO."

Also, this (and many more companies on the way, using ethereum) is why bancor will not last:

>> No.2453293

So Circle does better the international transactions as it is free of fees, while Bancor is not

And Waves does better the alt-coin trading, plus tons of different platforms are coming that do that

Tell me again how this is not a ponzi scam?

>> No.2453385

it is a ponzi scam. that's exactly my point. bancor's full of shit. they want to bring outdated global banking practices to a platform that is, by design, going to eliminate the need for consumers to be ass raped by banks.

Anyone funding bancor is simply making them rich and once their business idea fails, the investors will be hodling bnt

>> No.2453467

you don't understand goyim. bakers will make baker coins so they can trade with their customers in their local community you see

>> No.2453532

circle is fuckin shit they stopped dealing with crypto last year

>> No.2453599

4k bancor ready for my tix to lambo land please!

>> No.2453869

> he doesn't know that hitbtc sells IOU coin instead of real coins in order to speculate on the ICO and get maximum profits before the value crashes once they coins get dumped on real exchanges

ah, that's why newfags will never reach lambolands

>> No.2453925

>circle is fuckin shit they stopped dealing with crypto last year
that's not the point dipshit.

Circle Internet's international money transfer service is built on Ethereum. So it's just a matter of time until this is applied to crypto. why would anyone pay bancor for this?

Hope you're having fun lining bancor's gold pockets with your hard earned cash that is hemorrhaging as we speak..

>> No.2454150
File: 99 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20170612_170621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2454218

>best dev team in crypto history

>> No.2454996

>tfw only 400 Bancor
Is there hope for me?

>> No.2455023

Only 130 BNT :(

Maybe i could work for my bancor overlords just like now...

Reeee i will never stop being a wage cuck.

At least i am not living on the streets like the no coiners. Begging for 0.00000000000000001 BNT.

>> No.2455121

Read the whitepaper.
This piece of code is needed to give you 0.00001 bnt for your 1 btc.

>> No.2455336

So they want to make it exactly like their currency that they can create out of thin air, just like in the real world? Yeah I'm glad the system was overloaded and I couldn't buy in. Sounds like a headache waiting to happen.

>> No.2455347
File: 678 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-06-15-04-12-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0.00001 bnt for your 1 btc
>1 BNT = 100,000 BTC

Okay... now I'm erect.

>> No.2455449


t. yuropoor. I went in crypto specifically to hedge against the societal and economic consequences tied to the EU monetary policy, some of which can be felt now and the worst of which is still about to come.

If you think the US dollar is bad, the Euro should wake you up in cold sweat at night.

Good luck to Bancor investors. I hope you're correct and I'm wrong, I'd rather not see war in my lifetime.

>> No.2455474

Where the fuck can i buy????

>> No.2455485

wait for monday, not tradeable yet

>> No.2455605

did anyone actually not buy any BNT?

probably the most solid investment of 2017.

i figured all the FUDding was just people trying to avoid dilution of the ICO share, but starting to think some of those guys were serious LOL

>> No.2455650

Will BNT be available to trade on bittrex on Monday?

>> No.2455693

>did anyone actually not buy any BNT?
Where can I buy it?

>> No.2455752

Gonna buy a Jaguar F-type R, fuck a lambo

t. 200 BNT

>> No.2455786

You guys know how the smart contract works right? This coin isn't going to day 1 quadruple. It will, however, reach that point and much more over the next few months. Hodl

>> No.2455922

Only if you consider your 1btc as thin air.

If that is so just tell me and i'll post my address.

>> No.2456031


>> No.2456063

you bought a coin that is driven only by speculation at 4$. I'm gonna laugh so hard when it crashes that I'll likely have a stroke. In the meanwhile I'll invest in better ICO. stay poor faggots

>> No.2456079
File: 51 KB, 456x337, Gaddafi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will BNT get listed on the exchanges?

Which exchange will be first? (Polo, Bittrex etc.)

>> No.2456082

The market provides that. If a company has no liquidity they dont deserve liquidity. If you mean centralization and control then yes Bancor will attemot to do that.

>> No.2456116

>doesn't know price was set in ETH

>> No.2456120
File: 119 KB, 1600x1067, hot rolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit will sell like

>> No.2456142

keep thinking my eth value is crashing but then i remember i don't actually have any eth right now after using all of it to buy bnt. see you in lamboland my lads

>> No.2456188
File: 135 KB, 1200x675, lp610_4_white_030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted in Isreal. Bought with USD.

>> No.2456195

and your point being? eth was at ATH when you bought it

>> No.2456254

Anyone who wanted bancor could of and did in the stupid oversold ICO, there is going to be little demand apart from the first hours it hits exchanges by the latecomers to crypto or newbies that didn't know how to enter an ICO then nothing for months. Anyone smart will dump everything in the first 24hrs.

Also you retards paid way more in $ value than it's going to be by the time it hits exchanges because eth bubble + btc gonna be over. While those jews sit happily on their mountain of fiat.
You all got PLAYED gg

>> No.2456327
File: 13 KB, 274x242, 1409678003154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread about BAT?


Because it does seem like a BAT rerun.

Cya at 70% minus faggots.

>> No.2456385

you forgot to mention the CEO is a crook

>> No.2456435

I bought the ETH for Bancor well in advance. When it was ~$160 to be precise.

Even if I'd bought in for $4 bucks a pop, I'd be happy knowing I didn't miss out on the most legit project of 2017.

The salt is going to be so real when Bancor hits top 5 coins within a year.

>> No.2456478

You do know BAT is still like 5x it's ico price right?

>> No.2456520

I think I saw these Jews on banged up abroad the other night

>> No.2456521

nobancs seem salty as fuck. it's not our fault you weren't one of the goys chosen for ascension

>> No.2456558

kek this.
>b-b-but you know they can make new bancors and sell them right?
we know goys, THATS THE PLAN!

>> No.2456795


>> No.2456806

also this. It is literally what drives up the price of bancor but nobancs don't understand

>> No.2457123
File: 692 KB, 2040x1360, bancor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]