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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, Shitcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24476876 No.24476876 [Reply] [Original]

Which one of these three coins is the most likely to do a 100x and ascend to non-shitcoin status like ETH or LINK?
Or are they doomed to slowly die and create many suicidal bagholders?
I see these three shilled the most here besides BTC, ETH, or LINK.

>> No.24476884
File: 36 KB, 400x500, 0D5CA4CA-34F1-4D8F-92C5-0B1BF6A73176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a few hundred barrels my friend

>> No.24476887
File: 10 KB, 225x225, andre ftm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24476899

rlc -> 10 years -> x10,000
pnk -> 5 years -> x100

why not both?

>> No.24476902
File: 1.12 MB, 1200x900, 2439AD4E-DAAC-4E19-AB22-4F398ADE5EC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don’t know I won’t tell

>> No.24476907

just look at the meme quality, there is one which stands out

>> No.24476985

not dog shit one thats for sure 50ct at best

>> No.24477182

I personally think that PNK is the most promising, it´s the only one of the three to have a working product and a real problem to solve.
RSR seems like an easy pnd after it gets listed on Coinbase.
And I don´t know anything about RLC, but it´s simultaneously shilled and fudded a lot on /biz/.

>> No.24477192
File: 55 KB, 437x437, 1605192860058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSR = Fake Chads who use black and white to appear sofisiticated
PNK = Trannies and papjeet larpers who turn others away so they can accumulate
RLC = Something something oil barons and outdated tech

Chainlink back in the day was bought and held by trannies who made a lot of money. That's all I have to say.

>> No.24477282

The dream portfolio
30% RSR
30% PNK
30% RLC
10% BTC
Guaranteed millionaire by 2022. Screenshot this.

>> No.24477356

Millionaire out of billionaire?

>> No.24477369

Diversifying is a meme, if you aren´t confident in your own investments then you are NGMI.
What warrants RSR and RLC to make up 60% of your portfolio?

>> No.24477382

How much sheckles minimum for some money gainzzz

>> No.24477410

RSV is a stablecoin.. it's not gonna go 100x... RSR however hopefully moons^^

>> No.24477481

I meant to post the RSR logo, why did they have to make the names and logos so similair.

>> No.24477714

The fuck is your obsession with trannies you fucking pervert?

>> No.24477722

kleros courts will make me mother fucking rich I will buy a whole district in Mumbay just for me alone it will be my latrine only mine noone elses

>> No.24477783

RSR has a working product with tens of thousands of users and backing by coinbase ventures and founders of PayPal but keep blindly shilling your bags.

>> No.24477831

They make money in crypto, and I want money

>> No.24477889

RSR has no working product, it doesn't even use the blockchain on the app. Try harder. RSR is an ERC-20 Placeholder, with minimum work, check their GitHub ;)

>> No.24477932
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Not the dogshit one

>> No.24477972
File: 505 KB, 860x576, Screenshot 2020-11-29 at 15.24.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're failing to add the best coin of them all anon, that's disappointing

>> No.24478092
File: 13 KB, 273x185, 1605593389002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only judge coins by meme quality and Kleros has objectively the best memes. The other memes are obviously memes to shill their coin and make it look more valuable than it is and generate artificial FOMO to get losers in but Kleros fully embraces that it's a Pajeet shitcoin and makes fun of that. THAT'S confidence in a coin. If a coin is fudded to death but still does well there has to be a reason for it. So if I had to put my money into any of those it would be Kleros, but I don't hold any of them

>> No.24478100

Well I'm made through link already and no needs or wants to diversify but judging off the fud id say kleros is your best bet.
I have no knowledge of any of the projects though

>> No.24478138

Hadn't read this post before mine but agree 100%. Basically what I said

>> No.24478171
File: 3.28 MB, 635x640, 7EAD2AC8-A349-43F0-B278-C293CDCF9A1F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It´s a placeholder, it doesn´t have a working product you fucking faggot.
>but keep blindly shilling your bags.
It sounds like you keep buying the top and are now projecting this on others out of anger, stay poor and mad while I keep making money of crypto ponzi schemes.

>> No.24478175

What’s a make it stack of each?

>> No.24478264

>PNK 100k
>RLC 8700

>> No.24478387 [DELETED] 

Take the current price, multiply it by a 100, then divide a million with that.
This is assuming the coin will do a 100x and you consider one million USD making it.
So for example RSR:
>0,02 x 100 = 2
>1000000 / 2 = 500k
Or for PNK:
>0,10 x 100 = 100
>1000000 / 100 = 10k

>> No.24478433

Take the current price, multiply it by a 100, then divide a million with that.
This is assuming the coin will do a 100x and you consider one million USD making it.
So for example RSR:
>0,02 x 100 = 2
>1000000 / 2 = 500k
Or for PNK:
>0,10 x 100 = 10
>1000000 / 10 = 100k

>> No.24478461

>0,10 x 100 = 100

Big Brain Math

>> No.24478750

>0,10 x 100 = 100
Few understand, this is very complicated and advance Poo in Loo arithmetic sir, learned only at the Big School of Mumbai.

>> No.24479496

The whole board is obsessed with trannies. The whole fucking site. All it is is trannies trannies trannies. "Dilate!" "You will never be a woman!"
It is crystal clear: These people desperately want to fuck trans girls

>> No.24479529

RLC is pointless and your main competitor is fucking Amazon AWS and Google Cloud Services

Absolutely retarded bet to make