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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 279x167, BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2447647 No.2447647 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss the next Stratis in this thread, what Lambos we will be driving, etc, etc. Inb4 "muh whales" "muh market cap" and "muh overinflated ICO"

>> No.2447691
File: 47 KB, 570x734, 20120226_Brendan_Eich_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when you morons were saying it'd be 25k sat a day after hitting bittrex and calling everyone that was explaining why it was stupid and you said them nocoiner fags even though they were oldfags that had way more than you. Haha, eat shit newfags buying 6x ICO without waiting.

>> No.2447753

BAT still has enormous potential. The ICO nearly F'ed everything in the A. This botched ICO along with Bancor caused Vitalik to tap out from advising ICO projects.

>> No.2447767

I never personally said or would even think that it would be that pumped (25k sat) after the start of trading. That would put its market cap within striking distance of Stratis. I am of the view that this is a better long term hold as the technology matures. I have faith in Brendan and he has a reputation at stake.

>> No.2447821

Why the hell would you buy an advertising token that has no advertisers?

If you want to take payments via the blockchain use any of the 50 different coins that are equally as good and more accepted than BAT.

(It will still make money, at some point, but moon mission has been scrubbed)

>> No.2447851

I guess this is how you know it's a good coin, people talk shit about it on /biz. All other coins that get shilled constantly are scamcoins (buttbeans / ark / etc) but when a coin with actual potential is talked about people talk shit lololol

>> No.2447870

I remember when people dismissed Stratis as a PnD and when people dismissed Ethereum as a "scamcoin designed by a malnourished autist". It seems that the more a coin is FUDded then the better chance it has to succeed, as odd as that may seem.

>> No.2448081
File: 35 KB, 400x404, il_570xN.282013620.jpg.cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT Founded by https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brendan_Eich Same man that created https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript?wprov=sfla1 while working on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netscape_Communications_Corporation cofounder of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla?wprov=sfla1 who sold his scripting tech to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisco_Systems?wprov=sfla1

What more do you need?

I am buying more. I will no longer comment about BAT on /biz/ until I hit 4.3+++++ million worth.

The last currency project I felt this strong about led to a 2 year hodl for a 6,666% profit. May this be a similar if not greater decision.

>> No.2448125

I am planning on a long term hold, too. I know most people here are about the PnD gains and whatnot, but I have a busy day job and don't have unlimited free time to sit in front of the computer and watch candlesticks go up and down.

>> No.2448262

Sorry, and may I ask which currency project that was?

>> No.2448336

Ya, most of the retards on this board are losing money coming in on the latter end of pump and dumps... every 14-28 year old here thinks they're some brilliant smarter than all fuck that can beat the market and make a shit ton of money speculating... that's why I'm holding a select few coins because I know they have the potential to actually become profit generating businesses. Is BAT one of them? Ya, is there a chance that they will fail? Ya, but I think they have one of the best chances to succeed

>> No.2448475


Bought in at .00000015 or some ridiculous ridiculously low number like that. Literally had to go into Bank of America to make wire transfers into their fund. Ignored it for 2 years and bam!

Currently it is near 4,600% profit from my entry. When it was at peak it was more than 6k%. Wishing I had put more into it than I did now. Hindsight, so I am taking that experience and applying it here.

People can laugh all day, but the bottom line with Ripple is that it was founded by one of the PayPal founders who took his understanding and ties into the current banking systems into XRP. I'm not here to say it is the end all or best tech. But I definitely believe that it will continue to climb just like BAT and be one of the top 10.

>> No.2448499
File: 1.87 MB, 5312x2988, 20170531_163348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 3k BAT. Am I going to make it?

>> No.2448595

There is a risk in everything. So many people fail to understand that. If BAT fails, oh well. That was a risk I chose to take. However, with the big names involved and the solid rationale presented, I believe that there is a better chance than not it will succeed. BAT may not be another XRP (@ poster 2448475) but I damn well believe it will be majorly successful and hopefully I am wrong and it is as successful as XRP.

>> No.2448623

Only 493 BAT here. Kill me.

>> No.2448690

Buy them while it's cheap. I remember when Stratis was 5,000 sat, people were saying "shitcoin, getting ready to dump", then at 12k "shitcoin, getting ready to dump", and so on and so forth. Then once it hit 20k sat all the boat missers were saying "oh, I'll buy in when it's cheaper" Sorry, guys, cheaper never came.

Better to buy as much as possible now sub 10k than wait until later.

>> No.2448720
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The point is that I am a poorfag, I can't put more right now. I appreciate your comment though.

>> No.2448756
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>> No.2448810
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What amounts are you handling right now?

>> No.2448870

What's a realistic market cap for BAT if it really takes off?

>> No.2448886

12k BAT tokens. I really believe in this project, like I believed that Stratis would be as successful as it is.Yes, the bags are big and heavy right now. However, they are long haul bags. Once I get ready to sell a year or two down the road my bags will be but a drop in the ocean.

>> No.2448907

Exactly, this is why I put in over 2 btc into it... Not the majority of my portfolio but a sizable amount I can live without day-trading. I really can't wait for their future updates.

>> No.2448949

Wheew. Give me some time to beg in another thread because I can not reach your level right now.

As soon as you reach Lambo land return here to report.

>> No.2448983

Well consider this:

In the beginning there is minor adoption of the Brave Browser and BAT is used by advertisers (by paying Brave in USD <--> BAT) to pay for clicks / etc. At this point BATs will be low value. However, as adoption increases, the price for advertising (in BATs) will decrease but remain constant in USD. For example, if it costs 1 BAT for a click today, it may cost .1 BATs (if 1 BAT = 20 cents now and .1 BATs = 20 cents a couple years later) in the future when BATs become more valuable. Because of this model, the value of BAT will scale directly with the success of the adoption of the Brave browser.

Imagine if Brave becomes big within the next couple of years! I can't even imagine what the market cap might be.

Short term (less than 6 months) I see the market cap at least doubling as new updates / news comes out.

>> No.2449093

Also to complement poster 2448983, the price of BTC will constantly rise as the market cap of BAT rises. A way to look at the tokens is like shares in a stock. To use Stratis as an example. at its start, a "share" of it was around 2000 sat. You would think that with it rising to 200,000 sat, that would equate to a 100x increase, however when you consider that BTC was around 6-700 when STRAT was ICO'd, you have to add an additional 4x multiplier as BTC is around 2500-2900 now. Who knows how much BTC will be 2 years from now as crypto is being adopted at an insane pace. The market cap of BTC couple of years from now may rival that of many major established companies.

>> No.2449191

Just an FYI you can reference more than one poster in your post
In case you didn't know XDD

>> No.2449207


I don't shill any of those coins. I'd rather invest in coins with good use cases, this coin won't succeed in its primary design. That's a bad sign. You'll note I said IT WOULD make money, just not off advertisers. Same reason I won't be investing in blockchain instant messaging, no one is going to use it.

The Dev team rocks, no doubt they are competent. But Brave isn't going anywhere. It's going to be another Opera.

>> No.2449215

I'm just lazy :):):):):):)

>> No.2449243

Please elaborate on which coins have "good use cases", besides BTC and ETH.

>> No.2449313
File: 42 KB, 267x199, lobsternigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own about $10k worth of BAT and I want to fucking shoot myself.

I bought in purely because of hype. Once again, ask yourself, is it useful as a currency? NO.

Do you really think Coke and Phizer are going to bow down to some retarded fat old bald idiot who invented Mozilla a decade ago? Advertisers spend TRILLIONS on mind controlling you, they own the advertisement market. They would never use BAT based on principle even if it was the most amazing shit ever, which it's not.

It's actually fucking laughable that people think BAT tokens will be used by big advertisers... I mean really, come the fuck on. Advertisers won't and will not use it, and consumers don't need it or want it. Literally BAT is worthless. It has no real world application, and if there ever was to be some kind of "advertisement coin" You can bet the top 5 corporations who own everything will develop their own. Also brave is gay and fucking sucks. I bought in because of hype and I regret it. Missed the Ether gains AND lost hard on BAT.

>> No.2449365

Sure. Good use cases for blockchain right now are payments, remittance, settlement, contracting, governance, and authentication.

Second tier that shows some potential (but not at all proven superior to traditional tech) is cloud computing and blockchain storage.

Other niche stuff like croud funding, IMs, music token, etc. may have a place in the future but need additional adaptation first.

>> No.2449367

Sorry mate, were having rational adult conversations here. The Niggercoin and Holocaust-coin threads are down the hall. And if I may ask, if you are smart enough to possess 10k to invest in something, why did you fall for "hype", or are you just feeling nervous because it hasn't shot up 9,000 percent yet like ButtBean and DeeGeeBee?

>> No.2449395

why are you re-shitposting the same exact thing you said in a different thread? lol

>> No.2449402

Which coins/tokens do you believe fit into the spectrum of good use cases?

>> No.2449427
File: 130 KB, 1920x1080, bat roadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll put this here.

>> No.2449428
File: 240 KB, 750x1154, 1496863484388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how I can tell you're poor? You make bad investments.

I'm feeling HATEFUL because it's gone down 40% since I bought it, and I lost crazy ether gains (well not so much now because of the ether crash).

Also don't talk shit about DGB, I've made 300k on that alone and still holding half my stack you fucking poor idiot.

>> No.2449442

because I'm too lazy to re-write the same shit in a new form but but want to get the information out.

>> No.2449472

sounds all fine and dandy except for one tiny little itsy bitsy minuscule question...


Can you answer that? Why does a giant, billion dollar advertising giant need to use BAT and shitty gay brave?

>> No.2449475

I just realized your user ID looks like "MILF WEB" LOL

>> No.2449498

"loli love" would have been better, but meh.

>> No.2449520


>> No.2449521
File: 12 KB, 201x251, bootyrekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, sir. Please fill out this form and return it to me.

>> No.2449549
File: 76 KB, 500x625, buttrekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, that one was too small. Here's a clearer version. Make sure to submit it to your local MOD squad so they can address your butthurt.

>> No.2449562

Breh, I own more BAT than you do, can you literally not read?

>> No.2449587

>Asks a question relevant to why Google and Apple are the world's most liquid companies while not understanding money is already transmitted "digitally" to fund it all

>> No.2449597

*shrug* Personally I'm just a holder.

My investments are largely in BTC & ETH. I'm buying more LTC than anything else right now, but it doesn't have that wow factor most people seem to need. I'm not looking for the next moon, any of the top 6-7 coins by monthly trading volume are probably pretty solid.

>> No.2449622

Please point out where I said anything about anyone having more BAT than me or you. We aren't debating that. So, can you please come up with a coherent argument that doesn't use "shitty gay Brave" as an explanation?

>> No.2449628

That was the most retarded thing I've ever read. I know you think you sound smart but you don't, you sound like a gigantic faggot.

>> No.2449682

As much as the advertising market needs something like BAT I don't really feel comfortable buying in much. Synereo is a similar project with a lower barrier to entry (just a plugin instead of a browser) that is driven by content creators and their audiences instead of major advertisers which gives me more hope for adoption. Kind of like a crypto Patreon that also rewards users for sharing content too.

>> No.2449708

Have not heard of Synereo. I will check that out. Thank you.

>> No.2449722


Are you heavily medicated on a daily basis?

You made 300k on dgb, then you screech on how your 10k investment in 12 day old coin is going nowhere. With the most asinine arguments on top of this.

Are you medicated right now?

>> No.2449744

Google can't even profit from youtube, you think BAT will be profitable? What a tard.

>> No.2449771

10k is still a lot of money. That's nice little vacation to Europe or wherever, or you could get some insanely hot hookers for a few nights in a row.

You clearly don't value money.

>> No.2449793


now you are really going to a stupid, stupid place


>> No.2449804

>Can you answer that? Why does a giant, billion dollar advertising giant need to use BAT and shitty gay brave?

Because they literally lose billions annually to scams and middlemen.

>> No.2449813

Your first post without a slur or swear. Congrats, man. Hey, let me ask you, what's your opinion on BTC? ETH?


Oh. My sides are in space right now!

>> No.2449839

Why would your sides be in space from such a pitifully weak putdown?

>> No.2449842

Are you serious, are you forgetting all of the small companies that need to advertise their shit? If people find a more effective and cheaper way to do something they will do it... I don't know what your background is but you're not thinking about this in the right frame... You think billion dollar advertising giants need BAT? Of course they don't, BAT is trying to become a billion dollar advert giant lol..

But hey, I guess you were the same type of person who thought that small-business loans were all shit too

>> No.2449867

>Alphabet doesn't disclose how much money YouTube is making

Can you literally not read. I said NOT PROFITABLE not "didn't make any money at all whatsoever you retarded faggot.

>> No.2449869

Since you're in this thread I assume you have an opinion about BAT. Care to share?

>> No.2449895

What can BAT/Brave do that someone like google, apple, yahoo, time warner, disney could not instantly copy and do better within weeks?

Stumped you fag.

>> No.2449918

ummm...I'm pretty sure something like YOUTUBE is making some kind of money. Like, only everyone uses it!

>> No.2449932

I was interested in it briefly but after thinking about it a little more I don't see much value in it.

>> No.2449968

if you actually read the whitepaper / their business plan you would know, you probably don't have the attention to read through 10 pages, let alone 30.

>> No.2449991


Google is making mad, mad money from Youtube.


By 2020, 80% of the Internet traffic could be video.

>> No.2449994

Well. Ok then. Please go read the white paper, read up about digital click fraud and see if you hold the same opinion.

>> No.2450002

If you actually thought they had a good plan you would have told me by now instead of moving the goal post faggot. lol

>> No.2450006

They are already in talks with advertisers. Currently advertisers and publishers both get FUCKED by google Adsense, there's been a market for replacing it for years now.

>> No.2450013

profit and revenue are different but don't worry you'll learn about that in high school.

>> No.2450026

You sure love the word "faggot", don't you? It's literally in every other post of yours. Repressed desires coming to the surface?

>> No.2450027

BAT has plugins planned. More details coming in the roadmap later this week.

>> No.2450031

>what can microsoft do that someone like Hewlet Packard or IBM could not instantly copy and do better within weeks?
>what can apple do that someone like microsoft or Sony could not instantly copy and do better within weeks?
>what can google do that someone like yahoo or lycos could not instantly copy and do better within weeks?

Are you 12?

>> No.2450272

Are you serious? I basically invalidated your whole argument by pointing out that you're ignorant to their entire plan as a whole. You're the perfect example of a mindless sheep who only bases your stance off of the opinions of other people. Why don't you do yourself a favor and actually read the white paper before you shit all over it. It's literally only 35 pages or so... Or you can go the way you've been going your whole life. HERP DERP THESE PEOPLE HAVE THIS OPINION BECAUSE OF X Y Z. I HAVE SAME OPINION NOW

>> No.2450887

i don't give a shit about all the autistic arguments around this coin.

i'm in this to sell hype and the main thing keeping me from buying any more than the small bag i have now is the association with the brave browser.

i don't care about "REEEE but it's great on mobile" "you didnt read the whitepaper" blah blah etc.

what is gonna make normies switch to this? most people mindlessly use the browser on their phone. you're asking them to download an app and use it instead of the one that already automatically opens links they click on.

seems like this would have been a better thing to sell AFTER the brave browser made some bigger gains in the market. i understand we're institutional investors and this is all speculative and shit but i'm still not convinced.

the strength of the idea is what sold me though. i have high hopes and low-medium expectations.

>> No.2451456
File: 104 KB, 960x717, image-23df95e55aa5315ddbd3ea04cb3cec3d4e646482c93a2329395bb43ba788aa68-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude if brave has millions of users, then it has market share.

Board of directors dont need to understand tokens, they just understand advertising costs.

>> No.2451958

Lmfao you’ll kill yourself when you dump BAT and miss out on the biggest gains of or life.