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24475621 No.24475621 [Reply] [Original]

Can an Ampl holder help me with a question

>As of now $15mil volume @ $370mil mc
>End of July beginning of Aug volume was roughly $70mil @ $370mil mc
>Go back further to around 22nd July and volume was $30mil @ roughly $370mil mc

Each time we've been at $370mil mc before volume has been much higher. Why is it only $15mil now? What does it mean? Totally new to this so an explanation would be great before I buy a bag

>> No.24475683

well, last time there was only one geyser on play. this time there are 4. so that's potentially tens of millions locked in liquidity that holders aren't moving.

>> No.24475755

Not following sorry, the amount in the geysers that are locked in do not count and do not show as volume on Coingecko charts?

>> No.24476015

He's saying that much smaller buys result in a much higher MC because there are less tokens available to sell - they're locked.

It also means the dump will be THAT much harder when the tokens unlock.

>> No.24476016

>only one geyser on play. this time there are 4
newfag here
what are gysers?

>> No.24476035

Funniest thing every watching this slide into top 3 as people don’t realize btc eth ampl are the only coins that matter at all. Musical chairs with shit coins is coming to an end.

>> No.24476049

yes. There are not moving value because its locked liquidity, so therefore they don't contribute to volume figures. However their value is baked into the overall marketcap.

In short, AMPL has set a higher baseline now leaving room for a much higher high. When the pump really explodes this time around, its gonna be fucking magical.

>> No.24476064
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But an anon in another thread said this would only go up!

>> No.24476086

>there are people who still don't own AMPL

>> No.24476152

uniswap, sushiswap, and balancer offer liquidity mining. you deposit ampl and eth for the first two and ampl and usdc for balancer and you receive rewards/trading fees for offering liquidity. sushiswap also gives you sushi weekly, and balancer gives you balancer tokens.
when you receive your liquidity pool tokens (LP tokens), you can deposit those into the geyser for additional ampl rewards. after 30 days there's a 3x multiplier to your rewards depending on how much of the pool you own, and for longer, you get more rewards.

>> No.24476180

volume is buys and sells. locked liquidity isn't moving, so that's market cap, not volume.

>> No.24476201

Think he means harder as in more difficult to do, not as in more of an extreme dump.

Gotcha thanks

>> No.24476330

thank you but I have heard there is risk of impermanent loss
is it true?

>> No.24476387

people don't realise this is the ultimate decentralized stablecoin

AMPL is as big as BTC ETH and LINK

>> No.24476447

once you get it, you get it

>> No.24476467

Apparently the Balancer pool that they have more or less eliminates IL, but I don't know enough about it to say much more.

>> No.24476468
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>put money in
>the money put in can drastically increase or decrease

>> No.24477327

if market cap increases, your token number goes up. if down, then down. it's not rocket science. the algorithm is designed to bring it back to a dollar. but if the market cap stabilizes at $1b dollars and you bought in at $250m, congrats, you've 4xed.
but what if it stabilizes above $1bn?

>> No.24477486

What part of Elastic Supply do you not understand?

>> No.24477491

It's not a stablecoin, it acts like one once offer and demand balance out

>> No.24478391

it's searching for equilibrium in its current stage. Once the marketcap is large enough that it would take a serious amount of volume to create fluctuations it would become relatively stable. You also need to factor in that it's pegged to a static valuation of the $ and not its current own currency fluctuations, so changes in the $ also bear weight on AMPL's value too. It's a stablecoin in a different sense to USDT. Time will tell but it could make a lot of people think differently economically speaking if it really pulls off its long term vision. Still extremely early days.

>> No.24479111

>Apparently the Balancer pool that they have more or less eliminates IL

>> No.24479236

Elastic finance was theorized by great economists but could never be done in practice. AMPL really is a great opportunity I do agree that holding blindly isn't smart and negative rebases are killer, I missed out on ampl because I bought right after their release and got murdered initially even though I thought the idea was phenomenal. I still made good in june and will make good again now.

AMPL also has very low correlation to the rest of the crypto market so it is great for a portfolio regardless of potential growth. If crypto as a whole grows 10x AMPL could easily be in the top 10 coins if people prefer decentralization > centralization

>> No.24479331
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It means it's organically sustaining an increase in market cap, which means steady positive rebases. And then an impeccable amount of fomo once people educate themselves of the protocol

>> No.24479423
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He's being dishonest. Trying to get people to sell. I shill this project out of the goodness of my heart to let people have the chance to get in, because I was there this summer. Ampleforth melted my fucking face off

>> No.24479504

Rube Goldberg machine