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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24469852 No.24469852 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw been paying minimum fees on student loans for 5 years
>mfw still 40k usd in debt
>mfw instead I have been investing into crypto and saving instead
>mfw ~50k usd in savings and $30k in crypto
>mfw Biden is going to cancel all of my debt
>mfw none of my taxes pay for it because I live and work in a different country and pay $0 in American taxes
>mfw wagecucks now have to retroactively fund me doing cocaine and fucking qt Asian girls in clubs for my 5 years of “studying”/studying abroad

I was a trump fan but I have to admit this is insanely based
Thanks wagies.

>> No.24469872
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I could be retired now if I kept that much in crypto instead of paying off my 110k debt. It's not fair.

>> No.24469911

Why did you pay it off?
People have been REE’ing about student loan forgiveness for a decade now, the writing was on the wall. Instead you could have been like me and paid only minimum payments to secure a 800 credit score and instead invest in crypto/stock etc.

>> No.24469912

>but anon, how did you get so much debt in the first place?
My parents rugpulled me. Said they would pay for school, then told me they had no plans to pay for it and I could pay off the debt easily anyway after graduating.

>> No.24469945

I had more than enough to pay it off, seemed stupid not to do it at the time. I always figured student loan forgiveness would just be 10k or something if it happened.

>> No.24469955

You’re an honorable man anon. Shekelberg thanks you for your service.

>> No.24470016

>my parent's rugpulled me

>> No.24470023

How can Biden cancel debt? Only president has that power iirc

>> No.24470055

Lol paying for school, why do that when the government does it for you already? Seems like a bunch of low IQ morons upset over how much student debt they have and all the older retards who already paid for it. Hahahahaha haha you all got scammed and now fight with eachother about it. Brainwashing complete, you all can move along.

>> No.24470083

>Biden is going to cancel all of my debt
He's not and I even voted for this cuck because Trump would have sent us to war with China, Russia, and North Korea by now.

>> No.24470094

What am I mad about? Wagies are going to have funded my lifestyle of doing drugs, traveling the world and fucking slits for 5 years and at the end of the day it’s going to have only cost me ~10k out of pocket while wagies (including blue collar wagies) fund the rest.

Executive order on first day in office Jan 21. He’s confirmed he’ll cancel debt but has not given a specific figure yet. He originally promised 10K usd forgiveness but Schumer & Pocahontas are demanding $50k- no cap.

>> No.24470105


I already paid off my student loans but I'm happy for you OP

>> No.24470115

Lol 10k net loss. Wish I could be as happy as you when getting taken for a ride. Don’t worry they will find it in other places because you are so blind to being scammed lololol.

>> No.24470123

Thanks friend.
I am excited to be freed from the shackles of servitude to shekelberg without having to pay him the equivalent of 2 down payments on houses.

>> No.24470133

It wouldn't have mattered for you. Biden only talked about forgiving at most 50k.

>> No.24470192

Is that the reason why they extended the interest payments into Spring? Are these student loan companies expecting Biden to wipe out everyone's student loans on Day 1?

>> No.24470209
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Will mine get forgiven too if I haven’t graduated yet?
Big bank vampires BTFO.

>> No.24470233

>in office

>> No.24470236

Did he say if it was only for federal student loans or even from student loans from banks?

>> No.24470239
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zero chance of this happening.

>> No.24470245

It took me 24 months of hard work and smart budgeting to pay off my student debt in full; $178k in total. Zoomies like you make me sick!
Be honest with yourself. You wouldn't have put all that in crypto. Neither would I. But I would've bought a lot more Amazon stock.

>> No.24470264

Tfw I've been working 7 days a week and living in a living room on a twin bed for $300 a month in SF to pay off $30k student loans in a year.

>> No.24470277

Look at this silly college faggot. Larping while drowning in loans because of retard decisions. Best of all, he actually thinks the government will forgive 10k let alone BILLIONS of dollars and compounding interest by the second. They can't even send a second check for 1200 lol. It must be nice to be so young and naive. Literal nigger thinking that big daddy government will give you handouts. Never ever.

>> No.24470298

Federal student loans only, private loans ofc will remain unaffected.
Hold on student loan payments was instituted by trump as part of Corona virus relief, the next “logical” step is cancelling debt all together in order to spur the economy (whether or not you agree is separate but this is the running narrative)
Democrat house leaders are pushing for it hard + the third wave of Corona gives the perfect excuse to push it through under the guise of Corona related stimulus( Biden will also be able to use it to cement some kind of memorable first action of his presidency) The news is currently priming normies for it to happen. This is probably the only realistic shot we’ll ever have of it going through and I’d say there’s a good chance.

>> No.24470335

How do you not pay american income tax while working abroad? Were you an illegal immigrant or are you just never coming back?

>> No.24470360

Kek. It’s 5% interest rate, if you can’t make returns higher than that playing stocks/crypto you’re a massive retard. Paying anything over the minimum is for midwits. I have enough to pay off all of my debt this very moment if I wish, but They will be cancelling my debt because the left has gone insanely batshit crazy in America and the only way they can hold onto their power is to continuously up the ante of wokedness.

>> No.24470370

He’s just making it up so he can flaunt in the face of other people how he only paid 10k of the scam while you could be getting free college and be getting paid to go to college full time and be given extra money for supplies each semester. Dude is a loser brainwashed moron creating division over college hahahahahahah

>> No.24470377

>Be honest with yourself. You wouldn't have put all that in crypto. Neither would I. But I would've bought a lot more Amazon stock.
I would though, I keep 100% of my wealth in crypto.

>> No.24470391 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 2274x1416, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folks, I found a post about duckdao.io, the first crypto incubator. Does anyone take part in this platform?
Seems like their DDIM tokenomic shows high results

>> No.24470409

If you live as work in a foreign country you can classify it as your legal tax domicile and file a form 2555 EZ which will provide you a tax credit up to 140k usd or so of foreign earned income. I of course pay taxes in my current country which means I get to dab on Americans because my taxes pay for national healthcare and public transportation instead of paying for nigger housing and tithes to Israel.

>> No.24470413

>Tfw I've been working 7 days a week and living in a living room on a twin bed for $300 a month in SF to pay off $30k student loans in a year.
I also sacrificed over a year of my 20s to be responsible. Thankfully, I kept the low interest shit-about 13k-just in case something dumb like this might pass

>> No.24470535

>king nigger did this
>biden, his VP, is going to cancel it


Just like trump is going to build a wall and keep the mexicans out

Keep posting, this is hilarious.

>> No.24470554

I've paid off half my loans and have enough saved up to pay off the rest but it would deplete my savings. On one hand I pride myself in my discipline and sacrifice if I pay it all off. On the other hand it doesn't seem like a wise financial decision to pay it off if they're going to be forgiven.

>> No.24471923

Yeah I'm in the same boat as you. With that being said, student loans are a huge portion of the feds balance sheet. I doubt the government is going to forgive federal student loans. At most they may just permanently reduce the interest on them. Either way, the government still makes money with or without interest. You have to work to make money to pay the loans, the money you make is going to get taxed two times before it hits your bank account.

The house always wins.

>> No.24471946

You realize loan forgiveness isn’t just here is 50k pay off your shit nigga
You have to jump through hoops and actually qualify

>> No.24473166

what happens to cucks who have paid it in full?

>> No.24473350

Not gonna happen bro.
I have student loan bonds.
I would have known

>> No.24473400

i paid off 40k of student loans in a little under two years with an 8 month period of working part-time day job at 16/hr, and overnight stocking at whole foods for 12.50/hr. Its not that hard, but i get your point
>fucking qt asian girls in clubs
where are you? thailand?