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File: 236 KB, 1081x903, 1606496055608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24469757 No.24469757[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When BTC go high again we learn that still minority and women are excluded from cryptocurrency with only 0.056% participation by demographics who aren't asian male or white male. What can we do to increase participation instead of doing exclude (PR problem, bad for crypto)

>> No.24469769

Literally 90+% is chinese and indians

>> No.24469800

why am I not surprised

>> No.24469815
File: 748 KB, 1854x1988, nigger_iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but POC is just a euphemism for niggers and similarly "oppressed" human detritus.

>> No.24469816

Avoidants of problem casts you as antagonist aganist rise of cryptocurrency

>> No.24469834

This is my type of economy. Praise the white penis meat.

>> No.24469849

Asian is bigger though as one poster admited already >>24469769

>> No.24469855

This narrative is only going to pick up and gain speed until Brown people, and women are demanding "gibs me" crypto at a discount price when everything fucking moons in the next golden bullrun.

>> No.24469934

Shall we create ideas to fix participation so everyone is happy ?

>> No.24469956

it will just cause bans retard

>> No.24469972

Did some /biz/ incel write this? If so well done.

>> No.24469973
File: 111 KB, 836x543, 1589405681162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm black and I hold crypto

>> No.24469974

What are you saying tell me ? Cryptocurrency can't ban you.

>> No.24469986

Yes the famous black who is on 4chan, a fancitale of sure truth.

>> No.24470020

The Brown people will:
>A) Ban something white ppl have
>B) Demand to be given it for free because "white people have it"

...if history is any indicator at all...

>> No.24470025

this article is stupid and I'm not white.
Paraphrasing but "terminologies like PoW, PoS, Satoshi are used to keep POCs and women out of the space by confusing them" What?

>> No.24470039
File: 8 KB, 225x221, 1586710706696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think black people don't post here? I've been on this shithole since 2012.

>> No.24470043

>Are women and people of color excluded from cryptocurrency?

>> No.24470053

white men invent shit, then asians copy, then pajeets do it cheaper and more shittily, then white women get involved, then non-white women get involved, then white men leave to go do something else after getting rich. the cycle of life.

>> No.24470063
File: 57 KB, 479x330, louisiana-literacy-test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so niggers really can't pass this?

>> No.24470067

I'm Andhra Pradesh sir, we are white so do not create stereotypes now sir.

>> No.24470073
File: 48 KB, 904x531, 186b73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terminologies like PoW, PoS, Satoshi are used to keep POCs and women out of the space by confusing them

>> No.24470089

libertarian retard detected
women and brown people will ban a currency competing with the dollar for sure. It ruins their wealth redistribution scheme via democrats. Janet Yellen already confirmed this

>> No.24470092

Oh no they didn’t hold our hands again and do all the work for us!?!? Damn POC and women are gunna be fucked in a few generations when they are the majority and have no idea how to do anything because they cried anytime people didn’t hold their hand and walk them thru step by step. Lolololol

>> No.24470100

actually how old is this? 2018?

>> No.24470116

Oh, yeah, the Democratic Cultural Marxists will hate crypto. Something in an account that they can't get to? We agree. If its just them using it as a tool then yeah, they'll try to ban it.

>> No.24470122

Does anyone have a screencap of that anon who FUDed LINK so that black people would not buy?

>> No.24470124
File: 11 KB, 288x403, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He lies to you sir.

>> No.24470164
File: 2.97 MB, 550x310, sneed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao half of /pol/ couldn't pass it to be fair.

>> No.24470208

Also because OP sucks dick and can't archive his shit.

>> No.24470257

based negroid. I hope you make it fren.

>> No.24470262

Server Not Found always on him.

>> No.24470263

>money takes too much work to obtain so I deserve it for free
Wow, someone needs to be shot in the throat in Minecraft for writing this.

>> No.24470282

>"Are they being excluded"
Yes, but more because they have no drive to learn a new and relatively technical concept rather than intentional discrimination

>> No.24470290

Sir.. you are lying.

>> No.24470299

This was the market BREEV could've tapped into.

>> No.24470300

Some of the questions are somewhat ambiguous, which can be used to fail people for minor differences of interpretation. For example, it says "draw a line around the shortest word in this line." I would just circle it, but a line isn't a circle. Or in question 6, "draw three circles, one inside (engulfed by) the other" could be either one circle inside another, with a third circle next to them. Or it could be a circle inside a circle, inside another circle. The language isn't precise enough there, so the person grading the tests could abuse that by saying your interpretation is wrong.

>> No.24470334

>nigger and slit cope

I know you faggot simps will still pay out anyway

>> No.24470352

I hate to say it but a lot of women don't really have the motivation required to do much in the knowledge economy
The women I know forego many learning opportunities for completing household tasks and have no desire to learn anything more within their chosen field
>it's almost like that's where they excel

>> No.24470356

Its all so fucking tiresome isn't it boys.

>> No.24470376

What stop you were supposed to wait and buy my bags goddannit

Now that just leaves femoids

>> No.24470378

There should be a right to education in a class of your own IQ range.

>> No.24470419

i hope you make it brp

>> No.24470433

I don't hold it against them, I blame the Hebrews for fucking up their mentality
Most people are simple and they'd rather do relatively mundane tasks for life than try and excel in their specific occupation
The only rationale for not allowing this is the (((economy))) but frankly we don't need the retarded consumerism we have because everything has been min/maxed to shit and they're still trying to squeeze more out of us

>> No.24470439

A circle drawn with a pen/pencil is a line. It's part of the point of the test.

Question 6 is also clear, each circle should be within the next circle until all three are drawn.

>> No.24470460

>each circle should be within the next circle until all three are drawn.
That isn't necessary. One circle inside a second circle, with a third circle to the side, would still match the instructions.

>> No.24470488

Haha well yeah that the natural place for females in most of the animal kingdom. It’s in their nature but not everyone is the same and the women out there that do want to do something prob won’t ever have the skills without someone there holding their hand. Sucks when you just keep giving the moron who can’t fish a fish everyday.

>> No.24470493

are you black?

>> No.24470508

No, just clever enough to see how people can abuse ambiguous language.

>> No.24470533

I think you're black.

>> No.24470536

Go out and call someone a fag. That’s what people do is interpret something in their own mind and project it onto that person. Most People have an IQ of 4

>> No.24470538
File: 56 KB, 612x380, Tony-Soprano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people of color

why cant they just say black people.

>> No.24470545


>> No.24470562

This is absolutely true The White Australia policy for years tested people in languages not even spoken here to say they weren't suitable migrants. I wish we had the balls to do that now. But if someone wants you to fail the test they are administering, your chances aren't great.

>> No.24470563
File: 64 KB, 748x163, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one is just dirty. Using the word "the" twice. Common for people to quickly read repeated words and mentally dismiss them. Especially on a 10 minute test.

>> No.24470581
File: 158 KB, 892x960, 1606791493570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they have to keep pushing a psyop that somehow people with brown hair, brown eyes, brown skin, and brown nails, are "color".

Its just another subtle attack on the white race.

>> No.24470586

It's hilarious how "colored people" is racist now but "people of color" is good. It's all so arbitrary.

>> No.24470587

Well how could they even tell you what you read. No matter what you answer that as you are correct. Unless you say in front of 3 people judging the test results and said it aloud you cannot be wrong.

>> No.24470590

What happened to BREEV?

>> No.24470609

yeah but i mean are we really saying that chinks and pajeets are missing out on crypto

almost every person I know that's meaningfully in crypto is a chink or pajeet.


>> No.24470611

You’re not black. You’re green. You’re one of us.

>> No.24470630

Very likely some people in a hurry would write down "Paris in the spring" and fail it. Has nothing to do with literacy, it's just how the brain works.

>> No.24470636

I'm 137IQ and I would have drawn one circle inside another, with a third circle next to them

>> No.24470640

It’s because they take a survey of 100 people in a place that’s majority white and call it racist.

>> No.24470647

99% of india is white sir, dispense with such implies as you created there.

>> No.24470667

Yeah but the question is incredible vague and left open to interpretation. Which means the tester is incorrect in giving their test. I could write down whatever the fuck I wanted to be correct because of how vague the question is. But normally on tests that leave open ended question like that I just tell them how dumb and vague their question was to being with and they give me a check mark.

>> No.24470668

These people will because their readers are morons. American Cultural Marxists won't care, so that is exactly what they'll say. Unfortunately
I'm sure they'll get everyone nice and riled up by telling them yet again, somehow, they're victims

>> No.24470679
File: 21 KB, 414x318, 1606157085374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just expect them to provide their ID like everyone else h e l l o b i g o t i t 's 2 0 2 0 people of color should be able to invest in crypto even when they can't pass fifth grade, also it is way too complicated to understand which means it was rigged for wh*te m*les from the start which is the reason why the creator of bitcoin is literally a wh*te m*le which is the reason why he is anonymous which is why bitcoin is literally internet transaction hitlerism because there are literal right wing facists who own bitcoin!!! THINK LOGICALLY!!!!

>> No.24470699


>> No.24470714

>Which means the tester is incorrect in giving their test. I could write down whatever the fuck I wanted to be correct because of how vague the question is.
Yeah, exactly. That's what makes it so bad. If the person grading the test doesn't want you to vote, they could just say your interpretation was wrong somewhere and fail you. And they'd only need to disagree on 1 of the 30 questions to fail you. You only have 10 minutes for it too, so it's not like you would have had time to think too deeply about the ambiguities.

>> No.24470738

Lol love that game

>> No.24470742
File: 874 KB, 1280x720, floss sneed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24470757

Yeah, I hate that crap. I have no idea what test you are talking about specifically but nothing that requires an exact answer should be left open ended. That’s a failure of the test maker. Unless it’s one of those fag Facebook/Twitter tests that’s specifically designed to be like that.

>> No.24470770

So how is it that Bitcoins have come to be so overwhelmingly owned by straight white males? Why is it that a group of society that already owns everything got to exclusively benefit from the greatest wealth transfer of this century?

>> No.24470793

Also that’s is why the justice system is so fucked because most laws are open ended and left up to interpretation, why justice very rarely is ever served.

>> No.24470797

assuming that this test hasn't been doctored, misrepresented or framed in any way, because as we all know there is totally no pressure of any kind in today's political climate to misrepresent these issues to make some people feel like victims and demonize others.

I'm sure the media reporting on this is only being totally 100% fair in their representation of an alleged test from Louisiana from 57 years ago

>> No.24470798

It was from the old Louisiana literacy test posted here >>24470063. They made people take it and wouldn't let them vote if they didn't pass. I know what you mean about those stupid Facebook tests too, same sort of thing.

>> No.24470803

And that’s the entire point of Bitcoin. No centralized power owns the distribution so (((they))) can’t misdirect the whites by giving niggers 1% gibs publicly while they gobble up 99% of it.

>> No.24470805


they should administer this literacy test now

>> No.24470814

True, that's a big problem.

>> No.24470823

Yeah, so that is why they need a manufactured issue to use as a bulldozer to try and get power over what they can. That being any org (like PayPal) that openly owns it.

>> No.24470833

Omg are you serious. That’s how they were testing to see it people should be allowed to vote. That’s incredible fucking dumb. It should of at least had you answer questions based of the candidates running to prove you had a working knowledge of who was running and what their stances were. Literacy doesn’t prove that at all.

>> No.24470836

as long as ur dicks smaller than mine, you niggers are alright

>> No.24470862

>should of
No wonder you're against literacy tests.

>> No.24470877

Yeah because literacy is a made up concept that isn’t real and you were still able to understand my communication technique just like 99% of the people who read that.

>> No.24470887

it proves whether your opinion should influence policy

>> No.24470903

>literacy is a made up concept that isn’t real
wwell weif refugte theis itiewwt o;;; jufu fhufjtyt e sd tiyr acan xkWTKT aseseqy sete effect iaaos i b cinennybcatubib

>> No.24470904

Why because you can read? I know plenty of stupid MFs that can read and comprehend nothing of if because they don’t think. Reading just means you learned the concept created by people smarter than you years ago. Something any literal monkey can do.

>> No.24470909

That's called ETH. Vitalik will hard fork his compa--errr coin to keep everyone happy.

>> No.24470916

You know there are tests designed like this so determines what is actually being said. Because it’s a made up concept lol.

>> No.24470924

Why do they consider women and people of colour to be excluded just because it's not dumbed down? Do they consider women and people of colour to be drooling idiots?

>> No.24470926


>> No.24470935

wat u talknen about nw? sumden bout jorion or? ya need jorion ore ta mayke dem metaul puarts in dem cuars. feyk, wayt u taken bout dat fer?

>> No.24470939

Why are they called minorities if they are the majority

>> No.24470958

Just proving that language is fake and the only reason you understand it is because someone way smarter than you came along and made it up

>> No.24470999

I hope you don't actually look anyone in the eye when they talk to you because that is authentically retarded.
Need I remind you already your point was that literacy isn't real? How would someone "create it" when you yourself say it isn't real.
Can't have it both ways.

>> No.24471036

They are going to Fork BTC and redistributed to women and AA.

>> No.24471092

Nigerians and Zimbabweans and Venezuelans are some of the biggest adopters. It's just American joggers and thots who are too stupid to figure it out.

Oh, they already do. That piece of shit Charles Stross was bitching about how dare people avoid taxation through using crypto because his precious socialist state cannot rob hodlers.

I had a classmate who was an albino pajeet. He really did look totally caucasian.

>> No.24471111

They can take over BSV! Craig Satoshi Wright will finally have a market for his shitcoin!

>> No.24471116

okay. but if you can't read you are likely not someone who should influence policy. its a good yardstick with which to measure whether it not you should be voting. if you want to vote, learn how to read for the next election.

the literacy test is a great idea as long as its standardized and applied equally.

>> No.24471142

Kek no, some of the worst bitconnect scammers and scamees were niggers

>> No.24471205

No one is stopping them , everybody can read some articles about blockchain and sign up to buy some. But no, they have to be told how like children who ask their daddy how to tie their shoes.

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.24471227

All these posts and yet not a simple

Fuck niggers

>> No.24471237

Second this. 152 IQ and its actually the only correct answer

>> No.24471261

Lol ok let’s get all the literal gorillas and monkeys that can read and understand sign language. They are literate so they should vote. Lololol being able to read = smart. Hahahahaha hahahahaha

>> No.24471309

You're a disingenuous piece of shit and I hope someone stabs you in the heart

>> No.24471330

Lolol hey guys all the MFers who created civilization and done amazing great things in humanity couldn’t read or write, but here these niggas are on this anime board doing nothing with their life and can read and write. They are great and should be consider smart enough of vote. Hahahahah

>> No.24471346

I am very old and remember when they said the same thing about computers in general. But now hold on to your butts: I am so very old, that I remember how before they complained about that, they complained about how computers were too complicated for normies, i.e. white men. Those were the days.

>> No.24471348


>> No.24471374

>some bitch trying to upload insta pics to her bitcoin client because she needs to enable Proof of Woman algorithm

>> No.24471376

Well they can buy it through PayPal now so this Whitney faggot can shut the fuck up but he won’t
He will just bitch when it crashes that it disproportionately effects thots and niggers

>> No.24471406

Here we go, even crypto isn't safe from these degenerates

>> No.24471422

Satoshi envisioned a currency that would free society from the claws of government, inflation and Modern monetary policy which are all slaving modern society like serfs to the elite.

Instead bitcoin will be used by the elites as a hedge against the depreciation of fiat currency ad a store of value that will continue to increase against all commodities and services that inflate year after year as they become more efficient and abundant but BTC does not.
It's a nightmare, and only nerdy white dudes and nerdy Asians can save us.

>> No.24472108
File: 560 KB, 1114x1600, OPT Our wonderful Days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw using smart contracts and Oracles to make sure that non-whites and women cannot profit from crypto.


>> No.24472181
File: 8 KB, 190x250, 1600426902379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its literally normies buying an app and buying crypto. It never asks what color you are...

>> No.24472248

>needlessly complex

It's fucking simple and I'm a retard

>> No.24472298

>woman can't understand terminology
>in her mind this means everyone is out to get her

This isn't narcissistic at all.

>> No.24472322
File: 1.56 MB, 500x338, 1595641774593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needlessly complex process
Are they implying that women and niggers are stupid? topkek

>> No.24472341
File: 203 KB, 1079x557, bitcoin blockchain terminology is racist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, it's satire.

>> No.24472378

no it's not

>> No.24472393

oh no
women are saying men have something they never wanted but now that men have it and they don't they now NEED
crypto is about to become a dystopic hellscape like every other market or idea or industry they enter in just because they heard men did it once

>> No.24472429
File: 177 KB, 725x685, louisiana black vote suppression iq test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I win.

Protip: "one inside the other" doesn't refer to literally "one".
You could say "there was a large stack of bodies, one on top of the other" and it would refer to a large quantity of bodies.

>> No.24472467

You struck through #3 when it asked for crossing out. I'm sorry, but you fail.

>> No.24472488

cross out
to draw an X or a line through writing because it is wrong or because you have decided to write something else

>or a line

>> No.24472505

U fucked up 4 ngmi

>> No.24472516

And they wanted an X. Unless you did that, in which case they wanted a line.
That's the point of these questions. They can all be interpreted multiple ways, so no matter what you answer, a hostile examiner will fail you.
The bigger issue is that I'm pretty sure the test itself is fake.

>> No.24472519


>And they wanted an X

>> No.24473015

The site is some 4chanesque scam news shit. Fake news.

>> No.24473117

90% of Crypto is pajeets and chinks, so what's your problem? Niggers are too dumb to understand it, and women are mostly not ready to take the risk.

>> No.24473160

So the unintelligent (women and nogs) are too stupid to get into crypto? "Color" me surprised

>> No.24473484

No one's stopping them from buying just like no one forces 13% to commit over 50% of violent crimes

>> No.24473552

So the article is implying that women and brown people are incapable of doing research and learning? based if you ask me

>> No.24473638

yeah well that the site is called femoid.com should tell you something

>> No.24473642

Because only a minority of their brain cells function

>> No.24473821

based troll site

>> No.24474026

Definitely a troll site. Nice try though, op.

>> No.24474048

And a right to self segregate based on IQ / culture / shared ancestry.

>> No.24474071

wtf are the Chinese and Indian going to do about this? I am among the 10% white and feel oppressed

fucking chinks better increase our white representation in crypto somehow

>> No.24474203

How’s that ID black?

>> No.24474233

more like self-excluded
they can just buy BTC like the rest of us

>> No.24474365

fuckin moolenian