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24465905 No.24465905 [Reply] [Original]

Why is 0xbtc steadily going up? Is it because miners will move from eth to 0xbtc? I probably will desu

>> No.24466317


0xBitcoin was a /biz/ invented FPGA miner scam token.
Almost everywhere online 0xBTC threads are deleted, ie plebbit, its that big of a scam.
The actual daily 24hr volume on 0xBTC is under $10,000 - CMC reported volume is 99% wash trading
Don't believe me then buy $300 worth of 0xBTC and watch the price move by 20%

Around the time that these miners were pumping 0xBTC they shilled /biz/ CONSTANTLY with it.
There was at least 15-25 spam threads about it daily up until they dumped their bags on all the anons buying in.
It was a coordinated pump and dump and these 0xBTC scamming faggots think that /biz/ has forgotten about what they did.
Lots of anons were fooled into buying it at $2-$4.
Now there are tons of bag holders of this shitcoin and ALL of the 0xBTC threads on /biz/ are made by these miner faggots where they coordinate /biz/ shilling in their 0xBitcoin discord.

This project has a better chance of always being worthless than even worth $0.50
No one will really tell you the truth about this scam because so many ppl were suckered into buying it on /biz/
Truth is, not many ppl are smart and wise to scams and it takes a high IQ to realize that 0xBTC is a miners scam token.
What's more is the FPGA miners mining this shit are now only making about $0.03/0xBTC and it keeps dropping.
It's incredibly not profitable for anyone besides FPGA fags to mine this shit.

Don't fall for this fucking miner scam token, its always going to be worthless.
>entirely community driven
>zero money for marketing or exchange listings
>scam artists for devs - who literally orchestrated a pump and dump on bizlets
>miner shill faggots who constantly spam threads about it bc they are so desperate for you to buy their bags because LITERALLY NO ONE IS BUYING THIS SHIT ANYMORE

What's more is that 0xBitcoin DOESNT EVEN PUMP WITH REAL BITCOIN!!
>do not reply to 0xbtc shills

>> No.24466364

Lol you still have that 2018 copy pasta? How crazy are you?

>> No.24466394

I like 0xBTC but I don't see why anyone would use it over WBTC. I mean the immutable supply is pretty based I guess. It's a cool token. Still haven't bought any yet though. Any uniswap volume?

>> No.24466396

Wow, haha, you're so crazy? Copy pasta? Shut up nigger go scam your mama

>> No.24466475
File: 402 KB, 842x474, delete_this_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt eth miners are going to switch over to 0xbtc. Maybe a few, but there are tons of coins to be mined that give you a better ROI.

>> No.24466881
File: 39 KB, 280x280, 0xbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always said this will pump with BTC when BTC pumps, and I believe this is what's happening. It's the most interesting iteration of BTC since satoshi's whitepaper.

>> No.24466929

wbtc is a trustful IOU. not your keys, not your crypto

>> No.24467033
File: 710 KB, 770x406, CowGods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the king of pajeet scam tokens
thank god i only spent 50.00 on this shit coin when I was bored. I put another 50 into sears stock.

>> No.24467266
File: 486 KB, 880x480, 0xbtc_cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange ID
CoiN in ID


Dilate one another you mentally ill trannies.

>> No.24467450

Uses chainlink proof of reserve so more trustless than you think

>> No.24467991

You’re clearly not from around here if you don’t know those terms

>> No.24468161
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 0xbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All other FPGA miner coins are no longer profitable!

>> No.24468186

0xBitcoin uses miners to mine for distrubution. It is natively apart of Ethereum. It is not a fork. Wbtc is a forgery IOU where you must give up your real BTC to get a fake one to interact on the Ethereum platform.

>> No.24468671

You’re retarded

>> No.24469258

How? It’s an accurate description

>> No.24469460

Bitcoin scaled through proof of reserve, retard. 0xBTC is fine and I’m not going to shit on it but dont try to act like theres a favorable comparison to WBTC. There isnt.

>> No.24469562

>shilling mineable tokens in 2020
>combines the worst aspects of Bitcoin with the worst aspects of Ethereum
at least other shitcoins claim to do something better, 0x is 200% dogshit

>> No.24469601

I can go to most exchanges and exchange my WBTC for Bitcoin 1:1
Can't do that for 0x

>> No.24469637

Fuse is the chad play. This is literally dead and will never go back up.

>> No.24470736

What transactions do 0xbtc miners take care of?

>> No.24470791

this shit is going to make me so fucking rich

>> No.24470893
