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24457662 No.24457662 [Reply] [Original]

usually i'm a "let people enjoy things" type person but recently one of my roommates got into the VTuber thing and spends about 4-5 hours a day watching them on the TV in the living room. This guy is the same guy who made fun of me for being a "gambling addict" because I invest in cryptocurrency. why do people sabotage their own net worth and future for weird coomer bullshit? i told this guy to buy bitcoin in fucking 2014 and he didn't listen. he makes $13 an hour and cooms his life away. Why am I so bitter biz

>> No.24457751

Guess that whole bitcoin thing didn't work out too well for you, huh?

>> No.24457756

congrats on posting this, seriously

>> No.24457837

his mistake wasn't cooming his life away, it was making fun of other people while doing something worse and not at least having an open enough mind to throw away a couple grand into what will be his biggest chance in life to make some actual money. I for one will be cooming my brains out when LINK is worth $100 and I can finally become a millionaire

>> No.24457861

It's not a financial thing. I pay 100% of expenses.

>> No.24457960

based, i'm in link now too.

>> No.24457998

Lol, so you spend time with this retarded creature on free will? Despite being a early btcoiner? Larping faggot, irl you look like your pic.

>> No.24458025

Well that just makes this whole fucking thing worse.

Your fucking roommate disrespects you, sits in your living room for half a day living off your dime rent free?
I didn't know you could be a simp for other men, what the fuck dude sort yourself out.

>> No.24458029

abandon him and he will change his ways

>> No.24458043

Ask him to coom in your ass faggot.

>> No.24458062

I know man. It's been a few years so I guess he got comfortable. At the time it was let him live with me or he becomes homeless and I wasn't going to let my homie be homeless. Learned some important lessons though

>> No.24458116

Seems to be the best course of action legitimately. at some point I started to feel like this guy's dad. I thought it was gonna be a few months at the most but it's been a couple years. We used to be really close but now I feel hatred when I see him

>> No.24458420


I wonder OP,

I wonder why post thread after thread, ridiculing people who show even a slightly exaggerated enthusiasm for the benign pleasures of the modern world - be it a new gaming console, or an overpriced cup of coffee, anything that sparks the tiniest bit of joy. Woe, a hundred times woe to the unlucky creature who in the midst of such abandonment were to find himself at the mercy of a villain such as yourself.

What makes you sit and observe the pleasures of others? Do you sometimes let yourself go, and engage in a moment or two of vicarious pleasure, only to catch yourself in that very same moment and rebuke the part of your mind that dared? The part of your mind that dared to go back to a simpler time? Did you let yourself go back a couple of decades when the world was bearable, pleasant even? To a time where you couldn't fall asleep on Christmas Eve, anticipating the toys that you would get? To a time where you had genuine friends you would miss once it was time to go home? To a time when a hot cup of chocolate on a cold day would make you jump up and down with pure happiness?

You should know very well that you shall not dare! For those times are gone! You see Christmas as a jewish trick to make you CONSOOOM. You don't have friends, just colleagues, and you would not shed a single tear should all of them die this instant. Oh and that cup of hot chocolate is now a quart of bourbon to knock you out before bed.

All you have left is cynycism and sarcasm, which you mistake for humor. You jeer at an adult man who is expressing the joy that is forever locked away from you and you feel strong for a moment. Only a moment. You are not fooling anyone, especially not yourself.

>> No.24458437

based copyposter

>> No.24458459

Because you are a pathetic faggot who cares too much about others

>> No.24458486

i think this used to be true but after this experience i no longer care about others.

>> No.24458553

Lads, the ultra onions is here

>> No.24458566

Seems you let outside forces dictate your own happiness too much. That is a quick road to ruin.

>> No.24458630

Seems like Rubic have a lot of surprises for investors. Some of them you can already test:

> No KYC
> No volume limits
> Brokerage fee
> Integration of the 3 blockchains

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat

>> No.24458648

Tfw i need 1k link to make a million

>> No.24458756

Yeah, this is something I learned really hard this year. I'm working on it, hitting the gym more than ever and learning to spend more time with myself than I do others. Because historically this has been extremely true.

>> No.24458807
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/sig/ fren

>> No.24459029

Stop doing sodomy with men, there's still time to change your ways anon.

>> No.24459159

money ruins people. don't burn bridges with him, chances are that you two can stay friends if you kcik him out and manage to stay on good terms still