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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 174x83, komet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24457597 No.24457597 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.24457647


>> No.24457657


>> No.24457670

Told you days back with this, next target $200 and more.

Buy it now 13K CIRC Supply https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/komet

>> No.24457677

$150 after staking details drop any time now

>> No.24457693


>> No.24457700

Accumulated and all in with this gem!! Lets goo bro!!!

>> No.24457737
File: 9 KB, 108x59, 8013_peconcuchillo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24457824

Liquidity locked?

>> No.24457914

Liquidity locked for a year


>> No.24457925

LIQ Locked yes.

>> No.24457935

Yes but that does not matter, they have ex-Harmony and Startis devs

>> No.24458018

What are you gay? The dev is from eHarmony retard

>> No.24458090


>> No.24458135 [DELETED] 


>> No.24458235

wat dis

>> No.24458393

Doggo approves

After shilling this for days on 4chan when it was $80 and then waking up this morning to see that not only has it breached $100 but that there are multiple active threads makes me happy

Glad to see some people of biz bought in from my posts

>> No.24458425

Also this thing is going to rocket to $200 faster than we think

>> No.24458570

Based doggo

>> No.24458754

thanks fren, i bought this on ur advise at $74, $84 etc

>> No.24458794

nice doggo i trust this will moon

>> No.24459030
File: 53 KB, 530x444, A7F3153B-E0C6-4F74-B033-7BDAC84630B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m jealous of your $74 buy in price

So am i. My short term target is $500 which shouldn’t take too long to reach given low supply

>> No.24459059

The dev of this project and CP3R dev are good friends. This will rug very soon.

>> No.24459078


>> No.24459181

Wait 3-5 days and see for yourself. That's the proof.

>> No.24459190
File: 2 KB, 174x83, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24459270

nigger im not trying to outsmart you. im literally asking for the proof that hes friends with him so i can get out of this coin before that.

>> No.24459316

Nice proof faggot
Seems like you missed the KOMET train

>> No.24459391

Do you have any type of proof? Do you know the devs personally?

Genuine question to understand whether this is weak FUD or not

The Twitter accounts of the main two guys haven’t recently been created, Edgar has made 16k tweets so it’s not exactly a fake account

>> No.24459408

If you were in the CP3R TG and Komet group you'd know. Same people, same guys running this shit show. Also my buddy did whois of both websites and found striking similarities. Lots of red flags.

>> No.24459447

Show us the whois

>> No.24459460



>> No.24459669

Both the cp3r devs and the komet devs fart, therefore i conclude they are the same people.

>> No.24459702

Both the cp3r and Komet team had devs in their team, thereforce I conclude they are the same people.

>> No.24459809

please show me then. im not afraid of the truth like these two deluded fucks that think they're witty.

i love truth, and i demand to see it, even if i am holding this coin

>> No.24459940

You mean the same dev that left Harmony and is now the dev for this project? Edgar....

Not sure why the guy would willingly Dox himself by making so much of his life public and then rug so this feels like a really weak FUD attempt

>> No.24460138



>> No.24460342

seems like they are inspired by surf

>> No.24460386

Okay I found something that may be substantial FUD but you guys have to agree not to be so quick to hound at me. I am just an honest person and I care for my investments.

>> No.24460649

More like $1,500 waiting room

>> No.24460922

If you want proof i can dm you somewhere, since i know ur an honest guy

>> No.24460958

kek the devs of Komet are doxxed and one of them has 1.5k stars on Github, designed the core protocol of Harmony

>> No.24461080

I can set up a burner email but is there any reason why you aren’t able to post it in here? The collective can look into it to determine if real or not

You seemed convinced it was FUD before and called out the other anon but now seem to have found something so I’m genuinely interested to understand what it is

>> No.24461265
File: 62 KB, 725x1030, fishy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be my paranoia because of the recent rugs. But this one on one with Benoit (a dev) is very suspicious. There is absolutely no reason to private the code and anyone that says otherwise is coping hard. His explanation for it is shitty too. Look I know that these devs are doxxed, but not ALL of them are doxxed. If they wanted to they could blame it on the anon dev if something happens God forbid.

Tell me what you think?

>> No.24461273


>> No.24461335

Check their github, its privated now. And there is also a bunch of trash in it anyway. Also the audit report does say that these guys are able to mint as many nova tokens as they want if they aren;t deploying the contract as intended. This could be the reason the github is private.

>> No.24461471

Interesting. I opened the audit report and can confirm it doesn’t link to GitHub

The auditor mentioned in the paper says he does “informal audits” on his Twitter. He also has a post showing what Cp3R did so they could rug so it seems he knows what to look out for in code

He is also publicly supporting the Komet project which you wouldn’t do if you thought it was going to rug

Keeping the code a secret = I do agree is not a great look

The auditor publicly supporting the project/contract audit gives me a bit more faith

Interested to see what other anons in here think

>> No.24461982

i messaged the auditor guy, ill let u know what he has to say about this if he replies

>> No.24462118

That would be awesome, thanks

I like to protect my investments too and this doesn’t look like an outright rug so it’s good to get to the bottom of anything that is not clear for complete peace of mind.

I’ve managed to avoid being rugged so far, I’d like to keep it that way haha

>> No.24462979
File: 229 KB, 828x663, B723E3FD-3275-48A5-9C27-65063637A0B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you stake Komet, you receive nova so I imagine that’s why minting needs to be a function?

Is this how it normally works with other projects? Or is there another mechanism that does this

If this is the way it’s normally done then I don’t really have any concerns, but if it’s unusual then this would be a red flag

>> No.24463240

the dev called me a retard and banned me from the tg, that says enough. also the auditor guy told me he is waiting for theyre new code but they hid it.

unless the team is fully doxxed or the auditor gives it an okay - im out

>> No.24463948
File: 23 KB, 583x287, kometfud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really surprising as youre just trying to fud since people got mad at you that made that shitty cp3r connection up

anyway your point about the audit:
you retard joined vidars channel AFTER me and tried to look for something. Too bad that your point with the "waiting for the code" thing is from the 25th of NOVEMBER. see attached nigger

>> No.24464005 [DELETED] 

Jesus, that’s a bit rude if they banned you from TG without a legit reason. I know a lot of projects insta ban if there is just a whiff of someone raising something that could be FUD.

I’ve been banned from a few telegrams for asking legitimate questions to understand

That’s interesting feedback from the auditor, that’s there is new code and they haven’t shared it yet which does sorry me if that is true

I might sit on the sidelines for the time being and wait. There’s still a ton of growth ahead of it’s a legit project which is seems like it is but you’ve brought enough to the table to question my investment choice

>> No.24464118
File: 832 KB, 828x1667, 798DDFA7-D4B8-45F8-851E-AD5F03E8A435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn’t >>24463240 a different person? See pic related

He called out the other guy and then came back and said “actually I think I’ve found something” and then provided some information to look into

>> No.24464185

fuck off shizo, samefag >>24463240

>> No.24464199


look - lets wait until vidars final comments. the dev dmed me and we are neutral now. i sitll dont trust him, but i think its nice for me to atleast say that bit.

>> No.24464219

Tick Tock Koometers. It's coming soon. Exit your position.

>> No.24464230

at least try to be creative your fucking BOND-style whois fud is boring

>> No.24464234

why do you suggest calling me a schizo and get so angry? i am looking for the best interest for everyone. not cool

>> No.24464339

I think you have me confused with >>24464234

I only post under the name Doggo... that is my brand on here that I post under so people remember the threads I create

>> No.24464346


>> No.24464636

this fud guy is fucking dumb. he tells everyone he has a bag of komet then goes on dumb shit rant about private code. read the news latly? see how unis public code was copied by sushi and it nearly killed uni? and pasting together old comments from vidar as evidence. like fuck man get a life

>> No.24464665

>he put his username in the name field
yes dummy, im the dumb one.

go back

>> No.24465003

13 posts alone on that ID - arent you tired yet shizo?

>> No.24465027

check your email i sent u something

>> No.24465044

test check ur email

>> No.24465113

Ok, give me a min