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File: 449 KB, 3413x2665, Beam_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24456550 No.24456550 [Reply] [Original]

BEAM -> POW Privacy coin, DeFi ecosystem testnet, Chainlink oracles integration, ETH, BTC, WBTC, USDT, Doge, Dash, BCH, Dai Atomic Swaps

Take 10 min and DYOR, low cap coin at 20 mil market cap, listed on Binance


>> No.24456750

Been looking at Beam like a year ago. Privacy and Defi... Sounds like potential money to be made. Will check it out again

>> No.24457086
File: 11 KB, 866x228, commits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, a lot has been done in the last year...

>> No.24457616
File: 245 KB, 962x1280, 1158EC8C-155E-416B-860C-5EE0C52D0649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll be using beam stablecoin and atomic swaps to recover all that crypto that I lost in a boating accident...

>> No.24457880

suicide stack?
I got a small back a month or so ago, but seems one of the few coins actually doing shit.

>> No.24458397

>stable coin
They have a stable coin?

>> No.24458471 [DELETED] 

So if this coin is so great as you all say, then why nobody knows about it? Monero is already king of privacy

>> No.24458542
File: 323 KB, 1280x720, beamx-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be creating the National Currency of Scotland on Beam, in partnership with The Scottish National Investment Bank.

The SNIB and the BawBee.
Waiting for BeamX

>> No.24458637
File: 33 KB, 420x350, faff3a1036ba04eebeac128dae742e37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freedoooom!! :D

>> No.24458954

At the current 0,28$ BEAM price, I would say around 10k-20k.
A bunch of dead silly projects is mooning, BEAM will go x10 easily, x100 probably, x1000 with some luck.

>> No.24459093

I've been digging around a bit. Youtube channel has some recent videos. I watched just like two of them but this one sold it to me https://youtu.be/D5uFeTuoUdI
Team looks solid and chart kinda has bottomed out so I might dip my toes in

>> No.24459142

doing shit in crypto == moon soon bb

>> No.24460029
File: 31 KB, 1167x500, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only fundamental analysis meant something in crypto :/ old dead projects are worth billions and ar e still being pumped...i recall some Dentacoin for dentists, that pumped to two billion during 2017 bullrun...just look at that price history lol

>> No.24460344 [DELETED] 

Isnt this a grin fork?

>> No.24460427

Isn't this a grin fork?

>> No.24460725

Nah. They are two different projects using the same Mimblewimble for privacy. I think grin started development first, but Beam seems to have done a lot more since.

>> No.24460765
File: 11 KB, 290x174, Tomo_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I almost forgot about Beam.

Is the mumblebumble working out for them?

I had a large bag till about a year ago but it all went into Tomo.

>> No.24460948

It is a bit under the radar coin.

How is TOMO doing for you? :D It also didn't move a lot haha :D

>> No.24461292

Isn’t that some Vietkong scam?
Imagine funding Longs bento bowls.

>> No.24461326

I’m keeping track of their private DEFI and gonna try and sweep up a sizable stack before their private stable coins, dex, AMM, wrapped/bridged eth , and other DEFI products go live.

If they capture even one percent of any ONE of those markets, this thing is an easy 100x or more.

>> No.24461405

i have no idea what are you talking about :D where did you get a connection between Vietnam and european dev team? :D

>> No.24461786

Yeah if BTC goes to 250-500k$ and wrapped BTC (WTBC) takes hold and then WBTC-BEAM Atomic Swaps are used for private transactions. I am most hyped for this...market is huge for such uses.

>> No.24461929

No euro cuck devs there. There was one cuck tier frenchie, who quit, and now it’s just vietkongs sleeping on wooden beds. Maybe you’re confused. OwO

>> No.24461983

Ah. Wires crossed. Beam has Euro Chad devs. Fast, and smart af.

>> No.24462017

nice trolling :D

>> No.24462040

Ahhh the universe has just blessed you with knowledge :D

>> No.24462481
File: 115 KB, 512x512, 1224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, I got a beam bag

>> No.24462589

Why not Grin instead of Beam, or an even better question why not Monero as the main privacy daddy? This shitcoin has been crabbing for years.

>> No.24463063

Monero is some pay op trash. Look at the fat cunt in charge until... wait for it... left to create a Mimblewimble coin. Grin sure, but stuck in the shadow of “muh next Bitcoin” like literal every other alto in shill kek. Infinite supply, development already stagnated, yet unlike BTC it doesn’t have any first mover advantage to vouch for it.

So to you anon, why those two?

>> No.24463660

Seriously? When was the last time you opened Grin website and GitHub, and compared them to Beam's? Beam's development >>>>>>>>>>> Grin's

>> No.24463711


At a very deep level, even if you weren’t choosing beam because it has better privacy than those two choices, isn’t a project that’s capable of decentralized atomic swaps a better choice?

Privacy is necessary, but privacy projects risk censorship and regulation on centralized markets. Embrace the Cypherpunk future that isn’t stopped if it’s banned or regulated. Embrace freedom and sovereignty when it comes to crypto future and deleverage from projects not capable of true atomic swaps.

>> No.24464033

Crabbing? It's been dumping nonstop since the beginning.

BEAM to 10 cents.

>> No.24464276

All the devs are literally from Israel. Whey would I ever trust kikes with my privacy. This coin is retarded.

>> No.24464644
File: 31 KB, 640x804, 1603055933023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monerochad here
BEAM has some benefits over Monero, in general mimble will create a smaller blockchain as a result of how the protocol works. That matters a lot since ZKP's take up a lot of space, although this has been improving in Monero (bulletproofs++).
It's also a lot easier to implement mimble based atomic swaps and sidechains, hence why they've implemented it long before Monero devs have.
IDK about BEAM in particular's future, but mimble stuff isn't going away. I'd expect to see some sidechains popping up, LTC is already doing it.

>> No.24464677

High inflation shitcoin

>> No.24464708

The MimbleWimble technology is good but these shitty crypto's have too much inflation, that's why their price dumps all the time.

>> No.24465264

Well at the moment they do.

Bitcoin had ridiculously high inflation too in its early years.

>> No.24465394
File: 253 KB, 960x1168, 1F7A3F2B-5037-4DD6-B496-60CF9E680280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons cucked by Ampleforth earlier in the year don’t know the difference between early adoption on legit projects and ponzi