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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24446830 No.24446830 [Reply] [Original]

Damn... sold all my ethereum..............

>> No.24446863

he's right though

>> No.24446873

They're useless until they're not
Then when they're not it's too late to buy in

>> No.24446899

Go back.

>> No.24446909

Wtf, he is right
What am I supposed to invest in then, if not cryptos? Stonks? Boomerbonds? Fake estate?
REEEEEEE they are all shit

>> No.24446912

Ethereum solves the pay toilet problem

>> No.24446919


>> No.24446934

and this is why this faggit redditor will forever be a wage slave

>> No.24446947

>I dont understand
>I dont understand
>I dont understand
>I dont understand
>I sold my ethereum
Yep thats about what id expect

>> No.24446948

bring arguments against it then? what else can i do with ETH other than rugpull some retards on biz?

>> No.24446971
File: 92 KB, 1024x576, hgchgchgcghc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no imagination
normies tend to have this problem along with their serious deficiencies in zyklon gas and fiber-based neck accessories

>> No.24446997

The most compelling part is when he said he didn't understand any of it. Eth btfo

>> No.24447019

dont spoonfeed this retard.

>> No.24447072

so you have no idea either, except you have bags to sell

>> No.24447080

>implying low IQ *edditors opinion matters

>> No.24447100
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>> No.24447121

newfag here panic sold the dip.
Bought back in
Lost 10%
How do I even crypto

>> No.24447125

classic /biz/let
has no idea what ETH does, yet he likes to act smart

>> No.24447151

the curse of the midwit

>> No.24447174

this is what boomers said about the internet.
>why would I ever use the internet to send e-mail when I can just call?
>why would I ever order stuff to my house from the internet?
>why would people ever rent movies from the internet?

>> No.24447187

Smart contracts don’t have utility?

>> No.24447193

I know what ETH does

>> No.24447209

Thats the problem with redditors like you, you think we want to tell you. Reality is nobody gives a shit and this place is just a meme generator.

>> No.24447223

Literally, most of crypto is on the eth network. Every project has it's own solutions to different problems. Whether these problems are worth solving is another issue. If you look at it in the way that the dude in the post is looking at it, there is no point to any crypto, BTC is already serving the purpose of transferring large amounts of money with very little fees and or decentralized value storage. Everything else is useless in the larger picture.

>> No.24447234

Doesn’t understand the value of trustless smart contracts

>> No.24447246

good for you buddy, still waiting on these pajeets to bring forth an explanation other than iykyk

>> No.24447283

Exactly, keep them out, they didn’t deserve link and they don’t deserve eth even at 600. They think we wanna convince them to invest, I hope they don’t make it, ever so I don’t want them to touch crypto, even if that means I have to wait another year or two to make it myself cause less pump my bags

>> No.24447292

>I don’t understand anything about any of this
>refute these claims

Kek faggot

>> No.24447293
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>> No.24447295

he had 5 years

>> No.24447499

The digitalization of trillions of dollars worth of assets?
Idk I don't have a use for this I'm just a truck driver

No shit cunt we are not marketing this to you, you will gobble it all up when institutions push it onto normies.

Don't try to get normies on board of u, retail money ain't shit they will suck their masters cock when time comes.

>> No.24448064

none of you proved him wrong though

>> No.24448183
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Holy shit
We're so early

>> No.24448225

Kek 80 IQ brainlets and 140 IQ geniuses know blockchain is useless
Only midwits think it's revolutionizing

>> No.24448482


>> No.24448534
File: 25 KB, 474x474, FCF7263B-6444-4FDF-83EB-1483F4C9764A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can do all of this already
No you can’t

>> No.24448580

>I ca do all these already
no you can't
you must ask for permission from daddy government

>> No.24449511

The final solution to the TP question. A toilet that flushes automatically through smart contracts

>> No.24450589

Is this Reddit? I looked up his name and nothing came up

>> No.24450630

>I can do all this already
This is like the man who looks at abstract artpiece and thinks "I could've done that..."

>> No.24450900

no one wants to or needs to argue with you retard

>> No.24450969

>solution looking for a problem
>They're useless until they're not

>> No.24450988

>Kek 80 IQ brainlets and 140 IQ geniuses know blockchain is revolutionary
>Only midwits think it's useless

transposing error, fify

>> No.24451181

I don't understand why redditors, women, niggers and jannies are considered human.

>> No.24451336

You could have said:
“why email, when usps already does this?”

Maxi positions are fucking retarded

>> No.24451441

That pic is based.

>> No.24451708


>> No.24451769

>because it’s faster
When traditional cars began to peak their top speeds marginal enhancements meant a slight boost in efficiency and speed which translated over to better profits. We’ve reached a point where cars can’t get any more efficient or faster without some sort of new tech, that’s why you see such a big push for battery and self driving cars.
The exchange of money is the same thing, marginally faster exchange of money with marginally smaller fees means huge profits for big businesses. It’s not hard to figure out. CBDC will never work because the fees and speed will not be any better unless they’re decentralized, obviously central banks won’t have it that way.
This is only one benefit of blockchain tech with tokenized data. As previously stated only normies are too stupid to realize the value.
>t. Brainlet.

>> No.24452649

Waiting for uniswap to migrate to eth 2 so I don't have to pay these outrageous fees anymore

>> No.24452696
File: 309 KB, 1080x1010, IMG_20201129_195607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was that post made by JK Rowling?

>> No.24452731

Any swapping dapp that already uses ETH 2.0? I wanna trade but these fees are ridiculous. It's killing the market right now

>> No.24452737

>cool whisky aunt

>> No.24452865

sounds like the people talking about internet in the 90s and 00s

>> No.24453664

>What does this do for real-life applications?
You can use prediction markets built on ethereum to create deadpools (bounty on head) on corrupt politicians.

>> No.24453782

Go take a collateralized loan in few minutes without paying high fees, opening any acccounts.

>> No.24454590


>> No.24454839

idk wtf ETH even is all i know is it makes me money

>> No.24455108

Its not 100% for you to begin with. Its for people in third world countries filled with corruption and shit economies that don't have access to financial services.