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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24440882 No.24440882 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24441009
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>> No.24441022

fuck off

>> No.24441053

They first started pushing these articles in the 2017 cycle around July-August iirc. This is very bullish. The news is prepping women and pocs to buy our white male bags once again.

>> No.24441076

wtf i love jews now

>> No.24441092

Wtf is bipoc and who would identify as such? Also what is it about sending a few bucks to coinbase that excludes entire demographics?

>> No.24441095

I see how it happens now
I've seen it with my own eyes

>> No.24441102


>> No.24441106

This is what is great about crypto. Crypto returns people back to a time when everyone had skin in the game. Think that <insert downtrodden flavor of the month> doesnt hold enough crypto? Then why dont you give them yours. For too long weve had elites who could advocate to give away zero sum roles that were not theirs to give and to fund things through the Federal Reserve money printer. No more!!

>> No.24441117
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By theft. Bitches shouldn't touch nuffin but sammiches and niggers fat swollen vein riddled cocks.

>> No.24441122

Another fucking acronym created by the tribe.

>> No.24441161
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Shut up brown.

>> No.24441181

Crypto is racist and sexist because it uses numbers, they'd do well to stay away

>> No.24441208

Wait til they find out the Chinese hold the majority.

>> No.24441209
File: 99 KB, 701x695, 1581022940342[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean sane. Fixed.

>> No.24441211
File: 28 KB, 286x256, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are women so retarded

>> No.24441212
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>perfectly designed to keep out women and people of color
kek, like everything that requires autonomy and some base intelligence?

>> No.24441278

how did you read this and think that this was a white/brown argument? Probably a retarded bear arent you

>> No.24441390

I went and read the article, it has to be satire. Not even wymyn are that stupid

>> No.24441404

i dont expect subhumans or women to have any thought in their head to make money