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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2443539 No.2443539 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me on Monaco /biz/

Their product looks like the biggest ETH tool to come for the normie market with an actual use. Physical wallet, 2-auth face recognition for transactions, Visa hindsight. Help ???

>> No.2443572
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How the fuck do you people fall for token cards? Or are there actually paid shills on /biz/ of all places?
They introduce a fee to pay the retards who buy the dumb and needless token, a fee you otherwise wouldn't have.

There's no way this is actually a good idea. They employ aggressive marketing strategies to get dumb money in like other shit-tier ICOs. If you buy any you're just making them rich, congrats.

>> No.2443573

Fuck off and read the fucking whitepaper for yourself you fucking free-loading faggot..


>> No.2443574


>> No.2443584

What fee?

>> No.2443608

It's a scam. Just do some research.

>> No.2443812

Acts like Changelly for the user, exchanging ETH to USD using the best exchange rates available with 0 transaction fees for the exchanges, 1% software fee, used to pump the token for each transaction.

For investors, using Monaco is a scam, ofc. For normies buying ETH on Coinbase and wiring them on onto their Monaco ETH wallet, as long as they get their Starbucks with their card/app, it doesn't matter.

The product gives the ability to use ETH in day to day activities, and that's what ETH is missing right now. Because let's be honest, ETH is pretty much fucking worthless if there's no way of using it on the spot.

It's the perfect product to get banks in, who will double their interests by using Ripple and shilling Monaco services to their clients, and it's the perfect card for normie ETH users.

Is there any other ICO providing such a service ?

>> No.2444410

It's like a bank. You have to give them your tokens, and they will link it to your account. If you're here because you hate banks, this is not a product for you. I have no idea how the general public will react. It's mostly a crypto enthousiast circlejerk community who will use the card in the beginning. I would invest after it has proven itself desu.

>> No.2444508


>> No.2444537

even though I threw $10k in it, cause they're from Switzerland and they seem like pretty alright Wolves to me.

>> No.2444551

TenX is by far the more promising project

>> No.2444615

I'll be getting in on the ICO personally. They already have a working product which is more than most of these ICOs have going for them

>> No.2444617

also this, stay away from Monaco until the ico ends, go with TenX, Monaco is more of a black horse.

>> No.2444972

bancor will actually kind of do that with tokencard

>> No.2445653
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TenX is literally a bunch of college kids starting their first business and it'll fail miserably. I feel bad for anyone who got baited by their marketing campaign. Monaco is interesting but i have my doubts about Kris Marszalek and his un-named/unknown chinese development team. Tokencard has much greater potential. Staff is bigger, alot more experienced and they have all the right connections (e.g. (((bancor))))

Healthy competition, may the best card win.

>> No.2445744



>TenX is the only team to actually have a working product already
>1000 beta testers in Singapore
>Android app already available
>iOS app available in July
>Card available for public to buy next week

>> No.2445873
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I've been using this SHIFT card for years now.

There are no fees, and it converts BTC at spot price so I don't have to hold USD. It doesn't have some stupid fucking "token" attached to it, it's a real business and not some money grabbing ICO.

How do people actually fall for this bullshit?

>> No.2446112

So bitpay?

>> No.2446130

No. BitPay holds dollars. SHIFT holds Bitcoins.

>> No.2446210
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