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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24424347 No.24424347 [Reply] [Original]

>had a small business for awhile got too tired and it got too hard
>start investing in stocks
>all i do is lose every day
>try buying crypto
>all i do is lose every day
>try a video game
>either scream like a fucking retard at the screen or just sigh or bored
>try a game for 3 seconds and hate it
>think everything looks retarded or autistic
>tried making music for 5 fucking years never fucking did anything
>tried playing instruments starting at 9 years old nothing fucking ever happened
>just sigh depressed refreshing webpages all day
>hate everyone i talk to on the internet
>only thing that helps is weed super fucking illegal here in my third world shit hole
>try kratom
>it just makes me tired angry and hungry all day long
>all food tastes like plain bread to me unless its pizza or candy
>have absolutely zero friends
>live in the woods in poverty 20 miles from anyone or anything
>suck at every single thing i touch
>try investing, business shit, music, video games, hobbies
>every single fucking thing i am worse then even the most average person when i work 10x harder than they do and always end up in the top percentile of talentless shit people
>try youtube fail
>try social media fail
>try cpa/drop shipping/whatever else fail
>try holding stocks fail
>try buying meme stocks fail
>try holding bitcoin fail

>> No.24424431

Sounds like you're an impulsive autist.
How do you lose money in crypto? Just keep it there and wait 5 years.

>> No.24424439

/fit/ first, exhaustion lets your mind rest

>> No.24424798

Didn't try hard enough

>> No.24424858

its fucking god i have a curse from god making me fail

>> No.24424867

You may have bipolar disorder type 2.

>> No.24424973

And you’re trading with THAT mindset?

>> No.24425034

no option

>> No.24425062

You and me both brother. Some people are not meant to make it.

>> No.24425097

>"WHY AM I HOLDING? I'LL TELL YOU WHY," he continued. "It's because I'm a bad trader and I KNOW I'M A BAD TRADER. Yeah you good traders can spot the highs and the lows pit pat piffy wing wong wang just like that and make a millino bucks sure no problem bro."

>> No.24425159

yeah but that means i wont fucking get anything for 20 years its fucking pointless i dont even want to live that long

>> No.24425170

how do you fail at holding bitcoin? you literally do nothing and you win. Its literally, actually, nothing.

>> No.24425190

i held it for 3 years and didnt make fucking anything and i sold it and the next day it mooned. i bought link at 20. all i do is fail