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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24422916 No.24422916 [Reply] [Original]

Guys help me I got rejected from Harvard Business School what can I do in my life now?

>> No.24422948

Buy bitcoin with the money you would have wasted in a degree

>> No.24422982

Buy ETH and become a uniswap pajeet.

>> No.24423019
File: 651 KB, 1280x890, 0136_-_QXCfE0k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join rubic business school fren

>> No.24423045

Apply to Yale

Don't waste your time on Stanford

>> No.24423047

buy BTC with the money you were going to waste

>> No.24423087


be glad that the chains of systematic government training is now broken

>> No.24423092

The business school Trump went to produces more successful business people, look into that one

>> No.24423108

Based neet dabs on prestigious institute

>> No.24423109

Become a Tranny hooker and suck dick at Harvard. Hopefull you'll find a rich boy who will support you while you gobble up his goo-gob.

>> No.24423134

harvard? nobody goes there anymore

>> No.24423176
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>Harvard rejected him, so he applied to Brown

>> No.24423191

Join a synagogue and cut off your foreskin if you want in that damn bad.
The fuck did you expect?

>> No.24423217

Become a janitor like Howie.
Or just buy eRSDL

>> No.24423229

There's a lot of penii that can use a nice sucking

>> No.24423305

>t. Stanford reject
Yale is for losers

>> No.24423348

Start a business

>> No.24423374
File: 94 KB, 982x726, 98FAF2D0-4359-4EA0-A870-ECC3E7D19E5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote on my application that I have business experience with fucken Apple and worked with Apple employees to minimize costs. I’m very frustrated right now I feel so disilluioned I mean I literally graduated with a 3.4 from UC Berkeley that’s not good enough for me to be successful?

Yale? I was thinking of getting out of California I may consider that. What other Ivy League schools can I apply to?

I got in for my bachelors degree for free I got a scholarship

>> No.24423387
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I got waitlisted :( but I hold 40k link.

>> No.24423421

You can still enroll in Harvard extension school and you’ll get the same diploma and graduate with the full school

>> No.24423507
File: 164 KB, 1440x1434, DMGDMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is what I call an organic cash surplus. All in DMG, fren.

>> No.24423537 [DELETED] 

Dropped out of judge business school at Cambridge to secretly go to lectures in other faculties got 3 years. Fuck business schools, they're 100% for wagies. You're not a wagie, are you op?

>> No.24423561
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>Only apply to HBS
Never gonna make it

>> No.24423573
File: 111 KB, 1024x684, 1BFC56D7-7757-422A-A1CF-AAC5C1A45401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, you can be straight now instead.

>> No.24423593

Try being a minority next time?

>> No.24423615

they don’t accept mentally handicapped Link holders, sorry

>> No.24423625

should have thought of that before you were born a white man

>> No.24423647

>I mean I literally graduated with a 3.4 from UC Berkeley that’s not good enough for me to be successful?

Dude, you're in business, they're looking for peeps with 4.0s. In any case, this is the worst time to go to school unless you're running away from the real world or looking for connections.

>> No.24423660

Dropped out of judge business school at Cambridge to secretly attend lectures in other faculties for the next 3 years. Fuck business schools, they're 100% for wagies & don't teach you shit. If anything they're complete cancer for your soul. Don't become a wagie op

>> No.24423811

>that's the joke


This desu



>> No.24423829

You could always just become a janitor for this board, they have positions open yearly. There's just a slight issue:
You won't get paid.

>> No.24423978
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Harvard is for fags go Yale.

>> No.24424064

get the same type of degree on a public college

>> No.24424579

Bros I’m thinking about doing an online MBA is that any good?

>> No.24424608

get an european mba, save money and get to fuck some euro trash

>> No.24424730
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>3.4 from cal
>thought he had a shot at harvard
lmao fucking retard, you unironically didn't deserve to get in, i hated you haas-faggot wannabes when i attended there, kys

>> No.24425420
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Dedicate your life to Jesus Christ

>> No.24425734

>OP wants to walk out with 100s of thousands of debt.
I literally did my degree in Europe (Eurofag here) and spent €6k on the whole thing. Top 50 uni with an economics degree, walked out with no debt, worked throughout my time. US universities are designed to trap you in debt for much longer than you ever need to be

>> No.24425770


>> No.24425837
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>Harvard is for fags go Yale.
What about that whole... Yale thing?

>> No.24426280
File: 101 KB, 693x770, 1527903443083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how many jew activities did you list?
Did you let them know that Harvard was your dream ever since your Bar Mitzvah?

>> No.24426315

Unironically this

>> No.24426498

Can't believe our "best minds" are blogging on a basket gooch forum all day.

>Unironically staying poor

>> No.24426924
File: 231 KB, 1210x1000, DCD90ED4-55A5-4104-A735-5C5547AFA2B8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ Is the best business school you faggot

>> No.24427133

is there a way to fake being jewish without getting caught just to increase chances to enroll?

>> No.24427175


>> No.24427251

you include the jewish stuff in your extracurricular and you incorporate it in your essay

>> No.24427278

Fuck crypto homos. Build your own company

>> No.24427424

based and cryptopilled
the only reason I went to college was to immigrate and that's not gonna happen anymore

>> No.24427759

>The Harvard of Connecticut