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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24422700 No.24422700 [Reply] [Original]

/eg/ - Entrepreneurship General #3
>memeatlas edition

Absolute must watch:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anJFf9pN16g [Embed]

Book link: http://library.lol/main/578D3894C79ACC24ACC585E082898671

"The reason that most people don't possess these extraordinary physical capabilities isn't because they don't have the capacity for them, but rather because they're satisfied to live in the comfortable rut of homeostasis and never do the work that is required to get out of it. They live in the world of "good enough."
- K. Anders Ericsson, Peak: How to Master Almost Anything

>> No.24423567

Based entrepreneur bro. Bumpin'

>> No.24423741
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Hey OP
Please add some links to some YouTube or other video how to's on filing paperwork/avoiding beaueaceatic pitfalls to start your own business.
I found a few a long time ago doing random searches on open access community programming in between reading, "The Negroes in Negroland" and "A Squire's Trial," have long since lost the links but think they would be excellent resources

>> No.24423888

If you have any suggestions please post and I will

>> No.24423991

Previous >>24390321

>> No.24424005

Ahhh shit I forgot to link the old one, my bad.

>> No.24424057

Finally, a thread about business and finance.

>> No.24424085

Do you guys think I can reach 1000 subs and get monetized?

Any suggestions on the content?

>> No.24424099


Supporting and bumping /EG/. I get sick of talking about the movement of random lines.

>> No.24424123

Youtube just updated their policies to not monotize any videos with text2speech because of the epidemic of ask reddit thread recap videos

>> No.24424162

Wtf, any source?

>> No.24424202

Hey man welcome back, regardless I'll still keep liking your videos if they pop up on my feed.

Perhaps a way to combat this would be to actually read them yourself? Even better, get a girl you know to read them, better appeal.

>> No.24424234

whenever I read a greentext it sounds completely emotionless and dry in my head.
so good job

>> No.24424252


>> No.24424300

"Examples of what’s not allowed to monetize (this list is not exhaustive):
>Content that exclusively features readings of other materials you did not originally create, like text from websites or news feeds
>Songs modified to change the pitch or speed, but are otherwise identical to the original
>Similar repetitive content, or mindless content with low educational value, commentary, or narrative
>Templated, mass-produced, or programmatically generated content
Image slideshows or scrolling text with minimal or no narrative, commentary, or educational value"


>> No.24424386

fuck crypto this is real /biz/

>> No.24424416

Thanks for the link.. but FUCK this. From the second to last comment, maybe all I need to do is add some of my own voice over the videos?

Should I contact them now to figure out if I can get this monetize down the road?

>> No.24424421

Posting YouTube videos has no downside except your time and lots of potential upside with every post so you can keep making them but if you want something that's going to take off sooner I'd suggest selling a product or service in the meantime.

>> No.24424470

I think you could counter this if you made them "high quality", so, maybe add a few drawings of your own to narrate, add a bit more pictures- this way it's not a static video that's just looking at a screenshot of a greentext, adding some images into the mix should be good

>> No.24424475

Takes me about 20 min a day to generate the video (all done on AWS) and upload it. But it YouTube can't monetize it I'll stop doing it. Shall I contact them now to ask if they would monetize it as it is?

>> No.24424507

i've read the millionaire fastlane but found it too prescriptive, putting too many names onto things, thus feeling like some bullshit feel-good motivational trite even though it's not motivational trite. if you enjoyed the book and has made you money, cool, but there's better sources.

i prefer learning from this based street shitter: https://twitter.com/naval/status/1002103360646823936

this is what is i thought the millionaire fastlane would be about—timeless and quick to the point

>inb4 twitter
you will remain poor

>> No.24424538

Reading through this rn, seems pretty good, will put in the OP

>> No.24424656
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pic related for the absolute lazy

>> No.24424766

Anyone knows a good SEO tool? Everything out there seems scammy as fuck and so do all recommendations, even on r*ddit

>> No.24424812

Monetization isn't the only way to make money from a YouTube channel and in fact is usually produces the least. Look at channel like NELK. They don't make any money from ads at all and make millions a month off merch. Obviously this is different but what I mean is there's other ways to make money from it. The most adjacent example would be looking up YouTube channels that post clips from CumTown. Look up ClangersTV, AsianFidance, Elon Bust.

Millionaire Fastlane is a good introduction to your new mental foundation/mindset and how you view money, value, wealth, etc. Also you can find great info on twitter. Follow @DefNotBronze, @tidemid, @wizofecom and then just start following people in their network who's content you like.

For yourself or for client work?

>> No.24424842

I've been creating historical videos in English and French, its been going alright I guess. I have a few thousand views on some of them and 20k on one. I'm trying to get back into it by making one video per month, but I don't know how to present information visually well, I'm using google slides since I'm not good a video editing. Is anyone here an original content creator?

>> No.24424892

For myself but honestly I'm also interested what you'd use for clients.

>> No.24424958
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anyone need a software engineer but can actually pay me?

>> No.24424982

half the highest viewed content is repeated and stamped content
[5:01 PM]
they don’t give a fuck as long as you don’t use copyrighted shit
[5:01 PM]
all those yum / hacks / food videos had the exact same format as mine lmao

Excerpt from my friend who ran the Reddit Compilations channel, maybe you could bypass it with some creativity.>>24424416

>> No.24424984

I actually have next to no SEO knowledge and was wondering what the situation was so I could suggest google ads.

>> No.24425101

because SEO is mostly a scam, there is only so much you can do to improve your search placement, and that cant be solved through a simple tool (its the amount of references you have from other websites which are already indexed by google pointing to your site), other than that for setting tags in your websites' html you dont need any tools just an editor and some knowledge

>> No.24425402

Checked and will start to look for examples. It may take until future generals, though.
Please don't let this general go away!

>> No.24425536 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1134x820, schreenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really good book about how the world class (people like Trump, Caesar, Alexander, etc.)

What I like is it's still good and makes sense even when you ignore when it (briefly) mentions the law of attraction.


Also would anyone be interested in pic related? Not sure where to upload this to.

>> No.24425676
File: 128 KB, 1134x820, schreenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone be interested in pic related? Not sure where to upload all of it.

>> No.24426165

you could upload it to aws S3 and make the bucket public

>> No.24426180

or a MEGA, free accounts get 50GB

>> No.24426771

Also, this is a fantastic watch:

>> No.24427899


>> No.24428934
