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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24414878 No.24414878 [Reply] [Original]

Surprised you don't have a general for this edition.

Trying to buy a house in SoCal for my wife and I to start a family in. Tied to the area by friends and work (IT), but open to moving out of state or to NorCal. We have ~$74k saved up and parents are giving us $50k, should we buy a dumpy house on a 15-year mortgage and sell/upgrade after that or buy a decent house with a 30-year mortgage and pay it off when I'm nearly 60 (which sounds gay). Combined net income is probably $70k/yr.

>> No.24415346

Buy land

>> No.24415417

we don't need pajeets buying up land

>> No.24415457

I hope the mods ban you, skub shit.

>> No.24415474

>Surprised you don't have a general for this edition.
because generals are cancer
there are threads about buying property on this board on a regular enough basis

>> No.24415530
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>> No.24415621
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Pajeets are probably one of my most-hated races. They're the bane of my work life, one of my favorite things Trump did was take an axe to the H1B Visas.

>> No.24415642

$70k income with only $125k net worth?
You're basically considered poor in most decent areas of California.
You haven't even included debt.
Your wife needs to be earning equal or more to you.
Tell your wife she needs to earn more.
Keep saving and revist the idea in a few more years.

>> No.24416125
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>$70k income with only $125k net worth?
>You're basically considered poor in most decent areas of California.
Yes, I'm 27 and she's 26.
>You haven't even included debt.
We actually have very little, probably like $1-2k of my wife's student loans we could pay off at any moment, but my understanding is that having no debt is not good when you're trying to buy a house.
>Your wife needs to be earning equal or more to you.
>Tell your wife she needs to earn more.
Yeah she's actually got a bachelors, I don't. I'm making $28/hr and she's at $18/hr working for a non-profit. I'm pushing her to get a better job but she likes helping people and making a difference in her community.
>Keep saving and revist the idea in a few more years.
I'd rather get started now because we want kids. I'd rather be young in a dumpy house than old in a nice house. Wife and I are concerned about having kids past 30, don't want retards.