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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24409954 No.24409954 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I have found a new Defi for trading with broker instruments that work on several blockchains. Take a look at RBC token on Coinmarketcap, seems like a new Gem

Recently, they have launched Instant trades function, and now they are working on crosschain solution. In there plans says:
— January 2021: Multichain solution with the help of other projects such as Ren, PolkaDot

Sure thing I am waiting for broker options and instruments that will be added this year because this is the most profitable way in crypto imo.

Rubic team is going to connect Ren and PolkaDot for their multichain instruments. And btw they have a workable MyWish app for token creation and managing. So you dont need to list a token on other platforms before trading.

Rubic platform
> https://rubic.finance

RBC token on Uniswap
> https://info.uniswap.org/token/0xa4eed63db85311e22df4473f87ccfc3dadcfa3e3

>> No.24410386

Imagine not having any

>> No.24410513

Got some

>> No.24410527

Lmao it's over hahahahah

>> No.24410584

Samefagging. NGMI

>> No.24410653

maybe this is good trading platform but why should I create tokens?

lolz price volume is good

>> No.24410969

fuck you "bakers" making these trash threads all day. this token is trash.

>> No.24411179

what part of no more spoonfeeding don't you autists understand? stop being so stupid

>> No.24411210
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at what price did u buy? hold or trade?

>> No.24411483

Just what my 190 IQ friend whose been in crypto for years and is a programmer recommended.

>> No.24411503

Hello dudes, something capable or what? got great $$ from eth selling wanna buy something good

>> No.24411538


>> No.24411585

Somebody knows the team?Worth buying?

>> No.24411641

Oh I think this token was created for holders, but brokers will like instant trading

>> No.24411702
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Just what my 190 IQ friend whose been in crypto for years and is a programmer recommended.

>> No.24411724


rofl, such a genius. so what he told about rbc? have already got it?

>> No.24411815

Setting stop losses when it moons. I sold at the bottom couple days ago.

>> No.24411990
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>> No.24411998

>the team?

>> No.24412066
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the things people commit themselves to...the absolute state of biz

stop feeding breadcrumps to this mongolian board.

>> No.24412138
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there are a lot of brokers platforms mate. and check order book, not so many orders now

they should add more options to get bigger volume

>> No.24412164
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WTF have I put my money into this?

>> No.24412198

I normally don't hang on /biz/ and I knew nothing about this thread but since monday I've been here and I suppose this platform will bring me some money

>> No.24412248


what's wrong, on cmc shows that price got +100-150% right from the listing

>> No.24412313


what's the price? how many did u buy?

>> No.24412350

That's the peak. Only downward form there. No volume whatsoever.

>> No.24412353
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this. biz is 90% pajeets or sandniggers looking for the next scam. we dont want to attract those people in any way.


>> No.24412820

everyone else suddenly has an outlook longer than some monthes much to the dismay of bears buying btc and eth

>> No.24412942 [DELETED] 
File: 935 KB, 1280x789, 3_DeathToWhisperers_GuidoKuip_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The monster is now released and will those chink exchanges and pajeet scams alive. a few posts on 4chan and some pajeets who buy and sell RBC for $ 10 and sell as soon as they have made $ 0.10 profit (which is roughly equivalent to a full meal where they live) will not change this inevitable procedure.

>> No.24413039
File: 935 KB, 1280x789, 3_DeathToWhisperers_GuidoKuip_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The monster is now released and will eat those chink exchanges and pajeet scams alive. a few posts on 4chan and some pajeets who buy RBC for $ 10 and sell as soon as they have made $ 0.10 profit (which is roughly equivalent to a full meal where they live) will not change this inevitable procedure.

>> No.24413263

maybe youre right but I dont want to spoonfeed them nor have them in the telegram. RBC community is pretty based rn and has its fun with the few pajeets in there

>> No.24413394

Tastes differ lol

>> No.24413411


>> No.24413417

You're a bastard who can't read, this is not a trashtoken who was created to exchange his shit for ether

>> No.24413450
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you should consider going all in into this

>> No.24413489

Let's hear: what's the near-term target price?

>> No.24413649
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Just what my 190 IQ friend whose been in crypto for years and is a programmer recommended.

>> No.24413775


my mother told me to find a job and make cash. so I bought this alt. I will kill all supporters if price falls

>> No.24413870

what about instant trading? why it is better than usual exchange trading?

>> No.24413908
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haha this token was created to fuck alt-buyers' asses, but I will put some for order heh

>> No.24414055
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yeah, heard about them when they listed on uniswap but didn't hold any. wanna check how price will be in 2-3 month

>> No.24414127
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Much better then other shit that traded on uniswap now

>> No.24414201

Sergey brought us oracles
Vladimir gave us multichain instant trading
all in since ICO and couldnt feel comfier

>> No.24414281

some more redditors here?

>> No.24414309
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I was fucking scamed with fucking pewdiepie shit alt, hope this one will help to bring my money back

>> No.24414344


boy oh boy, better find a job that win with crypto especially with new platforms. sure you can win with rbc, but don't spend all you money on it, be careful

>> No.24414830
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hahahahhaa, don't invest in youtube stars dude, don't be a retard

better earn on trading or staking dunno

>> No.24415039


rubic didn't make ico as I know

they just list token 2 month ago on uniswap
but still there is no info about liqudity pool

>> No.24415140


rubic didn't make ico as I know

they just list token 2 month ago on uniswap
but still there is no info about liqudity pool

>> No.24415290

Oh, I've heard about RBC on other biz threads, I will spend 10% of my purse here

>> No.24415413
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Rubic looks attractive, okay. So should I buy this coin? I think the price is too high now

>> No.24415455
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Give me thick profit, Rubic. I'm buying your token. I WANNA X5 PUMP

>> No.24415630 [DELETED] 


>> No.24415648
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wow, i appreciate instant trade haha, im buying rbc, now it is the best time to get it at low level

>> No.24415692
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Lol, I will buy it but I'll wait till the price go down and then get a fucking x5 pump