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24395912 No.24395912 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any experience with this in light of coinbase’s announcement that they may be handing over addresses of wallets that people sent their coins to from KYC exchanges?

>> No.24395960

Just mix it and send it to yourself a few times in different amounts to different addresses when fees are cheap.

>> No.24395986


>> No.24395994

Only way to really do it is to move out of bitcoin into a privacy coin like Monero then back into a fresh wallet. The point of what coinbase and the government are doing isn't trying to make you unable to get anonymous bitcoins, its to make it impossible for you to cash out anonymous bitcoins. Ironically, if they go through with this, your only option will be to ACTUALLY launder your money to cash out properly. I hope you like construction equipment auctions.

>> No.24396028
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>> No.24396224

Oh hell yea i don’t care the ones I’ve bought anonymously via crypto ATM’s are my hedge against the Jewish financial system and fed BRRRRR and I wouldn’t even consider selling them until 2025 anyways. I’d say prolly 30-40% of my stack of BTC and Link I’ve bought off KYC exchanges via ATM’s but I was a dumbass and sent some of my coins off coinbase to those wallets I’m storing stuff I’ve bought from the ATM’s.
Using TOR and trusting some shady mixing website seems like a good way to get your coins stolen. If it’s legit I’m open to the idea though.

>> No.24396522

Cake wallet to XMR then back to btc

>> No.24396682

>Using TOR and trusting some shady mixing website seems like a good way to get your coins stolen. If it’s legit I’m open to the idea though.
that's not what monero is dumbass. Monero is a cryptocurrency sold on exchanges similar to Bitcoin.
Swapping Bitcoin to Monero will prevent your crypto from being traced.

>> No.24396766

Bruh, you can literally swap all of your shit into XMR using morphtoken or flyp, dump it all in a fresh wallet, then use them again to resdistribute back into your hodl coins. Should take about 20$ in fees per 10k$ stack and then you're home free. Laundering crypto is sub-80iq business.

>> No.24396772

Coinbase > Ledger A > Ledger B > Profit.

Just purchase a painting and say that you paid crypto for it. Done.

>> No.24396861

This. I got curious about this stuff yesterday and it took me less than 30 minutes of research this is the best way to anonymize btc.

>> No.24396865

I know what monero is I miss read and thought you were talking about a monero/BTC mixing site where you have to convert your BTC to monero and then send it somewhere else. Monero sounds cool in theory but if you want to convert it to fiat I don’t think any exchanges allow it.

>> No.24396905

Nigga btc -> xmr -> one or more btc wallets -> fiat

>> No.24396932

Literally just use ren... LMFAO at you fucking spastic cunts

>> No.24396961

Nobody cares about your shitcoin you stupid, greedy little third world queer.

>> No.24396975

This sounds good appreciate it anon
This was my other thought could I just swap them to another wallet or would some ZOG analyst be able to track it? It’s really not that much just like 2-3 BTC and a couple thousand Stinkers. I mean if I just move it to a newer wallet on my Trezor than coinbase wouldn’t be able to report to the ZOG that I moved coins from one off exchange wallet to another right?

>> No.24397066

>Using TOR and trusting some shady mixing website seems like a good way to get your coins stolen. If it’s legit I’m open to the idea though.
the absolute state of this board

>> No.24397182

Yea. Idk. Wouldn't going to morph token to convert trigger a taxable event and then you have to pay taxes on it?

>> No.24397473


>> No.24397891

I’d like to know this also

>> No.24398337


>> No.24398364

There's an entire wallet project dedicated to fixing this exact problem. It's called wasabi and glow niggers from interpol fear it.

>> No.24398648

Red pill me on wasabi.

>> No.24398823

Read the website, explains it better than I can:
Basically when you make a transaction is mixes with other transactions in a way that it breaks the relationship between your coins and the output to the point where chain analysis doesn't work anymore. INB4 some retard says it's been broken already.

>> No.24398982

So it sounds like a BTC mixer, which could be run by your government. So be careful.

>> No.24399045

lol, you didn't read the website did you? It's not a centralized mixer.

>> No.24399072

Use an ATM, they fleece you on the exchange rate, but you won't have to pay taxes.

>> No.24399182

Use an ATM to exit your position?

>> No.24399210

BTC atms have KYC still and report you

>> No.24399319

How can they KYC if you give them a fake name?

>> No.24399655

I’ve already done this and used fake names/friends names and numbers to limit my exposure my question is if I mix crypto I’ve bought via these ATM’s in that manner in a wallet I’ve sent coins to from coinbase can the feds prove they belong to me since coinbase would have that wallets address or is it as simple as then moving the estimated amount I bought via the ATM’s to a new wallet?

>> No.24399713

Also it’s incredibly easy to use fake numbers and names at ATM’s. My only worry is if I go to cash out a couple million via coinbase (say I spent about 30k or so legally from my bank account with coinbase) would they then report to the ZOG those wallet addresses I stored my crypto off coinbase with that’s mixed in with the anonymous coins I bought in cash via the ATM’s?

>> No.24399722


>> No.24399784

Honestly we should probably just buy XMR, bite the tax bullet and then re purchase bitcoin.

>> No.24400152

Just wait for API3, duh.

>> No.24400400

Kikes and glow niggers fear XMR, especially with atomic swap where you can swap and get instant anon BTC.

>> No.24400435

Yea you can buy xmr straight from certain ATM’s also. My issue is I’ve already mixed a bunch of coinbase crypto with anonymous ATM crypto in off exchange wallets so I’m scratching my head wondering if I cash out big in a few months if that would set off any (((alarms))).

>> No.24400461

Highly debating turning one of my cones into xmr my only worry is I could see it getting shut down within the next 5 years.