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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 65 KB, 1136x483, bondprobablynothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24395692 No.24395692 [Reply] [Original]

Who's FUD'ing Bonded Finance?

Run of the mill FUD? Is Barnbridge actually behind EGO? This would make sense. If anyone has proof, post them here or later and I will find them. Any real information will get rewarded.

If Barnbridge = EGO, there's going to be hell to pay. We will find you.

>> No.24395816

When I saw how planned and orchestrated this fud was, it was at that moment I knew. That I had picked the right coin to gamble my uniswap stack on. This is the one.

>> No.24395817

probably barnbridge

>> No.24395907

full disclosure, I didn't invest in ego or bonded. but what if the actual pajeets behind ego are now trying to frame bonded, to distract people from tracking them down.

>> No.24395967

that's one hell of a conspiracy theory.

When the fud cycle ends, bonded bros will have their day. low supply and super favorable staking here

>> No.24396050

not far fetched.

>> No.24396160 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 1242x495, BARNBRIDGE SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tyler is behind this https://www.poweredbyplug.com/

Paul M, [Nov 30, 2020 at 9:54:43 AM]:
Thats his project. Plug.
Now it gets interesting
Plug creator is 0x93892dE004177936Bb9D4573666645C512b21Aa7.
0x93892dE004177936Bb9D4573666645C512b21Aa7 initial money came from 0x5eb43c82A5c14D2110e9DD1071958bF7a86685C6.
0x5eb43c82A5c14D2110e9DD1071958bF7a86685C6 is the largest holder of 0x64d36862A2144599606670c682Ebc64170be1A82 CERTI.

CERTI And SYLO both moved in large quantities by that wallet in 2018...

https://www.poweredbyplug.com/?author=tyler Its the only user in their site. Paul M, [Nov 30, 2020 at 9:56:56 AM]:
Hes not public on being behind plug anywhere.

SingleSource ICO review, all information about token sale SingleSource (CERTI) | ICORating

Certi is from this project

0x4D55F76Ce2dBBAE7B48661bef9bD144Ce0C9091b - ethereum contract explorer - Ethplorer

This is the second largest holder of plug. See his other tokens. There is a connection. Sylo and certi are there too. This confirms it further.

Barnbridge will rot.

>> No.24396192
File: 44 KB, 1242x495, BARNBRIDGE SCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tyler is behind this https://www.poweredbyplug.com/

Thats his project. Plug.
Now it gets interesting
Plug creator is 0x93892dE004177936Bb9D4573666645C512b21Aa7.
0x93892dE004177936Bb9D4573666645C512b21Aa7 initial money came from 0x5eb43c82A5c14D2110e9DD1071958bF7a86685C6.
0x5eb43c82A5c14D2110e9DD1071958bF7a86685C6 is the largest holder of 0x64d36862A2144599606670c682Ebc64170be1A82 CERTI.

CERTI And SYLO both moved in large quantities by that wallet in 2018...

https://www.poweredbyplug.com/?author=tyler Its the only user in their site.
Hes not public on being behind plug anywhere.

SingleSource ICO review, all information about token sale SingleSource (CERTI) | ICORating

Certi is from this project

0x4D55F76Ce2dBBAE7B48661bef9bD144Ce0C9091b - ethereum contract explorer - Ethplorer

This is the second largest holder of plug. See his other tokens. There is a connection. Sylo and certi are there too. This confirms it further.

Barnbridge will rot.

>> No.24396252

Centrality - A Venture Studio Creating a Decentralized Future

You know this? They are connected to all tokens I've mentioned above and are funnily enough from nz

But plug is from Tyler. Plug and all these other tokens are connected to this company in nz. You can see from their site and the token transfers never lie

But we got to these by following the Plug token contract creator and owners

This guy seems to be a major connection in all of this. https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-mcdonald-7b860ba/

Then here you have Aaron as advisor on https://barnbridge.com/team/

So it looks like Tyler and Aaron and a team create tokens with no real long term intentions

>> No.24396335

0x4d55f76ce2dbbae7b48661bef9bd144ce0c9091b I am almost sure this is the key wallet to understand this. And that its Tyler’s or Aarons wallet.
This wallet has or has had all the tokens associated with him and it just pours them into the market making big profits. You can see that in the transfer history. Happens with every single one

>> No.24396383

>>November 16 - EGO Pre-sale starts. Will go on to raise over 30k USD by exit scam
>> November 23rd- Crypto Lark shills unknown project Bonded Finance to 159k subscribers. Was he paid with ego money to shill Bonded?
>>November 25 - Bonded hits uniswap
>>November 27 -EGO deletes discord and pulls down website. Website now redirects to bonded.finance
>November 27 - Bonded finance web Page has no info on it at this point
>>November 28 - Bonded.finance Web page is suddenly filled out with random LinkedIn’s, roadmaps and new coin info

>>Bonded has no code on github
>>supposed Team consists of pro golfers, homeland security members, and pajeets from India
>You’re investing in nothing at this point other than a uniswap coin.

>> No.24396447
File: 39 KB, 1242x618, BARNPROXEUSSCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proxeus is another token connected to them

Point is. None of these correlated tokens benefited anyone except the creators or wallets that got them as free transfer.

Good luck and don't fall for the FUD. BOND is legit and you will soon see. Buying more because of all of this.

>> No.24396461

Hello Tyler. :) We're on to you.

>> No.24396745



>> No.24396891
File: 114 KB, 1280x800, BondUppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up up

>> No.24397146

Okay you Bonded Finance autists sold me. I'm in. 10 cent waiting room.

>> No.24397342

It is 100% BARNBRIDGE. Token movement never lies

This video tries to explain the role of singlesource/Certi with sylo. Yeah, that token that was presold and never launched 2 years ago. Cause it failed, they are integrating it into a "working" product

Looks like they’ve got a new patsy

You put some puppet in front. Use the right words. people go after it, you dump. Thats just it.

- ANYONE WANNA HELP post on biz and I will find the info. They might have fucked up by providing us that cookie crumb to follow.


>> No.24397635

based. this whole thread is based.

>> No.24397919

Best buying opportunity of Q4 right here confirmed.

>> No.24398277

lel this is gonna be a based christmas isn't it.

>> No.24398635

Autism force assemble!

>> No.24398881

i guess we really are going to make it.

>> No.24399533
File: 316 KB, 640x425, 3293209908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. this is gonna moon so hard. activate the sminem elevator.

>> No.24400079



>> No.24400362

lollllll good one.

>> No.24400787

Send it Sminem. Stairs up...

>> No.24401568
File: 170 KB, 643x537, wojakhahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-testing now. Perfect entry. Might get a capitulation wick. LFG. Imagine not buying here.

>> No.24402052

2 cents will fall this week. cap it.

>> No.24402568
File: 187 KB, 802x1280, BarnSCAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24402977

Another dip bought. LFG. Blessed kek wills.

>> No.24403267


>> No.24403619

okay re-test complete now send it to 8 cents

>> No.24403752

Anon do you also get that high when your autism is solving shit. I sure do.

>> No.24403924
File: 16 KB, 217x233, greeny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect bounce off the bottom range. Let's goooooooooooooo

>> No.24404428

can this shit crack 2 cents already.

>> No.24405237


>> No.24405533
File: 268 KB, 339x480, BondedClaus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24405742

based memery. fuck it, i'm in.

>> No.24405759

This happened once already on this board. Lazarus.finance scammed literally 1800 eth (I don't know who the fuck fell for this) and then there was luigi.finance and booba.finance spam for weeks straight...I think those scammed like 30 eth each from pajeets .01 eth at a time.

>> No.24406027

You think REN + Matic + ORN + OGN would all publicly support this if it was a scam?

You idiots have no idea what's coming and would probably buy Bitconnect if it were around today.

>> No.24406187


>> No.24406435
File: 137 KB, 1440x900, bondretest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retest done. send it.

>> No.24406718
File: 93 KB, 1280x656, bondarinochartarino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checks out. Let's fucking go.

>> No.24406814

I wish I understood what was happening in this thread

>> No.24406982

anon is gambling on a crypto thats possibly made by a scammer

>> No.24407046

The same team of curries has been scamming biz for 30 ETH at a time. Nobody wants to scam small amounts of ETH repeatedly. That’s where their big haul, BONDED comes in. They now have the funds to buy exchange listings, pay for promotional runs, and make their project seem legitimate. Once bonded pumps to a certain point, these scammers will dump the coin and run off into the sunset with millions of dollars.

>> No.24407059

Should i throw 1k link at this? Im a linklet with 3k and been watching on sidelines of all these defi rugpulls

>> No.24407183

Basically the people fudding binance as “scammers” got exposed as ACTUAL scammers

>> No.24407858

Yes - sell when .05 and buy more linkies with your eth gains...

>> No.24407942

5 cents is a good first top but don't sell your whole stack.