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File: 20 KB, 377x286, ada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24383193 No.24383193 [Reply] [Original]

Spoonfeed Cardano to a mETHhead. Things like:
>How is Cardanos dPOS consensus better than ETHs POS?
>Roadmap? When are things getting launched?
>Why has development taken so long?
>Any third party projects already using Cardano?

>> No.24383396
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>> No.24383420

Very similar PoS methodology. It shows Charles Hoskinson's ideas are moving to Eth.

Eth is basically just copy and pasting Cardano's code at this point.

>> No.24383448

As far as I looked up, Cardano has a delegated POS right now.
Are they going to switch over to full POS at some point?

>> No.24384005

cardano is a ghostchain with no dapps and a broke company behind it, fuck charles, fuck trannys but mostly fuck niggers

>> No.24384228

This has turned up in every thread.
Quick rundown on him and his fud posts.
He sold Cardano at the all time low of $0.02 for Harmony One which is down 60% in the last three months. He is literally one of the worst if not the worst trader on biz. I've been telling people to go all in on ADA since $0.06 and in a video uploaded yesterday Coin Bureau one of most if not the most conservative Youtubers predicted a price of $3 per ADA within this bull run.


Cardano is the most work intensive and complex crypto project ever built. Even more so than ETH and BTC. It's Daedalus wallet interface is one of the most normie friendly and simple to use even an idiot can stake their coins without any technical knowledge. Coinbase custody have signed an agreement with IOHK to allow users to stake ADA through Coinbase and this implementation is expected to go live in December along with a Coinbase listing.

Cardano fudders on this board are unironically seething like never before.

>> No.24384273

i can smell your cumbreath basedboy, enjoy your trannys

>> No.24384321

Keep seething faggot. You have been saying this since $0.06 and we are about to break $0.20 any day now. You literally just missed out on one of the last x100's because you was dropped head first by the lazy Nigerian midwife onto the concrete floor at birth..

>> No.24384339

Buy Freedom Reserve


>> No.24384363

im not this faggot you are talking about, this is my first post about cardano since holding it to 1$ in 2017 i did hold 80k myself because people like you praised it left and right in summer 2017, SO FUCKING LOOKED WHAT HAPPEND SINCE THEN ??? WOW

>> No.24384392

I will never touch this piece of shit Plebbit coin


Charles Hoskinson is a a legit fraudster

>> No.24384467

The same ADA fudders in this thread are the same one shilling REQ in 2018 on this board.
Dumb money stays dumb around here.

>> No.24384506

first. Cardano is true POS (not dPOS). anyone can run a pool with any amount of ADA (unlike ETH 2 which requires 32 eth). anyone can stake with any anount of ADA, whether to your own pool or to another pool. fuck off with your disinformation

>> No.24384564

cardano is full POS. you just don't understand it. do some research, it's not that hard to find the info

>> No.24384680
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That article was written nearly four years ago by a literal nobody with less than 57 twitter followers who hasn't been active online in over three years.


>> No.24384742

cardano = ouroboros

>> No.24384801

cardano is POS.
>Cardano’s PoS vs. DPoS
>Ouroboros - a brand-new, proof-of-stake consensus algorithm - is the solid backbone of the Cardano blockchain. Cardano’s native virtual currency ADA is referred to as “stake,” and instead of miners (as in Bitcoin) there are ADA “stakeholders” in the Cardano ledger. Cardano’s PoS system uses a randomized process to elect a stakeholder to produce a block, based on the weight of the stake recorded in the ledger. A block of time in the Cardano blockchain is an epoch and the individual units of time within an epoch are slots. Not all stakeholders have the expertise to produce a block if elected, so, stakeholders can pool their resources by delegating their stake to stake pools. The managers of these stake pools, known as stake pool operators, manage block production during slots where stake delegated to them is elected by the Ouroboros algorithm. These rewards are then automatically shared to the stakeholder.
>In a DPoS system, stakeholders vote on who is responsible for producing blocks. This is different to Cardano PoS, where stake is delegated to stake pools rather than used as a voting mechanism. The voting power of each person is weighted to the number of cryptocurrency a person owns. These block producers are responsible for grouping transactions into a block and broadcasting it to the network. These block producers receive rewards for progressing the network. DPoS is designed in a way that block producers who fail to perform their duties can be voted out as delegates in elections. A DPoS system relies on a fixed amount of delegates to be voted on, meaning there is a set amount of parties allowed to progress the network.

>> No.24385042
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>> No.24385171

Yet it's completely accurate. Take your pleddit coin and get the fuck out

>> No.24385179
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>> No.24385242

I've unironically been here longer than you how is it accurate?
Your baseless fud is retarded at best. Why don't you do us all a favour and go fuck your cousin

>> No.24385249

It is delegated you absolute nigger. What do you think a pool is?

>> No.24385281

>shilling Cardano
>I've been here long than you
doubt jpeg

>> No.24385363

Tranny coin, and for that reason, I'm out.

>> No.24385380

>broken consensus-who would have thought

>> No.24385398

Faggot I don't need to shill a five billion dollar project on 4chan.
I was answering OP's question.
You are unironically going to be forced onto Cardano no matter if you like it or not. It's not matter of if you will be bending the knee but when.

Cardano is going to kill Ethereum and thats a fact if you disagree with facts then you are an idiot. KYS

>> No.24385448

And this is why the whole idea of restricting pool size is a sham and doesn't belong in the protocol spec, anyone can run multiple pools.

>> No.24385449


Issue resolved faggot.

>> No.24385477

*spins up another pool in my server farm*
nothing personal, kid

>> No.24385522

If Cardano is actually shit then why do "multiple" people show up into every single thread about it to screech about trannies and reddit?

>> No.24385558

my id

>> No.24385568

How does Ethereum 2.0 stop the problem of whales and billionaires literally setting up thousands if not tens of thousands of validation nodes? Also ETH is less byzantine resistant.

>> No.24385571

Ah you get paid rupees? Understandable

>> No.24385616

They don't, but the lack of delegation and the presence of slashing means delegation must be custodial and is exposed to the same risk as holding coins on an exchange. Delegation like with ADA has the additional issue that said whales can leverage their power using other peoples' coins by running a pool. Slashing also works to align incentives as trying to disrupt the protocol costs you money, without slashing there is no such incentive. ADA is broken.

>> No.24385707

You are pretty much admitting that Ethereum is going probably going to be overrun with Billionaire validators with thousands of nodes.. If this happens you do realise Ethereum is going to be even more centralised that Cardano? At least with Cardano the K parameter can be reduced so much so that people are incentivised to delegate to smaller pools.

ETH 2.0 is unironically going to be a fucking shitshow.

>> No.24385742

It is going to be run by people having proportional power to their holdings, with aligned incentives. This is far better than Bitcoin and BTFOs Cardano's lazy shit.

>smaller pools, K parameter
doesn't exist, it's a noop. the same operator can run multiple pools, there is ZERO sibyl protection here.

>> No.24385804

>same operator can run multiple pools
Less incentive for people to stake with smaller stakes. Thus = more decentralisation.

Having billionaire jewish whales setting up thousands of validation nodes is going to be an even bigger problem. Remember Cardano was built using formal verification and issues like these arise. Although it can be mathematically solved reducing the K parameter. Whats going to happen with ETH 2.0 when a bunch of kids made literally made it up as they went along?

>> No.24385848

3 years and still vaporware garbage

>> No.24385861

>Less incentive for people to stake with smaller stakes. Thus = more decentralisation.
I don't understand your ESL but assuming you mean it allows small fish to stake, they're giving up their stake to a pool operator. This does not make it more decentralized.
>formal verification
Brainlet exposed. This has nothing to do with the economics of staking with respect to pools. Caradano niggers will NEVER be able to rebut the pool and incentives issue.

>> No.24385887

Guys, I want to hear your reviews about one platform: duckdao.io

Came across their Hunter Season on Twitter, this is a kind of crypto game and platform with investment modes. They made long-term partnerships and Foundation for modern blockchain-based systems.

>> No.24385925

>mathematically solved reducing the K parameter
How do you not understand the point about the lack of sibyl protection making the K parameter useless?

>> No.24386052

7 Posts by this ID and yet you don't even own any ADA?

Cardano threads are literally the only threads that trigger mETHeads badly and trigger them? Why because if Cardano flips Ethereum (Which it will) Superior technology and innovation historically always win, you are going to be negatively financially effected. If I was you I would hedge your losing ETH position with some ADA.

>> No.24386081

I like discussing PoS as it's a personal interest of mine. Is your final rebuttal really K posts by this id?

>> No.24386123

If you like discussing PoS and are interested in it as a hobby buy some Cardano and stake it. Even if it's play money.

>> No.24386140

I have already explained why Cardano's PoS is shit. I doubt you know what a sybil attack is.

>> No.24386145

Serious question: why Cardano over Polkadot or Algorand? We all know ETH is a disaster and everyone is waiting for a scalable alternative but what is special about ADA compared to the competition?

>> No.24386154

Cardano is literal vaporware

>> No.24386204

>sybil attack
A 51% attack?
Ethereum 2.0 is genuinely more susceptible to a 51% attack than Cardano.

>> No.24386234

>A 51% attack?
Read my posts you absolute brainlet, I spelled it out. Sybil, K, pool operator.

>> No.24386252 [DELETED] 

So many shilling for new DAO segment, but still there are only few platforms that can provide really good statistic
Check PTERIA DAO, use your portfolio with smart project

> High rating on Coingecko and CMC with token price rising ( 10% for a day)
> listed on Uniswap, Dextools, AEX and has partnership with Wallem (good blockchain game)
> $PNT and $DOUGH token as reward for staking and liquidity pools

> pteria.org
> t.me/pteria

>> No.24386283

You pajeets are really insufferable. Fuck off, stop spamming random threads.

>> No.24386351

what do you think about chainlink? If ETH fails as you think then what would happen to link? Because from what I know oracle choice of ADA is ERGO

>> No.24386383

Sybil attacks yeh?
In other words a 51% attack.
You need 51% control of a networks nodes to launch a sybil attack. Like I said Ethereum 2.0 is more susceptible to this type of attack.

>> No.24386446

Also read this


>> No.24386468
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literally what your argument boils down to. lower pledge equates to lower rewards for delegators, so operators who would split their pledge/pools are already penalized for doing so. lowering K parameter helps with the decentralisation in tandem with the above. if you don't understand this, then you must be retarded. the linked forum thread showing the "8 operators own 88% of the networks" is also bullshit btw

>> No.24386510

That wasn't what I was saying.
Nothing here is concerned with real identities, making it another noop. If you allow small stakeholders to start a pool, you automatically allow larger stakeholders to create many pools. This is pure cope technobabble.

>> No.24386607

>If you allow small stakeholders to start a pool, you automatically allow larger stakeholders to create many pools. This is pure cope technobabble.

Did you even read the post?

When registering a pool, the pool operator can decide to ‘pledge’ some of his personal stake to the pool. Pledging more will slightly increase the potential rewards of his pool.

This means that pools whose operators have pledged a lot of stake will be a little bit more attractive. So, if an attacker wants to create dozens of pools, he will have to split his personal stake into many parts, making all of his many pools less attractive, thereby causing people to delegate to pools run by honest stakeholders instead.

In other words, an attacker who creates a large number of pools will have to spread himself too thinly. He can’t make all of his many pools attractive, because he has to split his stake into too many parts. Honest pool operators will bundle all their personal stake into their one pool, thus having a much better chance of attracting members.

>> No.24386629

Ya I read it and it was shit.
>personal stake
hmm could the idea of "personal" have something to do with identity?

>> No.24386638

If you disagree with facts well then your an idiot..

>> No.24386684

You fucking tards think tech is the only thing that matters. How many devs are building on eth? How many devs are building on Ada? There’s your answer. Newfags will never understand this.

>> No.24386794

Cope. Not an argument to be found in this post. No reply to the issue raised.

>> No.24386963


There are literally thousands of projects currently being built on Cardano that will go live in March.

Have fun kido!
Knock yourself out.

>> No.24386997

Can't code in Haskell? No worries they have built a Javascript to Haskell translator..


>> No.24387604

Lmao - even Polkadot is based on old 2017 Ouroboros Praos codebase - by Cardano .

A fuckin copy-cat

Polkadot calls it Babe consensus.

Algorand copied Cardano too... shit, most of 100 projects are trying to learn from Cardano actualy .

So enjoy all your copy-cat shitcoins with a few tweaks.

>> No.24387611

What the fuck is this nerd shit? This is pathetic, buy XRP don’t waste your money on Cardanus.

>> No.24387738

can you link me to the scientific papers of XRP?


>> No.24388018

>What the fuck is this nerd shit?
Javascript is unironically the second easiest program language to learn after HTML.. Python is unironically more complex. Inorder to build highly secure dapps you need to write them in functional programming languages like Haskel. Functional programming languages like Haskell are extremely complex and are generally written by people with IQ's over 150+

Ethereum is written in Solidity which is nowhere near as complex as Haskell however it is is not as secure and is significantly more prone to bugs (about x1000 more than Haskell) and errors leading to exploits such as liquidity attacks are common. It is this reason why no major institutions will EVER build on Ethereum. Cardano has gone above and beyond with the Marlowe playground effectively allowing people illiterate in Haskell to create daps on Cardano by creating a Javascript to Haskell code converter thus allowing thousands of SECURE applications to be created ontop of Cardano. In other words no more liquidity attacks. Why would a developer build on ETH when it's easier to write applications on Cardano that are more secrue?

People don't even realise whats going on. Cardano is far more attractive ecosystem for developers to build on top. It is the ETH killer.

>> No.24388071
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There are/will be pools in ETH 2.0 as well. Rocketpool for example

>> No.24388138

Can you give a succinct definition of what separates is from imerative programming and why exactly this makes Cardano so much more secure? Bonus points for explaining how a transpiled js program is more secure than the same app ran as-is. This entire thread you have just been repeating talking points with zero understanding of them.
I covered this.

>> No.24388176

jumbled the words a bit due to being drunk but I believe the message is clear

>> No.24388178
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>there is ZERO sibyl protection here.
a0 parameter

>> No.24388248

How can we prevent Sybil attacks?

Our game theoretical analysis led us to a different solution, one that won’t bar ‘small’ stakeholders from starting their own pools by burdening them with prohibitively high fees and a high financial risk.

When registering a pool, the pool operator can decide to ‘pledge’ some of his personal stake to the pool. Pledging more will slightly increase the potential rewards of his pool.

This means that pools whose operators have pledged a lot of stake will be a little bit more attractive. So, if an attacker wants to create dozens of pools, he will have to split his personal stake into many parts, making all of his many pools less attractive, thereby causing people to delegate to pools run by honest stakeholders instead.

In other words, an attacker who creates a large number of pools will have to spread himself too thinly. He can’t make all of his many pools attractive, because he has to split his stake into too many parts. Honest pool operators will bundle all their personal stake into their one pool, thus having a much better chance of attracting members.

Setting a0 to zero would mean: ‘Pool rewards do not depend on the operator’s pledged stake.’ Picking a high value for a0 would result in a strong advantage for pool operators who pledge a lot of stake to their pools.

We have a classical trade-off here, between fairness and an even playing field on the one hand (a0 = 0) and security and Sybil-attack protection on the other hand (a0 is large).

This is from 2018, it has been improved since.

>> No.24388258

Cardano pos works and is out now, there is no minimum stake and doesn't require lockup in some shady contract.

Smart contracts and native assets out q1 2021, at this point will be entirely superior to ETH.

>> No.24388297
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Jesus christ this is getting embarrassing. Charles has had it out for ethereum since 2016, because he got dumped from the team for sexually harassing the male developers and generally being a controlling asshole without the mental aptitude to work on a project of this caliber.

He has since spent the money he made from dumping his ether trying to build a competitor to ethereum, a task he has failed miserably.

Not only do I predict cardano dropping out of the top 30 before march (and I hold the shorts to back it up), I also predict Charles the pederast to neck himself before end of June. That is of course if he does not scarf himself to death earlier.

Follow the money, follow the developers and put your fucking money in ETH.

>> No.24388316

let this thread die frens ada is too good for biz

>> No.24388344

God I wish Charles was actually gay. I would love his billionaire cock in my ass.

>> No.24388357

>Why Haskell?
>Formal Verification

>> No.24388377

>Follow the money, follow the developers and put your fucking money in ETH.

Whatever you say Nigga

>> No.24388385

Pls kill yourself pleb

>> No.24388518
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Dear Cardanopajeets,
Dont try to scam retards into thinking it is not dPOS. Yes, it isn't regular dPOS, but changing it up a bit doesn't give your the right to call it full POS.

All validators on ETH will be running on a hardware somewhere (homenode, cloudnode, node service provider for a staking pool... all of the staked ETH will be running on a hardware).

Most Cardano staked coins will be just locked in a wallet, indicating that they are 'staking' in some pool that they chose (delegated). Relatively few separate real hardware machines will be running compared to ETH.

>> No.24388614

Slashing is a coping mechanism to make up for the fact that ETH 2 is NOT byzantine resistant to the level of bitcion.
>Bitcoin - 50 % byzantine resistant
>Cardano - 50% byzantine resistant
>ETH 2.0 - 25 to 33% byzantine resistant
to cope for the fact that sharding the base layer comes with the immense security cost of lowering byzantine resistance to only 25-33% based on how it is tuned, ETH 2.0 is FORCED to implement a draconian and shit-tier stake slashing mechanism. Cardano DOES NOT need this while ETH 2.0 requires it due to its design. ETH 2.0 is broken.

>> No.24388629


>> No.24388641

LMAO, look at this reddit mETH tier COPE. pretty amazing faggotry on display right here. welcome to the Cardano thread my seething little leddit faggot. KEK

>> No.24388677

but will it ever break double digits?

>> No.24388717

>...resources by DELEGATING their stake to stake pools...
the absolute state of ADAfags

>> No.24388719

jesus christ my brainlet anon, at least read the thread. This was explicitly 5 posts above yours here:

>> No.24388762

I see this is too complicated for you. delegating your stake to a pool does not equal dPOS. try reading that link again before embarrassing yourself further.

>> No.24388792

It'll be in the $2 - $3 range next year. my estimate

>> No.24388828

IOHK calls it "Dynamic" PoS.
>Relatively few separate real hardware machines will be running compared to ETH.
But not everyone can stake. Those with less than 32 ETH will need to delegate to pools. How many pools will there be? How safe is that?

>Cardano pos works and is out now, there is no minimum stake and doesn't require lockup in some shady contract.
This. You can spend you ADA whenever you want, it's only "locked" in the sense that you have to delegate it for 2 epochs (10 days), before you receive rewards

>> No.24388920

You're out of your league anon, and this is too complicated for you. POS does not mean that stake pools cannot have delegates. You do not understand this arena, clearly. Anyone, ANYONE can run a stake pool with ANY amount of ADA at any time, on just about any hardware from a Rock-pi, Smartphone, Cloud-based-server, Home desktop, Home Server Hardware, whatever. For those who do not wish to do so, they may delegate their stake. By delegating their stake they contribute to the security of the network.
>Relatively few separate real hardware machines will be running compared to ETH.
citation needed. There are over 1300 stake pools right now. This time next year it will probably be in the 2000+ range.
>why are all mETH bag holders obsessed with Cardano?

>> No.24388945
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>How safe is that?
I mean, since Ethereum has such an amazing track record of safe smart contracts.

>> No.24388999

But will it ever break the double digit threshold?

>> No.24389073

Ethereum 2.0 is susceptible to a 25% attack. the mETH faggot on display doesn't understand shit

>> No.24389094

you mean the $10 threshold? I think so. When Cardano has over a billion users, I'd think so.

>> No.24389180
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I think sooner. Holding ADA will be really attractive when Cardano is full of Native Assets.
>Stake ADA
>Get ADA staking rewards
>Get NA transaction fee rewards
There's also over 90 projects that are interested in porting over to Cardano. AGI being one of them.

>> No.24389247

Well I hope so.... AGI is going to be pretty insane. Tens of thousands of focused-task narrow AIs being used to perform all the tasks that are going to be engulfing the global economy. That token is going to explode. pretty excited to see how that goes moving forward.

>> No.24389915
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Charles is a based super chad
Vitalik is a pedo fraud
Fuck ethereum

>> No.24390273
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Considered dropping some really juicy alpha on ethereum in this thread, but after reading your response I think I'll skip it. I can tell that you're a overweight loser with bad hygiene, not obese, just pasty and skinny while still having to much bodyfat if you know what I mean. Simply don't want you to join our chadosphere, fagot.

Pic related is you

>> No.24390457
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yes anon, do tell about how wonderful that mETH 2.0 byzantine resistance is:
>bitcoin -- 50% byzantine resistant
>cardano -- 50% byzantine resistant
(with an ongoing research stream into increasing that to handle spikes of dishonest majority)
>mETH 2.0 -- 25-33% byzantine resistant
and thank you for COPE-traveling from your leddit hive to share your thoughts in a Cardano thread on biz

>> No.24390571

what vid is that from I want to watch if it's apart of some larger rant

>> No.24390622
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This, need to verify.

>> No.24390645

Subtitles are fake. This is what Charles said about Vitalik, there is no bad blood between them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqWPp1zJxyw

>> No.24390708

Hey Charles when did you start posting here? I though you only read Comments from your little script

>> No.24390750

i remember this ama its from late 2019 i was expecting vitalik to retaliate but nothing happened he literally called him pedo

>> No.24390933

vitalik is a disgusting beta cuck

>> No.24390948

Yeah, that's what I was wondering. I'd get more but right now I should just get my wallet back with the passphrase.
Mind giving me a quick rundown on how the staking works?

>> No.24390952

Cardano $1 eoy

>> No.24391057

Imagine still investing in ETH killers in 2020

>> No.24391118

Imagine still "investing" into ETH in 2020

>> No.24391148

Have ADA in your wallet
Select a pool to delegate to
You are now staking. You will se rewards coming in after 2 epochs have passed, 10 days.

>> No.24391181

You had 2 years

>> No.24391272
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To lose money in shitty smart contracts? To hardfork into ETC? >>24388945
Thanks for experimenting ETH, but it's time stuff is done right.

>> No.24391279

>2 years
Is that how long you have been here newfag?
You do realise Ethereum is 5.5 years old and is now completely obsolete.

>> No.24391360

Well it's either fake as the one anon said or he deleted it, because going off all the thumbnails on his youtube channel (looking at items in his room and what he's wearing) it's not there.


>> No.24391393

>Mind giving me a quick rundown on how the staking works?
here's an (older) short video from IOHK on staking.
here's a newer video on new daedalus features
here's a great independent tool for looking at stake pools:
staking is very easy from Daedalus. just click on the staking button on the left hand side, select one of your Daedalus wallets, click or search for a stake pool within Daedalus and select stake. enter your spending passphrase and you're done. you can still spend your ADA at any time and you can re-delegate to a new stake pool at any time as much as you want. it does take 2 epochs (10 days I think) before you receive your 1st staking rewards.

>> No.24391443
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>To lose money in shitty smart contracts? To hardfork into ETC?
>>2 years
>Is that how long you have been here newfag?
>You do realise Ethereum is 5.5 years old and is now completely obsolete.

>> No.24391495

How much ADA to make it. Is 250k enough or do I need 500k?

>> No.24391504

Yep thats what I thought.
You don't even know how to green text correctly.

Complete Newfag

>> No.24391566

It's a good thing you don't code Ethereum smart contracts because with rookie mistakes like that people would probably lose a lot of money.

>> No.24391576

at $4 ADA (1-2 years) you're holding 1 million USD worth in ADA and earning $50k/year in staking rewards.

>> No.24391600


>> No.24391732

Okay, now THIS is based

>> No.24392133

I literally coded a multisig wallet in ethereum after a week of learning solidity and my 10k has not been stolen yet. you are a complete moron and you do not know what you are talking about. imagine expecting people to learn haskell or trust some js to haskell converter that may or may not have bugs.

>> No.24392246
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>I literally coded a multisig wallet in ethereum after a week of learning solidity and my 10k has not been stolen yet. you are a complete moron and you do not know what you are talking about.

Cool story bro. Here have a Blue Peter Badge for completing your one week crash course on Solidity.

>> No.24392406

ok well why don't you try making a multisig wallet in haskell.
have fun faggot.
any fag who knows c/c++ already knows most of solidity. c and c++ are literally taught in every computer science course. no one talks about haskell and new cs grads will have no fucking clue how to program shit in haskell.
>hurr durr just use javascript lol
JS is not something you want to code in if you want to make reliable software. there's a reason why solidity uses strongly typed variables, it's much easier to notice when you make a stupid programming mistake like try to pass a string as an int or something. js variables don't have types and coding a smart contract in js would be an absolute nightmare and no one wants to learn haskell because even you admit it's only for 150 iq fags. go back to school and learn coding faggot

>> No.24392520
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no, it's retarded. complexity is not a measure by which to judge programming languages.

>> No.24392684



>> No.24392752

Now allow one of the wallets to make trades on whatever decentralized exchange you have on cardano.

>> No.24392785



>> No.24392830

>JS is not something you want to code in if you want to make reliable software
fuck off you know literally nothing about programming and your reading comprehension sucks

>> No.24392876

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.24392916

you fucking inbreds who shit on JS all day. Do you realize 90% of the fucking web is JS? ARE YOU ACTUALLY RETARDED?

>> No.24392979

very intelligent argument. you have convinced me that you are a programmer and you know what you are talking about. i am very sorry for doubting you, you are correct and I will be selling my eth stack to buy 100k ADA. again, I am very sorry for doubting your superior intelligence which is light years ahead of my pathetic peanut brain.
Yes I know that. Now tell me why typescript exists faggot?

>> No.24393053


>> No.24393104

Saved. I'll be saving this little pill to shove back up you're ass in the post $3 world.

>> No.24393122

i know what functional programming is. functional programming is hard for people to learn, most programmers only know imperative languages and solidity is much easier for them to wrap their heads around.

>> No.24393236
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>solidity is much easier for them to wrap their heads around.

Unfortunately Mr "expert programer" Solidity isn't high assurance code and therefore you can never build serious financial dapp's on top of it because there will always be a some margin of error.. How many times does this need to be explained to you? Why do you think most if not all major financial institutions write their applications in Haskell?

>> No.24393301

im waiting for uniswap to get hacked.

>> No.24393340

Anon... It's already been hacked..


>> No.24393417

That was because the coders of the tokens did some retarded shit.
Uniswap has over a billion in liquidity right now. If they actually hacked it they could steal 1 billion from there. so far, no one has taken the 1 billion in liquidity on there.

>> No.24393455

The amount of cope from these Cardacucks is hilarious.

>> No.24393460

>That was because the coders of the tokens did some retarded shit.

That's what happens when you code in Solidity.. Do you understand?

>> No.24393512

False, that's what happens if you're a shitty coder

>> No.24393520

Ahh The cringy guy who spams so hard and tries to force "Cardacuck" as a meme when literally you are the only anon who uses this terminology. wasn't you another one of the faggots who went all in on Harmony One?
How did that work out for you?

>> No.24393597

C has been used to program shit in critical applications like medical devices and airplanes. Literally everything electronic has a microcontroller inside that's been programmed in C. You don't see critical medical equipment failing that often, do you?
Programming in imperative languages is possible, and we've been doing it for decades faggot.

>> No.24393602

I have no idea what you're talking about. Seethe harder.

>> No.24393659

Harmony one.. You know that absolute shitcoin that dropped 60% in value whilst ADA went x4

>> No.24393719

cardano is the most reddit coin bar nano, dont delude yourself.

>> No.24393769

ADA and ONE are both ghost chains that nobody uses.

>> No.24393803

Cardano is targeting the seasoned and experienced functional programmers working for Banks, Investment Banks, Trading Houses, etc. those guys with decades worth of experience writing in Haskell and other functional programming languages for situations with billions of dollars on the line daily. those guys are going to be stepping into to pound out some serious shit when Gougen smart contracts on Plutus are live. I for one cannot fucking wait.

>> No.24393872

ADA is not the chain but rather the native currency. If you can't understand a simple concept like then I can't even hold a coherent debate with you.

>> No.24393899

>ok well why don't you try making a multisig wallet in haskell.
funny because IOHK is doing this very thing as we speak. I believe they are also subcontracting some of the Daedalus work out to a well known Haskell firm, not sure if multisig wallet functionality is under the IOHK banner or one of their subcontractors.

>> No.24393971

If you can't understand that people refer to things by their ticker and avoid refuting the fact that Cardano is a ghost chain then you are simply coping.

>> No.24393973

you misspelled ETH

>> No.24394015
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>he doesn't know that smart contracts are not live yet

>> No.24394032

>people refer to things by their ticker
I've never called the Monero the "XMR chain" It sounds to me like you are pretty much a retard.

>> No.24394125

Thank you for admitting that Cardano does nothing.
Ok autist.

>> No.24394298

>$5b market cap while doing nothing
>literally about to become infinitely more useful and can't do the math

>> No.24394398
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ETH rush to release POS before Cardano just to keep integrity is cringy. Imagine theres a fatal error backdoor ready to be poked just right before Goguen official deploy. Just imagine.

>> No.24394460

>Thank you for admitting that Cardano does nothing.
Did I do that king of strawmans? Nope. Not what I said. How low IQ do you have to be to rage that smart contracts aren't running yet on a platform that everyone knows is on the precipice of activating smart contract ability? or are you just butthurt and desperately grasping for FUD?

>> No.24395645

You buy cards no thinking you are going to make it. In reality you are just suffering from shill derangement syndrome and only contributing to Charles traveling blog fund.
>mah science coin

>> No.24396236

Oh God this is so cringe

>> No.24397114

>broke company behind it
Weak fucking FUD my dude. Chad Charles was an early adopter of BTC and is completely stacked.

>> No.24397177

You bought in during a bull run and are now mad. Congratulations, you've played yourself.

>> No.24397212

Those interested in Cardano should have a look at ERGO as well.

>> No.24397312

Algorand already has POS released and working, what is special about Cardano?

>> No.24397316

Yield farming, liquidity pools, CEFI, DEFI, stable coins, POW, POS, thousands of developers. Bog money pouring in. Yes, you might be late to the party in terms of the crypto space But you are the 2nd person to eth out of 100. Literally, everything interesting is happening around ETH. And you faggots still think ADA is going to amount to anything? Jesus Christ. BTC ETH LINK DAI WBTC and some RSR for a moonshot and thats guaranteed success. Put 20k in ETH / DAI LP on uni and another 10 k on WBTC /ETH and go live your life. Otherwise you will have. nothing. ETH is 1/2 way back to ATH. ada is dead. The fuck you faggots doing? Seriously whats next a fucking NANO or WTC thread? gtfo of here

>> No.24397317
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>> No.24397559

Billions of dollars in development. Most expensive crypto project ever released. Huge sunken costs. Smart contracts. Full decentralization as a key point. Better oracle solutions proposed than Chainlink on layer 1. Strict peer reviewed guidelines on all crypto.

>> No.24397673

Is typescript not a superset of javascript? You realize typescript compiles to javascript right? How does that make JS any safer or unsafer according to your original post? A competent programmer can make a secure application in Javascript easily.

>> No.24397808

Security researchers have argued that typescript is less safe than javascript because it provides high level guarantees which the learns to developer rely on but then these guarantees are lost once it compiles to javascript turning it into a pile of shit

Solidity is even worse

>> No.24397859

for a technology to flip a first mover it needs to be 10x better. Will ada be 10x better?

>> No.24397901

Legit how come you guys didn't buy this when it was 2 cents? Easiest 50x ever? I get the memes and to hate Charles and shit, but if you don't think Cardano is at least a 1 dollar coin I'm curious as to why.

>> No.24398272


It can actually be used as a currency and Btc can't. It's tech is better than ethereum. Puts is MC above Btc.

>> No.24398323

> Billions of dollars in development
Source? I don't deny that billions were raised, but I doubt it was mainly used for development.

>> No.24399017

lol. How much do you get paid to post about this trash?

>> No.24400428
