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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24383080 No.24383080 [Reply] [Original]

>work tomorrow

>> No.24383107
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Maybe for thee, not for me.

>> No.24383118
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it all didn't matter until I got rejected this weekend. Now its gonna be twice as awful as it normally is.

luckely i can trade on the job. im waiting to go long when butt dumps.

>> No.24383129

You are not “””””working”””””” from home?

>> No.24383172

no, never did

>> No.24383284
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>invest in magic cards in 2013
>collection now worth 100k
>want to sell it all to buy a small house
>if i sell it all at once to one guy its subject to 28% capital gains tax as it was an investment
>If I sell it slowly on ebay taxes and fees make me lose out over 32%
>if I start an LLC to pay a 15% income tax the government will likely see i didnt pay income tax on previous years sales which amounts to another 15k owed


>> No.24383311

only 25 more years

>> No.24383330
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>> No.24383348
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My job is pretty comfy ngl so I don't mind

>> No.24383362


just pay the tax then reinvest. if you'd sold and invested in the market wisely after the dump you'd probably have already made like 15% back

>> No.24383364

Quit my job last week. Going to Mexico next month to travel.

>> No.24383366
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Work been on my mind since waking up.....
I cant continue like this

>> No.24383423

Just spent 400 on a secret labs Titan chair. Needed to CONSOOM and wanted the wage cage to hurt a little less. On the plus side I will have my mortgage fully paid off in the next two weeks and I’m 31 with 2 kids. Not spending money on the wage cage commute this year has saved a lot. Still only 0.3 BTC, 3k link but have 0.44 LP. Is there hope for me anons?

>> No.24383429

>paying more than 10% on capital gains
cucked amerimutt retard lmao

>> No.24383524

>buying consoomer shit instead of investing this money on crypto
no hope for you

>> No.24383604

This is what I feared. Should have got some ETH.

>> No.24383646
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>> No.24383694
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>wake up late, roll out of bed at 9.20 and turn pc on to appear online
>make breakfast and coffee
>check blockfolio, browse /biz/
>it's now 10.30. work until 12
>have lunch, fuck gf, go for walk
>come back at 2
>prepare my charts and buy/sell orders
>2.30 stock market opens and start trading

Ah, another day doing absolutely nothing

>> No.24383944
File: 164 KB, 498x497, smug pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you really mean to say is
>wake up at noon because no job
>shitpost on /biz/
>check your 2k shitcoin investment
>"heh up $2 today, im gunna make it"
>make some ramen
>fuck your body pillow
>dad yells at you for making a mess when making your ramen
>mom defends her little investor
>you go back in your bedroom and shitpost some more
>check the news and see a headline about jeff bezos making another 40 million in a day
>"heh him and i both know how to play the game heh"
>amazon prime yourself a new anime pillow
>use your moms credit card of course
>jack off another 4 times

>> No.24384003

>work tomorrow
>have pto for Friday and the following Monday for another nice 4 day weekend
Going into this work week will at least be tolerable knowing I have another little break ahead. Then Christmas falls on a Friday so that's another 4 day weekend to look forward to. December should be comfy.

>> No.24384012

How can they prove it was an investment and not a hobby

>> No.24384115

Not him but probably because it's now worth 100k. Theyll make up whatever jew tax they can to get your money. Make no mistake.

>> No.24384243


>> No.24384360


Oh no, ohhh no, ohhhhnnononononono

>> No.24384484

STRONG projection there

>> No.24384496

lucky you bro, wish I was back at work

>> No.24384545

If you're american it's physically impossible for you to owe more than 20% in long term capital gains tax

>> No.24384681

Ever since covid WFH started I work for like 3 or 4 hours a day. I'm never going back to an office ever again.

>> No.24384684
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for you, yes

>> No.24384721
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>> No.24384734


oh oops worries my mistake i thought this was a thread about haircomb
you know the quantum resistant anonymous token on the bitcoin chain
but i can see thats not what y'all are talking about so i'll leave you too it my bad ttyl