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24381486 No.24381486 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to XMR General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading privacy-coin!
Because Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, people can easily send money despite corrupt and broken governments or banks. This provides economic empowerment of individuals in oppressive countries or depressed economies.
Private financial history protects consumers and companies from price manipulation, supply chain exploitation, economic discrimination, or the like. Monero is the only cryptocurrency that has the features to serve as completely fungible, decentralized, electronic cash.
If you're new, feel free to ask any questions you like and a Monero Chad will be with you shortly.


https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/ < Full GUI wallet, for your PC
https://cakewallet.com/ < A simple, phone friendly wallet

https://bisq.network/ <Trade Bitcoin for Monero completely anonymously over Tor, decentralized. Slow but completely private!
https://cakewallet.com/ <Trade Bitcoin for Monero through a centralized exchange built into the wallet!
https://localmonero.co/?language=en <(Always look for vendors with lots of good reviews)
https://coinatmradar.com/bitcoin-atm-near-me/ <Crypto ATM locations
https://kycnot.me/ <Exchanges and services with no KYC requirements
https://web.getmonero.org/get-started/mining/ <A brief introduction to PoW Mining.

https://moneroblocks.info/stats/transaction-stats < Monero Daily Transactions

>> No.24381518
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fuck feds and fuck jannies

>> No.24381845
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best money on the planet.

>> No.24382168

What wallet would you guys suggest I use to interact with CEXs as a middle man for my Monero GUI wallet if I use Monero as my transaction vehicle for all of it? Been looking for CEXs that I can get away with not KYCing myself instead of DEXs for now to cut on gas fees. Kucoin might be a good one, and I hear Binance is to if you keep it under 2 BTC. Thoughts? Life is interesting for a "Anonymous day trader".

>> No.24382267

I sold weeks ago and I’m glad I did. Total shitcoin

>> No.24382343

I've used Kucoin in the past and I like it. They did get hacked recently though so don't keep coins on an exchange for long unless you are willing to take that risk.
Tradeogre is brought up a lot, though they have lower trading volume iirc.

>> No.24382442

I'm surprised them getting hacked wouldn't lower that volume significantly. Well how bout that.

>> No.24383337

kekekekekek CipherTrace can track you. have fun in jail muh brypto anarchistas kekekekekek

>> No.24383613

Got a nice update regarding dark net adoption monero chads: Was just on Dread and they have created a new DNM Bible. On this version they make it overwhelmingly clear that you should use Monero instead of Bitcoin. On past versions they had Monero listed as a suggestion. Now they are saying that you at minimum need to wash transaction history with Bitcoin
The DNM Bible is generally considered the go-to read for noobies.
We already know that the switch to Monero is happening, but with the momentum we are seeing now we will take completely over next year.

>> No.24383670

OP is this true?
Also monerujo or cakewallet for phone?

>> No.24383894

Ok here's my plan for getting Monero. Plz advise.

1 .Buy LTC at crypto atm (less fees than BTC). ATM only requires sms confirmation.
2. Exchange LTC for XMR via changenow.

>> No.24384027
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same fud different day
the ciphertrace 'tracing' method uses metadata to build probabilistic maps of which wallets might be associated with eachother. We don't have any idea how well it works, but there are certain aspects of Monero that are mathematically impossible to crack.
The more consistent metadata you leave behind the more likely it is that a given metadata based 'tracing' method will be able to associate a transaction with you. Even then, the amount of information such an attack could gather is very limited.
Can't tell you how well their method works without knowing what they're specifically doing, but I can tell you they haven't solved the DLP, and as such can't deduce amounts from commitments, the correct ring member from a ring sig, actual address from a stealth address and so on.
kys bootlicking glownigger

>> No.24384063

Monero can't be directly tracked. Anybody telling you that doesn't understand how Monero works and is FUDing you. Monero doesn't prevent metadata however, so what is likely to happen in the future is KYC exchanges will have some sort of transaction graph linking the identity of the individual and the time and amount of Monero purchased and sent off of an exchange. This will allow the feds to loosely track Monero, and is the primary reason I believe Monero will become much more liquid over the coming years. Remember that Monero's blockchain doesn't allow you to see how much Monero someone holds, so while the exchanges will have the information of when you sent Monero off of an exchange, their knowledge of that Monero ends there.
Think of Monero like digital cash. Once you withdraw Fiat from an ATM, the government is not able to trace what you are doing (with the exception of marked dollars). Ciphertrace has already stated (too lazy to dig up the tweet) that they can't directly trace transactions. They can create probabilities but again this comes down to metadata.
>Also monerujo or cakewallet for phone?
Cake Wallet is recommended a lot.
If your LTC wallet has absolutely no connection to you (i.e. it's brand new) you are good. I haven't used changenow but I believe cake wallet can use it.

>> No.24384477

Thanks anon

>> No.24384712

>Cake Wallet is recommended a lot
Cake wallet has a really annoying bug. When I use xmr.to to send a different coin, the amount of XMR reducted from my wallet is the fiat value of the transaction. this freaked me out the first time and I had to resync to fix it.
If I try to send an amount that has a fiat value that is more than the monero value I have in the wallet it doesn't work. Don't want to leave a review on Google play for obvious reasons

>> No.24384748

>If I try to send an amount that has a fiat value that is more than the monero value I have in the wallet it doesn't work.

>> No.24384876

indeed. can someone with a relatively anon phone account let the team know somehow? I can't add it as an issue on github.

>> No.24384920

Make a reddit account, go to the monero subreddit and let the creator know there. I’ve seen him active on it.

>> No.24384965


>> No.24384976

>Make a reddit account
Yikes. I'll consider it, but if someone else with a reddit account could copy and paste the problem that would be much appreciated.

>> No.24385004

have you tried searching duckduckgo?

>> No.24385008


>> No.24385621

I have been seeing that cakewallet since the update has been really buggy. Thinking of using Exodus as my middleman while I interact with Binance or Kucoin in the mean time.

>> No.24386013

I haven't really noticed anything too unusual but we are having a ton of new users onboarding because of the dark net

>> No.24386698

Total noob question but do wallets(installed ones but virtual ones on exchange websites) charge you money to send a payment to a different wallet? I have the exact amount I need in my wallet now, but I'm worried when I go to send it it won't work because I'll need to have extra on there to cover a fee.

>> No.24386718

I meant installed ones, NOT virtual ones on websites.

>> No.24386760

monerofu :3

>> No.24386797

Monero-chan is cute!

>> No.24386802

yeah there are transaction fees that go towards the mining network whenever you send Monero.
right now, the amounts are less than 1 cent.

>> No.24386837

Ah that's fine then, I'll just make sure to keep an extra few bucks on it, thank you

>> No.24386859

there is a transaction fee that gets distributed to the miners who propagate your transaction. You could try to send with 0 fees, but the miners will have no incentive to include your transaction (and not sure if the wallet would even let you send out with 0 fees)

>> No.24387001

Does it tell you what fee to pay when you try to send? Or should I just send a little bit extra than what I'm intending to send

>> No.24387003

if trump rolls out kyc on cold wallets i think we'll see a rise in monero
privacy coins are inevitable

>> No.24387122

fuck your Monero...Beam with Chainlink integration is taking over in the next year

>> No.24387217

Not going to happen. Looks like that story was fud from coinbase ceo to scare normies into just using their KYC based products. Privacy coins are indeed inevitable, but its going to take more than a literal twitter rumor spread by the biggest shill in crypto to shake vets.

>> No.24387806

Yes, it'll tell you how much the fee is, and it will deduct it from your wallet on top of the desired amount that you want to send.

>> No.24387972

Gentleman, thank you.

>> No.24388759

>Privacy coins are indeed inevitable, but its going to take more than a literal twitter rumor spread by the biggest shill in crypto to shake vets.
Though, the smart Bitcoin vets are already seeing the writing on the wall.

>> No.24388814


>> No.24388851

It's not true, the CipherTrace CEO recently tweeted "Nobody can deterministically trace Monero yet" which is a not-so-subtle way of saying "Well, we can kinda guess what transactions came from where but we have no way to prove it for sure."

Source, CipherTrace CEO Twitter: https://twitter.com/davejevans/status/1330008956270374918

>> No.24388875

I can't see it happening sorry fren.

>> No.24389089
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>> No.24389106

kike id wants to buy more. bullish.

>> No.24389297
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Fuck bros I need to get more Monero. Too good of a coin i spent it all

>> No.24389634
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Frens I need help. I lost 6 coins in a mymonero wallet. I only have 11 seed words written down. I know the last word is a repeat but could the other missing word be a repeat as well? Any tools to brute force with what I have?

>> No.24389731

is it a 13 word phrase?
also what do you mean by repeat? The same word twice in a row? Or do you think you wrote it down wrong?

>> No.24389763

i wonder how much money in crypto is just lost forever to careless people

>> No.24390209

did you make a mymonero wallet address? Those are 13 (12 + the checksum).
At any rate, if you only have 11 words then I think you are shit out of luck if you don't know the check sum (the repeated word at the end). If you did know the checksum I believe there is a way to find one missing word in your seed.

>> No.24390480

I found this --
apparently there is a tool that you can use if you are missing a word. The problem is you do not know the checksum. So I suppose if you ran this tool 11 times (each time with a different word used as the check sum) you would eventually be able to find out the missing word.

>> No.24390492

I prefer monerujo, I tried installing cake wallet on a new device and get a white screen of death, support is totally useless.

>> No.24390511

missing the link:

>> No.24390580

yes they can track it, that's why they're banning it in every country

>> No.24390619

fully 3 million btc

>> No.24391096

Does monero work as a micropayment? How does one go about setting it up for an online business? Thanks biz

>> No.24391304

If you know the last word is a repeat you can just try each of the 11 possibilities you have and then do what >>24390209 says to use the checksum to find the missing word.