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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 1109x1280, 2020-08-29 15.45.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24379279 No.24379279 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that XCM is the next BNB and CoinMetro will be a top 10 exchange

>> No.24379352
File: 53 KB, 725x570, 2020-11-29 12.57.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He could have bought the next BNB at cents on the dollar

>> No.24380080

pee pee poo poo in my asshole

>> No.24380119
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I bought XCM recently. Then I hold PRQ. And some KDA and QNT. Couldn't be more comfy regarding upcoming top 10 tokens.

>> No.24380356

When though? We've been saying this since 2018

>> No.24380442

Coinmetro is just good to spot long term gems.
Oli, kevin and whoever are in charge of listings should make a youtube channel shilling shitcoins.
That being said it's a good onramp platform, xcm the token sucks

>> No.24380469

will buy it when they launch credit cards. so never.

Btw was the new token listed on uniswap already or is your community also too retarded for that?

>> No.24380502


>> No.24380515

nice, 172$ volume

to the moooooon

>> No.24380538

do you even know how uniswap works?

>> No.24380594

Feel free to partake.

>> No.24380675

wen staking?

>> No.24381263
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When the rumours about a Coinbase news article and all the customers locked out started floating around last week, I finally thought CMs time had come. Then nothing came of it. Alas, apparently we need to wait yet again.

>> No.24381360

Rumors are CoinMetro is going to list VXV? What is the /biz/ opinion on it?

>> No.24382505

My opinion is that you should kill yourself you degenerate piece of absolute SHIT

>> No.24382589

I think vxv is interesting, had it in blockfolio for a while and it seems to have picked up value the last 6months.
Have no idea how high it could reach though

>> No.24382800
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fucking kek, based, I use kevin to get rich and it actually works
im in Disbelief of how people don't constantly ask him what to buy

read >>/biz/thread/23865688


>> No.24383834

Just make it go back like August goddamnet

>> No.24383921

seriously... when staking?

>> No.24383998

foreheadman said end of month..

>> No.24384180

80k xcm here
Should i go for 100k?

>> No.24384706

Get as much as you can anon, in two years when CM is doing 20-30 million a day volume, which translates into 20-30k a day XCM market buys from fees, you'll be kicking yourself

This coin has serious potential

>> No.24384814
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I know this makes me just sound like a shill, but seriously, why isn't this exchange more popular? I really don't get it.

Also, does anyone have any idea how XCM would actually work? I dont see how CM would benefit from staking?

>> No.24384836

*XCM staking

>> No.24384856

this is unironically exactly what people were saying in 2017

>> No.24384968

because this thread only has 16 IP's
I recall the biggest cm thread ever was 60ip's or so
biz barely knows

>> No.24385127


>> No.24385308

Yeah, it's taking longer than expected but I've no doubt they will achieve their goals

>> No.24385366

they kind of already did, i wish they would just hire some really competent UI designers and let them redesign everything, they could redesign everything within a month
and then focus on marketing hardcore

>> No.24385414

The new UI for affiliate, rebates (+ more but I can't remember which ones) are coming out soon. I've only seen the new affiliate page UI but it looks really slick and professional, nothing like their current baby-tier design. So just sit tight, it's coming

>> No.24385531
File: 275 KB, 1907x1869, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not though, im sure a big redesign will come within the next 2 years but i want one now
I fucking hate those people who tell kevin "no i think it looks good :3333" because they haven't seen anything else, every time people complain about UI, kev says "well we have people that think its good so I guess it's not that important and it's your opinion"
those people are ruining it for everyone

where would you rather buy crypto from, top or bottom

>> No.24385738

What do you mean it's not? There are several new redesigns that are almost complete, currently going through testing

as for your question, both look like shit so preferably none of them based on apperances

>> No.24385776

>both look like shit
kevin is it you? stop posting and go back to work

>There are several new redesigns
im mostly talking about the dashboard though

>> No.24386069

It's fucking insane. I get why anons wouldn't want to bother with XCM in favour of moonshots, but it's the cheapest fucking exchange by a country mile, and everyone bangs on about how reliable it is and the level of customer service.

>> No.24386163

>XCM in favour of moonshots
xcm is a moonshot, look at tha mcap lmao

>> No.24386685

The exchange is fantastic and it is the only one I use these days, but I have to agree with you. The UI needs a redesign and those saying it doesn't are not doing anyone any favors.

>> No.24387009
File: 110 KB, 749x697, 1510779559087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Canadian and it's the most convenient onramp/offramp exchange I've ever used yet.
I've not a single complaint to give about it.
UI taste is subjective, for me it doesn't matter.
Compared to what it was a few years ago its leaps and bounds better.

>> No.24387250

Keep this alive.
I got at least three anons to buy into it two years ago. I just want them to get their money's worth.

>> No.24387313

I got 10 different people onboard and transfer their shit into coinmetro
they're all satisfied with the service

>> No.24387456


Honestly, I prefer top.
Bottom is just plain lazy Material UI. It looks cold and tires the eye.

But appearance goes after ease of use.
You get accustomed and end up liking it.

>> No.24387658

100k reportng in. Also got a few friends into it and they like it. I guess the "awareness" is key now, fuck knows how that is achieved.

>> No.24387827

how did Binance awareness got achieved? KuCoin?

>> No.24387870

Pretty sure they came first, and were powered by the Chinese engine. I believe binance was also the first to become popular as an altcoin platform.

>> No.24387880

fuck if i know bro, probably the prolific 2k17 bull run

>> No.24388123

Binance UI was similar to scam exchanges such as liqui or mercatox.
It was heavily shilled between chinese because CZ was already a known name there and it had ties everywhere.
Literally everyone who was asian knew about binance except westerns.

>> No.24388143
File: 711 KB, 1016x531, liru_punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daily volume of 5M EUR in 2021
The absolute state of XCM shills trying to tie you in with fake inflated numbers so that you buy their worthless token. The exchange is doing just fine on its own and is an excellent ramp to crypto, but that's it. It's not as if better alternatives weren't already there for traders to use like Kraken.
>The next BnB
Yeah right. With backing from whom? I'm pretty sure I remember seeing retards in August hyping up September as the delivery month for CM. USD available to trade, 'institutional' money flowing in to help with the non-existent marketing.
Christmas is coming and I have yet to see any progress on these fronts. It doesn't help that the people in charge are absolute retards who allowed someone to steal QNT from the platform, so much for security.

I suppose I should've realized sooner that the whole thing was not sustainable to begin with. I can count the entire user base of coinmetro with 4 hands worth of fingers. Daily volume is astonishingly low, and the tokenomics are flawed : it's just a smokescreen to hide that it's actually a ponzi/money laundering scheme. XCM cannot be valued above 10 cents. XCM holders are now tasked to try their best to recruit as many people as possible into the exchange to keep the money and the rewards flowing in, otherwise the house of cards inevitably falls upon itself without warning as soon as the tokens bought by Kevin Murcko/the exchange ALL GET SOLD AT ONCE to break even. Let me repeat myself here : the XCM token CANNOT be valued more than 10 cents per token, if not less.

>> No.24388232

there he is! Our favorite fake fudder

>> No.24388301

Wasn't coinmetro a 2018 shitcoin? Looking at the charts it seems pretty dead to be quite honest

>> No.24388337

BNB is the next BNB, it will unironically see more gains next year than XCM

>> No.24388370

It has been on life support since its start they are on their way to profitability just this year kek.
Their competition of back then is drowned and forgoten, you gotta give them that, also they have usd which is quite hard to get

>> No.24389135

brainlets and their CEXs

>> No.24389193

I have 300k XCM that I refuse to touch within the next 5 years unless it hits 10 euros
I already know all the past and current flaws and downsides of the exchange. I simply don't care. I just believe in Kevin, and in the long-term goals of the exchange

>> No.24389326

deluded libertards and their DEXs

>> No.24389514
File: 182 KB, 918x494, 4Hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24389526

I use to hold 500k XCM and dumped my shit on the uniswap moon. Here's the cold hard truth kiddos - this exchange is going to be another failure just like FXpig. You nerds are in the Kevin cult lol. Look at the website / exchange and ask yourself if this is acceptable after them working on it for 3 years with millions of dollars. "Institutional super funds" that bought XCM? Nope it was literally just the boomer pilot co owner buying some with his self managed super fund kek. "Tokenized assets on the blockchain"? The boomer pilots real estate ski lodge scam in Japan and Kevin's XCM bond that pays you in XCM... I can already get 5-20% apy on my stables with defi..lol

>> No.24389599

They have more than 10x'd the trading volume and revenue since the beginning of the year, you will regret missing out. It will be a 3 cent stablecoin until one day it isn't. You are not going to find a more obvious 50x in crypto.

>> No.24389729

Trade mirroring? With big boy quants and million dollar hedge fund managers like Kevin said we're coming 6+ months ago? Literally just two public TRAMs to date and their ROI is total shit. Even their alpha seeking strategies described in the TRAMs are garbage and would probably underperform just holding the asset in a bull market. I think the real problem with this exchange is Kevin - he has a limited understanding of the space even after working in it for 3 years. The fact that he wanted to make a "crypto mining business" before Coinmetro should tell you enough. Guy is still stuck in 2017 tier thinking and taking 12 months to try to pass something only to be cucked by regulators. SBF and ftx literally done everything Kevin could dream of doing in the space of 3 months. The real kicker is that they have zero money to hire (there's one dev on the project - everything else is outsourced to pajeets) and this before the hack due to giving an intern access to the hot wallets

>> No.24389789
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>> No.24389901

I can't help but wonder if people are still being tricked into reading the entire intro of a '4 hands' post
If someone has a post in a Coinmetro thread with at least 2 paragraphs, there's like a 95% chance it's a 4 hands post

>> No.24389904

Why don't you write this to Kevin? I want to see what he responds. Some of you like to talk shit on biz but then you never have the balls to say it directly to the CEO when you know he responds to everything in telegram and does a weekly AMA on youtube.

>> No.24389939

Kek of course they have x10 the trading volume going from 0 dollars to $10 is a x10. Before you say that's disingenuous go look at how low the volume was + consider it was only after the uniswap listing and their "marketing" started. As for "revenue" they have a long way to go paying off the 1-2 million loss they suffered from the hack. Here's the cold hard truth - XCM bag holders won't even use Coinmetro because it's garbage and has no liquidity - if the people emotionally and financially invested won't use it what chance do new people have? If you want a x50 buy Parsiq instead of this garbage

>> No.24390047

They had 3 million EUR volume just a few days ago.

>if the people emotionally and financially invested won't use it what chance do new people have? If you want a x50 buy Parsiq instead of this garbage
I am using it all the time and it is 100x better than Coinbase, Kraken, Bitstamp or any other fiat gateway. I have used them all at some point. Yes, I also bought Parsiq from coinmetro

>> No.24390097

>If you want a x50 buy Parsiq instead of this garbage
Which can be done on Coinmetro
kek spazz out

>> No.24390119

I have faggot - multiple times since the live AMAs started maybe you should go back and watch some of them. Kevin just gets defensive and says shit like "well I it's easy for you just sitting there I have ran multi successful start ups blah blah". I bought into the ICO and was one of the largest holders for awhile pal - notice XCM shills stop posting after I enter these threads. I even suggested to Kevin that they ditch the exchange idea and move into a noobie friendly AMM with fiat on/off ramps but hes already too far in the hole now and honestly the 1 dev doesn't have the ability to make something like this - no mobile app/friendly site after 3 years and exchange still looks like childrens turds.

>> No.24390157

are you assblaster, yes or no

>> No.24390237

I watched all of em and have never seen questions from the likes of you
poor attempt at fudding

>> No.24390243


>> No.24390249

>I have faggot - multiple times since the live AMAs
No, you haven't. I know because I'm also an ICO investor and I watch the AMAs. Literally take your post, copy paste it into telegram and tag Kevin. I think you are too much of a pussy.

You just sound bitter and like you have not followed any of the progress this year.

>> No.24390274

This. Not even once has this faggot asked any of those questions.

>> No.24390311

Good for them. With binance clearing out their remaining US citizens this could be their big chance!
Sure pal maybe it's okay to buy there with your 2-3 ETH lunch money but for some of us who spend 50 ETH+ there just isn't enough liquidity/volume in the book. This is the reason Parsiq made PRQboost to incentivise uni LPs - it only got attention and liquidity post uniswap listing.

>> No.24390395

i remember seeing a question like that, something about ditching what they are doing and doing something else more normie friendly
but other than that i also don't remember anything

>> No.24390408

>I have faggot - multiple times since the live AMAs started maybe you should go back and watch some of them. Kevin just gets defensive and says shit like "well I it's easy for you just sitting there I have ran multi successful start ups blah blah"
Link us to one of the AMAs where he answers your question
I'm not trying to say you're lying, I just really want to see this

>> No.24390458

People still comparing coinmetro volume (real) to crypto scam exchange volume (95% fake) is why this will hit them out of left field.

>> No.24390564


>Link us to one of the AMAs where he answers your question
This, or simply ask the question in telegram.
Come on anon, it takes 5 seconds to copy it there and tag Kevin.

>> No.24390644

Bjorn was the only fun person to meme with in the AMAs - I understand he shares some of the same frustrations and me.
Hi shills/bag holders/kevin. I'm done with XCM and no longer in the TG - feel free to copy what I wrote and DM/tag kevin - make sure to ask him about the big super funds who are buying XCM lol. Better yet ask him some technical questions about the defi space and see if he's able to answer you. I'm content making almost 2 million from YFI and other defi projects this year while kevin cries defi scam and you nerds continue to baghold this shit while we print thousands of dollars a day. XCM could have been great but it's not. Enjoy yourself

>> No.24390659

Jesus christ you seething tranny

With literally no marketing they've gone from a basic 2/3k a day exchange to 3mil a day with a successful (read all profitable) copy trading platform, excellent liquidity, a fucking regulated tokenised security platform, 1% of the XCM supply already locked, instant USD/GBP/EUR/AUD/SEK on and off ramps, written the crypto laws alongside the government, a margin platform, crypto sentiment indicator and lots of other shit. And a tonne more shit coming.

This was never MUH INSTANT PROFIT exchange, but a steady grower which has proven to be the case already and I've no doubt it will get significantly bigger.

Yeah they're slow as fuck but you know what? They're fucking doing it.

I mean if you're gonna rage sell you stack, at least wait until ICO price for fuck sake.

All your shit posting is just to reinforce your retarded decision to sell your stack before it gains market traction.

>> No.24390716

How long has Coinmetro been out? Only $657,185 USD trading volume today LMFAOOOOOOOOO

ACDX is like a month old and it's in beta and got 20 mil volume today

>> No.24390745

Nice green IDs btw lads - probably the most green XCM will see in a long time kek

>> No.24390885

Literal reddit spacing and emotional COPE. Enjoy yourself this bull run my onions kang.
No bro every exchange that isn't Coinmetro is obviously a scam and all the volume is fake/washed!!

>> No.24390908

>How long has Coinmetro been out? Only $657,185 USD trading volume today LMFAOOOOOOOOO
Anyone remember in the early days when the fud was "Only $6,000 USD trading volume today LMFAOOOOOOOOO"?
Can't wait when the fud is "Only $6,000,000 USD trading volume today LMFAOOOOOOOOO" within a year or two

>> No.24391103

You're talking shit and cannot back up anything you say. Everything you've said is wrong.

Yeah none of that is real my man. And does it have fiat on/off?

>> No.24391275
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Feel free to show me where I'm wrong and what I can't back up. You can even number some points and I'll respond to you. Turns out my flight (luckily the XCM co owner boomer pilot isn't flying kek) has WiFi so I'll be dabbing on you xcmlets for a bit longer

>> No.24391421
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>> No.24391482

are you assblaster

>> No.24391517

Hi Elliot

>> No.24391643

top ui is better you fucking zoomer

>> No.24391651

we want the zoomers to get in dont we

>> No.24391724

>I even suggested to Kevin that they ditch the exchange idea and move into a noobie friendly AMM with fiat on/off ramps
good thing he doesn't listen to you because that's a bad idea

>> No.24391773

zoomers generally don't care about crypto. its a millenial thing.

anyways after using both interfaces for 5 minutes it's clear to anyone that the top is better, even if the bottom might looks slightly more aesthetic, its usability is much much worse

>> No.24392305

that table is a joke. binance for instance has fiat on ramp and 24/7 support

>> No.24392951


>> No.24392980

>binance for instance has fiat on ramp and 24/7 support
lol yeah right

>> No.24393036

it's an old image, before binance had fiat

anyways binance is banned in the us, unlike coinmetro

>> No.24393145

I've dealt with both cm and binance, one has English speaking competent white folks who answer within minutes.
With the other, you'd be lucky to receive a Chinglish response within the day, from a 17y old retard who totally misinterpreted your question. Good luck with that.