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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24373332 No.24373332 [Reply] [Original]

but how many of us are holding this absolute gem? I'm curious, 25k here.

>> No.24373366

870 reporting in

>> No.24373506

Can someone here please fucking shill me on why this is referred to as digital oil, outside of the meme centered on that faggots tweet? I have a hard time connecting the dots as to why tokens for decentralized cloud computing equates to digital oil. Please. I see you fags shilling the coin constantly here but without any fundamental logic to back up why this coin may be the next 10x, let alone 100x.

>> No.24373548

Just like with Chainkink people will ask themselves how they could have missed the obvious moon mission that RLC is.
Making it is literally as easy as getting 8700 barrels right now.
It is in our duty to get as many anons into iExcec as long as its completely under the radar. Its literally like buying Link at $0.40 again.

>> No.24373563

check the archives. Don’t get in if you’re weak handed you’re just gonna end up getting scared and sell the second it dips

>> No.24373571

5000 barrels here

>> No.24373614
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The oil part is only a meme (it's valuable)

>> No.24373652
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RLC is digital oil because much like how regular oil helps create products and allow machinery to work, RLC does the same both trustlessly and digitally through allowing access to iExec. Real products can be created and computers/data/robots/AI can be "controlled" with it. RLC facilitates this by allowing access to iExec, which is the decentralized marketplace for cloud/ai/machine learning/robotics/dApps/compute/data/oracles/rendering and all things digital.
RLC can "power" machines. Imagine a solar powered cleaning robot(free power) being controlled by iExec. Owner of the robot profits in RLC while the customer gets the service.
Without RLC, and without iExec, the decentralized world computer marketplace can not exist.
Without RLC, there is no way to "power" iExec.
RLC is digital oil.

>> No.24374057
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Secret Network can do so much more than RLC in terms of keeping data private and encrypted. Secret smart contracts have been live on mainnet for 2 months. Even the nodes that perform the computations can’t read the data. Viewing keys are also built in to meet regulatory compliance. Only a $20 MM market cap and they just partnered with Ocean Protocol.

>> No.24374082

Literally a who in comparison to iExec.

>> No.24374133

This makes absolutely no sense and I guess I'll stay poor

>> No.24374176

Used this dip to fill up with 8700 barrels. In cuz the memes and decentralized cloud computing sounds pretty neat. Excited for this journey boys nsmdo

>> No.24374239

Isn't that the enigma team that exit scammed?

>> No.24374258

How much more time is there to accumulate? I need that 8700

>> No.24374263

I think in the next 7-14 days it'll pump ridiculously hard

>> No.24374279

It's actually like buying LINK at 0.20$. Shilling to biz at this level feels right, if they join they join, if not they die poor. At least we tried

>> No.24374326

Yeah if it doesn't make sense to you then don't buy. Anyone with an actual brain understands it though.

>> No.24374337

Lowly 1k barrel holder here, I'm in this and QNT for the long run

>> No.24374350

Why? Catalyst is needed for these things.

>> No.24374374

US legal opinion should be a big deal especially if we signal boost it

>> No.24374398

LMAO. Yes it is. I remember those cunts, Enigma looked promising cuz of the "muh MIT" team, and they literally did jack shit. Coin is almost worthless now.

>> No.24374414

Yeah I'm not touching that shit with a 1000 foot pole.

>> No.24374461

you niggers keep trying to make this blow up while I'm trying desperately to accumulate and I'm losing my mind

>> No.24374466

how many to make it? I can't keep waging at my job (warehouse cuck worker). If I have to wake up another day and go to the place I'm gonna lose it.

>> No.24374483

Maybe because you had 4 years and I shilled it the ENTIRE TIME
870 long term 8700 short term

>> No.24374494

>you had x years
people who say this should be shot

>> No.24374521
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And now I have 6200

>> No.24374522

>us sec approval
>cuckbase listing
>erlc coin for enterprises 1:1 to rlc coin
>at some point they will start looking for big investors

>> No.24374554

but it's true, even if you bought this year you should have been able to easily get 8700
Based fuck ever selling

>> No.24374577

my friend I came to /biz/ 2 weeks ago, am tech anon and IMMEDIATELY grasped the value of RLC, immediately tried jumping in
I do have 7.5k barrels at the moment but I need more, and I need to bring my dca down because I fomo'd in on the first thousand or so at above $1.10
I understand the criticism for most anons but for me I get anally frustrated every time someone respond to me with that line
I had 2 weeks
and I've been trying the entire time

>> No.24374584

That’s honestly most of these crypto coins my man. Even some good software developers and reputable coders don’t fucking get it. Did you not realize that anything to do with money or finances doesn’t really make any logical sense to begin with?

>> No.24374612
File: 129 KB, 851x480, iexec RLC world computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people ask questions in /biz/ instead of reading whitepapers if they want to understand a project?
It's referred to as digital oil because you need it to perform work on the RLC network. Just like you need fuel for a car.

>> No.24374632 [DELETED] 

What do you know about DuckDAO?

Found Medium article about their Crypto Incubator, seems open, share your opinion about it.

>> No.24374641

Checked glorious digits
1.10 isn't bad, you will be hard pressed to get it under a dollar soon anyways.

Just figure out how to maximize the amount of money you can currently shovel in right now. You're already going to make it with 7.5k anyway.

>> No.24375221
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900 here, was happy at 870, but decided to round it off.

>> No.24375259

Have you ever faced the problem of police brutality? I know one cool system that can solve it. The gotEM has all chances to go to the moon soon!

>> No.24375376

78k here

>> No.24375397
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1k barrels. buying more after payday

>> No.24375471

i have 100k
selling at $5

>> No.24375507

you're going to rope doing that
$500,000 even pre-tax isn't jack
after taxes you'll have half
you will kill yourself less than a year later when you realize that could have been $10 Million easily

>> No.24375529

Agreed, imaging selling off the financial freedom.

>> No.24375541

I have 15k barrels. Want to get to 17,400 for two uploads to the cloud before moon

>> No.24375545

i have got more than 300. I think being a Noiler is the lowest of the subspecies of mankind that has ever evolved on this planet.Though I am not quite sure whether we should even classify Noilers as human, aren't they filthy beasts like rats? How should we classify those filthy creatures? NSMDO!

>> No.24375567

>even pre-tax

trust me, I know plenty more tokens that will have an easier 5x than rlc from 500m to 2.5b...
not every project is going to get chainlink hype and be worth billions

>> No.24375630

also, if iExec plays only a small role in the blockchain era for Google, IBM, Nvidia, Google etc. those companies are worth trillions, then a yearly buy pressure of 10+ billion US in RLC should be very modest but make RLC explode in value. I can see them adopting iExec for at least some of their use cases, but possibly most, the potential seems endless to me.

>> No.24375666

>plebbit spacing
>trust me I know billionaire secrets
oh I didn't realize you were a retarded nigger
the sooner you rope the better so that's fine

>> No.24375687

why are you simping for a project that doesnt even work on the weekends?

>> No.24375723
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try google translate again that shit makes no fucking sense Ranjesh
you should probably just kys anyways

>> No.24375796

back to the telegram simp

>> No.24375835

>Though I am not quite sure whether we should even classify Noilers as human, aren't they filthy beasts like rats?
yeah we call them trannies bro

>> No.24375909

they'll definitely be interested in the technology. imagine being able to cut out the costs of running a whole facility of centralized computing hardware

>> No.24375972
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the best part is you not understanding the words you're using
retarded niggers always good for a sensible chuckle

>> No.24376156

how much is blair paying you?

>> No.24376189
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they always expose themselves as fudders

>> No.24376192

>if I mention someone by name it'll make me look cool
lmao where tf are you from that that shit works ever??? hahahahsjhdahsdhakjahkaha
oh man, all these limp wrist new fags are so bullishhhhhhhhhhhhhh
let's gooooooooooo boysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

>> No.24376247

Because you shill it every day and then you faggots always just tell everyone interested in learning about it to listen and believe without any response of substance. Ever.

>> No.24377054

>get told to DYOR
>just listen and believe
Go fuck yourself brainlet

>> No.24377314
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>> No.24377374

after seeing it shilled here i decided to dump all of them into ARPA, IYKYK

>> No.24377409

Sounds like ETH to me. And you don't want to compete against ETH with your little shitcoin, right anon?

>> No.24377457
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It's offchain computation

>> No.24377479

After checking the website for 5 seconds, the coin is actually just about decentralized cloud computing.

The Anon above makes it more difficult than it is, with his shitty metaphers.

>> No.24377484


try eth on steroids

>> No.24377568

i should've spent my weekend researching the coins im invested in with all my money. instead i just shitposted on biz. amgi?

>> No.24377597

400 barrels here, can I make a comfy stack?

>> No.24377822

Ive seen you in the TG. Youre super annoying. Keep your life story to yourself

>> No.24377852


>> No.24377961


>> No.24377978

122 barrelet plz take me with you when you make it bros

>> No.24377979

well ok

>> No.24378007


it's also decentralized oracles, data trading and much more. But you are right it's hard to generalize what it does because there is so many angles to this project.

>> No.24378009

You're trying too hard. Go back

>> No.24378011

I mean how the f most of biz dont have 10k to 50k by now? Like 9 months ago it was 25 ct or something. Why its every you mongoloids start to be interested at so late?

>> No.24378024

he's not wrong, I've been a fag in the official one because I'm new and retarded

>> No.24378037

this asset is gonna make it isn't it.

>> No.24378056

I wasn't on biz then, only returned recently with the last year I browsed biz heavily being 2017. Also I just checked and sat value has hardly changed since then, so I haven't missed shit.

>> No.24378564

Fuck off noiler dotb soon

>> No.24379336
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From the only board who shilled ETH and LINK, yes i think this is the third one.

>> No.24379390

is this actually worth it or just anon pluging his shitcoin ponzi scheme?

>> No.24380229
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8.7k reporting

>> No.24380260

I have 15k, it's not much since I have to make it before end of summer 2021

>> No.24380854


>> No.24380975


it truly is worth it

>> No.24381034

What do you think?


>> No.24381097

You will never be rich sir

>> No.24381136

Noiler here about to buy in, how high is this gonna go?

>> No.24381141
File: 3.15 MB, 412x291, nsmdo_nazi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


iExec RLC

What it can do
decentralized cloud, trusted executions, cloud resources (data sets, computing power, ...) marketplace, trusted doracles, tokenization & monetization of cloud assets (NFTs), ENS and it's FULLY COMPLIANT (French SEC approved, so basicly EU approved, so basicly USA approved, so basicly Coinbase, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, ... approved)

Partnerships and collaborations
Intel, Alibaba Cloud, Nvidia, EU commision (Ontochain) + French SEC approves, Ubisoft, EEA, CCC, EDF, Chainlink, OpenSSF, IBM Cloud, NCTU, Genesis Cloud, H7, BPI France, Scontain, Shift, Fortanix, TFCloud, Nerdalize, Ubisoft, Cloud & Heat, Stimergy, OpenFog, ...

Next technical release
V5 2nd part. FOG/edge computing to keep the latency low for tasks that require real time data.

Upcoming adoption releases
eRLC which is a fully compliant version of RLC for companies and is 1:1 interchangeable with RLC. If you look at the adoption roadmap you can also clearly see NDAs being revealed soon

DOT parachain, sidechains that handle computations with 0 fees, Intel SGX and TEE intergrated oracles, best memes on the internet, they are working with google

>> No.24381152
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Notice how big players are mentioning iExec and not just the other way around? Yeah.




European Commission


Normie Solution presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IESv4BNw8Q
iExec Solution presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ckHCmLQJQc
Cloud computing as a Commodity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSBIk35YsUc
Health care use case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCsasSNYo-4
Smart traffic controls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDk1D9L8Au0
5G power rescure robots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEh3JHivS10

Also take a look at the 7 PhD team

And the CEO

Website: https://iex.ec/
Medium: https://medium.com/iex-ec
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iEx_ec
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/iExec/videos <--- Look at their showcases or demo videos
Adoption roadmap: https://trello.com/b/oSCT5z09/iexec-adoption-roadmap

>> No.24381187


>> No.24382295
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>> No.24383232

the google scholar link should tell people on the fence everything by they need to know. Gilles has been working on this for over 20 years, and iexec is decades ahead of their competition. we are investing in oracle pre 1986 and i can't believe it.

>> No.24383314
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1870 here because fuck noilers

>> No.24383492

I love my digital oil but I am already accustomed to the idea that this is a project for us Biz/raelis to stock up barrels for cheap tilll the project gets used by mainstream tech enterprises, n theory demand for token should increase a lot. Usually with investing a price speculation rise happens before the project actually delivers (i.e. Chainlink) but in this case speculation rise will happen after they deliver. In any case NSMDO and fuck Noilers!