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24372112 No.24372112 [Reply] [Original]

gold has value because of it's inherent scarci–

>> No.24372166

Scarcity is just one of many things money has to be. If all gold had going for it was scarcity then it would have never been money. Also gold is rare but not too rare. If it was too rare it wouldn’t have been money either

>> No.24372180
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>> No.24372227

It's a silly or otherwise ignorable argument but it's technically true. And the privatization of space will bring it faster than we realize. Bitcoin is eating gold anyways so the end result is the same, ultimately and realistically the timeline just gets squeezed a little.

>> No.24372236

This. Platinum is a precious metal that is scarcer than gold, but it isn't as valuable, so it's less of a store of value.

>> No.24372260

>he thinks it can actually be brought back
It takes less energy to take over bitcoin than it does to bring that back

>> No.24372270

space gold will stay in space.

>> No.24372287

gold is a meme, literally useless

>> No.24372387

Just as your life.

>> No.24372388

>literally useless
And yet in it's every electronic device on the planet.

>> No.24372413

Nothing is stopping you from buying a rocket to go get it. Just like I drive up to the mountains to go mining.

>> No.24372434

>doesn't understand conservation of energy.
>doesn't understand our BEST fuels waste about 40 percent of their stored energy to friction.
>doesn't understand you have to spend the same amount of energy AND BACK to bring the gold.
by that point, it will be more costly

>> No.24372512

Don't forget the equipment to extract it, and what we use on Earth won't work in space because gravity doesn't work out there. You could use an electrolytic process, you just need to bring a fuckhuge power plant with you.

>> No.24372580

Palladium is an even scarcer precious metal, but gold is the most malleable metal there is, therefore the most valuable.

Something can only be a store of value if there is value to store, and gold has the most value to store.

>> No.24372643

For now...

>> No.24372657


>> No.24372672

>he thinks space is real

>> No.24372693

ye i didnt want to go too technical, but asteroid mining is literally stupid
you know whats even more stupid?
i remeber they were talking about how these bots going to change atoms and create ANYTHING
i hate scientifically illiterate media

>> No.24372800

so is crypto

>> No.24372838

Imagine actually believing humanity will harvest asteroids. Have you seen this modern clown world? Africa’s population will be 6 billion by year of 2100 and you think we’ll advance and harvest asteroids soon? Lol, keep watching Star Trek you optimistic blue pilled faggot

>> No.24373376
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>gold iz the muny bekus i kin hold in hand bitcoin just get hacked is not real

>> No.24373564

I find it funny how crypti kiddies think future technology like asteroid mining will take out precious metals but ignore the fact that crypto is going to be made worthless by Quantum computers.

>> No.24373582

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.24373676

If humanity takes off and manages to spread throughout the solar system we'll probably be mining asteroids comfily but it's at least a couple decades away at our current pace imo. Metals are heavy

>> No.24373688

But that fact doesn’t support my narrative!!!

>> No.24373807

Gold and silver. Will always have value. ít can fluctuate, but it will always increase Its rate over time. Gold was never not a quick money Ponzi Rug fest

>> No.24373894

I am literally going to create diamonds by having 28 thicc latinas brap into Tupperware containers. I'm literally going to be rich, thanks black science man.

>> No.24373915

just like cypto

>> No.24373917
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>literally useless
>can trade it for currency at any metal smelter, coin or pawn shop
>continues to be hoarded by central banks and governments

>> No.24373955
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100% brainlet NPC answer

>> No.24374012

nanomachines exist retard

>> No.24374028

It’s literally a shiny rock
I don’t care if it has legitimate use, it’s fucking old and doesn’t have 1500% returns over 4 years

>> No.24374067

this. similar to oil's EROEI, asteroid mining still has to satisfy the black-box equation of "net $value-out > net $value-in"
if this equation isn't true, then the operation does not execute in America

>> No.24374164

you deserve to be gassed out of the genepool, being this much of a cretin shouldn't be legal.

>> No.24374205

Bros since we are talking about natural resources and extraction and etc, what are your thoughts on the abiotic theory of oil? Keep in mind that extremely powerful people unironically believe in this shit and CNN/peak oil bugmen haven't debunked this.

>> No.24374228

Qrd nigger.

>> No.24374294
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It would actually be pretty useful for plumbing/irrigation, but we're not ready for that yet. Gold/iridium/other platinum base metals can be combined and crystallized to make an alloy so durable that we could literally have machines that last forever. We're too busy fighting over who's pee pee can go where etc..

>> No.24374811

yikes nigger what do you even mean by this? This is a thing that actually exists or it's something we could in theory make?

>> No.24374840

shiny pretty metal me go oo oo aa aa

>> No.24374868

This, but unironically.

>> No.24374907
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>> No.24374983

Ok I'm impressed.

>> No.24374984

it takes even less to make gold in a lab

>> No.24375381
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We truly could be in the space age or on some atlantean level living if the world wasn't so fucking stupid. I often wonder if this is some weird twilight world where shit is bad and in the good world I don't exist. :(

>> No.24375426

>if the world wasn't so fucking stupid
99% of human history is a bunch of legitimate retards waiting for one great mind to uplift them to a new state of being
meaning: most people are just keeping society going until the next 0.0001% intellect appears

>> No.24375721


Instead of space exploring the money tends to be given to niggers. Without niggers we'd be in Mars already.

>> No.24375735 [DELETED] 

Has anybody heard about DuckDAO (duckdao.io)?
Not long ago I found their announcement about the first hunters season, and it seems like it is profitable to hold and trade DDIM. Share your opinion about it

>> No.24375781

What price do you think gold needs to be, in order for space mining to be profitable?

>> No.24375831

Do you know about baseprotocol.org?

Run into about their cooperation with Uniswap, sounds legit. Please, tell what you think about passive income options and staking services.

>> No.24375867
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I am willing to bet everything that I own that we still won’t be mining asteroids on large scale 500 years from now, we’ve made zero progress in space for over 50 years, in fact, we’ve gone backwards
We couldn’t go to the moon again even if we wanted to, we just don’t have the resources or the discipline, everything has to go to the welfare state

Any civilization with the technology and energy to operate large scale mining operations on asteroids will be so productive compared to us that whatever gold they bring back will be significantly less than their economic growth, ensuring the value of gold continues to grow

This has happened before, every time we develop technologically we get better at extracting gold and it doesn’t matter because that same technology makes us more productive in all other areas as well