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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 750x424, NOTSELLLING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24370578 No.24370578 [Reply] [Original]

You hear me? I AM NOT FUCKING SELLING. Guess when I will be a millionaire? My bet is 12/23. I will post my folio daily until I reach $1.3M. Good luck, anons!


>> No.24370667

Pls dont

>> No.24370702

I won't. Not until I hit my target. All you retards need to do is pick a number that's reasonable (in my case, a $40M marketcap. Peanuts!) and hodl until you hit it. Could take 3 months. Could take more, or less.

It is literally that simple.

>> No.24370792

yeah, no. never post here again

>> No.24370795

Dumping to zero anon..Team selling like mad.

>> No.24370832

The team is not selling.

Every single day in December until I hit my target.

>> No.24370852

stfu you'll dump on all of us faggot.

>> No.24370873

this is the kind of strong willed autism we need in the shitcoin space, assuming it's not a LARP. bravo OP.

>> No.24370880


>> No.24370882

If you want to gamble just go to a casino, lmao.

>> No.24370885


>> No.24370939

bro it's a 2m cap, and it's brand new. new shiny tings always have decent first cycles, especially when there's an exchange catalyst and platform launch within weeks. twitter silent, which means they are buying here, and will shill to an uncertain top + damp it as soon as the "i'm buying more" tweets come.

how do u not know how this works.

>> No.24370953

This is a larp. There are only two holders of between 9m and 10m. One is a contract. The other does not amount to 91 945.95$ if you multiply by 0.0102$

>> No.24370958

Based, keep hodling OP, you'll make it with this gem once the bullrun takes off.

>> No.24370986

>he doesn't know whales split their shit up between multiple wallets in case they get hacked

>> No.24371027

I capitulated on BOND last night and dumped it all in DFD. No regrets.

>> No.24371042

Yikes holding a total scam, you’ll never hit a million faggot

>> No.24371108

based bonded whale

>> No.24371195

See you with your suicide post. Do yourself a favour and give 50% in other altcoins and big coins. Or you are larping. Nobody can be this stupid. Oh i just was thinking about my ex gf, ok people can actually be even more stupid of buying nonsense coins.

>> No.24371215

how is it a nonsense coin lol

>> No.24371350

>he doesn't think this can hit 12 cents.

how retarded are you?

>> No.24371395

The question is how high we go before the next unlock. If we get a decent exchange in the next week or two, I'm thinking 5-6 cents minimum. This COULD very well surprise everyone and the platform is decent and it just sperg's hard as fuck to 20 cents.

we'll see!

>> No.24371709

8 cents 12/18, top 12/20, OP gets rich but doesn't sell. Request Network 2.0.

>> No.24371718

OP absolutely blown the fuck out. Show proof other than larpfolio. You post every single day in hopes we buy up well show fucking proof you actually have that many Bonded tokens. give us your fucking metamask address you fucking idiot. And don't give us BS excuses like fears of getting hacked or IRS bla bla bla. There are wallets with millions hundreds of millions that are public your shitty 100k is nothing.

>> No.24371745

Calm down, jeet. This was $300k at sale prices, and we will so obviously go above that. If OP flips out at $1M and goes into something liquid with a good chart, he could easily be $10M+ in the next ALT bull.

Why u so mad.

>> No.24371837
File: 47 KB, 591x631, 1598981098458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call me a pajeet and then completely gloss over my point, your incomprehension proves you really are a pajeet scumbag. Clearly, you are OP since you are defending him despite 100% objectively being in the wrong. You aren't fooling anyone midwit.

This is fucking crypto! You can easily show us your etherscan address to verify you really did go all-in for this amount. You could easily send a transaction for 0.777 cents from your address to prove you control it as well but even that I'm not asking for, yet you come here with your pathetic larpfolio and think we are this stupid to believe a lying pajeet scumbag such as yourself

>> No.24372013

Why waste time arguing with anonymous frogs. This is oversold, a $2M marketcap, isn't on any decent exchanges yet, and has a system launch in a matter of weeks. Speculation often leads to reality, and everything has a first cycle. EVERYTHING. Even the dumbest scammy shit like HEX.

>> No.24372568

This guy's buying. Don't fall for their jew tricks. Even if the platform sucks this could easily 10x from here.

>> No.24372873

>bro it's a 2m cap, and it's brand new. new shiny tings always have decent first cycles

wow who knew it was that easy to become VETTY REECH SIR

just buy any shitcoin with a low marketcap and it will inevitably moon! Duh guys wow

>> No.24372938

Give me a quick Rundown on BOND

>> No.24372968
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 2BA94686-F2F1-4A1B-834A-39A305F9AAF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you spend 90k on a random erc-20 token....

>> No.24372992

Fuck you nigger brain

>> No.24373087

Pretty much, DESU, especially with BTC / ETH going high.

Big caps -> Mid caps -> Low caps

how new are you.

>Partnerships :

Matic: https://medium.com/@bondedfinance/matic-partners-with-bonded-d119a76c36fb

OGN: https://medium.com/@bondedfinance/bonded-partners-with-origin-protocol-11505c27e341

Access to Ionic — Bonded’s lending/borrowing product
Opportunity to loan and borrow the OGN token
Capital resources
Increased utility — earning potential in upcoming products
An opportunity to earn as you HODL
Drive demand by removing tokens from circulation
Ability to earn liquidity incentives and BOND tokens

50% staking APR for the first 12 months. https://medium.com/@bondedfinance/bonded-public-sale-november-15th-tokenomics-cacbb4b9b1e

>> No.24373331

Nigger detected

>> No.24373455

Can you paid shills fuck off. Noone is going to buy this shitcoin.

>> No.24373591

They are though, even if just speculation for how high it could go at a CEX + platform launch. Watch and learn. Incoming 50 ETH apes.

>> No.24373634


>> No.24373666

Don’t worry OP. I bought some too. Only difference is I’m not down 200k on my “investment” because I waited until the right time to buy

>> No.24373698

>absolute meme launch
>Team has a ceo, cfo, coo, assistant to the regional manager, and only 1 dev that is a Pajeet


>> No.24373791

>nice office shill

I like low caps, so I will enter at a low cap, and exit at a non low cap. Sometimes it's that simple.

>> No.24374558


>> No.24374892


>> No.24374946
File: 52 KB, 720x414, EYYgJPIWsAAMeiM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope this is some kind of larp, seeing these threads is like watching someone slowly dying

>> No.24375024

it's a low cap desu. they all pamp eventually, especially noobs.

>> No.24375263
File: 225 KB, 127x90, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24375299

You should know by now that 99% of shitfolio screenshots and proclamations of wealth posted on /biz/ are larps

>> No.24375873

nah he's gonna make it. *someone* holds this much (wallet 4) and he bought more.

>> No.24375908

Hes is on the con