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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 100 KB, 1024x1024, B1DA8846-AA44-4FD4-98B6-79A9A8008FDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24368092 No.24368092 [Reply] [Original]

Stimulus check when?

I’m broke and the unemployment stopped coming in im fucked without this check.

>> No.24368100

get a fucking job retard

>> No.24368125

I can’t I’ve tried everything and my major in writing isn’t helping me.

>> No.24368149

change your mindset, focus your goals

>> No.24368165

Well he can stimulate something iykwim

>> No.24368166

>just pull up bootstraps!

Fuck off boomer

>> No.24368191

>Stimulus check when?
I don't think its coming.

>> No.24368208

Why did you major in something that everyone learns to do in our country (I'm assuming you're a burger) at age 5?

You're telling me that you spent 4 years and probably close to 100k to learn how to write in college?

>> No.24368216

Lift big eat big

>> No.24368232

some of us had worthless family and friends that didn't show us what not to do

>> No.24368234

can't believe i'm paying taxes to support faggots like OP

>> No.24368330

i'm in the same boat bro

looks like the DemonRATS and RepubliCRAPS are at a stalemate though: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/28/congress-stalled-on-stimulus-talks-as-millions-face-a-benefits-cliff.html

>> No.24368390

thats a man

>> No.24368520

Not if you pretend

>> No.24368627

no, this time it really is a man

>> No.24369162

Just get any job even a gas station or fast food, and then invest heavy in alts. You could become rich being a wagie for a few weeks.

Your degree is for a career goal. The point is to make money by capitalizing on opportunity and if you pass up a temporary shit job in hopes of getting a writing job, then you miss the bull run.

Another option: find a freelance site and do some gigs. Writing, graphics, code... some even pay in eth.

>> No.24369556

write a book faggot

>> No.24369615

built for the bbc

>> No.24369629
File: 375 KB, 3008x2000, shocked-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not being smart enough at 18 to figure this out...
Ouch anon sorry. Must suck being a victim all the time.

>> No.24369639

Write articles? Write books? Write something.

>> No.24369647

Thats a child

>> No.24369662

Q predicted this.

>> No.24369702

defeatist. yes it's your families fault you made retarded decisions.

>> No.24369749

Guys, do a reverse image search!

>> No.24369759

even better

>> No.24369791

Start sucking dick for 50

>> No.24369805
File: 35 KB, 480x360, qjqwlbj966dz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q has predicted a lot of things correctly. The MSM is scared of Q

>> No.24369867

Didn't you get your Unibux? How about your Rope? Clover? Meme? Soap? Pepemon? You were literally given free money worth a few make it stacks these past few months.

>> No.24369868

Sign up for welfare

>> No.24369904

Make grammar videos on youtube for kids.

>> No.24370124

I think this is really the first on that got me

>> No.24370170
File: 281 KB, 706x1249, 5VpE7AV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting teenage girl selfies
>Asking when Feds will give Checks
>Relying in anyway on the Government
>Major in writing

These poor fags. I'm not even wealthy only 200k+ but damn do some people have it fucking bad.

>> No.24370245

id fuck that man and let her bareback me afterwards

>> No.24370303

I heard Q was our very own creg right satoji

>> No.24370358

Fuck me, this one gets a pass.

>> No.24370377
File: 112 KB, 251x196, checkem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd stimulate her checked

>> No.24370378

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.24370477

What a pretty female

>> No.24370681

>major in writing
larp or you're reaping what you sow.
oh you're just a weak willed faggot

>> No.24370784

That's a man, baby!

>> No.24370824

I'd fuck that boys butt and mouth

>> No.24370886

Does "checked" mean prostate?

>> No.24370935

Oh OP sorry this isn't reddit. I thought with a major in writing you could at least type in the correct web address.

>> No.24371053

Get a pizza delivery job in a 99% white area. I made $800 last week after taxes working 40 hours.

>> No.24371253

my dick
people need a degree for having a fucking imagination aren't going to be good writers im sorry anon

>> No.24371772

how much in debt are you for majoring in writing.

did you think you'll get a decent wage or any employment opportunity from that shit to even pay thedebtoff?

>> No.24371797

>Aria is a man
Dude what

>> No.24372599

So that's actually a man?

>> No.24372637

If you get over yourself you can get a job. It won't be a glamorous job, or a high paying job, or an easy job, but you can get a job and make some money.

>> No.24372660

I personally would have went with DemoCRAPS and RepubliCUNTS

>> No.24372664

Impossible to tell anymore. Gave up a while ago. But if anyone has sauce let me know, asking for a friend.

>> No.24372726

you needed to go to college to learn to write?

>> No.24372782

ultracum https://www.reddit.com/user/balance66/submitted/

>> No.24372810

If you actually do need money anon, and you're willing to put in some effort, honestly do some food delivery thing.

My dumbfuck friend is actually making good money from that shit, lots of demand with people staying home in 2020

>> No.24372824

>right click the image
>search google for image

>> No.24373001

it means niggers tongue my anus

>> No.24373141

same but i think there is some serious hormone treatment, subtle make up, and photoshop going on here. its actually making me angry.

>> No.24373173


>> No.24373216

yeah 4 years of estrogen and some serious money, i dont feel gay

>> No.24373224

No bootstraps for you OP. Only kneepads.

>> No.24373237

It's only going to get parabolically more difficult to distinguish. Your best bet is to become a shrimp farmer in the outskirts of remote Siberia, you'll find peace there.

>> No.24373309

go get a job anon. even mcdonalds is ok. they even pay for school. amazon. theyre even offering bonuses right now. and thats just the obvious ones everyone is hiring right now

>> No.24373342

You pathetic, worthless peice of shit. You are the product of all of humanity before you, of endless succession, of survival and dominance. And this is your attitude. Dont roll over and accept defeat. Get creative. Get mad.

>> No.24373999

>Not using the internet to determine what degrees are worth it and which ones arent
>Blaming parents for making a stupid choice

>> No.24374054

lets make gay porn

>> No.24374362



So when they tell me "you really need to get that mole checked out" what the fuck do they mean

>> No.24374430
File: 365 KB, 1079x1120, Screenshot_20201123-155704_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I write business news for a living. You're either a troll or a lazy cunt who wanted an "easy" career.

Writing is easy. Writing for a living is harder than digging ditches 12 hours a day.

Fuck off with this weak ass bait.

>> No.24374432


>> No.24374672

take out student loans and then go to law school.

>> No.24374741

of it makes you feel any better, most of your taxes just go to bankers.

>> No.24374902

it doesnt matter how smart you are if you have no life experience and are fed propaganda throughout childhood. OP is way ahead of all the people who havent figured this out by their thirties.

funny how faggots like you dont think society has a responsibility to protect young people from getting ripped off wth worthless degrees, but get pissed off when some based anon uses the system to take YOUR money through government gibs programs.

if collecting gibs is so easy, why dont you do it?

>> No.24375367

Ditch digger here
I can attest digging ditches is very easy and I love it

>> No.24376330

Snitch Nigger here, it's hard in jail desu

>> No.24376988

read this

then watch this

then do the aforementioned and apply to any mcdonalds in your area

>> No.24377162

i majored in writing (first, then computer science) and there are far, far worse majors, beleive me. its still a mistake though but at least fields like content writing and technical writing exist. he could have a major in history or macroeconomics right now.

>> No.24377208

it's easy to write well, it's difficult to write fast, well. if op actually paid attention in college he could churn out articles on textbroker or some other content mill and make a few bucks a day and start from there, it's utter hell and i quit after a few months and had to go back and start from basically scratch, but it's possible. chances are he played videogames and jerked off to guys dressed as girls all throughout university (which i did too, but at least i am talented when it comes to thinking my way out of a rat maze)

>> No.24377275
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these are the cunts who make the market so expensive