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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24359114 No.24359114 [Reply] [Original]

When will you trannies understand that this will be reaching top 10 with or without you idiots.

>> No.24359218

Imagine you hold the financial future and you dump this early..

>> No.24359235

Wtf is this scam so flat, at least don’t make it obvious that you chinks manipulate it.

>> No.24359282

Btfo nigger, we are in early accumulation mode, get in now or stay poor.

>> No.24359286

Some just hate money it seems..

>> No.24359305

Why don’t you buy one of those rug DeFi tokens and talk to us in 2 months. Let’s see how is more comfy.

>> No.24359336

I have been holding 2k for the past 1 month and I can say all it brought was a slow bleed, hope this shit recovers. I will get out on the next 2x from here.

>> No.24359370

Good luck getting scammed other shicoins, this is not your 0 day DeFi shitcoin that does a 10x for 2 secs then goes to 0. This is a long term project with real backing, but I guess DYOR is a meme for you pajeets.

>> No.24359388

At this point this board is a joke, everyone gets from one scam to another, nobody does that. But anyway those who do know and who knows, simply knows and will make it.

>> No.24359416

Checked and velopilled.

>> No.24359427

Checked, few..

>> No.24359465

Checked, finally someone who understands. This is something that haven’t hit this board for a long time, hope niggers will wake the fuck up.

>> No.24359510

Maybe if you shitheads had anything good to promote, we would have looked at it. But so far only vaporware.

>> No.24359604

Such a sorry human waste of an attempt at a FUD piece. Too bad you wasted a good pink ID, but still not too late to make it trannie if you get in now. Or maybe not, being rich and successful is not for everyone, someone has to clean our toilets..

>> No.24359648

>Nothing good to promote..

What a joke you pajeets are..

>The CP Group is Thailand's largest private company and one of the world's largest conglomerates. As of 2020 the group has investments in 21 countries with revenue of over $60 billion USD.

>Lightnet was also founded by a member of the CP family, which owns all Thai-based 7–11 convenience stores and several popular shopping malls and supermarkets. Lightnet will integrate Velo protocol into their core business right at the mainnet start, with cheap cross-border payments, mobility and inclusivity for unbanked chinks as core focus.

>Uni-President Asset Holdings is the investment department of Uni-President Enterprises Corp. The company operates more than 9,000 7–11 convenience stores and Starbucks in Taiwan, mainland China, and the Philippines.

>Released the Velo Testnet, Hermes v1 for the Stellar - Evrynet warp transfer protocol, along with the Velo Dashboard v1, Velo smart contracts and oracle service and the Velocity wallet.

>Evrynet Environment released with Ethereum - Evrynet Warp Protocol bridge ready to connect to DeFi projects

>Audited by PeckShield, they already fixed the issues here: https://github.com/velo-protocol/DRS

>> No.24359678

What is the min to make it ?

>> No.24359690

Again, some hate money. But I am used to, same issue was with Link and later Quant. You just have to filter the trash and follow big money.

>> No.24359722

7.11k is the min for a CP Citadel ticket. Better hurry as it is cheap af now..

>> No.24359748

>Cheap af, pink ID and dubs

Checked, time to go all in.

>> No.24359769

I have a starter pack of 5k but want to get to the make it stack of 7.11k. Buy as much as you can now, it is really cheap.

>> No.24359899

Checked, just bought 1k more. Thank you!

>> No.24359901

Checked, fuck me I am gotta fill that stack now. Thank you!

>> No.24359963
File: 38 KB, 600x586, CBF1E2FB-A3B7-4D89-B298-20977C4900B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double checked, this is so bullish.

>> No.24360005

Who is buying this scam..

Ranjeets please stop spamming.

>> No.24360048

imagine not selling at 1.70 with x3 profit and buying back in at 1.10 doubling your stack

>> No.24360116
File: 36 KB, 680x607, 6e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much pump and how many spoonfeeding you idiots need, this is like someone offering you $1 mil over and over again and you refuse it every time.. Are you disabled or just plain low IQ ?

>> No.24360145

I guess /biz become a shithole, project seemed interesting but the amount of spam on this one is just retarded..

>> No.24360179

Imagine risking your make it stack for a mere 2x...

Some just don’t want to make it..

>> No.24360768

Just because you were lucky, doesn’t mean your 10 IQ strategy would always work. But good luck, I ain’t giving the jews a chance to get my stack.

>> No.24360897

At this point it will be a simple case of natural selection. Don’t bother..

>> No.24360938

I guess the IQ threshold raised too much with basic wagies hearing that they can make money, but they cuck out of everything prematurely like everything in their life..

>> No.24360947

Pink ID, we are all going to make it.

>> No.24360985

It always has been. Imagine you don’t go in with at least a suicide stack at least..

>> No.24361579

So sad these people, so few understand that the DeFi ponzi can’t sustain itself and Velo will be there to fill the gap along Terra.

>> No.24361609

What is the target price for this one ?

Will it pump with the mainnet launch EOY ?

>> No.24361631

Just buy in and enjoys the ride. Don’t de a TA idiot that tries to draw meme lines on shitcoins.

>> No.24361661
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>> No.24361672

$7.11 is the first singularity level. Just hold tight, mainnet will be the spark of the bullrun for Velo.

>> No.24361727

It is simple when you understand.

>> No.24361814

Imagine not holding until $711, it is so clear..

>> No.24362296

Kek, so many weakhands nowadays.

>> No.24362358

I just hate how the DeFi shitcoins made every pajeet and his mom get into PnD. But I am sitting here comfy waiting for the singularity.

>> No.24362396

A moment of silence for the Rankeshes and Punjabs that sold the bottom.

>> No.24362570


Time to by more.