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24357976 No.24357976 [Reply] [Original]

DefiDollar is an index of stable coins that uses Defi primitives to stay near the dollar mark and subsidize the collateralization ratio.

DUSD (its stablecoin) is collateralized by Curve Finance liquidity provider (LP). It uses chainlink oracles for its stability mechanism. It leverages Curve to handle the logic around integrating with lending protocols and token swaps.

- Marketcap: $2.6m

- Team is Ex Matic

- Big VC’s invested:

MetaCartel Ventures
CMS Holdings
Pnyx Ventures

- Personal investors include:

CEO Synthetix
CEO Matic
CEO Frontier
Julien Bouteloup (Curve)
DeFi Alliance

- DFD is the governance token and will be used for:

1. Protocol decisions + decisions on its income

2. acting as a backstop to volatiltiy similar to MKR

3. Fee sharing + savings fund

- Already $15m TVL

- Currently its the lowest legit DeFi project on the Coingecko DeFi list (Ranked 687)

- The team’s main objective is to make DUSD the defacto stablecoin of DeFi

- DFD users will earn all the fees generated from the protocol


Website: https://app.dusd.finance

Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/defidollar-dao

>> No.24358080

Fuck off, I’m still accumulating

>> No.24358129

Blessings of govinda! village elder has approved this sir, let it feed all our villages

>> No.24358174
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>> No.24358220

How many dfd can indoor plumbing?

>> No.24358233


>> No.24358644

Why would i buy a stablecoin this is absolutely dumb?

>> No.24359133

Pajeeetttttt you need to buy DFD their governance token lmao for income sharing

>> No.24359176
File: 45 KB, 689x694, basedjeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? You wanna shill it now? WHILE IM ACCUMULATING??

>> No.24359215

>t. Smoothbrain

>> No.24359243

It’s not a fucking stablecoin, you fucking mongoloid.


Did this activate your single brain cell? Hope you understand now.

>> No.24359295

Can you explain for a brainlet? People campare this project to stake

>> No.24359412

Pajeet scam! Throwing in 5 cows

>> No.24359540

Sure faggot its probably going to $1 and stay there

>> No.24359663

he cant explain it because he doesnt know.

>> No.24359743

It's probably closer to mStable not STAKE is an L2 using POA aka not decentralized.

>> No.24360100

Pajeet stablecoin, meh not going to trust it

>> No.24360529

How many fucking times do we have to repeat the team is ex Matic..

>> No.24360592
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how many of these DFD coins for this one?

>> No.24360676
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>> No.24360676,1 [INTERNAL] 

How many dfd to break free?

>> No.24361057

Nice cameltoe, 1000 dfd

>> No.24361372

Too much india, no ty.

>> No.24361696

Ooo somebody is going to miss out, its fine ser

>> No.24361833

Pajeet Bias is the biggest factor for misisng out on life-long gains

>> No.24361857

so pajeets?

>> No.24361906

This shitcoin already as a fully diluted market cap of $60M. Team is holding 95% of the coins right now.

>enjoy your pajeet rugpull

>> No.24362006

Dyor. Faggot

>> No.24362352
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>> No.24362730

Linear unlock and fully-diluted mcap doesn't matter. You should know that already.

>> No.24362786

WHO ARE THE CUTNS SHILLING THIS?! People are still accumulating you pajeets

>> No.24362823

How many do I need to make it?

>> No.24362872
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The DFD token will be used to make critical protocol decision like the following:

>Whitelist & remove peaks
>Assign peak ceilings similar to the ones in Maker Vaults to balance the index
>Fine tune parameters like redemption fee within a peak
>Decide on the distribution of the protocol income
>Fee sharing (control over the DeFi Dollar Treasury)

DFD will also be called in to act as the ultimate backstop against volatility. Similar to the fashion in which MKR acts as the last line of defense for DAI.

Now you see that DFD is like MKR except with a basket of stablecoins. There's your explanation, you dumb faggot >>24359663. Why don't you read the fucking docs?

>> No.24363024

Prob 5k

>> No.24363652

Circ supply too low sorry

>> No.24363827

I just bought 6k

>> No.24363924

Are there going to be any token unlocks soon?

Probability of a rug pull?

>> No.24363939

It's linear unlock meant to prevent dumps

>> No.24364128

Their tech looks pretty based, did they account for having to go outside to shit when figuring out their dev time?

>> No.24364761

they can shit anywhere they want if they make me money

>> No.24364766

Just bought. Am I screwed?

>> No.24364796


>> No.24364957
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No, you're about to have your face melted off with gains

>> No.24365262

It's only like #635 on Coingecko

>> No.24365561


Nice. This has too much going for it to ignore.. as well as big investors in board. Liquidity is great too.

>> No.24365841

Trending on gecko now..
Too late to go all in?

>> No.24365842

Its going to die off slowly rip

>> No.24366047

You are slowly going to die off on the streets of mumbai

>> No.24366126
File: 230 KB, 1763x864, lookatthefuckingchartyoumong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either you're fudding to accumulate or you're a complete retard that doesn't look at charts

>> No.24366183

Damn should I drop all of my FTM into DFD?

>> No.24366320

Dyor.. not financial advice.. but possibly I'd go with this over FTM, especially for the short term.. much greater multiples. I just sold all my easyfi for this. Too many top VCs on board.

>> No.24366472

I don't want to be responsible if it doesn't pay off for you, like the other anon said DYOR.
I pointed out all the reasons the chart is screaming "buy" right now, beyond that make your own decisions.

>> No.24366502 [DELETED] 

With such BTC rising more people try to take part in blockchain but it is still so hard to find a good platform.

Recently came across duckdao.io , do you know anything about it? Team has already made First Hunters Season for their crypto card game

>> No.24366592

Its audited by Quantstamp. Can pull 10x . But dyor first

>> No.24366788

you just made it, sir

>> No.24366809

Yes Edmund you should.

>> No.24366832

What’s a better investment DFD or DHT?
I have a little of both but want to commit 2 grand to one or the other

>> No.24367057

Wont stop pumping

>> No.24367086

DFD has more upsude potential in the immediate

>> No.24367138

You really think so?
And what is short term to you? Next 2 months?

>> No.24367238

7 days

>> No.24367659

Meh pajeets cant pull it off

>> No.24367820

Have you used EasyFi or InstaDapp before. Both work great

>> No.24368392

think it will pump faster than eRSDL in the short-term?

>> No.24368606

What is this shit?

>> No.24368633

lmao i think I lost my tokens, which wallet supports this, used uniswap with portis and it took my eth but dfd is there

>> No.24368874

idk anything about portis but you probably have to add the contract address

>> No.24369030

"India-based DefiDollar has raised $1.2 million in a seed round ..."


>> No.24369058

this will be flashloan rugpulled in 3..2..1..

>> No.24369115

This is how I know we’re in the early stages of golden bull

>> No.24369173


>> No.24369220

CEO EVEN ADMITS "There is smart contract risk, however"
(source: his twitter)

>> No.24369308
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Don't get scammed on this pajeet-coin frens.

>> No.24370288

Lol that chart is bullish as fuck

>> No.24370344

Biz, thanks for this gem!

>> No.24371198

We gonna make it