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2434861 No.2434861 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys good job if you listened to me on friday and you're now enjoying the nice greens today. i'm going to talk about eth a little bit.

the people behind eth have pretty good advertisement going on. the phrase "the next bitcoin" is actually pretty powerful among investors who are looking at eth. it's short and easy to get people to join the hype over it. i surveyed about 200 people and about 0 could tell me the right answer to my questions on how it works. most of them watched at least several hours of a bunch of "how eth works" vids on youtube in the span of a few weeks or one month.

the higher the price of ETH the more FUD it gets. but it's almost impossible to FUD due to the social media take over(which is very familiar to shareblue in the trump vs hillary election). but in reality nobody really gives a fuck they just want to be part of the "next bitcoin", even though it's nothing like BTC.

but if literally no one can support ETH's cause except for the people being paid to shill+people investing in ETH then ETH is going to be walking on thin ice.

but here's what will happen. sometimes you don't need a hype, because simply reaching a certain price is the hype in itself. which means ETH will eventually cause a flipping, then crash because that's what all the short termers are aiming for. give BTC enough time down the road map and it'll come back stronger than ever.

>> No.2434881

hey faggot, go away.

>> No.2434885

I trust you whale senpai

>> No.2434896

What are your thoughts on SJCX, it keeps growing slowly and silently

>> No.2434904

thoughts on burst coin?

>> No.2434933

Whale senpai, what is the best coin to invest in for short term gains?

>> No.2434936

>corporations using ETH vs the normies who are catching the hype

k retard

>> No.2434942
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Please pinky just let ETH get close to 1,000 then I could pay off my student goy denbts.

>> No.2434946

What coins should we be looking at this week? Any thoughts on ANT or STRAT?

>> No.2434976

You're the best, dude. Please always stop by anytime!

>> No.2434995

Does this mean it isn't a good idea to invest in upcoming dapps?

>> No.2435004

What shitcoins will give the best gains, senpai?

>> No.2435012

What's the sign? Market cap? How much higher will it go? Will it make BTC plumit or will there be new money flowing in?

>> No.2435036

So then you subscribe to the little talked about reverse flippening thoerey. If the flippening is purely profits driven the there is no reason why it cannot invert if there are profits to be made. Live by the sword die by the sword.

>> No.2435037

Alright OP. Give me your Top 5 long term altcoins that aren't Ark or Eth.

What do you think will happen for August 1?

>> No.2435054

Fuck nice that's what I've been hoping for but was afraid I'm dead wrong since I'm really new to this so kept checking for opportunities to sell. This reassures me a bit so I'll iron hand It for now, thanks whale I heard good things about your previous tips.

>> No.2435061

Do you think BTC's fork is going to play into that at all? People bailing on BTC and putting their money into ETH?

>> No.2435102

of course it is. but i don't think the fork will happen. the btc community will do whatever it takes to protect their profits form the eth monster. they will come to a consensus but this will not stop the flipping. just be ready to play both sides eth will not remain king for long.

>> No.2435178


>> No.2435198
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BTC's fork won't hurt it at all. but actually no matter what happens between the BTC core group devs, BTC will get stronger regardless. so i wouldn't worry about BTC in this situation.

don't really have a sign in mind right now, but it's going to happen really fast so i hope you'll be eyeballing it as it does happen. it could be right after it happens or a few days after. but don't take the risk and just sell out ETH before it does flip anyway.

i don't consider anything long term unless i get it at the ICO unfortunately. tech changes too fast.

>> No.2435236

>0 could tell me the right answer to my questions on how it works.
Well what are your questions? Do YOU know how it works?
t. insecure about my amount of knowledge of how ETH works and also watched YouTube videos

>> No.2435238

Iota? Opinions?

>> No.2435246

Good point. Cheers

>> No.2435247

And I'm waiting, 50/50 UBQ ETC

>> No.2435252

>he said nervously after not investing since $30

>> No.2435262

pink whale thats too much of cunt to donate some change to less fortunate fags

>> No.2435274

>so i wouldn't worry about BTC in this situation
I'm really hoping you're wrong. Would really like to see BTC take a big dive so I can scoop up some more for cheap, but that's probably too much to hope for.

>> No.2435282

Thoughts on Bitshares (BTS)?

Just got added to a chinese exchange today

>> No.2435291

>begging for scraps
What would you do with all those 5 dollars worth of donations anyway, invest? lmao

>> No.2435305 [DELETED] 
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Thanks Pinky. Made $800 bucks throw morning

>> No.2435348

>Surveyed about 200 people
Who did you ask?

I'd be interested in what your questions are. ETH's fundamentals aren't much harder to understand than BTC's.

>> No.2435424

Thank your for the thread on Friday by the way. Everything I bought Monday morning is in the green. You're helping me buy my parents a new house.

>> No.2435432

Thanks boss. I figured the same thing, flippening will happen followed by a crash, maybe coinciding with the UASF for BTC.

What do you think of the ICO bubble?

>> No.2435436

so should I put my ETH in BTC

>> No.2435439

newfag to /biz/ here. Who is this guy and why should anyone listen to him.

>> No.2435449

so would this be a good plan of action
1. Eth peaks @flippening
2. Sell my eth for something more stable fiat / BTC/ LTC (possible moon with more money flowing in)
3. Watch Eth, pick some up for shekels after crash.

>> No.2435456

You should listen to NO one on this board. Pol is friendlier than these cunts.

>> No.2435463

Jesús hates ungrateful beggars.

>> No.2435492


>> No.2435518

Yeah i don't know if this is a gain trust + fuck me over gag the whales running.
Could be likely they'll be an even greater boom of Eth after it overtakes BTC because no coiners will get the idea that it's the next BTC and have evidence for it too.

I'll be holding Eth in exchanges and be watching like a hawk if there is any truth to what pinky is saying.

Knowing the amount of money flowing into Bancor and it's use of Eth as a reserve currency. This signals that it is relevant in the short to medium term. Thats what makes this prediction of a crash make me uneasy.

>> No.2435536
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Haysus is dead, pls no curse

>> No.2435596
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Interesting post PinkWhale, you've made some pretty decent calls before imo , but I'm here to also just let everyone know I've been trading for a bit now and have yet to introduce a special 'factor' to the mix of the markets as a whole which was now first activated roughly yesterday. I can't be any more specific than this, but just letting you know that there are now more 'variables' at work here than first specified . God Bless.

>> No.2435599

Do you have anything I can follow you on I'm in a heck of a time and really wanna learn why people buy in and what information to decifer not just fuds and shills please

>> No.2435613
File: 8 KB, 265x265, 11082664_1416719195308913_3415383793672460015_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it seems like i'm avoiding your questions but i like to keep my convo short and simple here so you can get the point. not ready to talk about ETH in a computer science area type of fashion but the point is here I also think it doesn't matter. the masses don't want a long explanation, they want a short and sweet FUD or FOMO to get them riled up. but so far such a FUD doesn't exist yet to a point where it can "stick". but when one pops up it's gonna hurt.

i don't mean ETH will be out of the game, or that i'm just hating on ETH, i'm just telling you when to buy/sell ETH. however BTC will still be king.

unfortunately that's all the time i have for today.

tip me some BTC in my address if you want maybe i'll feel like posting more often. glad my advice is helping someone out here.


>> No.2435620

>even though it's nothing like BTC.
bitcoiners love to tell themselves this but btc was originally intended to be a currency rather than digital gold. And eth is a straight up better currency with faster and cheaper transactions. Eth can do literally everything btc can plus more. The only thing btc has that eth doesn't is limited supply, which doesn't matter to anyone who realizes that low supply does not mean valuable.

>> No.2435621

>i surveyed about 200 people and about 0 could tell me the right answer to my questions on how it works. most of them watched at least several hours of a bunch of "how eth works" vids on youtube in the span of a few weeks or one month.

Huh. Welp, guys, there you have it. Some anonymous dickbutt on /biz/ typed the words "I surveyed people," so obviously we need to sell all the ETH.

Evidence or please go shit into your own ear.

>> No.2435650


>> No.2435664

A whale asking for tips. :thinking:

>> No.2435667

>biiig trading tip here
>sell eth before it goes down!!
>by the way please give me donations even though i claim to be a whale

>> No.2435680

Thanks whale senpai, sent you a tiny amount of BTC

I'm worried about the ETH fork or a potential persuasive FUD against ETH, perhaps moving some to BTC and fiat makes sense right after the flippening.

>> No.2435682

he just told you

>> No.2435697

BTC's fork won't hurt it at all.
Lol can you be any more biased? I get that you have a strong financial incentive to shill btc but at least be realistic. bitcoin splitting into fucking 2 chains will obviously not help its value.

>> No.2435729

Thanks about your advice Friday, got me in lower on some coins than I would have been without it. I disagree with your ETH prediction though and I'm pretty sure no whale group has enough weight to manipulate it.

>> No.2435735





>> No.2435745

Actually while I disagree with him about ETH I think he is 100% right about BTC's fork not hurting. This is not like the DAO fork, this is a fork to address something that the community has been wanting solved for well over a year and it will be embraced, besides it might even be able to occur with a soft fork instead of a hard fork.

>> No.2435751

Is everyone here blind?
This "whale" Sure knows stuff about crypto, but in truth he only does these threads for money. He ALWAYS Links hes btc adress.

Theres no fucking way hes a whale. Why? "BTC will still be a king" there you go hes just another memer amongst us.

Predicting these greens was the most simple thing to do ever too. Yes, he gives good advice but dont trust everything he tells you because
1. Hes lying, hes not a whale (he does this for btc)
2. Hes just as based on some coins as we all are
3. Hes lying for own profit
4. Hes lying

>> No.2435754
File: 4 KB, 208x206, stop varg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STOP worshipping this persona just because he has more money than you and throws some vague predictions that may or may not come true.

You /biz/ are like the Germans after World War I, swallowing everything that someone puts in front of you.

>> No.2435843

sensei, I will memorize you. Accept my gratitude for now!!

>> No.2435937

I've been saying this for quite some time now. ETH is overhyped shit, it proved nothing yet, it literally did several things to make people doubt the project. 99% of the people who support ethereum and shill for it have no idea that Ether and ETH are different things, that the ETH alliance are not actually companies using ETH and that the growth of the coin is extremely unhealthy and artificial, and will likely get a huge correction.

Thing is, everyone loves to see the king falling, the top dog being defeated, so they want to see something overtaking BTC.

>> No.2435966

>BTC will still be a king" there you go hes just another memer amongst us.
Literally nothing wrong about that, it's the purest truth and something that every big player will tell you.

>> No.2435974

This, and if he is "right", then I really don't like it.

>> No.2435984

Why wouldn't you?

>> No.2436016

People with lots of money obviously move this market the most, but if someone knows for sure what's going to happen, to me that seems quite sinister in sense. I know a lot of people think "who gives a fuck we just want money", but trading shouldn't fully be like that in a market. And of course, some markets just are like that, doesn't mean I have to like it.

>> No.2436048

Yeah? And bitcoins 600$ drop meant nothing? And the flip? And outdated tech?

You do realize how fucking stupid you sound

>> No.2436067

Ok, I only recently got into crypto but I have the same conclusion as you.

My question is...

Do I buy bitcoin (like $100 a week) or mine it ($5000 + 300$/mo electricity)?

>> No.2436093
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Not listening to a word you say
>hurr durr I was right about digibyte

>> No.2436136
File: 251 KB, 936x1524, IStgCuO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming this guy is truly a whale, it's not like he knows exactly what will happen, it's just that he has a better notion than most.

His prediction isn't anything really difficult to see anyway. Anyone who's half decent at analyzing would reach the same conclusion.
It dropped from 2800 to 1900 one month ago, it's literally nothing.

> And the flip?
Read >>2435937

BTC price growth was organic and based on years and years of trust, lack of problems and stability. ETH price is based on hype, misinformation and new investors who have no clue of what they are doing.

BTC is around for more than 8 years and always proved to be something reliable and trustworthy. ETH in less than one year did more to make us doubt their project than BTC did after all this time.

>Outdated tech
First off, tech isn't everything when it comes to economics, you would know something that obvious if you not for your newfaggotry. Second, ETH and Ether aren't the same thing, Ethereum isn't even a currency. Third, ETH is also full of technical problems, do some research about. And last but not least, the most important factor for a currency is stability and trust, something BTC has and ETH don't.

The only reason you are even investing in this market is because BTC exists. It has some outdated tech, but that can easily be improved, if it implements segwit there will be literally no reason to not use BTC as the main currency.

>> No.2436148

Huh. Welp, guys, there you have it. Some anonymous dickbutt on /biz/ read the words "I surveyed people," so obviously he knows exactly what he's talking about even though he couldn't read past the third sentence of the OP.

Eat shit and die, thx.

>> No.2436178

Not ONE technical assessment here. Nor anything beyond emotion and hunch. Get back to that fucking cash register there at Sbarro's you little cunt and quit shilling.

>> No.2436197

Also, reminder that ETH marketcap is bullshit and the people in charge of it hold most of the circulating supply. Meanwhile people in charge of BTC own less than 11%

>> No.2436216


>> No.2436390

>Potential roleplayer
>Gives solid advice to us anons for free
Have a tip, whale-kun

>> No.2436442


Pink Whale confirmed the ETH is crashing to sub 100.

>> No.2436480

Wanna post your survey questions here?

>> No.2436542

im a faggot

>> No.2436552

Pink hydraLISK here.

Want my advice?

Buy lisk and litedoge from cryptopia

Use he gains to buy redd.

You have untill august

>> No.2436575
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Im goig to say it again. Buy lite doge

>> No.2436600

LITE DOGE is the way, the truth, and the LIGHT!

>> No.2436605

Watch yo mouf.

>> No.2436626

Don't bully :( this person did offer helpful insights and (what I hope) speculation

>> No.2436832


pretty cryptic any hints?

>> No.2437025

>Not getting it

>> No.2437044
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Last time you wanted us to dump all our DGB to fill your bags with it and enjoy some nice gains.

Today you want to fud ETH which is the msot promising crypto of the moment. I wonder why.

>> No.2437131

he's been right with everything so far. I really owe him an apology for going off on him in other threads. He's made me and saved me money. Thanks Pinky.

>> No.2437145

You're an idiot if you believe this tripfag on everything because he was right one time.

>> No.2437220
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1497389860998s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme magic get

Trust me guys

I called dgb at 40 sats
Sia at 15 sats
Xem at 50

And many more

Buy lite doge

>> No.2437248

As the other anon said you have to be an idiot to believe him. But let's consider he's not, do you think he'd give away valuable info (potentially worth millions) to random strangers on the internet? He certainly has, at the very least, an interest in this.

>> No.2437675

That's how you manipulate people.

>> No.2437686

You all assume im going to blindly fallow him.

>> No.2437696

I do and have since the beginning

Buy lisk and lite doge

>> No.2437717
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Am I going to make it

>> No.2437730
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Thank pinky he's always been there for us

>> No.2437772

>give BTC enough time down the road map

What fucking road map ?

>> No.2437792

I have 10k cash what should I buy?

>> No.2437828


>> No.2437839
File: 157 KB, 370x388, 1496795246817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you lost all credibility with that *tip*

>> No.2437856


>> No.2437890

Fun fact. That isn't one.

>> No.2437896


>22 btcs

You're rich m8.

>> No.2437962

fun fact
> My boss owned 100.000~ eth as reward for being part of the project
> Sold it early this year for $10
> Still slaps himself for not HODLing

>> No.2438116

fuck off nick mullen

>> No.2438363

Pink whale. Do you like niggers? Be honest with me man

>> No.2439094

it fucking whale away... just 40 mins of 'answers'

anyways.. to anyone/you/etc/

you could bring the news ... the obvious... the 'reality' ... to everyone... then you didn´t!.
but the pink whale....

Dont be blind!, the pink could lie, even the 'not pink' one could too !!!

where are the smart tip?? the one that make us independent of your opinions? the one that teach you how to fish??
<<>> buy low
<<>> sell high!

the true: tips/recomendations

maybe the pinky was the only true philanthropy! LOL!