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24343446 No.24343446 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you degenerates could actually explain bitcoin to a normie in a way that is somewhat comprehensible

>> No.24343481

Bitcoin is the easiest to explain. Eth or chainlink on the other hand ...p

>> No.24343483

its a chain made of blocks that are stored in digital assets to provide the chainlink networt with necessary data Assets to prevent further Liquidation.
It is essentially an ultra secure network that Uses the APA3 Method to highly ensure stability.

>> No.24343569

The blockchain is a ledger, anyone can add a line to it moving any amount to any wallet from any wallet.
These transactions are lines of data grouped in "blocks"
Miners, anyone with a computer, run a program which verifies each line of the ledger is legitimate
All miners findings are compared and a consensus is reached on each block, without consensus it fails.
The miner of the block achieves a small reward for maintaining this blockchain
Thus no single person or entity decides what is legitimate and what is not, group consensus is required to pass transactions, and an entirely decentralized currency is created and maintained.

>> No.24343634

Exactly and the quantum storage solution connects it to the ethereum network.

>> No.24343655

It's a public ledger that records everything that happens inside of its network, of which is known as the blockchain, the blocks of which make up said blockchain, are the transactions that you make upon the network.
Miners of bitcoin are compensated with bitcoin, to make sure each new block added to the blockchain is properly maintained.
As everyone wants to be compensated, multiple people will be mining, decentralizing the verification of each block.
Hence, miners are like the IRS, staring down at a million peoples taxes and returns, stringing all of them together.

>> No.24343657

Its a chain of ledger entries where each entry has to be derived from the previous one

>> No.24343726

I just explain how I became interested in it / why, which is a lot simpler for me than explaining how blockchain / decentralized ledger type stuff works.. Some of the economic arguments, but not the tech stuff. When it comes to that I just point out they use things all the time they don't understand in the slightest, and I can refer them to some good free resources that explain it really well if they want.

>> No.24343730

the keyword here is decentralization, without it bitcoin wouldn't be able to handle the Standardized virtual interface

>> No.24343758
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Magic internet nerd money make u rich.

>> No.24343898

A bitcoin is a reward for solving a mathematical problem
That mathematical problem is making a new page in a ledger book where all transactions are written
Each new page is mathematically linked to the previous one forming a chain of pages

>> No.24343910

Dont forget the quantum storage solution

>> No.24343919


>> No.24343948

>rocking back and forth while autistically screeching
Am I doin it right?

>> No.24344040

I gave up the trading part. Fuck that shit. There are better things you can waste your money on. I'll stick to holding shitcoins.

>> No.24344058
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Scam currency for pedo's and drug dealers.

>> No.24344541

Bitcoin is software

>> No.24344568

He's talking about Bitcoin with a capital B. You are talking about bitcoin.