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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24340907 No.24340907 [Reply] [Original]

Help a poorfag out

>> No.24340935

not in town

>> No.24340965

Hell meph runs

>> No.24341087
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>> No.24341133

Look for new uniswap listings, just google how to get alerts when it happens, really not that hard, there are also a bunch of telegram groups with bots for it if you want to take the easy way out.

do a quick google search to find out about it, if there is no info to be found, just ignore it, too risky
If they have at least a site, a medium post without major spelling errors, or anything else that makes it look like it isn't a super obvious scam

Wait for the shill post on biz, dump on brainlets
Don't hold on to it, 9 out of 10 times it's a pnd and liquidity will be pulled quickly

>> No.24341177

Here. I've hit 100x coins browsing biz. But I've been rugpulled and lost all my gains though so it evens out.

>> No.24341179

im over burdened

>> No.24341452

I use Merv for new uni listings, but most of them are pajeet PNDs or presale dumps

>> No.24341678

hell pits

>> No.24341742

I will not tell you, DYOFR.

>> No.24341922

You will never have sex with a woman who loves you, nor will you reproduce, and by the slightest dumb luck that you do.. they will come out handicap

>> No.24342110

normal countess runs

>> No.24342692
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don’t tell him about DHT and Hanukkah

>> No.24342756

And you will die poor, like a nigger.

>> No.24343653

Check out cvp. They are launching a new defi index fund that will be allocating 12.5% of purchases to CVP. This will pump cvp price tremendously

>> No.24343840
File: 190 KB, 500x716, A4796CF2-9CD9-40C2-9C1A-4125C599E101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video games!